Encounters in Babylon 


City of Ishtar, Southwest Territory of the Kingdom of Furyundy

Ruler: Grandmarshall Lord Taran Soothra 

Religious Ruler: Cardinal Rahasia Al'Vere 

Population: 141,000 Citizens, Population Charts


Map of City Map of Region Map of Sea of Dust Tovag Baragu
Waybridges Welcome Station Walls MudBaths
Homes and Neighborhoods Kank Farms Glassworks Forgotten City
Markets Cloudship/Sandskiff Harbor
Cathedral of Babylon Hanging Gardens Tree of Life Lion Kennels
Other Temples Terrabinth War College Brothels
Taran's Compound
Gladiatorial Arena Challenge Rings Guard Post
Stilleto Jims Casino Nibeney Inn Queen of Celene's Home in Exile Alexander's Tarrasque
Sultan’s School of Politics & Shadow Thaumaturgical Disk Battle Mirror Treasures of Babylon (Vaults)

Possible Encounters

Encounter Table

01-02    thief (independent, pickpocket, snatch and run into complex area, speed 35 (contest of run checks (str based, thief has +4), avoid  a flock of escaped erdlu, reflex save DC 15 ) 1-3 human, 4-5 desert elf, 6 dwarf. Name = Adama

03-05    thief 1-2 scam artist (will be wounded need to pay tax guy, please deliver gems (will watch where they put them), 3-5 pickpocket, 6 scam artist sees some item on character, offers to pay three times its value to complete a set that a drajian noble wants, will take character back to a tent with his partner barrack, barrack will take item with set up to inn with noble, Kertith will hide in plain sight using his graft cloak. hide+14

06-07    gladiator (1-desert city, 2-Rel Mord, 3-Chendl, 4-Rhadigast City, 5-Dyvers, 6-Trigol 7,8-Babylon, 9,0-Tyr) ---will ask to give his mark (autograph) cost 5sp. Gets belligerent, must make diplomacy to avoid challenge.

08-09    prostitute (1-2 not working, 3-9 soliciting, 0 being accosted)

10-11    Cleric from another city (roll d20 for lvl, 1-10-1st, 11-15-2d4, 16-18 High Priest, 19 Bishop, 20 Archbishop or Cardinal) (taking donations 1-50, giving blessings 75-100)

12-13    Cleric of Anshar

14-17    Cleric of Ishtar (1-30 laughing eating fruit, 40-50 bearing wounded, 80+ passing out kank nectar)

18-19    Outlawed Fight/brawl taking place outside Challenge Ring (roll again to find who is fighting)

20         Bard (1-6 minstrel, 7-8 bard)

21-22    Beggar (asks 1sp/apparent lvl)

23-24    Mul freeman

25-26    Thrykeen (will most likely prey upon unwary travelers for trade, 1-2 already trading, 3 walking on, 4-10 sees you)

27-28    Crodidate (1-4 fighter school, 5-6 mage school, 7-10 church)

29-30    desert elf (will try to trade with unwary people)

31-32    desert dwarf (1-4 running errands, )

33-34    wetlander elves (d6, 1-4 nobility)

35-36    wetlander dwarf (1-2 engineer, 3-4 building crew, 5-6 engineer, 7-8 miner, 9-thief, 10-royal)

37-38    Haqdeshani trader

39-40    Haqdeshani psionicist (says “Will and the Way brother” to characters with psionics)

41-45    Haqdeshani laborer (1-3 driving kanks, 5-10 driving other herd animals)

46-55    citizens running errands (wetlanders, can’t tell class/trade)

56-57    crier from another town

58-61    crier from Babylon (1-3 news, 4-5 event, lion fight, etc., 6 proclamation, 7 warning bells/alert, 8 recruiting, 9-10 reward)

62-64    pilgrims from Nyrond (1-5 Theocracy, 6-7 Beer, 8-9 Rel Mord, 10-11 Woodwych, 12-13 Stoink, 14-16 Rhadigast City, 17 Leukish, 18 Trigol, 19 Nellix, 20 Old Red)

65         pilgrims from Southlands (1-5 Chathold, 5-10 other)

66         pilgims from another shadow

67-68    pilgrims from Furyundy (1-4 Littleberg, 5-6 Chendl, 7 Dyvers, 8 Grabford City, 9-10 other)

69         spy dressed as (1-2 roll pilgrims, 3-4 roll visiting nobles)

70-71    traders from Chendl or Dyvers (wood, clocks, masterwork tools)

72-73    traders from Chathold or Beer (have salted fish and beer)

74-75    traders from Greyhawk City (garlic, basil, oregano, dusts, oils, books)

76-77    wagons going to New Evermore

78-79    visiting nobles (1-3 Furyundic House, 4-5 Nyrondian House, 6 Greyhawk City, 7 another shadow 8 Avalon, 9 Theocracy, 10 desert)

80-83    city militia (1 Watch Commander, 2 Master of the Walls, 3-4 Admiral of Cloudship Fleet, 5-10 paladin)

84-86    city official, low (1 census taker (follower of the Census Taker and Tax Collector), 2 tax collector (follower of the Census Taker and Tax Collector), 3-5 street cleaner, 6 architect)

87-88    city official, high (1-3 government, 4-6 church, 7-10 mage school)

89         Identical character from another shadow (random class, some similarities)

90         Sheriff of Babylon (1-8 on duty, 9-10 off duty)

91-92    Babylonian nobles [1-40% supplying kank nectar, 40-60 looking for a minstrel]

93-94    Mage from mage school (1-4 lowering temperature, 5-6 walking, 7-8 searching, 9-10 working, build)

95-96    adventurers

97         caravan entering city (excavation success, military returning from battle, desert animal captured)

98         Archmage Sultan Zyntax

99         Archbishop Al’vere

100       Grand Marshall Soothra

***drunks, brawls, thievery attempts on others, accidents, trading already going on



Other NPC’s in Babylon (also see Henchmen)


Very loyal. Each usually has a favorite - TaranRahasia, Sultan, Jim, or Ser Ineluke

Marshal of Altaruk Watch Commander Master of the Walls Sheriff of Babylon
Admiral of the Southeastern Fleet Census Taker and Collector of Taxes Field Commander Anant Gal Army of Babylon
High Priestess of Babylon Chancellor of War Chancellor of Love Chancellor of the Grain Houses
Other Babylonian Clerics Stiletto Jim's Guild
Special Assistant on Foreign Affairs  Special Assistant on Internal Relations

Marshal of Altaruk (Reports to Grand Marshal of the Southeastern Lands of Furyondy, Taran Soothra), Kegumi Adad of Babylon (formerly of Redspan in Duchy of Tehn)

Watch Commander (Reports to Grand Marshal of the Eastern Lands of FuryondyTaran Soothra), Gideon of Babylon (formerly of Narwel)

Master of the Walls (Reports to Watch Commander), Nebuchaddnezzar Hashamash of Babylon (formerly of Critwall)

Admiral of the Southeastern Fleet (Reports of Master of the Walls),Martin Mingus Of Babylon (formerly of Chendl) – 

Sheriff of Babylon (Reports to Watch Commander), Itam-Ishu Verad of Babylon (formerly and arms merchant in Rhadighast)

Census Taker, Collector of Taxes, and Administer of Tarrifs (Reports to Watch Commander), Amon Kishati of Babylon (formerly of Midmeadow)

Taran Soothra’s Diplomatic Representative to Furyondy (Reports to Kegumi Adad and Taran Soothra, Athtar of Dyvers
Field Commander Anant Gal (At Large)

Defender of the Lion Kennels,

Hight Priestess of Babylon (Reports to Archbishop Rahasia Al'Vere), Una

Chancellor of War (Reports to High Priestess, Rahasia Al'Vere's henchman), Ninevah  

Chancellor of the Grain Houses (Reports to High Priestess), Fatima (formerly Adele)

Chancellor of Love, Whore of BabylonSer Ineluke






Special Assistant on Internal Relations, School of Politics and Shadow, Tasha

Special Assistant on  Foreign Affairs, School of Politics and Shadow, Diplomatic Advisor to the City of Babylon, Chief Patent Attorney for the City of Babylon, Ambassador to Avalon, Melderyn, the Druids, the Fire Elemental Plane, and Nyrond, Aram of Babylon (formerly of Verbobonc)