Temple Row

Temple Row is a series of Shrines dedicated to various Saints. Each building is actually 2-4 separate buildings with a very small space (1ft) between it and the next shrine on the block. This means each structure is independent (an important distinction for some religions). The facing is A-D with A being north, B being East and so on.

Church of Ishtar – 3  (Temple Row in 30-39)

Clergy and Supporting Cast

·        Bishop of Selid-Din, Beatrice Birdsong

Beatrice is 16th lvl her song could summon 10-100 hd of avian creatures or alternately her song can heal 4-16 hp to all avian creatures within a 1 mile radius or alternately her song can sooth & charm a green dragon (save of 30)


The Bishop of the Selid-din City will be Beatrice Birdsong. She has been granted the gift of Dragonsong to enchant and enrich her natural surroundings. She was a member of the adventuring party that made contact with the king of eagles and converted eagles to Ishtar. She's also one smart cookie and battled riddles against a dragon in order to obtain a weapon for one of Lord Fenario McBain's quests. She very early on won the heart of a Palladin of Ishtar who will almost certainly accompany her to the Celadon.


Extremely good skills in preventing cross-racial tensions: She was in charge of soothing tensions among refugees and did a phenomenal job. She is a natural at this task (+5, besides skill under old system). a sparrow with the gift of dragonsong: does protection from lightning and protection from fire (all other dragons will recognize this as dragonsong; some may know the dragon from the Southlands who gave it the song).


  • Utasu – Chancellor of Grainhouses - 11th lvl Cleric
  • Sengli -  Chancellors of War - 10th lvl Cleric
    • Grizzled older man, formerly a solid warrior who has grown too old (without miracles) for combat. More respected than liked. Zealot
  • 4 x 8th lvls One is Chancellor of Love
  • 9 x 6th lvl            15 x 3rd lvls
  • 30 1st lvls in training (culled from population of Selid-din)
  • 30 0 lvl (being recruited for next class)
  • 40 prostitutes from Babylon (all raised in church) as well as five Istaritu

The church will always be recruiting for the church, the Order of the Lion, and for the war effort in the Desert (and elsewhere as necessary)


·        Ashtar Birdsong - Beatrice Husband

Paladin 14th level - Order of Taran

  • 1 x 10th lvl paladins w/ lions (one is beatrice's husband, Ashtar)
  • 5 x 6th lvl paladins (2 w/ lions)
  • 10 x 4th lvl Paladins and another 12 2nd lvl cavaliers/squires

All paladins will be equipped with +2 weapons while cavaliers will be equipped with +1 weapons.

The 9th lvls will have +4 swords which cause double damage in defense of the church. All paladins have 2 potions as needed. due to spoils of war each of the paladins above 3rd lvl have +4 on all rolls v.s. creatures with psionics (such bonusus can be applied for 1 battle each)


·        Dalterion su' Ki-Babylonia

School of Shadow mage, 9th lvl wizard with simultaneous spell casting and has the names of several upper planar beings he can send communications via "Lights" (these are upper planar spirits that can fly at 60 and are immune to non-wizard related magics)


·        Corroocoro

Hachdeshani Mindbender of 8th lvl specializing in telepathy & psychokinesis as an assistant. He has identity penetration, truth ear, and telekinetic wall (creates a 10x10 barrier).

  • 100 conquered hachdeshani (which are loyal to Tarran/Ishtar)



Protections on Church: Church repels undead as a 3rd level cleric, Made of Elemental Earth Stone--I had noted elsewhere that ethereal and astral creatures cannot pass through elemental earth stone (perhaps noted in mining in the dungeoneers survival guide?? p. 48??). In any case, the church will also be covered with talking grapevine (which is living and cannot be passed through). Windows are shielded with anti-magic glass. Within the terrabinth and in many other places in the church, there are gylphs of warding (the terrabinth has glyphs cast by Rahasia who was 17th level last time we played her, but she's subdued a dragon since then, so she may be higher). The area around the terrabinth is also protected with plane closes by Sultan, and an Anti-Find the Path by Rahasia. The church has many glyphs of warding. Rahasia will have placed the glyph on the altar, but other clerics will have done the bulk of the glyphs (which are permanent until discharged). There are some places that are restricted to lions, paladins, and clerics; some only to clerics, etc. There is also a Forbiddance (6th level) around the altar. There is an extradimensional detection (3rd lvl Tome of Magic, channeled to 4th so we can know the source of the extradimensional space) at the door. There is only one (non-secret) door, as clerics and paladins may get around through terrabinth paths to the office of the guard or to the brothels. There is an anti-vermin barrier around the whole church, and an invisibility purge on the clerical preparation area outside the altar, and on the area by the door. We will also maintain a sanctify on the area of the church, and we will focus a protection from evil in preparation for the completion of the city. (These have 30-60 day durations, and with a full church, this effort can be maintained should danger be anticipated.) I would also like to think that the Regent will have helped to provide the church with some interesting sources of light. Do also look for BattleSystems spells to be cast as appropriate, including my favorites: Courage, Gravitational Variation, and Adaptation. 

Church Repository

  • Physical Mirror spell (6th lvl, Tome of Magic)
  • Protection from Possession (x 2)
  • Cure Light scrolls (d8 +15) (x 15)
  • LightSkulls (x3) – Project Hallow spell and are mobile
  • Church/Palladins also have their share of potions of explosion, fire resistance, etc. and 5 potions of hill giant strength.

The Brothel

Under emergency circumstances, the brothels become activated and enchanted with the Ishtar's Love of Heaven and Earth--this essentially creates a stasis field around the people engaged in the activities of the brothel. Only people who will engage in the activities of the group may enter the area--once in, they cannot be affected by magics, psionics, natural occurrences, etc. This could be used to survive an earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc. The catch, of course, is that there must be sexual activity, so there is obviously a duration limit. The aim is to protect the innocent and the common people; no self-respecting warrior would go there during a battle.



There is an elaborate maze of portals beneath all the churches of Ishtar. It's really difficult to navigate--it's like a cross between a hall of mirrors and the Great Mosque (see attached) with openings (and illusory openings) at many different levels. It has several layers of protections and glyphs that prevent all by clerics from entering. Even if a wayward creep does end up in the terrabinth and survives all the protections, it's extremely unlikely (like two 100s in a row) that the person would be able to find their desired location (and of course, there are like protections on the other side--wherever you end up), and you'd have to find the way OUT, too. When the Drow took over Chathold, they didn't even try to get through the damn thing; they just blew it up. You can't get an army through the damn thing, but you can sure send for high-powered help pretty fast. Not all churches link directly to all other churches, so in some cases you actually would have to go to New Evermore to get to Chathold or to Hookhill to get to Babylon. And, of course, there are portal traps around them that take you directly to the station of the master of the watch and good things like that. One gateway within the overall structure (not directly from Selid-din City) leads to the Order of the Hart in Furyundy...



Catechism of Elves

Here is what the Bishop would offer you in guidance on this matter: As far as the official catechism goes, church doctrine has made a distinction between elves and the fiends of the lower planes. Generations of clerics from the great churches of Anshar and Sin have released doctrinal documents that confirm that elves are not demons, devils, daemons, or demonkind of any sort. Even Nergul's recent attempt to include the Drow among his dark servants was based upon a re-definition of "Underworld," not of the constitution of the elves.

Bowing to the wisdom of the Church of Sin, whose holy duty and passion it is to purge this world of the netherworldly hordes, the Holy Church of Nyrond long ago accepted dogma that states that elves are not demons, daemons, or devils; they are in fact elves. Although not all churches are as vigilant in educating the populous about the finer points of demonology or in correcting popular beliefs that link elves with demons, official church dogma would suggest that clerics should not preach that fallacy. Nowhere in the texts do Nyrundian edicts advocate that elves should be slain, hunted, mistreated, or in other ways seen as official enemies of the church. We are not in a holy war against the elves.

The edicts, do however, call for some distance and caution between humans and elves, except in extraordinary circumstances in which the elf's service to the Church has demonstrated that the gods themselves have granted the individual their favor. Three of the noblest palladins of Ishtar (Lord Soothra, Lord McBain, and Gorkin the Good) all have elvish blood, but all have been received by the archcleric and other high officials and all have earned their places in the Church's honorable history. Since the majority of the city will not, I imagine, be human, elves on the whole should not be called upon to engage in any conversations that they would find troubling or uncomfortable. As for the humans, the Church of Nyrund offers guidance and direction but does protect the free will of our worshippers in carrying out their duties to their gods. The god's do not charm obedience from their worshippers. The first duties of all worshippers of any Nyrundian god are to give sustenance and food to the god, to strive to be worthy of the god's favor by honoring what the god holds sacred, and to pay appropriate tribute in thanks for the god's blessings. For the average citizen, religion should work in harmony with everyday living. In our case, we should strive for greatness in love during times of peace, war when peace cannot hold, and fertility in the balance of both.

It is the nature of a good strategist to anticipate problems and prepare the way for solutions, but at some point all great leaders must stand back and become inspired by the actions of those who have followed them. We leaders will all worry for the people of our city, but we will surely also all be amazed at their capacity for expressions of great beauty and understanding.


Religious edicts:

1. All citizens are required to do confession 1/month

As leader of the city, Sparhawk must confess with Beatrice as it is a city of Ishtar. Because druids share leadership through the council, they should also make their confessions to Beatrice.


2. Build a wall of rumours: all confessions and a variety of unconfirmed rumors are placed on a wall so there are no secrets within town. This is accomplished through the talking grapevines which are rumor-mongers in themselves. The grapevines were a gift from the Great Druid long ago.


3. Midwife program. They will recruit and teach women how to be midwives and then send those people out into the populous to aid with the birthing of children.
The Church regularly casts Fertility miracles and the church recommends people to go to the druids for same if for some reason they feal uncomfortable going to the church.
The fertility miracle itself should cause fewer problems with birthing but the midwives still have lots of work to do.


The church also has the Istaritu, the 'Beloved of ishtar' who are the very special prostitutes for the church. They like most to find heroes to 'practice their holy rituals' as well as nobles. They do of course, perform the sacriment of love with commoners as well. Note that before Istaritu go out with heroes and other special people they always have fertilities cast insuring a child. The children, once born, are raised by the church to be good. (often raised to be church acolytes, Paladins, etc).

The other prostitues who do not have the god granted powers of chram and illusion that the Istaritu have, also perform the Sacriment of love for donations to the church....
All of these prostitutes are regularly cleansed of disease and other maladies as well as recieving other blessings from the church including free healing, etc.


Sapatu (first of the month, holy day) the sacriment of Love is performed in a special area within the church and all citizens and worshippers of Ishtar are welcome. (huge orgy). The High Priest officiates/directs (but does not participate). The large ammassing of love feelings are offered up to Ishtar as a gift (as well as used in the casting of other holy miracles.

In times of danger, the church rings a bell as well as always alerts all prostitutes. the prostitutes go out into the town to warn people of the danger. If the city is under attack, the citizenry is directed to the church to participate in the Sacriment of Love Protection - (any having sex in the area are immune to ALL attacks so long as they continue to have sex). Such sexual energy is also used in defense of the city....


Lion kennels are created near the Church. The church would like it if the druids would also be able to see to the health of the lions. Note that Speak with Lions is a miracle granted by Ishtar and a god granted power of paladins. Lions as a race love ishtar and desire to test the Paladins of Ishtar in Lion fights. These tests, where the paladin and lion go mano-en-mano are large spectator sports that many can watch. If the paladin kills the lion, he may progress as a paladin. If the lion defeats the paladin, the lion is granted further powers by Ishtar (there are some damn tough lions after a while).
Any paladin who defeats a lion, earns his right to have a lion companion. these lions will fight to the death by the paladin's side.

The largest and toughest of lions will be used in defense of the city, church, and Grain Houses. some are posted at the gates to the church and the gates to the city (there is always a priest or paladin to attend the lion).
The church is completely open to ideas the druids may offer how to keep a happy & healthy lion population and see it grow. (Lions are VERY holy to ishtar).


Marriage ceremonies are a mainstay of the church. Any two spirits joined in matrimony are truelly blessed. (the miracle also places leans on the lovers souls insuring that they reach the best possible place in the after life - i.e If they are of differeing alignments they may coexist on one plane together (usually the best of the two choices)) and if they are of the same alignment, they are always garanteed being in the same place on thier planes in the afterlife.

((there are also higher level marriage ceremonies that do more things...


City Spell

Gift of the War Goddess
Level: City Spell                                    Range: 0 (must be cast in church)
Duration: 1 need                                  Area of Effect: special
Casting time: 1 turn                              Saving throw: n/a

Ishtar is the Goddess of War and her mantra is defeating your enemies’ makes you stronger.
Ishtar is the Goddess of war and her mantra is to use your enemies’ weapons against them.
This miracle may be cast in any time of need in the cities church. Once cast, Ishtar sends an angel bearing any one artifact weapon previously used by any defeated enemy of the Church of Ishtar, any defeated enemy of the City in which the miracle is cast, or any enemy defeated previously by the rulers of the city. It does not matter if said weapon has already been destroyed or is in the possession of another - an exact replica/copy of the weapon is created and delivered by the angel for use again a foe. The Gift of Ishtar is bestowed for attacks against the city or when the city is in great need and will remain until the attack is over or the final battle is resolved. Only one such artifact can ge given to the city at any time and the maximum time it can remain for is one month. (city spells can be cast 1/month and thus this spell may be recast). If the miracle is performed on Sappattu and offerings of weapons of other defaeted enemies are sacrificed the artifact will be at +10% efficiency (additonal +1 damage, additional levels of caster ability).
there have been a lot of enemies already defeated by the church of ishtar (that part of the miracle refers to the Church of Ishtar as a whole and so churches from babylon and chathold count)...
just to note a few of the major enemies that have been defeated:
Druaga (the babylonian devil lord - see dieties and demigods for his items)
Khalak (see the miracle "Breath of Khalak" as his major weapon)



Shrines are dedicated to Saints who can call on the Gods. often, worshippers seeking help[ from a Saint are looking for assistance in a area not within Ishtars Church scope. Thus, other Gods can be asked for help through the saints.

Shrine of the Unicorn (30A & B)






See full size image

Shrine to Saint Shevalin - Patron Saint of Music (30C)




http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:Xd9LhGxusWLKVM:http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/dd_gallery/dd1/Cuthbert_p92.jpgShrine to Saint Cuthbert O' the Cudgel (30D)

Patron Saint of Common Sense and Demon&Undead Slaying




http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:WPKQgWQ2koA_xM:http://shackled-city.wikidot.com/local--files/religion/Moradin.gifSt Theodin Rockbrothers Shrine, Moradin (31A)

* Dorin Oakneshield (Dwarven Male Cleric 8th)  Priest of Moradin in Church Row ( Company of the Bear )


His champion is Thorogar Oakenshield (Ft-7, Dwarven Defender 6) who has a Belt of Str+10, Tattoo of Str, Gauntlets of Str +6 for a total of STR41.


 Has gigantic Cave Bear (HD 12 HP 80) as mount  


http://www.freeceltic.com/wall/celtic%20irish%20symbols/celtic-irish-cuchulainn.jpgShrine of St Cu Chulainn (31B)


The Shrine is a simple indoor arboretum area with many Celtic artifacts about.  It is consecrated to Silvanus and reveres the St Cu Chulainn (Celtic Hero of old).         


* Quaron the Druidess (9th lvl Neutral) keeps up this shrine to the "dead" Celtic Gods. With the merge to Harn, the Celtic God Silvanus has tried to reassert some control over the Druid circles here in Oerth. Quaron, along with many members of the Company of the Two Hammers have formed this shrine and the movement to restore :Balance" (aka Neutrality) to the Druid Circle and bring Silvanus back.

* There is an Incarnation (Relics & Ritual Prestige – Lvl 20) that also dwells here working with Quaron to regain a neutral balance.


http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:3Tr6HBdXat9brM:http://www.rokpa.ch/images/orphan.jpgThe Orphanage - Shrine to Saint Cuspa (31C)

Patron Saint of Children.

St Cuspa:     Perhaps the first cleric of the Aerdian faith. Drew the earliest clerical circles of protection in the defense of children from unknown humanoids or other foes. Perhaps a cleric of Lahamu or Lahamia. The Shrine to St Cuspa acts as the cities orphanage. It currently has 12 children and has room for 50. The shrine is a simple affair with most of the space being used for caretaking of the children proper.

* Priest is Navar Tethlick ( Cleric - 6thlvl - Align LN - HP 40) of Nusku, God of Flame and Sacrifice. He holds St Cuspa in high regard as he grew up in an orphanage himself. The city of Selid-Din holds high promise of wealth and the clergy of Nusku have sent Navar here to insure they receive their just due!

* There is a 25% chance that a Knight of the Flame (lvl 1-10th) will be present on some mission speaking to Navar or spending time here.

Possesses: Teddy Bear of PF Evil (Cosby made)       400,000gp donated by Khan plus a Horse with full gear

http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:y5OC-JwOrOd4gM:http://www.d2tomb.com/images/buttons/Quests_Ndiibanner4_430x204.gifShrine to Saint Andar - Saint of Quests (31D)


* Priest Stephen Scottsburg of Anshar (Priest 6th lvl) Given +2 Intelligence


Gordon the Gith worships Ishtar thru here. He has donated 200,000+ to the cause.


http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:gUN0DLU61SCUVM:http://www.georgehernandez.com/h/xzMisc/zMisc/Media/BillAube/FireElemental.jpgShrine to Saint Rasha - Saint of Fire Elementals (32A)








http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:y9sbcMQ7yXTc5M:http://www.homemedia4u.com/catalog/images/strategy1.jpgShrine to Saint Gregarin -Saint of Strategy and Conversion (32B)




http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:2V8iFV0VhI0j0M:http://tech-for-life.org/wp-content/sewer1.jpgShrine to St SuManda -Saint of Sewers and Construction (32C) 





See full size image

Shrine to Delvnar – Saint of Purity (32D)

Khan worships here and donates


  • Supports Priest Gordio – 1st lvl Cleric 10th Commoner  LG Older man heard calling late in life




Shrine to St Sunniva, Shammash   (33)   


This entire block is dedicated to the God Shammash's St Sunniva. It is second in size only to the Temple of Ishtar and has quite an attendance by the Shield Knights. This congregation, being Shield Knights, rotate in and out assignments and do allot of traveling. St Sunniva is revered and his intercession sought. The altar is in the block square (outside) and the entire inner 3 story structure is seating. The Grounds are Hallow (PF Evil, +3 Turn Checks, and have a permanent Unspeakable Lie in the area. (25thlvl Caster - Cardinal Belseimmo personal favor to Oberon).


The altar has a permanent Sunray and the area is very well lit constantly. Below the altar in the dungeon is a state of the art Interrogation center and cells to hold 40 people.


Supporting Priests:

·        High Priest Qualim (12th level Questioner) LN,

Qualim is the epitome of standard Shammash worship. He is very conservative in his views bit also very dedicated to Shammash.

He knows that something is wrong in the Church but confides in no one on this...he is a excellent Questioner and can find the truth thru many various methods beside torture. He knows that torture rarely works for solid truth and thus privately applauds the cities stance.

Stats: S11 I15 W28 D9 Con10 Ch17  HP 70  Feats: Iron Will, Skill Focus - Sense Motive, Spell penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Investigator (+2 Search/Gather Info), Negotiator (+2 Sense Motive/Diplomacy), Leadership. Flaw - Phobia (Darkness) Shaken, Reputation -2,. Skills: Sense Motive: +28,  Bluff +20, Diplomacy +20, Religion +20, Gather Info +18, Torture +20

Items: +6 Mantle of Wisdom, +4 Plate, +4 Shield, +3 Mace of Holy Blessed Disruption,  +3 Cloak, Many spells cast daily including Word of Recall goes to the Regents personal altar and a contingent reserruction


  • Father Tevlar ( 6th lvl Priest ) LN


  • Father Francis Gabriel (Probe Thoughts wild disciple)(6th lvl Priest ) LN


  • 16 1st level Priests ,
  • 20 Engineers (Ft-1st) with Light Cannon
  • 10 Shield Knights here for various reasons and
  • 20 supporting footman (1st lvl warriors) permanently assigned to the priest.

Given Holy Sword by Bowery Boys from dungeon in Yatil (Yr 24)


+5 Holy avenger - Cold iron and Adamatine - Spell Resistance 5+paladin level, Greater Dispel 1/ rd, standard at Pal level. Intelligent - Dedicated to shamish, INT 15, Wis 15, CHA 10, Speak, 60ft darkvision and hearing, 3 powers (Used in Judgement, Zone of Truth always on, 10 ranks Intimidate or Diplomacy always one, In judgement, may bestow curse)



Saint Sunniva - Patron Saint of Travelers  - Sunniva was a cleric of the sun god Shammash who traveled the great expanses of the Aerdian Empire and beyond. He is said to have raised the sun so weary travelers could find their way through a dark snowstorm. Throughout his travels he corrected injustices wherever he saw them - in the lands of the pagans, Ket, and beyond. When Sunniva happened upon two warring crowds on the roadside, he quickly ascertained that they fought over who had killed their leader and stolen their food. He summoned the Light of the Sun and Shammash spoke directly - identifying the murdering thief and ending the combat. Legend also describes St Sunniva traveling to Ket. When he was confounded by their strange beliefs, Ea the goddess of wisdom, spoke to him and taught him their customs and ways. Soon after, Sunniva opened the first trade routes through the north with Ket. It is said that Sunniva watches over travelers and eases their burdens if they are good natured to their fellow travelers. Sunniva was also the first one to use Sunray as a means of long distance communication