Population of Babylon 


City of Ishtar, Southwest Territory of the Kingdom of Furyundy

Ruler: Grandmarshall Lord Taran Soothra 

Religious Ruler: Cardinal Rahasia Al'Vere 

Population: 141,800 Citizens after 7 months

See Encounters and Notable Citizens of Babylon as well as Henchmen Leaders and  Officials of the City

Population Charts and Census

Census Date Notes Humans Dwarves Elves Hachdeshani Hucharachi
43000 Tovag Baragu Army: 79,900 soldiers arrive for final battle
from many countries of Oerth. 2/3 die in final battle;
50% of casualties are recovered leaving approx. 52,000 survivors,
all gain +2 wisdom +true believer, 20% return to their homes,
the rest stay to found the home city of Babylon
founding population
January YR1
each gains +2 wisdom,
True Believer
28000 15000 2000 0 0
-100 Digging begins on city of Babylon deaths heat stroke, exhaustion,
-33 -33 -34
-180 Dwarves and humans in mining operation deaths -90 -90
-150 Building the city deaths -50 -50 -50
-20 Daemon attacks deaths -7 -6 -7
12900 People arrive over the Waybridges April YR1 mostly families of soldiers,
architects, city support
8000 4000 900
4300 People arrive over the Waybridges May YR1 mostly families of soldiers,
city support professionals
2500 1500 300
11 Chendelian clerics June YR1 11
200 Furyundian worshippers of Ishtar and loyal to Taran
after saving Chendl from Ketians
July YR1 200
1000 wood elves: rescued from Wild Coast and Celene June YR1 1000
5000 high elves: rescued from Wild Coast and Celene
(1000 of the group are elven archers)
June YR1 5000
5000 grey elves from the Wild Coast and Celene June YR1 5000
20000 Nyrundians June 12 YR1 refugees fleeing destroyed cities,
seeking protection of
Champions & Ishtar
14000 5000 1000
30000 from Great Kingdom June 12 YR1 refugees fleeing destroyed cities,
seeking protection of
Champions & Ishtar
26000 2000
5000 from edges of Great Kingdom June 12 YR1 refugees fleeing destroyed cities,
seeking protection of
Champions & Ishtar
2000 1000 2000
800 Duchy of Urnst June 12 YR1 new converts to Ishtar 800
2000 County of Urnst June 12 YR1 refugees fleeing destroyed cities,
seeking protection of
Champions & Ishtar
1500 500
2000 Greyhawk City June 12 YR1 refugees of destroyed homes 1200 300 500
2000 Furyundy June 12 YR1 professional support staff,
military support staff,
organizational professionals
8000 Theocracy June 12 YR1 pilgrims, converts, refugees,
many are former worshippers
of Ishtar
7500 500
-10000 Year 1 deaths from heat stroke (non Hachdeshani) YR 1 nearly all non-True Believers,
True Believers have
dust devil hearts, gain +2 on saves,
and follow directions
-8500 -1000 -500
-540 Deaths from Thrikeen Attack YR1 -400 -100 -40
-2500 Deaths from Devil Attack during Taran and Rahasia's Wedding YR1 -1800 -600 -100
-6000 Deaths against the Hachdeshani YR1 -4000 -1500 -500
2 Dalben and Arathorne September 22 YR1 2
1 Tantalos YR2 1
200 fanatical followers who work without pay YR2 former Great Kingdom, Nyrond 200
320 converts to Ishtar YR2 320
-900 Deaths due to crime, creatures, health, etc. YR2 -700
1800 Conquered Hachdeshani YR2 1800
2000 Children from YR1 YR2 1500 300 130 70
25000 Hucharachi warriors sworn to defend Babylon
and follow Rahasia (Kothlun sent)
YR2 25000
1 Morningstar (child of Starrider and Istaritu):
Curled against her in her seat is a pseudodragon with butterfly wings.
She talks in baby talk that is half words and half animal speech.
She smiles when she interacts with others,
and a faerie fire of cool blue surrounds anyone
who picks her up and holds her.
She is dressed in miniature golden +4 platemail (grows with her)
and at her side is a miniature +5 defender that is peace-tied.
She wears a holy symbol of Ishtar that radiates healing magic.
January YR2 1/2 1/2
1 Child of Bloodguard Faith January YR2 1/2 1/2
3 Enilaba, Aljearra Delone, and Tellkariendar (on quest for the Sage) February YR2 2 1
1 Nebukanezzer (Taran and Rahasia's child) born April YR2 1/2 1/4 1/4
50 Ishtarian druids: swear fealty to Rahasia May YR2 50
58 lawful good fighter converts from Horn of Change adventure August YR2 58
4059 Conversions to Ishtar "Holy Crusades" YR2 4059
2000 Desert immigrants YR2 2000
3300 Children from YR2 (3%) YR2 1320 790 312 928
-10000 Year 2 deaths to heat stroke, dehydration, or exhaustion
YR2 nearly all non-True Believers -8200 -1000 -800
25000 Conquered Hachdeshani YR3 25000
900 Hachdeshani converts YR3 900
1 Persephone, songstress, somniomancer bard from the plane x57
(Circlet of Binding adventure)
June YR3 1
-20100 Deaths due to war with Hachdeshani YR3 -12831 -2000 -1000 -2500 -2000
-2000 Other deaths (murders, accidents, creatures, etc.) YR3 -1000 -100 -110 -500 -290
-4000 Deaths due to heat stroke, exhaustion, dehydration YR3 nearly all non-True Believers -500 -300 -200 -3000
1500 Desert immigrants YR3 1500
4200 Children from YR3 (3%) YR3 1630 728 312 1010 520
1 Alexander YR3 1
1 Apprentice YR3 1/2
3 Alexander's converts (Doj, Topra, Jarkass) YR3 3
1 Spellweaver October YR3
1 Logrus Mage, converted with conversion spell
after Rahasia stopped him from sacrificing himself
to break the Pattern of Travel beneath Babylon's godstones
October YR3
TOTAL 140125 Total: 140142 52425.75 22839 14114.5 30531.25 20231
Percent of Population 37% 16% 10% 22% 14%
New Paladins
10 New Paladin initiates from Chendl July YR1
20 Paladin initiates arrive from Waybridges June YR1
90 desert elves from Marauder uprising outside Altaruk Feb YR2
200 maidens of the spear from Marauder uprising outside Altaruk Feb YR2
25000 Tyr November YR2
1 Khalak (ancient dragon) with Circlet of Binding November YR2
1400 Suleimen from Altaruk battles October YR1
15 5HD dwarven slaves from Altaruk battles October YR1
2 5HD halfgiants from Altaruk battles October YR1
1 9th level mul from Altaruk battles October YR1
10 10HD halfgiants from Altaruk battles October YR1
3 6HD templars from Altaruk battles October YR1
1 15th lvl mul from Altaruk battles October YR1
67 Ketian slaves (arcanaloth) March YR1
10 3HD cavalry Suleimen from Altaruk battles October YR1
32 Lawful good fighters from Horn of Change adventure go to New Evermore
10 Lawful good cavalier converts from Horn of Change adventure go to New Evermore
67 Ketian slaves (arcanalot attacks) March YR1
TOTAL 26800

 The City's Nonhumanoid Population   

100 lions February YR1
3 elephants February YR1
500 self-roasting pigs April YR1
-100 self-roasting pigs sent to Chathold April YR1
700 self-roasting pigs May YR1
100 fire salamanders February YR2
432 dune stalkers October YR1
140 war horses YR2
260 kanks from Altaruk/Tyr February YR2
3 baby gryphons July YR2
200 z'tal from Tyr November YR2
100 kipp from Tyr November YR2
80 kanks from Tyr November YR2
50 chariots with horses (Tovag) YR1
80 heavy horses YR1
120 medium horses YR1
100 light horses YR1
360 riding horses YR1
TOTAL 3228