New Evermore, Free City, The Gem of the Flaness, City to Ishtar

Population: includes Ishtarians, Finerioites, former Greeks, as well as many dwarves
Exports: spell components from undead creatures
Imports: food
City Symbol: sword with wings
Ruler:  Religious Ruler: Tasha of the Church of Ishtar
City Spell: Sword of Mercy



Rules of New Evermore


Circles of Dawn, untouched despite the terrible battles fought by the Legion of Gold, the dwarves, and then later by the Champions of Sophora throughout the Dark Times and in the year just after Tovag Baragu.


NPC's of New Evermore



In August YR2, 32 lawful good fighter converts and 10 lawful good cavalier converts from the Horn of Change adventure arrive in New Evermore to become citizens and worshippers of Ishtar.