Church of Kishar

Kishar, The Rim of the Oerth - All things that are real; the crust of the Oerth and all things upon it.
Mother Oerth, the Oerth Mother, the Mother Goddess, Aerdian Name: Nin-Hursag

God of Earth-Creation. Maker of Road

Major City: Midmeadow 

Spheres: Earth, Elemental, Earthpower, Travel, Roads, Maps

Symbol of Kishar - blue star sapphire                                                                     

Holy Animal: mole

Kishar is depicted as a dark-skinned female. She is mistress of gravity and has complete control over these forces. She also has the power to bless with flight those she likes and wither those she hates. The goddess inhabits a city/island at the edge of the world. Kishar created the first mountain, first valley, etc. She and her church are also fond of dwarves.


Tiamat (the salt waters) and Apsu (the sweet waters) gave birth to Lahamu & Lahamia (the silt at the mouth of the rivers) and they in turn gave birth to Anshar (the horizon of Heaven) and Kishar (the rim of the oerth), the last of the Annunaki. They in turn gave birth to Anu (the sky) and Ea (wisdom) and they gave birth to the Iggigi (the younger gods...the sun, moon, etc.)

Kishar, mother of the sky, granddaughter of Tiamat IS the rim of the Oerth. IS the ground. IS the mountains..
Her beauty can be seen in the natural wonders of the world - grand cliffs, wondrous plains, beautiful rock formations...these places are reflections of her face and are considered holy...

Clerics are mapmakers and explorers. God of earth-creation, City of Midmeadow. Maker of roads, fond of dwarves

Upon the first of the month, Sapatu, all who worship Kishar sacrifice food to the mother goddess by placing it in the flame to give her strength. Each night at dinner, an extra plate is prepared for the mother goddess and it is given to the flame....

Gifts of respect and honor to Kishar are wondrous gems and precious stones of the Oerth. Pouring water unto the ground. Burning expensive and exotic incense while saying praises to Kishar.

Teachings Dictated by the Theocracy

All Nyrundian worshippers must give confession of their secrets and sins to clergy at least once per month so they may stay out of the grip of the Dark One (master of secrets).

Do not speak with elves, who have life spans far beyond that of humans, for they will lead you morally astray.

Holy Days

Holy days are Sapppatu (first of every month)
Akitu (first 11 days of year),
Vernal Equinox (August 14th)
Bet-Nahrain (birthday, March 3rd)

On Holy days both food and gifts of respect are given. On birthday, gardens are planted and there is the raising of the rocks in the stone forest.

Individual Stone raised by Bishop on every birthday.

The edge of the Stone Forest.  Kishar clerics of extremely high levels have been known to ask the Stone Forest for guidance and knowledge, and the stones have told of threats as far as the farthest reaches of its borders.


During prayer, the cleric kneels into the ground, faces the Mountains of the Pale, presses his/her face against the ground, and prays. Clerics who travel may do the ritual of wonder.  When praying for miracles in the presence of a Natural Wonder, their miracles are at double effect (area of effect or duration).

In church, one cleric cups his hands in the oerth and lifts it up while worshippers kiss this oerth and then the higher level cleric marks their faces with the dust of the oerth - anointing the forehead.

For penance the cleric or worshipper tills the soil, digs a holy pit in which to put offerings, or plants a garden.

Ritual Quest - clerics and extremely devout worshippers will make sojourns across the land to see the wonders of the rim of the oerth and understand the goddess in her entirety. Often these will include pilgrimages to some natural wonder or travel through many cities. The more one sees of the oerth the more one begins to contemplate the goddess.

Clerical Requirements:

Duties of clergy: till the soil and provide food for Kishar, teach love of Kishar, protect Kishar's Holy places, help others to see the wonders of Kishar (read into this is the building and maintenance of roads).

Alignment: Any (Goddess is Neutral), though this church does tend to vote with the more liberal wing of the Theocracy
required proficiency: map making & reading 

God Granted Powers

Clerics can enchant mineral/stone (not metals) - can place any touch range miracle in stone, etc., lasts 1 day/lvl

When praying for miracles in the presence of a Natural Wonder, their miracles are at double effect (area of effect or duration).

1st- Stone Tell on the Roads, lasts 1 round/level.
5th- Move Earth (as per druid spell, double area of effect if creating a path) 3/day
9th- Formation - can shape natural stone, minerals as per stone shape but double area of effect 

Church of The Rim of The Oerth

Archbishop Ashur Inkitu, friend of Indira Dir'kumi, leader of the Guild of the Road

Bishop Thronkin Lugalpadanum

Bishop Unanim Albardia

Bishop Kabtum Bitum

4 High Priests (9th lvl +)
- there are always three abroad at any one time upkeeping roads or Sojourning

High Priest Baran (rumored to be able to build really big hills)

8 Matriarchs/Patriarchs (7th) -
-just outside city gates matriarchs oversee mining operations
- there are usually four abroad overseeing preparations for road building (cleansing)  

16 Honored Priests/priestesses (5th lvl)
- just outside city gates priests participates in mining operations.
- there are usually 5-6 abroad for road negotiations or mapping

Alana is one of the 5th level priests

39 Priests/priestesses, Adepts, and Acolytes (3rd lvl and below)
- inside the city, adepts manage the temple, acolytes light and heat the roads, and priests take confession and perform miracles and counseling for worshippers.
- half are usually abroad for mapping excursions, gathering holy ground from natural wonders,  and help with road upkeep.

Specialty Spells:

Build Road (Quest/City Spell) Because this is a city-spell, all major roads in Nyrond lead through Midmeadow. This miracle creates a permanent, well-crafted stone brick road up to 15 hexes long.  Road will remain undamaged for five years and will slowly decline within five years if no upkeep is done. A stone compass in the square in front of the church in Midmeadow maps the directions and distances between all cities connected to Midmeadow by holy roads.

Upkeep Road (4th) requires 1 per hex per year

Travel by Road--clerics of high level or particularly high status are granted items that give them the ability to travel a holy road. Once per day, a cleric and his or her companions may travel instantly from one city to the next city connected by holy road.

Rocks from the Sky (City Spell) Clerics call a shower of rocks to fall from the sky for a full month.  Occasionally the Archcleric directs Midmeadow to cast this spell upon another city as punishment for some great infraction of the rules or in times of Holy War. Any character in such a city has a 1% chance per day chance of being killed by a rock.


Swallowing of the Road (5th)--Any creatures on the road are swallowed whole. Creatures with alignment status of 3 or 4 gain no save. Area of Effect is 10-foot/level.  Only effects creatures on a Kisharian road outside the city.

Heating the Roads--warms the road to 50 degrees F. (Keeps snow off the road and keeps traffic going through the city)

Map (4th level). Creates a map on one 10x10-inch page to a maximum of one hex/per level.  Cleric choses the scale represented.

Locate Natural Minerals/Metals 60ft/lvl range, identify all minerals/metals/stone (2nd)

Lighting the Roads.  In times of war or extreme emergency, groups of clerics may merge their powers to light the road to the Theocracy (below).  

Kishar Miracles

Common Prayer (Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere: All
Range: 0
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10-yard radius
Saving Throw: None
Author: Barbara Haddad <[email protected]>

The priest leads a prayer to his deity, that he may influence the day to come. All who participate (by repeating the prayer) inside the area of effect gain the influence. It is expressed by a +5%/+1 (or -5%/-1) alteration on a single die roll during the day to come. If not used before the priest's recycle time, the benefit dissipates. Several common prayers may be participated in by the same individual. The benefits stack, but their effects are not cumulative.

Create Earth (Alteration) Reversible
Sphere: Elemental (Earth), Summoning
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown

By this spell, the priest creates up to 3 pounds per level of stone or 1 cubic foot per level of sand, dirt, or dust. The stone can be solid or loose gravel. The reverse, destroy earth, will destroy a like amount of earth or stone. Magical creatures are allowed a saving throw versus death magic or take 1 point of damage per level of the priest. The material component is the priest's holy symbol.

Elemental Burst (Invocation/Evocation)
Sphere: Elemental (All)
Range: 5 feet per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One 2-foot per level radius sphere
Saving Throw: 1/2
Author: Kai Rottenbacher <c/o [email protected]>

This spell was once a spell from the Oriental Adventures book, but it was adapted for the priest. It causes one of the four elements (not five like in the oriental version) to send off slivers of its element either causing damage or another effect depending on the element: earth sends off sharp slivers causing 1d8 hit points of damage; fire sends of sparks that cause 1d4 damage and cause non-magical items in the area to save versus normal fire, if their owner or carrier does not save; air and water send forth concussive waves of force that cause the affected characters to save versus paralysation or be hindered for one round per three levels of the caster (hindered equals losing initiative for physical actions during those rounds). It does not significantly affect the object from which it gains the slivers of element it shoots off.

Holy Mace (Alteration)
Sphere: Combat
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One non-magical mace
Saving Throw: None
Author: Tim Rightnour <[email protected]>

This spell will turn the priest's own mace into a +4 holy weapon. If the mace is given to anyone, it will turn to dust. If the priest keeps the mace, it will return to normal at the end of the duration. The mace must be sprinkled with holy water for the spell to take effect.

Iron Fist (Alteration)
Sphere: Combat
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Author: Tim Rightnour <[email protected]>

This spell will turn the priest's hands into solid iron, which may strike for 2d3 points of damage in unarmed combat. At the end of the duration the priest's hands return to normal. Any creature looking at the priest's hands for 1 round can detect the change on a successful Intelligence check. The creature only gets one chance to do this. The material component for this spell is a pair of gauntlets.

Rock-Jump (Conjuration)
Sphere: Creation, Elemental (Earth)
Range: 100 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Author: Unknown

With this spell, the priest can cause a rock to find its way into the shoe of the victim. If the victim has no shoes, the spell causes a thorn or something to stick into the foot of the victim. The material component for this spell is a small stone or thorn, that is to be thrown in the direction of the victim. It is consumed in the victim's shoe or foot.

Clay Beast (Conjuration/Summoning)
Sphere: Elemental (Earth), Summoning
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Author: Tim Rightnour <[email protected]>

This spell enables a priest to conjure up a weak earth elemental - a clay beast of AC 4, 2 HD, MV 15 feet per round, 1 attack for 1d4 points of damage, which can be hit by normal weapons. It is about 5 feet tall and appears as a solid mud man. It moves as directed by the priest, but if it ever becomes separated from the priest by more than 30 yards, it instantly dissipates. Any native to the elemental plane of earth can disperse it at will with a simple touch, even another clay beast. The material component for this spell is a bit of clay.

Mend Bone (Alteration, Necromancy) Reversible
Sphere: Healing
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Area of Effect: Bone touched
Saving Throw: Negates
Author: Bill Hincks <[email protected]>

With this spell the caster may mend a broken bone. The bone must still be made of living tissue and recently broken. An hour must be spent chanting over the person, while smooth strokes are made on the skin over the broken bone. Water (or a similar substance depending on the view of the priest) must be rubbed over the wound every ten minutes. Over the course of the hour, the bone will draw together and mend. It will be as good as new when the spell is complete. If interrupted while casting, the bone will be mended only partly, depending on when the caster was interrupted. The mending heals 10% of the bone for every 10 minutes of casting, and 50% of the mending occurs in the last 10 minutes.

The reverse of this spell, break bone, is an excruciating process, where the bone is weakened and drawn apart until it is split into two separate pieces. The process still occurs over the course of an hour and a saving throw versus spell occurs in the last 10 minutes. If successful, the bone is only weakened by 50%; if failed, the bone is separated completely. It is a common torture technique among Dark Sun templars. Note: in order to insure that the bone is set properly the caster must make a successful healing proficiency check, when the spell is completed. If someone other than the caster tries to use the healing proficiency and guide the caster he must make the check at an additional 5 to his roll. An improperly set bone must be broken and set again in order to attain its former strength.

--2nd level

Bless Map - Target map gains +2 on all saves, persons carrying the blessed map gain +1 on direction sense. 

Encrypt Map - map becomes unreadable to all beings except through the casting of the reverse of this spell.

Comprehend Map - allows cleric to read a map fully - even if parts are written in a different languages. Treat as comprehend languages and read magic applied to maps.

Curse of Stones (Conjuration)
Sphere: Creation, Elemental (Earth)
Range: 100 yards
Components: S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Neg
Author: Unknown

With this spell, the priest causes rocks to find their way into the shoes of the victim. If the victim has no shoes, the spell causes thorns and pebbles to stick into the feet of the victim. The effects are permanent until a remove curse or dispel magic is succesfully cast. The effects reduce move rate to 1/2 and cause 1 hp of damage to victims feet for each day of travel.