Rahasia in Black Armour

Rahasia Al'vere

Cardinal, Highest Church Potentate and Divine Savant of Ishtar

Highest Priestess of Babylon

Wife of Lord Taran Soothra, Grand Marshall of Furundy

Among Hachdeshani of the Sea of Dust, the At'Rahasis, the Wise One, Bearer of the Kararkairn's heir

Champion of Sophora, Tavairn

Mother to Chirissa, daughter of Romag and Rahasia

Character Level: 27 Class Levels Cleric 23, Divine Agent 4
True Name
Ishtar has protected it
no one can learn it
Deity Ishtar Birthdate 3/28/555, Yr -23
Alignment: Lawful Good Height 5'6 Hair Color Red
Race: Human Weight 130 lbs Scar on Back
holy symbol of a bronze
clenched fist holding
a blue crystal rod
XPS: have 17500 toward
next level
need 28,000
for next level
Notable Gestures Can lift one eyebrow
either left or right

Description Fame Abilities Saves
Combat Feats Skills Channeling
Spell Lists Spells Per Day/DC Equipment Worn Items
Limited Use Items Room Items Pets Father's House
Character Resources and Goals Promises to Rahasia Obligations/Plans People Known
Henchmen Church of Ishtar


Rahasia's parents were nobles who lived in Thornward, although her mother was of a noble family from Keoland. She had one sister, Chirissa Al'Vere. She, her sister, and her mother were kidnapped, and her mother was killed. Although Rahasia believed Chirissa was dead as well, in fact, Chirissa was recruited by Morgus to become an evil cleric of Tiamat.

Her hatreds and foes are the Dark One and the Forsaken Lanfear. Desires and Loves are Taran Soothra, Sultan Zyntax, Prince Thrommel, Pedron Nyal, Ansurbaninipal, Ishtar. Languages include Nyrundian, Aerdian, haq’deshani, alignment, although she has long been blessed with permanent tongues as a gift from Gandalf.








Conditional Bonuses
Strength 14 +2 18 +4 Fortitude +31/34 +14 +6 (+3 under
antimagic shell)
+3 holy symbol +6 ring +2 (skull and Tovag I) +2 vs evil +1 by Taran
+1 v. divine or outsider
Dexterity 18 +4 Reflex +23/27 +8 +4 +3 holy symbol +6 ring +2 (skull and Tovag I) +2 vs evil +1 by Taran
+1 hasted
+1 v. divine or outsider
Constitution 17 +3 23
+6 Will +41/44 +16 +14 +3 holy symbol +6 ring +2 (skull & Tovag I) +2 vs evil +1 by Taran
+1 v. divine or outsider
Intelligence 13 +1
Wisdom 39 +14 Spell Reflection 30%
Charisma 22 +6 22+2d4+1 (ave 28)
4.5 hours a day
+9 Rerolls 3 from
Tovag II
+2 before roll
1/day (feat)
reroll a natural 1 on save
once per day (feat)

rahasia on nyrana Rahasia on Nyrana Sin, meta-cleric, white, winged lion with blue mane, find the path, bless lions, roar, allows Rahasia to cast up to three miracles in one round.

Combat Statistics

Size/Type: Medium
Hit Points 292 (under AM shell = 211) with a d8 for hit dice for both cleric and divine agent
Initiative: +9 (+4 dex, +4 improved initiative, +1 luck)
Speed: 40 ft. (base 30 +10 boots), max run x4
Armor Class: 42/44 (+4 dex, +15 armour, +7 shield +1 dodge +2 deflect (mace) +3 sacred (holy symbol) +2 vs evil), touch 23, flat-footed 38
AC with hammer 46/48 (+4 dex, +15 armour, +7 shield +1 dodge +6 deflect (warhammer) +3 sacred (holy symbol)    /+2 vs evil
AC with hammer
when hasted
49 vs evil and hasted, +4 on Naranna Sin (53 Best AC)
+3 AC with fighting defensively, +6 Total Defense Action AC 57 (plus parry feat)
DR 10/- with armor
Base Attack: +20/+15/+10/+5 Grapple: +36 (+1 Taran, +1 luck, +14 insight, +20 base)
Weapon Focus: Sword or Rod +1 to base attack and +1 to attack rolls
Normal Attack +36/+31/+26/+21 plus item bonuses
Attack: +42/+37/+32?+27 with hammer
Full Attack: mace +41/+36/+31/+26;1d8+9 x 4
Touch Attack: with gloves of spectral hand +2 (+38/+33/+28/+23)
Hasted Full Attack mace +42/+37/+32/+27/+42    1d8+9 x 5    AC 44     MV 70
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spells, Menacing Aura, and Gift of Zen (all who would attack me shall know death)
Turn 9 times a day, +2 to level to turn from holy symbol
Special Qualities: resistance to cold 5, resistance to electricity 5, swordsight from Woundhealer 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +31 (+33 vs Evil, +34 around Taran) , 14 Base +3 Con/+6 with Con belt, +6 Ring of Resistance, +1 inherent (skull) +3 Unnamed (Holy Symbol)  +1 Luck, +1 Morale(Taran)
Ref +23 (+24 when hasted),(+26 vs evil, +27 around Taran) 8 Base +4 dex, +6 Ring of Resistance, +1 inherent (skull) +3 Unnamed (Holy Symbol)  +1 Luck, +1 Morale(Taran)
Will +41 (+42 vs Evil, +43 around Taran) 16 Base +14 Wis Bonus , +6 Ring, +1 inherent (skull) +3 Unnamed (Holy Symbol)  +1 Luck, +1 Morale(Taran)
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 18, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 39, Cha 22
Best Skills: Knowledge Religion +48, Spellcraft +44, Profession Theocrat +42, Profession Soldier (Strategy) +38, Diplomacy +43, Sense Motive +46, Profession (Sociology) +34, Spot +29
Combat Feats: Improved Initiative, Shielded Casting, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Close Quarters Fighting, Parry 1, Expert Timing, Epic Ready, Champions of Sophora Timing
Environment: Greyhawkian Dimension, Greyhawk Prime, City of Babylon

Below are feats. Working on possibly spontaneous domain spell or spell penetration feats, for next character level feat.


Origin Name Description
Human Improved Initiative +4 initiative
Disad 1 Bonus Nobility ride and diplomacy are in class skills, legally allowed to wear plate
Disad 2 Bonus Leadership gain henchmen
Disadvantage 1 Stubborn If there is a disagreement with players, 30% chance Rahasia will refuse
to do anything until resolved or defeated in a contest of diplomacy
Disadvantage 2 Loving to a fault Will heal anyone, even enemies, if asked
Disadvantage 3 Confounding magic speak Rahasia's understanding of magic is so simplistic (low intelligence) and yet so insightful
(wis based spellcraft) that her responses to an ongoing conversation about magic
are unrestrained and confounding. Whenever a magical discussion is taking place
within 20ft of Rahasia she will comment, and all participating must make a will save
contest of spellcraft checks or stand confounded for 1 round.
(Only knowledge spellcraft and sense motive actions are possible)
Quirk 1 Will not cry
Nyrundian Cleric Religious Duties Spontaneously cast faith and ceremony spells.
Nyrundian Cleric Simple Weapon Proficiency gauntlet, unarmed strike, spear, staff, dagger, mace, sickle, club, morningstar, rod
Nyrundian Cleric Patron Saint Must select a patron saint (Anda). May pray to that saint for any miracle
but that miracle must be used to futher that saint's cause.
Ishtar Cleric Blessings of Gula Spontaneously cast healing spells, can use regenerate and resurrection on true loves.
Ishtar Cleric Weapon Focus Sword +1 to base attack and +1 to attack rolls with the weapon
Cleric 1st Turn Undead 9/day (3+CHR modifier), Turn Check 15 (CHR+9 misc), HD affected=2d6+lvl+CHR+4 (misc)=2d6+37,
Turning roll 10-12=max 27HD creatures, 22+=max 31HD creatures
Cleric 1st Beauty of the Goddess 2d4+1 Chr bonus 1/day
Cleric 5th Fury of Battle 5/day 1 rd/lvl Mass Haste (100ft rad) +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 reflex save, +30 move, extra attack at full bonus
Cleric 9th Miracle of True Love True love with one creature / 3 lvls; healing spells affect all loves:
Taran, 9 Thrommel, 9 Pedron Nyal, 12 Ansurbaninipal, 15 Sultan , 18 , 21, 24, 27
Cleric 23rd Increased Spell Capacity May pray for 10th level spells. (1+wisdom bonus = 3)
1st Lvl Character True Believer +2 before roll 1/day, use relics
3rd Lvl Character Combat Casting +4 concentration checks to cast defensively or when pinned
6th Lvl Character Shielded Casting As long as you have a shield ready, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when casting spells in combat
9th Lvl Character Protected Destiny Reroll one natural 1 on a save 1/day
12th Lvl Character Intuitive Attack Substitute Wisdom bonus for strength bonus in an attack roll
15th Lvl Character Expert Timing You can delay or ready your action in a round without losing your initiative position.
18th Lvl Character Quick Reconnoiter free action spot and listen check each round
21st Lvl Character Epic Ready At your initiative, may choose to ready on battle instead of individual or action.
Only one action may be used in ready and the balance of actions are used as delay.
Prereq: Quick Reconoiter, Improved Initiative, Wisdom 25
24th Lvl Character Epic Spell Casting 1 epic spell per 10 ranks in Knowledge (Religion) per day
27th lvl Character Epic Leadership May lead many people. Max cohort level 23. Leadership Number 37:
1 9th, 2 8th, 3 7th,5 6th, 10 5th, 19 4th, 37 3rd, 74 2nd, 7401st.
1st Lvl Divine Agent
extra domain Healing
1st Lvl Divine Agent Contact Can Telepathically communicate with any outsider within 60ft
as long as the outsider serves the agent's deity or has the same alignment.
2nd Lvl Divine Agent Menacing Aura 20 ft radius, will save at DC = chr level if about to attack or -2 on attacks,
checks, and saves for 1 day or until damage Rahasia
3rd Lvl Divine Agent Godly Gift: Channeling Channelling: 10 points/lvl (270) + 5 points per point of Intelligence, Wisdom (39), and Charisma (22) over 16 (145)
+15 points from the Fertility angreel + 15 points from Sultan = 445
4th Lvl Divine Agent Sacred Defense Add +1 to saving throws against divine spells and spell like & supernatural abilities of all outsiders
Bishop Communion of Saints May pray any Saint in the Nyrundic religion for a miracle to fither that saint's cause.
Champions of Sophora Champion of Sophora +4 timing checks with champions of sophora
Mhoram's Training Prophetic Insights may substitute wisdom bonus for intelligence bonus on spellcraft and religion checks
Champions of Sophora Epic Reputation +4 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate
GIP (Zen) Gift of Zen Any attempting to kill Rahasia must "know death" make Fort save DC 16 or Die
GIP (Akbar Atan) Gift of Akbar All first level cure spells are maximized
GIP (Akbar Atan) Gift of Akbar one additional first level spell slot
Destroyed Golden Skull Luck +1 bonus on all saves (inherent)
Swords of Power Lucky +1 luck to all rolls
Woundhealer Swordsight healthsense, detect number of current hit points, curses,
poisons, diseases, parasites, and wounds affecting creature (Epic) 60 ft.
Sadira Exotic Weapon Proficiency Singing Sticks
Nyranna Exotic Riding Proficiency Flying Lion
Countess Training Dodge +2 dodge bonus to AC vs one opponent because I have 5 ranks in Tumble
Countess Training Improved Unarmed Strike considered armed when not using weapons, no attack of opportunity for attacking without a weapon
Countess Training Close Quarters Fighting Recieve an attack of opportunity when a creature attempts to grapple you,
even if creature has improved grapple.
If I cause damage, their attack fails
unless they have improved grapple, in which case damage adds to my grapple check
Countess Training Parry 1 You must ready an action to parry, If a melee attack would hit you,
make a parry check using your base attack and dex,
if higher you block, roll damage on weapon as with "strike an object"
If I do total defense +6 bonus to AC because I have 5 ranks in Tumble
Woundhealer Love of Taran As long as Taran is alive, gain +1 morale bonus to attack and saves

Sword Sight

(At will,free action). As a free action, once each round one at a time). Rahasia may detect wounds/hit points, ability damage, poisons, ability drain, level drain, diseases, parasites, and any ailments affecting a creature. Each round spent observing an ailing creature, more information is revealed as to its state of health, usually in the above order. 10 rounds of obsevation will give equivalent information as a Diagnosis spell, revealing what is nescessary to heal the stated creature. Can see creatures as hit points and are aware of undead. +10 to Heal checks




Max Ranks
Bonus Ranks
(skill pouch
and other
Skill Points: 12+ (23x2) cleric + (4x4) divine agent + Intelligence/level (27)= 101
+ bonuses gained in play and skill pouch of 40 skill points

Appraise Int 1 +1
Autohypnosis* Wis n/a
Balance Dex 4 +4
Bluff Cha 13 +6 +4 epic reputation, +3 reputation in Harn, Greyhawk, and parallel shadows due to Zeppelin's song about Tovag II
Climb Str 2 /4
+2 +2 with Strength item
Concentration Con 19/ 22 5 +7 skill pouch +3 +4 combat casting, +3 with belt of Constitution
Craft (Sewing) Int 2 1 +1
Decipher Script* Int n/a +1
**a 50 check makes hostiles
helpful or friends fanatical
Cha 43
+5 Pedron Nyal
+3 Sultan
+2 Selid-Din City Negotiations
+6 skill pouch
+6 +4 synergy (sense motive) +4 reputation
+4 synergy (sociology) +1 tovag +3 reputation in Harn, Greyhawk, and parallel shadows due to Zeppelin's song about Tovag Baragu II
Disable Device* Int n/a
Disguise Cha 6 +6
Escape Artist Dex 4 +4
Forgery Int 1 +1
Gather Information Cha 11 1 +6 +4 synergy (sociology)
Handle Animal* Cha n/a
*DC 15 for basic care
poison or disease at DC of poison
a 50 check quickens recovery
Wis 27 3 +14 +10 swordsight (add +14 with druid healthsense as well)
Hide Dex 4 +4
Intimidate Cha 13 +6 +4 epic reputation, +3 reputation in Harn, Greyhawk, and parallel shadows due to Zeppelin's song about Tovag II
Jump Str 2 /4 +2 +2 with Strength item
Knowledge* (Religion) Wis 48 24 6 ranks from Morham +14 +2 Theocracy +2 Sophora
Knowledege* (planes) Int 2 1 bonus from travel +1
Knowledge (history) Int 6 2 3 skill pouch +1
Listen (can do as a free action
each round due to Quick Reconnoiter)
Wis 15 1 +14
Move Silently Dex 4 +4
Open Locks* Dex n/a
Perform (Dance) Chr 16 1 +6 +5 to Desert Dance Style (Sadira), +4 synergy (Sociology)
Perform (Sex) Chr 12 1 1 skill pouch +6 +4 synergy (Sociology)
Profession* (Soldier) Wis 38 3 5 (Conquest of Chathold)
5 (Tovag Baragu)
5 (War in Desert)
3 (Pedron Nyal)
1 skill pouch
+14 +2 ears of the Blood army (4 ears, can be used one at a time to give DR 6 v. wounding damage)
Profession (Theocrat) Wis 42 2 5 (Ansurbaninipal)
3 skill pouch
+14 +4 Theocracy training +6 religion synergy (1/5 ranks when skill is over 20)
+4 diplomacy synergy +4 synergy (sociology)
Profession (Painting) Wis 24 10 Kothlun +14
Profession (Sociology) Wis 34 5 5 Romag
3 Tovag web battle
1 Grak
5 Bofandia Agahast's book
1 skill pouch
Ride Dex 15 2 5 skill pouch +4 +4 Nyrana
Search Int 1 +1
Sense Motive Wis 46 9 4 Oba adventure
4 Forsaken
7 skill pouch
+14 +4 from Romag, +4 synergy (sociology)
Sleight of Hand* Dex n/a
Spellcraft* Wis 44 24
6 Morham +14
**free action for me
each round
Wis 29 9 6 skill pouch +14
Survival Wis 17 1 +14 +2 ears of the Blood army (4 ears, can be used one at a time to give DR 6 v. wounding damage)
Swim Str 3 / 5 1 +2 +2 with Strength item
Tumble* Dex 9 1
4 Countess of Urnst +4
Use Magic Device*
(standard action)
Cha n/a +6
Use Psionic Device* Cha n/a +6
Use Rope Dex 4


Skill Ranks at 24th level: 87
Bonus Skill Ranks:
Total: 101 to spend

Perform Sex

Best Sex: perform sex +40 (16 ranks, +10 chr, +4 skill focus, + 5 talent, +5 circumstance)
+5 ad hoc bonus for each Orgasmic vibrations affecting target; see below

Sustaining sex:  con based check.  

Length of time DC
20 minutes 10
30 minutes 12
40 minutes 14
50 minutes 16
1 hour 18
2 hours 25
3 hours 30
each additonal hour +5

Perform Sex Synergies:

Equipment Worn

Left Side Weight Center Weight Right Side Weight
Taran's Ring Charissa's Dragon Cloak Glove of Spectral Hand
Ring of Protection +6 Black Platemail w/ Holy Symbol- DR 10/Adamantine Evil. Radiates
Protection from Evil 10ft cast at Characters level
+6 Black Shield, reflects spell directed at wielder 30% of time (not area of effects)
Holy Symbol, a bronze clenched fist holding a blue crystal rod, +3 bonus saves
+3 bonus AC, stores up to 4 cure serious wounds
Cardinal's Mitre (head)- Stores 1 9th level spell and grants 9 levels of additional spells,
Grants Coorperative Spell (CArc 76)
Shoofa - grants mind blank spell at bearers level while worn 
Eye Cusps - prevents sand blindness, dust blindness, and light spell blindness
Stone of Stoneskin
Skill Pouch Graft
Belt of Constitution and Holding
Desert boots, can move on desert terrain without impediment, +10 move
Total Weight: 25.90

Spell Lists

Spell Level Base Spells per day
(Cleric, max 20th)
Base Spells per day
(Divine Agent, even lvls)
Play Bonus Spells per day DC 10 + W 14+Spell Level
0 Level Spells: 6 2 8 24
1st Level Spells: 6 2 4 1 13 25
2nd Level Spells: 6 2 4 12 26
3rd Level Spells: 6 2 3 11 27
4th Level Spells: 6 2 3 11 28
5th Level Spells: 6 2 3 11 29
6th Level Spells: 5 2 3 10 30
7th Level Spells: 5 2 2 9 31
8th Level Spells: 5 2 2 9 32
9th Level Spells: 5 2 2 9 33
Epic Spells (Spellcraft
3 3 34
Items of Note:
Ishtar has four cities:
Babylon War Domain
Chathold Love Domain
NewEvermore Life Domain??
Fertility Domain??
Rahasia's Domains: War, Love, Good, Healing


Potions and Limited-use Items (Standard Action and attack of opportunity)


Scrolls and Bibles


Total: 168699 gp 19 sp including cash in belt #3 3300 gp in gems (6) 160,000 gp from Tovag II

Taran and Rahasia's Room Items


Father's House:

Rahasia's Character Resources and Goals

Things of Note:

Things People Have Promised Me:

Rahasia’s Obligations and Plans

People Rahasia Has Known