Legal and Religious Writs & Edict Powers of Prestige- & Epic-Level Clerics

There are three main legislative bodies in the Theocracy.

The Clerical Diocese refers to the council composed of ALL Bishops, Archbishops, and Cardinals of Nyrundic faith. Only a member of these groups can petition the Theocracy directly. Any other person wishing to petition the theocracy must first gain the patronage of one of these members.

The Council of Cardinals refers to a Council of six specific Cardinals.

The Archcleric is always a cleric of Anu.  

Casting Edits, Writs, and Declarations

The following edicts, writs, or declarations may be made by the groups or clerics specified. Groups higher up on the chain of command can issue those writs listed in any lower group unless marked with an *.

All writs must be recorded by a cleric of Nabu and cast by a cleric of Anu unless otherwise noted.

Casting level (if appropriate)

Writ, Edict and Declaration Powers by Group

By All Citizens of Nyrond, Furyundy, and other Countries/Cities under the Theocracy's Religious Authority 

By All Clerics

By High Priest of a City Church 

By a Bishop

By an Archbishop

By a Cardinal

by the High Church Potentate (i.e. the Chief Cardinal/Archbishop/Bishop of a God)

By Majority Vote of Clerical Diocese (Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals)

by Majority Vote of Council of Cardinals

By the Archcleric

Archclerical Bulls*

By Unanimous Vote of the Council of Cardinals

By Unanimous Vote of the Council of Cardinals and Decree of Archcleric

* = that particular writ can only be issued by that person/group

Special Loopholes

By Highest Level Cleric of in a God's Religion ("The Divine Savant")

By Cleric of Ea with Highest Wisdom

Writs Specific to a Church

By Clerics of Anu (by clerical level)

1st- Bill of Attainder
1st- Writ of Habeus Corpus- 'Show me the body' (person), relates to people in jails etc.
2nd-Writ of Decorum - Miracles of target Nyrundic cleric take additional 2 to cast until removed by a cleric of Anu of higher level or a Bishop

By Clerics of Nabu

Perform the 'Measure of a City' enumeration (Census), filed with the Diocese as part of the Redression Account

By Clerics of Marduke (each writ/edict takes 1000gp/lvl to cast)

1st lvl cleric Bless Coins (1st level miracle)- Coins resume their god-granted properties even if not traded, will also carry a Bless spell of any time for x3 duration)
5th lvl cleric Insolvency Protection (5th level miracle)- Protects a buisness against Insolvency (range: touch duration: 1 day) 
5th lvl cleric Directives as per Guildmaster (5th level miracle)- Guild money may be used to pay for these
7th lvl cleric Insolvency (4th lvl miracle) - Cleric places a magical symbol over a single buisness establishment, area radiates a -50% reaction adjustment within 50ft. May create fights, disturbances. establishment loses 50% of all profits. Establishment must save each month or lose 1000gp per level of casting cleric. Saves are made at a 5 for large buisnesses, 12 for medium sized businesses, and 18 for small ; can only be cast once per business until cleric gains another level.
7th level cleric Trade Beneficio (4th lvl miracle) - Grant a +1/3 lvls of cleric onto a city's save v. a Hostile Trade Pact and battles, (multiple castings are not cumulative) (casting time: 1 day duration: 1 week)
9th lvl cleric Trade Pact (5th lvl miracle, 3 days to cast)- A specific good/service traded between two cities is not taxed. Product must be of equivalent value. If used as an attack, rich cities save at 3, medium cities save at 6, poor cities save at 12, capital cities save at +2. Can be cast as an attack on a city only once until another clerical level is gained. (=5% chance to encounter either citizens on roads in between).
9th lvl cleric Trade Battle (5th lvl miracle, week to cast) - Target city loses 10,00Ogp/lvl of cleric to the cleric's Patron City, save as with hostile trade pact. Cleric's church receives 20%, casting cleric receives 5%.
16th lvl cleric Most Favored City Trade Pact (7th lvl miracle, week to cast) - No tariffs or taxes on goods transported between cities. Citizens of another city in Most Favored Trade Status need not pay to enter. Both cities gain +10% revenues; deploys clerics of Marduke along roads (5% encounter)
City Spell - Trade War - Casting city and target city must roll saves as per Hostile Trade Pact each month, failure on either side means city loses 100,000gp to opponent city in the trade war. Church receives/pays 20%/10%, casting cleric receives/pays 5%/3%.

Specialty Spells of Marduke
Know City
Level: 5th
Range: must be inside city or within 400 yards of
Durration: Instantaneous
A.O.E. Personal
Casting Time: 1 round
Components: V,S,M Save: n/a
Description: When this miracle is cast inside a city, the casting cleric of Marduke instantly becomes aware of a number of details about the city: 1) Exports/Imports 2) Population 3) City Spell (or city wide powers) 4) Direction of markets, ruler’s abode, main church 5) God(s) worshipped in city 6) General power structure 7) Greatest Resource (source of strength) of city Cloakings on cities against divination are proof against this spell as are any city wide spells that would negate this effect.