Babylonian Items Invented between YR 3 and YR 23

Weapons / Items of Honor and Medals / Other Items


Babylonian Holy Sword (Learned to create in YR 5)

Babylonian Swords (of any non-evil type found in DMG), +20% cost

Babylonian Desert Dagger, +3, +4 vs insects (YR 3)

Babylonian Man-Catcher (YR 2)

Babylonian Fire Whips, +2 to +6 (YR 5)


Babylonian Horn of Summoning – summons all at once, 1/week

Babylonian Anti Magic Glass Jars, Flasks, and Devices: (Yr 2)

  1. Antimagic glass mirror – will reflect all light based magical spells, bearer may choose new target, total range of spell x2
  2. Vacuum Stoppered Vial: Sultan's School has seeled inside a vacuum ball which will suck in 1000 cubic feet of air and gases – includes Gaseous Form Creatures
  3. Anti-Magic Spectacles protect against all magical gaze attacks, must remain thin or distort vision, very fragile. Every time bearer fails a reflex save, must make save

Barrier Glass

Anti-magic glass formed of the sand in the Sea of Dust. Sultan has personally used reverse anti-magics with glasssteel and permanency spells. It has the hardness of iron. For every 3 inches the DC to break is 30 with a hardness of 10 and 90 hp. DC 40 to climb.

“Dust in the Wind,” Ballad by Stilleto Jim

Must pay a bard 1000gp to hear song (choose one of the following effects):

Self-Roasting Pigs (YR 1)

Bred by alchemists, these living animals are normal pigs until their flesh is pierced by any object at which point the pig spontaneously combusts (1d6 in ft radius), as the pigs roasts, their skin congeals into a thick barbeque sauce and the tongue swells and polymorphs into a large red apple. The meat is incredibly tastey and heals 1 hp but viewing the self-combustion process is so revolting that viewers gain a phobia to all pork products.

Tovarian Ritual (YR 8)

Performed by a Wizard of the School of Politics and Shadow (1,000gp), the spell is cast in the concentric set of Godstones, Tovag Baragu, in Babylon. 

Battle Mirror of the Champions of Sophora

Huge Mirror, 30x30, mounted on the outside of Lord Soothra's Compound and facing the courtyard, this huge mirror constantly flickers between images of different battles. Battles depicted usually involve in some way, machinatons of the Dark One. The mirror is protected behind 3 ft of antimagic glass that has been glasteeled by Sultan using reverse antimagics.

Babylonian Lord Staff Iron Shods. 

Has lapis lazuli crest and gold inlay: extends the metamagic abilities of a Lord’s Staff to all druid spells. (Given to Trevor Rasputin in YR 3).

Pech-made Babylonian Dress Clothes (YR3)

Clothes befitting a lord or a prince, with an ornately black and gold embroidered collared white shirt, long coat, dark breeches, and flared boots.  They give a +2 competence bonus to diplomacy/reaction and a +2 competence bonus to Appearance (charisma for appearance based skills). They take up a cloak, clothing, belt, and boot slots (respectively). And each will take on the powers of another cloak, belt, boots, or clothing, respectively, that is owned by the wearer on this or another plane (but not across dimensions), (which items they draw upon may be changed as a full round action). They are self-cleaning and self mending.

Babylonian Still Suit Trim (YR3) 

A black cape with gold and blue flecked embroidery or similar material as clothing, and still suit straps, buckles, buttons, fittings, ties and even mouthpiece in matching style. These fitting, when worn with a still suit will give +2 competence bonus to desert survival and appearance.  These fittings reduce to half the amount of time necessary to put on or remove a still suit and a +2 situational bonus to diplomacy when speaking to desert folk. The cloak also gives +4 to hide in desert terrain.

Items of Honor and Medals

Babylonian Medal of Bravery

+2 reputation bonus to all saves (stacks with everything except other reputation bonuses), gives bearer +4 reputation bonus to reaction/diplomacy in Babylon, and gives +1d8 hit points and +2 reputation bonus to saves vs. fear to any allies within 30ft). This must be worn prominently to gain bonuses. (One given to Silver Centuries in YR 3).

Babylonian Medal of Valor

+7 reputation bonus to diplomacy/reaction rolls in Babylon (+2 elsewhere due to the quality of the medal) and +4 unnamed on attack rolls, damage, and combat checks vs. colossal creatures. (One awarded to Alexander in YR3

Babylonian Medal of Cunning

+4 unnamed bonus to bluff checks. Whenever a bluff check succeeds, the bearer gains +1 temporary hit points (lasts until used or one day). (One awarded to Tasha Rasputin in YR 3)

Babylonian Medal of Spell Might

Grants +2 to DC of all spells and a +4 unnamed bonus on spellcraft checks. Medal has 47 charges. (One awarded to Apprentice in YR 3).

Babylonian Medal of Grace

+4 unnamed bonus to dexterity related skill checks and contests, Character is always treated as 30ft closer to an ally for the purposes of their spells - touch spells can be cast at 30ft and a 10ft radius of protection cast by an ally will aid her if she is within 40ft. (One awarded to Alexia Krestor in YR 3).