Beer, City of Sin

Imports: Weapons, metals, pottery, foodstuffs
Exports: Herbs, Beer, wine, spices, bows, some fine textiles
Ruler: Sinsha Hagalbardia
Religious Ruler: Bishop Cal'Alia, briefly considered to replace the Bishop of Riftcrag in CY 587 after the Bishop of Irra was killed while adventuring. The Church of Ishtar interceded to have her replaced with a cleric of Gula or Anshar instead.
See Alaeth Woles in Cities of Harn for City Map





Church of the Cresent Moon




           Beer is located on the southeastern border of the Celadon forest. within the Kingdom of Nyrond. Due to its location it has ample resources for spices and herbs which in turn are used for the production of wines and beers. Trade with the elves and druids also provide goods for trade with the other Nyrondic cities. Rulers of Beer have always tried to give very fair prices to the elves and druids and therefore have not made tons in profits. The rulership of Beer is also very concerned with the peasantry, the poor, the impoverished, and the homeless. They feel the measure of their society is how they treat the powerless not the powerful. Beer has many social programs - they offer free food for those in need and have areas in the city designed to house homeless people and refugees. Beer trades with Woodwych to provide healing to Beer's sick. Woodwych and Beer are in a trade pact. There are open churches to hear confession and workplaces for those who are trying to give up their evil ways (captured criminals, etc.). Beer, as the City of the Moon Goddess, Sin, is also home to a warriorhood dedicated to the destruction of demons, devils, and daemons. Its origins date back to the great split with the Aerdian Nation as many were starting to dislike the Overkings massive use of demonic hordes/armies. At one time the Warriors of Sin were highly regarded for their skill at fighting demons. When the Celadon Forest was under siege from Moloch's forces, Beer was the first (and only) city to come to their rescue. Unfortunately, the heavy toll of refugees, homeless, poor and hungry over the years has left the city fairly impoverished so they have not been able to maintain the warriorhood in any good condition. Warriors fight with old weapons and armor and are paid very little. Warriors of Sin are known to be exceptionally large and strong - no people under 17 of str or 16 const are accepted. They always carry a warehouse of weapons - some cold wrought iron, some silver, some magical (if they have one) as well as iron traps and mancatcher devices. You may not be able to hit them but you can still immobilize them. Their warriorhood is small but it is now finding some additional fame as now daemons seem to be able to roam free dduring some astrological conjunctions. As a Nyrundic City, 10% of all food is sacrificed to their deity to give Sin her strength so she may descend into Hell or the Abyss on the 14th of each month t slay more demons. Traditionally, Sappatu, or the sacrificial day is the first of the month for other Nyrundic cities but Beerites make their sacrifices the day the moon disappears from the sky (the 14th). Many other cities have started to donate small portions of their food to this god to give her strength against the evil demons. The Bishop is granted a miracle that summons all the food donated to Sin on the fourteenth by these other cities that she did not want. It is used to help feed the poor of the city.

The culture of Beer is a diverse mixture of elven customs and art and human culture. It is perhaps the last of its kind. A certain continuity has Been granted as a subset of its population if half-elven and quite long lived. The half elves who have chosen to live with their human half rather than their elven half for a variety of reasons play a large role in the society of Beer. They are patrons of the arts, sages of history, and financiers of public welfare. Each has a myriad of skills each of which are at the level that a human would take a lifetime to attain. Its social programs has made it a center for the immigration of refugees and its eclectic and festic atmosphere have brought in many liberal individuals who have chosen to retire here. The fame of the Warriors of Sin and the Church of Sin have made many believe this is one of the safer cities even though they are sometimes beset with demon attacks.

For a stay in Beer here are the Inns:

Shrine of the Seven Wines.
An inn/winery started by the Alchemist Rary or Splendnard. The wines can have beneficent effects on magic users. Prices are expensive and wines will knock you off your feet. This places gets its money mostly from travelling MUs and adventurers. Some wines are purported to give visions to magic users and clerics. Options include +1 level to mage for 5 rounds; +1 Int for 5 rounds; each causes a wild surge during spellcasting (+25% to surge)
See Romeo for bank, maps, sages

The newest building in Beer is an inn, casino, and brothel all in one. This is also the center of the thieves guild in Beer. The Guild does not allow any thievery from the church or Warriorhood of Sin nor do they allow cold blooded murders or other evil acts. The Inn has many rooms as well as some secret doors. There are two dinning halls - one expensive and one not. You can win a free dinner in the expensive one. The place provides the best entertainment in the city. They always have a gleeman or a bard performing. They also on occasion will have one of Ser Ineluke's Istaritu, Chosen of Ishtar to perform the Sacred Love Dance.
Argik Luckstreak is the owner. Ragadu is the Innkeeper, and Strel is the Barkeep.

The Hero's Feast
An inn. This is one of the older inns in Beer. Also one of the oldest breweries in town, they offer the most extensive choice of the best beers of the city. These beers are the sweet, herbal brews with various different tastes to them. Beerbreads and cakes are also common. The inn is usually very loud and full of revelry. This is where the Warriors of Sin hang out the most.
A half-elf brother and sister pair own and operate the inn and brewery. Calatin McCool runs the inn, and Artorius McCool runs the brewery. Artorius is married to a half-elf and has fraternal twin children.

Darnok's Tavern, The Screaming Gryphon Inn
A new and rowdy tavern favoured among fighter types and Warrior's of Sin. The serve the popular Smiling Druid's Beer and the rare Grand Druid's Goodwine made of fresh goodberries. The tavern is filled with many foreign and strange traditions like the patron offers 1/2 a rusty copper piece and 2 mugs of ale. The first is poured over the copper piece and the second is held while the patron waits for Darnoc to appear, where it is immediately given to him to drink. (If Darnoc doesn't appear, the patron is to drink it and say "No use wasting a good ale..").

The Inn could use ceramic mugs made in Woodwych: plates, cups, etc. with the Gryphon logo on them. In keeping with the trade relationship with Woodwych they have  also made the roofing tiles, water jugs, and  even chamber pots for the inn.

A druid is in residence in the Inn. The interior courtyard has fountains and gardens where he tends Ambilhaven for horses and fresh herbs for the kitchen. An Oak tree also grows in the courtyard.

Hashamashan's Adventurer's Guild
An inn for adventurers as well as a place for others to solicit the services of independant adventurers the Guild is an eclectic place. Its owner has bought the permanent employment of the best adventurers coming through Beer (usually by watching those independants who have enjoyed great success and then approaching them). Hashamashan's Guild offers entrance into the Mud Pits of Woodwych and certain services of the Gulan clerics of healing to its members. Its owner was formerly a cleric of Gula who had an unfortunate encounter with a cleric of Nusku. He was explused from his order and can no longer practice but he still maintains contacts in Woodwych. The guild is also heavily involved in mercantile trade investments in Beer, Woodwych, and Chendyl. It is believed that the inn of the guild is under the constant eye (and fingers) of various thieves guilds in Beer.

Sunset Inn
Freemaster Urso owns and tends bar

Daughter of Nine Moons
Brothel (not run by Ishtar)

Other Places of Note

 Church of the Moon Goddess

The Forge
An older building that has not been used in some time, it has the symbols of both fire gods and Kothar-wa-Hasis. At one time, clerics of either Gibbil or Girru would come here to stoke the fires for Kothar's clerics. Great weapons to fight against the demonic hordes of the Great Kingdom were fashioned here. Now, with Kothar's clerics dead, Gibbil's clerics called home to Chendyl because of the war, and Girru's clerics pointedly avoiding Beer for 'improprieties' the building remains empty and unused.

The Warrior's Hall
Attached to the church by the wall depicting the blood war, this is where Sin's Warriors are trained. The garb of the warrior is usually banded mail with a chain tunic underneath or plate mail (if of noble birth). A great Helm always marks the Warrior of Sin - it has a huge silver crescent which rises from the forehead which is very sharp (so it cant be grabbed). They always carry many weapons and are always very strong. This is where the clerics will perform a Hero's Feast (as per spell) for the warriors after a battle. The warriorhood's outside wall, which is shared with the church, has a great fresco depicting the ranks of the hell, Hades and the abyss. It depicts the great blood war of the ta'anarri and be'etzuu as well as the role of the Yugoloth.

The Graveyard
Behind the church is the graveyard of Beer. It is very old and pretty big. It dates back 400 years. Horns rise up out of many graves or off of many grave tablets to identify warriors of sin who have died. The graveyard is treated very reverently and no trespassers are allowed. There are a few mausoleums for noted clergy. Many great heroes of Sin are buried here (former levels range from 0 - 20).

Harper's Hall
The hall just has minstrels playing music. Some elvish instruments and storage possible. It also provides training for bards.

A loose guild of mages in Beer.

Palace of the Masks
The palace is the largest indoor theater and is operated by the Chapter of the Mask. It specializes in historical drama and comedic moral/religious allegory, with performances several times per month.

Gallenfalter Brewery

Also see houses below.
Apothecary (drugist)
Fortune Teller (Myrenne)
*Usurer/Pawn Shop
*Clothiers (many)
Salter (pickled lamb)

Possible encounters:

During Day: One encounter per hour outside
During Night:  (1 in 4)

will always see vagrants on street, homeless

50% of all encouters will be beggars, 25% will also hear cryer
(0-40% pesant, 40-50% kid, 51-60% demihuman, 61-00% roll d12 on below chart asking for donations)

otherwise roll below, person gives greetings or otherwise encounters
01-01 Myrianne Issyquenya Athlan'lithanra walking to poetry reading
02-02 Misin (performing 01-50%)
03-03 Itbe Warrad Lothlorienlinkainen dueling fest going on in City
04-04 Bishop Cal'Alia on rounds through city
05-05 Garren Dobraine-Annuki or Issa cod'drere with a Shield Knight
06-06 Mystic Ninev'asurnable walking to/from market
07-07 Lythlaen Illyanaer walking
08-10 Gaelenfalter halflings rolling barrels down street, stops for a smoke
11-11 Kobael wizards walking to market, greetings or donation
12-12 Petr Kint
13-13 "Bottle man"
14-19 Bottle People, looking for bottles,
20-20 Fin Filipa walking to/from market, greetings
21-23 Out of town adventurers asking directions (5% thief)
24-25 Vagrant painter selling wares (5% thief)
26-27 Vagrant cobbler sellinh wares (5% thief)
28-40 *drunkards (women, smoking) (20% thief)
41-43 half-elf or elf-friends from the Celladon (trade herbs, torches) (10% thief)
44-50 Harlot (20% thief), looking for buisness
51-52 herbalist walking down street with a bushel, needs help
53-55 brewers carting barrels to market, barrels get loose
56-70 townsfolk running errands (going to market, church) (20% thief), greetings
71-80 kids playing in the streets (10% thief), asks to play
81-83 Vagrant refugees from the former south province, ask info
84-85 traders from Woodwych, selling balms to treat or prevent sickness
86-87 Merchants from various cities (5% thief),  greetings
88-88 caravans from Rel Mord (20%), Nellix (21-50%), or Leukish buying wines, herbs
and delivering goods (need carrier) (5% thief), selling wares
89-89 people who have come to train w/ Sin's clerics because of the daemons, ask directions
90-90 druid or druid retainers from the Celladon (buying equip/trade), greetings
91-94 Warrior of Sin, greetings & give safety info
95-98 Cleric of Sin, greetings, ask about confession
99-99 Gleeman, pulls into performance (20% thief)
00-00 Patron, offers silvers, place to stay

Other Encounters
Da'Maski Drow suer arcana (Oct. 29)
pilgrimages to Woodwych for mass healing of Beer's sick or wounded
Sor Shartru of House Shartru of Beer met by Clerics of Marduke with writ of insolvency, traded in spices and textiles, usury also (now with Sailor Moon Enterprises)

Thieves Table
01-25 thieves (Jim's)
26-35 thieves on the run (Trigol)
36-45 thieves looking for vendetta (Trigol) (watching party)
46-50    Scarlet Brotherhood Assassin (disguised as any of the above)
thieves (independent)
51-75 Thieves (local guild)
76-95 Thieves (independant)

Town Cryer Table
01-20% Recruitment for Rel Mordian army in southlands
21-25% Recruitment for Holy War
26-40% Poetry Reading upcoming
40-50% Birthday Celebration upcoming (partier 75%, townsfolk 76-95, 96+ inhabitant)
51-55% Duel
56-68% Warn of Plague in town, ask for donations
69-90% Astrological Warnings
91-00% preaching of uncommon sect

Uncommon Sect Chart
01-15% Baccob (madnes to come)
16-20% pleading for beautification of Rahasia Al'Vere
21-30% Dark Friends among us
31-50% Pholtus (come on great journey)
51-65% Lahamu (convert)
66-80% Iuz (stones thrown) (death comes)
81-90% Moonshae Elven (join the human 'elves')
91-00% Insane man with portents of future

Lathlael Illyannaer
A half elf whos been active in the city for at least 80 years. Lathlael's elven parent left her quite a sum on money and she has used it to buy several large houses which she maintains as free shelters. They are in good condition but their inhabitants really enact a lot of damage over time. Lathlael is quick to repair it with spell or tools. She has employed several halflings to tend it and she personally spends her time painting and sculpting. She is also quiet good with a longsword and has helped fight in many battles.

Myrianne Issyquenya Athlan'lithanra
A half elven woman who has been active in city life for over 90 years. She plays an active role in town politics and church politics where it concerns the elves in the Celadon. An expert on Nyrundian religious laws, rules and beurocracy, she is quick to council the church on steps it can take to otherwise avoid the punishments set by Anu for their consortion with the elves. Itis rumoured that the elves expelled her from their society and it is rare for her to have any elven visitors, none-the-less she works avidly to maintain elven-human relations in Beer. She owns an inn, a chandlery (known for fantastic scented candles), and a cobblery all which sell their wares to the poor. She is a church goer but worships the elven gods. When not doing work shecan be found doing open poetry readings. She is also quiet good with a longsword and has helped fight in many battles.

Known only by this name this half elf has been around for many many generations. He is a jack of all trades - fighter, rogue, mintrel, and mage. He lives from house to house although he is purported to have considerable wealth . He performs on feast days with juggling, commedy, song, and music. He is also well known for his stealth and bawdyness. He is purported to have known many of the great rulers of Oerth and even to have been offered Court Bardships by them but he has always remained a free spirit. Puprtedly has travelled with and knows stories of the musically talented Kindred Savage.

Itbe Warrad Lothlorienlinkainen
A half elf with considerable knowledge of ancient fighting styles and archery. He owns the largest bowyer/ fletchery and makes its wares available only through the Warrior's on Sin. Deadly in battle, he sponsors fencing turnaments and has been unbeaten even by someof the best of the Urnstian School of Duelists. His skill with a longsword is unquestioned. He has also been very helpfull with strategic advice to the city. Lothlorienlinkainen also owns a pair of magical elven brown stones which has helped against wolves and demons attacking the city. His wealth sponsors human artists and poets from Beer and abroad.

House Cal'Alia
A house with a long history of producing great clerics of Anu and Sin. They have made many pilgramages to the theocracy and spent considerable funds on donation and sponsorship in the Theocracy. The house no longer has much money but what they have they spend on these sponsorships of clerics for all sects (usually not Sin). Its matron was appointed Bishop as one of the last acts of the old Council of Cardinals. She is known to have travelled to the outer planes to gain miracles from Sin in someof the cities darkest hours. During the Dark Times, under then Bishop Kastrom, Cal'Alia wove a miracle of silver snares that lay'd traps for demons who walked invisibly in the city at night. The House is small by most standards for nobles. Their estate, once large has been sold off piece by piece.

House Dobraine-Annuki
A house with a long history of producing famous Warriors of Sin. They are dark haired, dark skinned and usually 6'2-6'6 giants of men. The marriage of Garren Dobraine-Annuki to the Shield Knight Issa Cod'drere just after the Dark Times came as a great surprise. New holdings in the house brought in by this marriage has allowed the Dobraine-Annuki to purchase many arms and equipment for the Warriors and their influence in the group has increased. The first joint Warrior/Shield Knight quest came about a year ago and still has many citizens uncomfortable after the invasion by the Shield Knights into the Celadon Forest during the Dark Times. Issa has begun to attend many closed Shield Knight meetings and others within the group are uncomfortable at this but Garren insists upon it.

House Gaelenfalter
Originally a pagan from the western Flaeness, the Gaelenfalters have set up shop at a major brewery. They employ mostly hobits to help with the brewing and tasting as well as a number of independant herbalists to help with their unique taste combinations. They produce many lambic brews - cherry ale, stout plumb lager, and hairfoot brew (a strange concoction of grape beer with other trace flavors). The Gaelenfalters are now part of the cities heritage and their beer is the most common at festivals. They have catered free to most events sponsored by Misin and Myrianne Issyquenya Athlan'lithanra. Perhaps the largets employer of halflings, many hobits travel to Beer to find work making beer for the Gaelenfalters.

Mystic Ninev'asurnable
This old human herbalist is considered a legend in herbalist circles. He has been consulted by the city of Woodwych for the treatment of a number of diseases and rashes as well as by many alchemists of far away nations. He is an expert on the herbs and plants of the Celadon and he has been well recieved in years past by the elves of the forest. Believed to have been a druid at one time and ousted because he spent more time tending to herbs than his duties, Ninev'asurnable now spends his time solely in one on one conferences to help new and aspiring herbalists.

House Kobael
A house shunned by the common folk for its consort with demons, they maintain a wizards pentagram within their walls and serve the church directly. Their residence is large and old. One of the largest stone edifices (squarefootage not height) in Beer, their walls are bespotted with magical runes, glyphs, and silvered writtings. They maintain their own contingent of guards and even have a permanent post of two Warriors of Sin to guard their home. Inside is purported to hold a great demon summoning pentagram and wizardly tomes. The smoke stack is always pouring with smoke and they import the largest amount of expensive woods from Inspaa in Nyrond. The Kobaelese tend to keep to themselves and have brought in wizard aprentices from as far as north as Veluna and as far south as the Great Kingdom.
Wizard Satrik, will keep abreast at the Chantry

Petr Kintr
A mentally ill homeless man of little note. He is quite visible in the streets often seen talking to himself or to other invisible friends. He has been deamed harmless by most of the townsfolk.

"Bottle man" is a homeless vagrant who has quite a following of other homeless peoples. He collects bottles throw away after feasts and sells them to vinters and anyone who will buy them. The money garnered is always spent on more beer and other drugs. Bottle man does not seam to have another name. He appeared after the Dark Times and hasnt been able or willing to answer any questions about his past. He is unkempt and a little scary looking.

The "bottle people". Folowers of the "bottle man" these people are usually seen at night getting drunk in the darker alleys of Beer. They are known to consort with theives and drug dealers but are usually non violent. Many are cronically mentally ill and traumatized from the Dark Times.

"Secstern nir'Keoghtum" - only a pseudonym for no one knows his true identity. Secstern purportedly runs the drug trade of Shan from Trigol to Beer. He employs thieves, assasins, and mages (perhaps illusionists). His name is only spoken of in dark alleys and behind closed doors. He is accredited with killing much of his competition violently but not publicly. Some believe he is a former or current agent of the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Fin Fillipa
A former adventurer who has retired to Beer. This middle aged human thaumaturge/wizard owns a small but well furnished building on the north side of town. He purchases many luxuries coming from the city of Nellix and spends much of his time enjoying the eclectic shopping of Beer. He always buys asitting box far and away from the rabble and thieves. Last year he participated in the Festival of Beer by creating some spectacular fireworks. He is known to have contacts in the Duchy and County of Urnst but he is not a noble. He goes to the Chantry.