Dyvers, Capital of Furyundy, City of Marduke

City Statistics

Population: 250,000-300,000


spices, spell components, rugs, textiles, fashion, fish


precious gems, silver, gold, precious metals, gems, iron, metals, livestock, grain, unique metals for swordcraft, marble, alabaster, horses, paper, fine pottery, silk, jungle spices, jungle gems, Gibbil's wood, flintstone, Girru's oil, weapons, bows, glass, hourglasses, maps, printed materials 


Religious Ruler: 

Archbishop Enduri (Marduke) 

City Spell:




Rules of Dyvers:


    It is a tiered structure. On the first tier above the ground floor, there is a doorway from the outer balcony leading inside. It is often left ajar either from trust in the sentries or in hopes of gathering victims. A nearby stairwell leads down to the ground floor and main level, which is primarily living space for the lesser clerics and the guards. A well worn path leads to a secret door and a stairwell going down. When a ceremony is going on, a loud discordant clamor can be heard here. Drums, harps, chanting and other noises contribute to the cacophony.
    Somewhere on this level, lies a small, circular chamber at the end of a corridor. It is bare save for four, high set, equally spaced, candle holders. When the one immediately to the right of the tunnel entrance is pushed up while its pricket is pushed upon, the entire chamber spins, giving access to the high priest's inner sanctum. An ogreish, son of Kyuss like creature guards the chamber. It is a rotting, barrel-chested, bow-legged, foul-smelling creature that has worms crawling around in the orifices of its skull. These worms are spat out as an attack form. It also fights with a pair of sickles. This room is merely the entry chamber to the High Priest's suite. It is all lavishly furnished and also contains a hidden treasure stash, guarded with glyphs of warding and poison needles. Multiple gems are kept here including a large dark opal with green flecks. See also Nerull.

NPC's of Dyvers



In August 585 (YR7), Babylon marches forces of Suleimen over Waybridges to defense of Dyvers against Ketians. Conservatives criticize Taran for taking the time to march the army over the bridges (because they cannot be magically rifted), but the Suleimen (with anti-magic shells) prove highly effective against Ketian magics.

August 5, 585 (YR7), an eight-year old was murdered in Kelworth Inn and an evil ceremony performed using a Ruch of evil sacrifice, like the staff but not the staff. It was wielded by a dark friend, who stole 800 gp and gave back 5 gp to him, suspected spy of the Horned Society. Lorna Su’Merdan uses thalmaturgy to locate him using the traces from his cup from the inn, and we capture him and get reward, Shield Knight voucher for magical services.

August 7, 585 (YR7), a Ketian bird with 30 ft. wingspan and crimson and orange metallic plumage with beating wings (looks similar to a peacock) is 200 ft. away. It starts to caw. Flames form off the feathers in a huge ball toward us. It did a firestorm, and was throwing out walls of flames from its feathers. It has nice magic resistance (75% probably). We have two rounds before it circles again. Lorna Su’Merdan captures it with the walls of force. The party gets a voucher of services rendered from the Shield Knights and free Chendelian beer.

In 598 (YR20) Ketians are in town for cease-fire discussions. Pharaoh Amen-Hotep is there. Negotiations going on in the High District. Glass pyramids 35-feet tall with no obvious entryway (metal frame with silver and opaque glass) are in the center of the area. Ketians outside with man/bird symbols, bronze skin, chiseled features, language with lots of consonants. Pyramid opens and glass spreads apart to open portal. See ankh symbol. People are talking about clothes stylists, and chefs with Amathain Ram.