Alexander's Tarrasque in the Glassblower's District of Babylon 

City of Ishtar, Southwest Territory of the Kingdom of Furyundy

tarrasque home



Defeated in the Abyss, Alexander was swallowed and then killed the beast. He dragged the creatures back to Babylon, hallowed out the creature and (with the help of the School of Shadow) stood it up and reinforced it with magic. The tarrasque is 70 feet long and 50 feet tall, and it weighs about 130 tons.


On the southeastern corner of a major intersection, the Tarrasque Shrine stands near the Glassblower's District not far from the School of Shadow and Politics. Alexander has approx 30 acres of space upon which he has the Tarrasque. Neighbors in the area are all on excellent terms as he has partied and helped them personally (including getting them all into a sold out gladiatorial arena when Alexander won Champion title and giving them each 1000gp).



Entrance / Mouth    (20x20x20ft) 

ser the flower

Outer Room (20x20)

Simple and comfortable room. Decorated in many various styles as Alexander accumulates experiences and places them here.

Inner Sanctum (6 5ftx10ft cells with 5ft wide hall and Guest Room)

Simple wooden door opens up from Living Area to Inner Sanctum. This is a small hall with 7 doors of beads. There is also a normal wooden door on each cell when more privacy is needed. Each door leads into a 5x10ft cell for each of the Fedakyn. The door at the end of the hall is for guests and is  room and is 20x20.

Guest Room
This is the largest of the rooms and ha a full King Bed, dresser and nightstand. All are simple but clean, comfortable and well maintained. Alexander will sleep here when Ser comes over or the Fedakyn if they have guests.

All Cells
All cells have a simple cot and pillow, sheets and so forth. Personal items are kept here as well as a extra chair. The ceiling is 10ft high so though cramped it seems more spacious.

Alexander's Cell
Doj Cell doj

Topra Cell topra
Jarkass Cell jarkass Priests Cell
Alexander has put aside a room for the Priest of Apsu he has foreseen will be coming to stay. He has set aside his last pair of sand boots (Sand boots (leaves a trail of sand, while standing on sand gain +5 hit points, +2 strength) for the Priest.

Alexia Cell
Alexia has her own room here though she is only here a few days a week.

Treasure in Secret Cavity (DC40 to find!)


Treasure in Babylon




Dameleon's Broken Iron Sword +6 (Land) - Stolen by Gow on Level 6 of Temple of Dragon
living tarrasque