Babylon, Key Henchmen/Followers

Very loyal. Each usually has a favorite - Taran, Rahasia, Sultan, Jim, or Ser Ineluke. They, and other notable Babylonian citizens may often be encountered in the streets and at the sites of Babylon.

The Babylonian War Council includes the following:
Captain of the Watch
Master of the Walls
Chancellor of War
Chancellor of the Grain Houses
Chancellor of Love
Special Assistant to Sultan for Internal Relations, Trista
Liaison to the Queen of Celene
Still, Hucharachi

Rules for Henchmen

Henchmen roll a d100 with bonuses for level, stats above 15, special magic items, additional party member support, relevant feats, skills, and other relevant bonuses on the following table:


Marshal of Altaruk (Reports to Grand Marshal of the Southeastern Lands of Furyondy, Taran Soothra)        Kegumi Adad of Babylon (formerly of Redspan in Duchy of Tehn)

15th  lvl Paladin w/ Lion (YR 20, 18th lvl Paladin, w/ own loyal legion)

            Has 3 brothers in the Shield Knights,OOOO…anyone interesting?

 2 Sisters in Babylon

            Married to Una, High Priestess of Babylon (married yr 2)

            From Redspan in Duchy of Tehn

            Zealot (Soothra, Ishtar, Cavalier)

            Gained his stature and fame as Watch Commander of Babyon

            Created and crafted the famous Sleep Schedules for all forces of Babylon

Why famous?

            Rides and is trying to convert a Nightmare (Blegostavius, 22 Wis, HP 210)

            Helm of Wickedness (+4 melee damage, Fear spell 3/day, +4 to intimidate checks)

A Paladin?

            Wields +5 Vorpal Bastard Sword (YR 4), Gauntlets and girdles of strength (YR 3)

            +5 Holy Shield (gives the same field of protection as a Holy Sword) (YR 16)

            Una may heal up to 300hp and employ up to 2 Resurrections (affects Gideon also)

            May Gate in  2 Balrogs (once per year each)

OK…why would a Paladin do this?

            Cerebeusian Collar Master Control Ring – tied to Ancient Dragon Khalak of Tyr


Watch Commander (Reports to Grand Marshal of the Eastern Lands of Furyondy, Taran Soothra)  Gideon

            Gideon of Babylon (formerly of Narwel, Wild Coast)

            Paladin -13th w/ Lion  (YR 5 Paladin 10th w/lion) (YR 20 Paladin 15th, 2 lions)

            In love with Una (married yr 5)

            Right Hand Man = Ronin ( 7th lvl fighter, Henchman of Taran)


Master of the Walls (Reports to Watch Commander)  Hashamash

            Nebuchaddnezzar Hashamash of Babylon (formerly of Critwall)

            Paladin -12th w/ Lion  (yr 5 – 10th lvl)  (YR 20 14th lvl)

            Wears Strategy Helm and carries Rods of Tactics & Transport (YR 7)

            Fights with The War Staff of Babylon (YR 10)

                        Summons Obsidian Towers 2/day (can hold 200 each)

                        Globe of Invulnerability 3/day

                         +5 Warstaff  (double damage against non-Babylonians while on Babylonian ground)

                        adds +2 to str (+4 while on Babylonian ground)

                        +4 saves vs – arcanadaemons, thri keen, githyanki, Ketians, bearden devils, bone devils,

                                    hordlings, Tyraness Templars (everything that city defeats)

            Organizes walll defenses, responsible for the defense of the city

            Blessing of Ishtar – always wins initiative in first round while defending Babylon (YR 0)

            Chainmail of Andy, has wish from deck of many things (YR 1)

LOL! He got that huh?

            Has Babylonian Horn of Summoning (YR 6)

            Related to an Executor in the Shield Knights (not friends)


            Boots of Kicking and Screaming (YR 7)

grants 1 free additional attack with feet, grants ventriloquism within 300 ft

footsteps can be heard from any desired location in 1 mile

Thunderclap 2/day, Shatter 2/day (on touch only)

Crystal Brittle 1/day (on touch only)

            Has henchman drummer with Drums of Combat (YR 14)



Admiral of the Southwestern Fleet (Reports of Master of the Walls)

            Martin Mingus Of Babylon (formerly of Chendyl) –

            Paladin -9th w/ Lion (7th yr 5)

            Cousin to Rogan Sirith, Commander of the Knights of the Hart

            Coordinates with Sir Gorkin of Good on the Rift Raft

            Has good relationship with elven mages of the Celene

            Holy Sword of St Anda – Quest Spell 1/day range 100ft (YR3)

                        Divination 3/day   Commune 3/day    Grants 3rd lvl clerical ability

            Destroyed an evil artifact

            Oversees the uses of the three Cloudships and the 5 Sandskiffs


Sheriff of Babylon (Reports to Watch Commander)  Verad 

          Itam-Ishu Verad of Babylon (formerly and arms merchant in Rhadighast); Special Diplomat to Tyr

          Paladin  7th lvl and 2 checks w/lion -at least 11th in YR 20 (YR 5 9th)

            Married to Trista, Mage of the School of Politics and Shadow (made lion cloak for her (20/20 on  lion, spoils of war)


Census Taker, Collector of Taxes, and Administer of Tarrifs (Reports to Watch Commander)

Keeper of the Lion Kennels ??

            Amon Kishati of Babylon (formerly of Midmeadow)

            Paladin -10th w/ Lion

            Son of a High Priest of Kishar  (who makes Biship in yr 20)

            Relatively poor aristocratic family

            Carries bronzed Testacles of a Shield Knight

            Phylactery of faithfuless

Ring of Fire Elemental Dominance

+4 military pick defender, grants +4 dex

in between quests for the Rods of Dominion

ready for holy sword quest


Taran’s Diplomatic Representative to Furyondi (Reports to Kegumi Adad and Taran)

You need to update this guy! He has a good friend as an Executor!

            Athtar of Dyvers

            Married to Beatrice Birdsong, Bishop of Seled-din (archbishop in yr 20)

            Sleeps in Seled-din church, Uses the Terrabinth regularly

            Official guardian of the Tarrabinth

            Will always be within 5 rounds of Tarabinth (on alarm +4 rnds) unless otherwise

                        Adventuring in which case duties are transferred UP the chain of command


Field Commander Anant Gal (At Large)

            Paladin -10th w/ Lion

            Spear of Gith Slaying

            Head of cleric of Iuz

            Rod of Secuirity

            Combat & war hero in Battle of Altaruk and Conquest of Tyr

            Fights with Rebuker (Sword of Answering)

Special Assistant on Internal Relations, School of Politics and Shadow

      Trista was chosen by a vote of the entire School.

      SAIR is responsible for holding the spirit sensing rod

       Rod is keyed to the central chamber of the school

            Trista (du’Urnst) of Babylon, Wizard 13th

            Holds Spirit Sensing Rod

-         detects spirits, intelligences, and entities within ¼ mile of keyed area

-         may clairvoyance and scry anywhere in ¼  mile of keyed area

-         Grants sensitivity to psychic impressions in 60ft

-         May place Status spell on up to 9 people

-         May send and feel emotions of recipients of Status Spell

-         Banishment 2/day (must be extra planar, ghosts and spirits are banished to Astral)


Special Assistant on  Foreign Affairs, School of Politics and Shadow

Diplomatic Advisor to the City of Babylon

Chief Patent Attorney for the City of Babylon

Ambassador to Avalon, Melderyn, the Druids, the Fire Elemental Plane, and Nyrond

            Aram of Babylon (formerly of Verbobonc)

            Wizard – 13th lvl

            Aram was hand picked by the President of the School

            Ketian decent

            Psionics – Probability Travel, Radial Sight, Choose Future

            Ring of Know Customs (also adds +1 Chr while worn)

            Simaculean Rings of Simulacramancy (YR 5)

                        May Twin Spells 4 times per day

                        May create 4 simulacra at any given time

                        4 lesser rings allow telepathic contact over great distances (1 turn/day) all at once

One of these Simucrum are in Selid-Din I believe?

            Journal of Law (YR 10)

                        Automatically records all legal transactions of owner (includes magical types)

                        Records all religious sacrifices of owner

                        Records all alignment transgressions, atonements, and status of owner

                        Adds +5 to knowledge of Law related checks


Marshal of Altaruk (Reports to Grand Marshal of the Southeastern Lands of Furyondy, Taran Soothra)         
Kegumi Adad of Babylon (formerly of Redspan in Duchy of Tehn)

Watch Commander (Reports to Grand Marshal of the Southwestern Lands of FuryondyTaran Soothra)
Gideon of Babylon (formerly of Narwel)

Master of the Walls (Reports to Watch Commander)
Nebuchaddnezzar Hashamash of Babylon (formerly of Critwall)


Admiral of the Southeastern Fleet (Reports of Master of the Walls)

            Martin Mingus Of Babylon (formerly of Chendl) –

            Paladin -9th w/ Lion (7th yr 5)

            Cousin to Rogan Sirith, Commander of the Knights of the Hart

            Coordinates with Sir Gorkin of Good on the Rift Raft

            Has good relationship with elven mages of the Celene

            Holy Sword of St Anda – Quest Spell 1/day range 100ft (YR3)

                        Divination 3/day   Commune 3/day    Grants 3rd lvl clerical ability

            Destroyed an evil artifact

            Oversees the uses of the three Cloudships and the 5 Sandskiffs


Sheriff of Babylon (Reports to Watch Commander)

            Itam-Ishu Verad of Babylon (formerly and arms merchant in Rhadighast)

            Paladin -11th w/ Lion (YR 5 9th)

            +2 reaction  with dwarves, weoponsmiths, and arms dealers

            Married to Trista, Mage of the School of Politics and Shadow

            Has Babylonian Horn of Summoning

Census Taker, Collector of Taxes, and Administer of Tarrifs (Reports to Watch Commander)

Keeper of the Lion Kennels ??

            Amon Kishati of Babylon (formerly of Midmeadow)

            Paladin -10th w/ Lion

            Son of a High Priest of Kishar  (who makes Biship in yr 20)

            Relatively poor aristocratic family

            Carries bronzed Testacles of a Shield Knight

            Phylactery of faithfuless

Ring of Fire Elemental Dominance

+4 military pick defender, grants +4 dex

in between quests for the Rods of Dominion

ready for holy sword quest


Taran Soothra’s Diplomatic Representative to Furyondy (Reports to Kegumi Adad and Taran Soothra)

            Athtar of Dyvers

            Married to Beatrice Birdsong, Bishop of Seled-din (archbishop in yr 20)

            Sleeps in Selid-din Church, Uses the Terrabinth regularly

            Official guardian of the Terrabinth

            Will always be within 5 rounds of Terrabinth (on alarm +4 rnds) unless otherwise

                        Adventuring in which case duties are transferred UP the chain of command


Field Commander Anant Gal (At Large)

            Paladin -10th w/ Lion

            Spear of Gith Slaying

            Head of cleric of Iuz

            Rod of Secuirity

            Combat & war hero in Battle of Altaruk and Conquest of Tyr

            Fights with Rebuker (Sword of Answering)

Hight Priestess of Babylon (Reports to Archbishop Rahasia Al’vere) (Rahasia's follower)

            Una , becomes Bishop YR 4, still retains High Priestess of Babylon as title.

Became cleric of Ishtar after being saved and resurrected from Hell

Married to Kegumi Adad (& later Gideon)

The only cleic of Ishtar to fight in the Battle at Tovag Baragu (fought alongside Ishtar)

Very Steadfast, eminently competent, and very dependable

Blessing of Ishtar – Respect (even deity status opponents will stop for parley,

During parley all combat stops, AWE 1HD)

All clerics in church look up to her


Chancellor of War of Babylon (Reports to High Priestess) (Rahasia's follower)

            High Priestess Ninevah

            Bishop (YR 15 or sooner)

            Oversees the War College

Chancellor of the Grain Houses of Babylon(Reports to High Priestess) (Rahasia's follower)

            Adelle to YR3, Fatima from YR4

            Oversees the protection and care for the Tree of Life in Babylon

            Responsible for the City’s food supply, overall health of lands & Hanging Gardens

Chancellor of Love, Whore of Babylon (Rahasia's follower)

Ser Ineluke – Sorcerer 13th  (Retired from Adventuring) (YR 4)

Runs the Brothels of Babylon

Curses have transference ability and can be cast at great distances (with cause)

Curses are cast as 10 lvls higher and DCs are -4

Half elf Prostitute

In love with Stilleto Jim (consort)

Hated & feared enemy - Romag

Special Assistant on Internal Relations, School of Politics and Shadow

      Trista was chosen by a vote of the entire School.

      SAIR is responsible for holding the spirit sensing rod, keyed to the central chamber of the school

            Trista (du’Urnst) of Babylon, Wizard 13th

            Holds Spirit Sensing Rod

-         detects spirits, intelligences, and entities within ¼ mile of keyed area

-         may clairvoyance and scry anywhere in ¼  mile of keyed area

-         Grants sensitivity to psychic impressions in 60ft

-         May place Status spell on up to 9 people

-         May send and feel emotions of recipients of Status Spell

-         Banishment 2/day (must be extra planar, ghosts and spirits are banished to Astral)


Special Assistant on  Foreign Affairs, School of Politics and Shadow

Diplomatic Advisor to the City of Babylon

Chief Patent Attorney for the City of Babylon

Ambassador to Avalon, Melderyn, the Druids, the Fire Elemental Plane, and Nyrond

            Aram of Babylon (formerly of Verbobonc)

            Wizard – 13th lvl

            Aram was hand picked by the President of the School

            Ketian decent

            Psionics – Probability Travel, Radial Sight, Choose Future

            Ring of Know Customs (also adds +1 Chr while worn)

            Simaculean Rings of Simulacramancy (YR 5)

                        May Twin Spells 4 times per day

                        May create 4 simulacra at any given time

                        4 lesser rings allow telepathic contact over great distances (1 turn/day) all at once

One of these simulacra are in Selid-Din I believe?

            Journal of Law (YR 10)

                        Automatically records all legal transactions of owner (includes magical types)

                        Records all religious sacrifices of owner

                        Records all alignment transgressions, atonements, and status of owner

                        Adds +5 to knowledge of Law related checks