Saints serve an important role as intermediaries to the gods in Nyrundian religion. Many Nyrundian worshippers and ALL Nyrundian clerics choose a patron saint to serve as their personal source of inspiration and guidance in their spiritual journey. A Nyundian cleric may have one patron saint (sometimes this patronage is given at birth of a child, otherwise the cleric may select when they join the clergy).
For clerics, patron saints may be prayed to and called upon to intercede with the gods on the cleric's behalf for a specific request. Praying to a patron saint allows a cleric to access miracles outside their normal spheres, though a saint can only intercede on matters that relate to the saint's area. Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals, and the Archcleric may pray to any of the Saints to interecede on their behalf or the behalf of the diocese for which they are responsible.
Saints added after CY 380 are
of Nyrundic faith only.
Saints from earlier years play a role in both Aerdian and Nyrundian religions.
Saints are listed by date of canonization in the table and
alphabetically below.
Saint | Area | Date Canonized (CY) | |
Cuspa | Children | 10 | |
Uptananishiptim | Floods, Ceremonies, Incense | 10 | |
Nindimund | Numerology | 10 | |
Gregarin | Strategy | 34 | |
Hamurabi | Written Law | 43 | |
Al 'Akbar | Ceremonies, Holy Water | 44 | |
Shevalin | Music | 44 | |
Rasha | Firefighting | 99 | |
Dalvernar | Purity | 145 | |
Baalice | Writing, Tablet of Destiny, Fate | 193 | |
Jalpa | Conquest of lands and cities | 219 | |
SuManda | Construction, Sewers | 219 | |
Anda | Quests | 350, Nyrundic | |
Ansur | Loom, sewing | 375, Nyrundic | |
Keoghtum | Healing | 397, Nyrundic | |
Cuthbert | Battle against evil | 430, Nyrundic | |
Hilda | women, divine revelation | 501, Nyrundic | |
Ninian | turning, holy symbol | ||
Sunniva | travellers | ||
Chad | child saint | ||
Gregory | |||
St Brenden the Navigator | May 16th | ||
founder of Questioners | |||
Mamertius | |||
founder of Pale Monestary |
Created the rites to create Holy Water. Did so in the famed artifact the Cup of Al'Akbar, in conjunction with the holy symbol known as the Talisman of Al'Akbar. (Both artifacts are currently in the possession of the Theocracy). All holy fonts in churches used to make holy water are modelled after the Cup. It is said one drop of holy water from the Cup can heal the sick, raise the dead or slay instantly any evil being. Interestingly, Al'Akbar was of Ketian origin and converted to Aerdianism.
Went on a quest and found the holy Pale Mountains and claimed them as the holy site where the religious seat of power for the Nyrundian Theocracy would be based. Anda recieved a great revelation from Anu and crafted the structure of the Theocracy. He was the first Archcleric. As one might guess, Anda was excommunicated by the Aerdian Church.
St. Ansur developed the loom in Dyvers in YR300 in the Age of Sorrows. Seventy five years later, after Nyrond and Furyondy separated from the Overking's rule, this woman was recognized for the miracle of Marduke that so revolutionized the textile trade.
Saint Baalice was adivsor to Overking Hammund II during YRs 155-175 of the Age of Sorrows. During the Cressedo Attack of 163, when the Oerid barbarians briefly took the northern territories now known as the Shield Lands and the County of Urnst, Baalice undertook a quest and travelled to the heavens. He battled Anzu, the Storm Bird, and stole one of the quills that the Fates use to write on the Tablets of Destiny. With the quill he rewrote the fate of the Oerids and the Aerdian Empire. Soon after, the armies of the Overking ousted the barbarian hordes from the northern territories and the Shield Lands were set up under the Earl of Walworth. It is said that St. Baalice's later writtings led to a great renaisance in the Aerdian Empire. He died at the hands of a thief in CY 176.
Perhaps the first cleric of the Aerdian faith. Drew the earliest clerical circles of protection in the defense of children from unknown humanoids or other foes. Perhaps a cleric of Lahamu or Lahamia.
The Patron Saint of Common Sense is known for his ability to kick ass against evil, in particular he os known as an avid foe of Iuz the Old. He was canonized recently (about 150 yrs ago). A great battle cleric and fighter of evil from Furyondy. Fought in many battles against the forces of Iuz and the Horned Society. Became the nemises of the demigod Iuz who lives on Oerth and rules the country of Iuz. Fights with a wooden cudgel. A lawful good Saint who is sometimes known to make forceable conversions with his cudgel. Stories depict Cuthbert slaying seven vampires when he was but first level.
Supposedly the purest of all saints. Very lawful and good. He ruled as the the second Overking of the Aerdian Empire from CY 43-88 until Hammurabi's son, Hammund came of age. Saint Dalve'nar compiled all the known clerical writting and solidified the Aerdian Church. He is established the basic doctrine of the faith and his arguments are always cited in religious treatises. His teeth are enshrined in the theocracy.
Gregarin was a cleric of Anshar
that led the Aerdian forces in battles
of conversion through eastern and northwestern Oerth. His grand use of
strategy coupled with an acute knowledge of how to convert individuals
and populations helped Hammurabi establish the Great Aerdian
fought against the Nyrondael
cavalry in the Battle of a Fortnight's
and earned victory for Hammurabi.
Gregarin was a no nonsense and practical clergyman with strong will
and intuition. It was said of him that in one battle he held the enemy
army at bay with his will alone. He was a master strategist as well as
a brilliant diplomat. He was cannonized immediately after his death in
44 by Overking Hammurabi.
Hamurabi was the first Overking of the Great Aerdian Empire. He was crowned in common year 1 and put the first written laws into stone. It is said that the laws he wrote into stone divinely bound all his subjects to follow them. His laws were always considered just and fair and became a model for all human nations that followed. Clerics and rulers alike pray to Hammurabi for wisdom and guidance in the crafting of good laws. Hammurabi reigned from CY1 to CY 43.
Hilda su'Cab was a pessant in Nevrond Nevrond during the mid 400s. She became beset with an illness and after she recuperated she began having great visions of the past and future. Her visions described a world in which there were two great nations - one of only women and the other of only men. They lived in tandem and together but ruled their citizens separately. She then described how the leaders of the male nation would begin destroying the world and the women would have to save the children and restore the balance before the world was completely destroyed. During her visions, she would call out to have the men stopped at all costs. She chanted about how one would wake Tiamat in his greed and desire. Hilda's visions were so intense that the populous became very nervous. Her visions precipitated several movements by various groups of women to seize sole power of the Theocracy and in one case, Furyondy. She was eventually burned at the stake when her visions were interpreted as refering to then King Emeresh of Nyrond. Unfortunately her visions came only 800 years too late. Her divine visions revealed much of what is now known to be true about the Balcuni-Sulouise Empire and the Age of Legends.
Thought of as the bane of demons. A great strategist and war planner as well as known for using very powerful miracles in war. Expelled the elves from the lands that soon after became the central lands of the Great Aerdian Empire. Also expelled the elves from their capital city - now known as the City of Jalpa.
A great healer. Developer of Keoghtum's ointment, a powerful salve that heals wounds and protects against disease. Keoghtun stopped the plague of 312 and was known to have slain a powerful daemon enclave that poisoned the river waters.
Rasha was a renouned cleric in the Fire Wars of CY 60-79. He is most noted for coining the phrase "fight fire with fire." During this time he summoned many great fire elementals to help the Trigolese fight the old city of Cainin whom the Trigolese were at war with. Later he decimated the fire giants of the Pale Mountains. He was a fierce foe in battle and wielded a great maul of the titans. In peace time he used fire elementals to quench fires in buildings and forests and is credited with saving many lives. He is also known as the Patron Saint of Firefighters.
Now unsainted and excommunicated. This Forsaken, servant of the Dark One, proclaimed he had a revelation at the time the Swords of Power fell to Oerth. He promulgated the lie that the purpose of the Swords of Power were to fight against all other human religions in a holy war for supremacy. He was taken in by the Theocracy and is the only living person ever to be Sainted. Saint Rhavin was exposed by the Archbishop Al'vere during her trial for heresy. His body was destroyed by a drop of Holy Water from the cup of Al'Akbar.
The greatest known bard of the Aerdian Empire. Revered for some of the classical musical compilations used for state and church affairs as well as the common folk. Saint Shevalin was able to lay the unquieted undead spirits to rest and heal the sick with his music.
St SuManda was the Aerdian woman who designed the sewer system in Rouxes for then Overking Hammond III in 188. Although the sewer system was not completed in his or her lifetime, its seminal design represented a marked achievement that many in Rouxes were very greatful for. SuManda was cannonized several years after her death.
Sunniva was a cleric of the sun god Shammash who travelled the great expanses of the Aerdian Empire and beyond. He is said to have raised the sun so weary travelers could find their way through a dark snowstorm. Throughout his travels he corrected unjustices wherever he saw them - in the lands of the pagans, Ket, and beyond. When Sunniva happened upon two warring crowds on the roadside, he quickly ascertained that they fought over who had killed their leader and stolen their food. He summoned the Light of the Sun and Shammash spoke directly - identifying the murdering theif and ending the combat. Legend also describes St Sunniva traveling to Ket. When he was confounded by their strange beliefs, Ea the goddess of wisdom, spoke to him and taught him their customs and ways. Soon after, Sunniva opened the first trade routes through the north with Ket. It is said that Sunniva watches over travellers and eases their burdens if they are good natured to their fellow travellers. Sunniva was also the first one to use Sunray as a means of long distance communication.
In the great floods during the breaking of the world, Uptananishiptim and his family along with other peoples and many pairs of livestock and animals were adrift in a boat. Uptananishiptim cried out to the heavens for help but before doing so decided to burn certain dried leaves and spices on sticks. The aroma so pleased the gods that they came down and saved him, his family, and all on his boat. They also rewarded him with eternal life and gave him a home at the mouth of all rivers. This saint is credited with the invention of incense and its use in religious ceremonies.