Rhadaghast, City of Marduke

Population: 39,100

Exports: fish, nets, livestock, grain, civilized items, gold, textiles,

Imports: precious gems (Nellix) , silver,  precious metals (Leukish), gems, iron, metals,  wood (Seled-din), herbs (Beer), spices,  marble, alabaster, horses (Duchy), paper, fine pottery (Woodwych), silk, jungle spices, jungle gems,  boats (Admundfort), flintstone(Trigol), Girru'soil (Trigol), weapons (Trigol, Chendyl), bows,  maps(Midmeadow), leathers(Riftcrag), furs (Riftcrag)

Ruler: Countess Belisica Su'Gellor, Her Noble Brilliancy, fighter, raised barbarian, married the son of the Duke of Urnst at the end of the Dark Times, third couple to have a child after the Dark Times.

Religious Leader: Cardinal Nin'Hirsaga Arduke

Magical Schools: practice of magic is outlawed and punishable by imprisonment

Fighter Schools: Rhadigastian Wrestler's Guild

City Spell: "Raising of the Walls" -
cardinal may do quest spell that raises the walls from 30' to 130'!!!
As the walls rise, so do the gate entrances to city (too 100ft) when the walls rise, a second set of gates, heavily protected rise up with ramparts leading to them, casting cleric may decide what gates (if any) exist when walls raise)
. The ground withing 40' of raised walls is upturned and fresh.


cost of 5 sp to enter city for non-citizens, free for Trigolese and Rhadigastians
Leader is required to be best fighter. must train.
slavery is common
criminals may fight gladiators
must register weapons, pay a 25gp fee for carrying weapons (includes all but daggers and staves), must carry papers
all guilds run through the church - except Guild of Moneylenders and Pawnbrokers
practice of magic is outlawed punishable by imprisonment


High Grounds = High district
social life monitored by church, no trade allowed here, costs 1 gp to enter unless live there or during festivals.

Castle Gellor - countesses family castle. many old symbols (barbarian in nature)

St. Ansur's Cathedral, Church of the 50 Crowns of Ishmangalla
- treasury built into cathedral.
-mint built into cathedral, slaves help clerics mint coins
- copper +1 on merchant skills when used in trade
- silver "shield of ishmangalla" +2 on merchant skills when used in trade
- gold " crown of urnst" - wreathe crown of barbarians, +3 on merchant skills, when used in trade, -1 all rolls to bandits
- platinum, face of belissica on one side, battle of Artonsymay, "sovereigns"
        bandits -2 on all roles,

County armory
- royal stables, all weapons, armour, etc
-over doorway of compound is symbol of trigol to symbolize the trade pact with Trigol & Rhadigast

Royal Grand Barracks - around armoury grounds
- have their own bar

Gladitorial Arena
-sits 10,000 for festival events and gladiator combat
-entryway into arena for participants leads to royal castle
-countess participates in many fights as per her responsibilities
- criminals may opt to become gladiators
- fights are always against other humans
- one gladiator is Hirzag  killed countessses brother

Housing - noble district housing

Royal Graveyard

Zoo - countesses zoo
-albadian battle dog  (from bandit kingdoms)
-amalthean ram  (from bandit kingdoms)
-blade hood (from bandit kingdoms)
-ebon eels (from Nyr Dyv)

South District-
very poor
many buildings still broken from dark times

River District- there is a separate wall between this district and city - 1 sp toll
Housing - very squalid, will see many dragon symbols scrawled on doors,
-rhenee and foreign seamen come here

Netmakers quarter
- a section of this district is devoted to fishing indistry. clerics of marduke come to bless the nets and give the secrets of fine netmaking. the nets of Rhadigast are very sturdy and add +2 to fishing checks

Naval Barracks - houses naval forces (approx 2,000)
- has naval supply houses incl some weapons (towns second largest supply)

Shipyard- shipwrights and seamen live in this area
-shipwrights will have nice houses right next to squalid living conditions for others
-boats undere constant. see dragon symbols

Warves and Docks - ships docked, harbor master has complete control of area
    Small but elite navy of warships
    ships loading livestock
    fishing ships with rhadigastian nets
    rhenee ships

"Rhadigast Hole" Inn
- a set of underground dens used for drinking and opium intake, gambling, some prostitution, and trade in illicit goods,
-"black market" suppossedly "no laws in the hole", this district is separated from the rest of city mainly for this place!
- through a series or debts, scams, and otherwise, the Hole has no one sole owner, rather 3 groups have major interest
    - Jared Kale (sea captain/pirate), Hegemon (master of moneylenders), shadow partner (from assasins guild)
Must go down stairs to enter the Hole, maze of tunnels act as hallways, small booths with curtain drawstrings and tiny common roooms,
There is a 5 cp piece charge at the door (mainly so the thieves can see where you keep your money)
rules (there are no actual laws here) but if yu bustthe place up the bouncers will bust you up and take your money and throw you out!
they will take any weapons visible at the door (saves the bouncers from getting hurt)
*staying in the hole for more than one hour requires a fort save at 15 or get intoxicated from thick opium (-2 on all will and int related checks)
5cp per beer, 1sp for wine, 1sp for cheese, 1 cp bread, 10gp per use of shan, 5gp to smoke opium (intox effects= -4 all wis/int checks)
25gp for KegRed (new drug from the wild coast, adds 1 hp perm! causes beserking within 2-5 rounds)
special encounters:
10% alchemist with random potions for sale (potions sold are diluted and have 20% chance of not working)
11-30% server using either sex appeal +4, or intimidation +6 vs will save to get people to buy more alcohol
31-45% opium seller, failure to say yes and he will use intimidation +3, (threaten to draw attention to you)
46-75% drunken or high oaf bumping into party member, may knock stuff out of his own or member's hands/pouches, rip shirt, spill beer etc
76-80% thief acting as drunken oaf pickpocket at +1-10 (roll), rhenee, seamen,
81-85% thief possing as server, pickpocket at +5, works for Hegemon
86-90% assasin possing as server, (will give injested poison that put characters unconcious fort save at 19) then steals money.
91%-00% other

Bouncers: 5th lvl fighters with toughness, intimidation +8, init +4, AC 15,

Market District - by order of the church all buisness establishments must be in the market district. the church and castle overlook market district. all manner of buildings and buisnesses exist here. cobblers, candlestickmakers, weavers, etc District divided by streets deidcated to different types of market - i.e. Cobblers Way, Chnadler's Row, etc. Leather district has many traders from Riftcrag. Buildings owned by city but rented by merchants. No open air marketing except for perishable foods (must get permit from church).

the Stock Exchange - (at heart of market district in nearer high district wall) large pavillion for trading livestock such as cows bulls and sheep. many are brought from surounding areas to trade here or for sale to ship captains for transport overseas.

4 great archways with symbols of Marduke overlook. the archways protect this area os the district as per grounding spell.

Near wall to High District, in front of church is a great altar for sacrificing livestock to Marduke. Wall is stained by blood. Altar on dais, in sight of church and castle. on one end of stock exchange

The Grain Exchange- next to stock pavillion is the grain exchange, militia of the county and slaves are employed to help farmers bring their grain to market (will guard caravans to city only)

Wall of the Wanted - sketches of those with bounty of their heads -
Enilabba the bear-footed, Tell the wicked elf, Stilleto Jim,

House of Sin
- barbequed pork
The Underkings Axe
Rhadigasts Hole

eels in water
01 dualist from duchy here to buy weapons from Trigol
02 holocost cloaked diseased person on way to Riftcrag
03-04 theif trying to sell shan
05-6 burly townsfolk having strength and singing contests
07-08 tradesmen from Midmeadow trying to join city & guilds (need jobs)
09-10 2 rich travelers going to theocracy to have some scrolls looked at
11-12 2-5 rhenee
13-18 trigolian via trade pact (coming to trade or festival)
19-20 netmaker
21-22 animal handler
23-24 sailor(s)
25-28 ships captain
29-33 cleric of marduke
34-35 cleric on way to theocracy
36-37 gladiator coming to fight (can be dangerous)
38-40 shipwrights
41-42 mint slaves (many half orcs)
43-45 personal slaves (many half orcs)
46-47 guarding slaves (many half orcs)
48-49 slave gladiator (many half orcs)
50-51 barbarian king w/ horde
52-53 courtesans from Rel Mord
54-55 royal emisaries from Rel Mord, Duchy of Urnst, Kingdom of Furyondy, City of Babylon
56-58 cleric of Tiamat coming to visit/bless ships (w/ 'dragonmen' guard(scaled armour))
59-62 trader from trigol with flintstone & girrus oil shipments
62-63 weapon merchants from Trigol
64-70 city militia (0-50% 2 w/ war dogs, 51-75% 1-2 on horse, 76-90 2-5 on foot, 91% captain or higher level )
71-75 artisans come to buy civilized items - good paints, expert tools, etc
76-80 beggars
81-83 Rhadigastian Noble w/ entourage
84-85 Herald from Rel Mord (eventsof national signifigance, decrees of the King)
86-90 Herald from Rhadigast (new pronouncements, i.e. new tax/tarrif rates, wanted outlaws, new laws,upcoming celebrations)
91 beggar (cleric of Nusku)
92 - party of adventerers
93-94 - Pilgrims on pilgramage
95 - visiting NPC of note
96 - Narish Halad, Master of the Stock Exchange
97 - Hegemon, Master of Moneylenders Guild w/ 2-5 brutes
98 - Captain of the Watch (w/ 0-5 henchmen)
99 - Cardinal Hirsaga w/ entourage
00 - Countess traveling in Disguise (w/ disguised assasin protector) (01-50% someone acting as countess in disguise, 51%-75%  countess confidant, 76%+ actual!)

Watch Commander - Sin'kinga Agrabesh
-very cynical guard captain. demands proof for anything, very distrusting
Master of Warships
Master of Armory
Councilor to Countess (psionicist)

1 assasin guild (river district)
thieves guild run by countess (market district & high district), called the 'crown thieves' - refers to the bandit crown
theives guild run by Hegemon ("the rakers")
    - loosely aligns barbarians, some pirates, seamen, merchants guilds
    - mostly found in river district and south side of town., runs moneylending operations throughout the city.

River comes close to the city which is surrounded by 30 foot stone walls. 39,100 people and several ships in the city. Towers by gates, very old, decorative Flanstone. Check the carriages on the way out. Get weapons permit in the High District.

The House of Sin is a four-story inn with imported Beer. Two commoners, one merchant eating alone. Rooms with insurance are available. This is a BBQ pork place. Carissa is the waitress.

Off to the herbalist—items from the Amedio Jungle, Ket, Underground. Midmeadow tradesmen trying to be citizens, Trigol people, ship captains (sailors), netmakers.

Find a guildmember, tells me about the gates or the river district as a good place to find info. Pops-wine sellers lane, calidescope,

Old Gristmill in city’s South District, thieve’s den.

In The Hole: Bar has four Radighast City guilds—barbarians, thieves of gem trade, Countess trade weapons, assassin Three Diamonds. There’s high stakes gambling at The Hole. Check any visible large weapons at the door (what they don’t find, they can’t take). The curtain rooms near the door offer carps for tats (can buy back your weapons. 50 crowns too much). We talk to Aseër to get the weapons for us. Opium Den-fallen ranger stays there, also a female dwarf. Prostitutes in the hall near the opium den. Noble suites are past the gambling rooms and gate room. Costs couple silvers to get through the gate room. Three diamonds guy is in that area.

There’s a card shark guy from House Shartru here. They play with Captain of the Watch, cleric of Marduke, netmaker. Guy at other table is curmudgeony, sideburns. The Red Hand is buying on credit now. There’s a group of 10 people… guy with long nose and big scar on tip of the nose (estate suites).

There’s also a bazaar down past the gate room. Short guy with a funny hat, not human, 3 feet tall with entourage and humans with him. His name is Flintwhistle, and everyone is afraid of him. He goes up to a booth. Lockhead Mithril, alchemist from Dyvers—a few potions and poisons for sale there (love, move silently).

There is also a through way under the city.

Several carts are parked where the roads meet and at far end walls are rising in preparation for the wedding. Walls are intricately carved with murals with royal symbols, etc. There is a depiction of a great battle between barbarians and Radighastians. Festive and decorative, the walls take an hour to rise to 140 feet tall. They are completely granite with no gates.

Local thieve’s guild can be found at the candlemakers near the center of town.

A herald from the City of Selid-din is there announcing a new trade pact with Old Red for ships.

Half-orcs in the street in scale mail pushing wheelbarrow of silver coins accompanied by people wearing the city symbols of Radighast

Fruitsby the alchemist deals with people nicely.

Pearl Parisia (between 40-50 years old) of Radighast City. She says she knows people at the House of Sin. She likes to come in for wine. She used to be a scribe from Ogburg, scribe for Lord Sumsa, and she lives in the South Side of town. Obed’hi who works at the House of Sin vouches for her. She has a nice art collection, including a deed to a farm gone under strawberries, songs written for Lord Sumsa (didn’t really like him, had money dating back to forever, current interests in netmaking, she has a painting of him, “he was a nice man.” He passed away a few years ago.), several other paintings. She has a collection of famous signatures, one from Fenario McBaine, charges for damages to a room. She says that the House of Sin is known for the BBQ pork, but I should really try the swordfish (key to making contact with Stiletto Jim’s Guild). She also recommends going to a puppet show in the Entry District with a marionette master.

In town, Father Arzduke of St. Anser’s Cathedral tries to make people a benefactor to the church, it’s the beginning of the tithe period.

Going to the Old Radighast Theater, there are Trigolese sword swallowers. People talking about the Theocracy edicts…#8 is evil. I spot some nice necklaces and rings and someone at the far end cutting off a purse. They tell a hear a story about the Temple of Elemental Evil and the Champions of Sephora. One of the Forsaken helped build the temple. The bard’s name here is Nan.

Feather Cap Tavern is the after-show bar for town’s guildsmen. Local bar five blocks from the theater, hat shop by day and guild bar by night. Can learn town news there.

Stories of Rhadighast City


Enilaba, Aljearra, Tel’karielendar


Watch commander Sing’kingu Agrabesh of House Mandor, was told of the demise of the ship that was to bring the gifts for the noble’s wedding.  A guard of 10 was sent out the next day after the storm and found eels.  The watch commander ordered the area off limits, dangerous, and under guard until the ells left.  When the party returned from following the trail of the items to the clerics of Irra, they reported everything to the commander.  He was skeptical of the party, thinking they were diseased and looking for money to pay for healing in Woodwych.  Does the party mention the ghost appearance?  How did they survive? He may be skeptical of either story.  What proof do they have?  Regardless of the story, he will send a unit to investigate over the Artonsamay (same number of days travel) through this forest.  He will promise that if he finds recent signs of an outpost or any debris from the ship, there will be a reward.  Additionally, once the eels have gone closer to winter, he will have the ship’s debris brought up and examined.


Other stories

Lord McBaine, Dragonslicer

Tree of Life

Gilgamesh in Southlands dealing with problems with orcs.

The Orcan Nation is building weird castles.

The Archclericacy is hearing prayers of the peasants.

Irra agents

Wizard from Greyhawk City

Scarlet Brotherhood agents

Prostitutes of Ishtar


Shield Knights


Raising of the Walls

City walls may be raised by the clerics of Marduke during attacks, alerts, and major festivals.  Cardinal NinHursaga’arduke can do a quest spell (the city spell) that raises the walls from 30 ft. to 130 ft.  As the walls rise, so do the gate entries (all three) to 100 ft.  When the walls rise, a second set of gates, heavily protected, rise up 10 ft. with ramps leading to them. A great number of siege devices are part of the new walls.  Once the walls return to normal size, the ground within 40 ft. of the walls is fresh and upturned.