Lorocus Stonegrade, High Lord and Grand Druid

Character Level: 48 Class Levels Druid 30th, Fighter 9th,Jedi 4th, Bard 2nd, Monk 7th

Deity Creator        Birthdate September 20
Alignment: Lawful Good Height 6'3" Hair Color White
Race: Human Weight 198 lbs Facial Hair White

Description: A light footed, stocky man of iron with a quick eye. He is graying around his temples and has a slight belly showing with age. However, he is rock hard and immensely strong as well as a penetrating gaze that seems to look to ones very soul.




Conditional Bonuses
Strength 24 7 28 Fortitude +27 +12 +2 +5 luck (robes) +5 resist (cloak) +3 unamed (belt) +2 vs evil
Dexterity 16 3     Reflex +26 +10 +3 +5 luck (robes) +5 resist (cloak) +3 unamed (belt) +2 vs evil
Constitution 20 5
Will +41 +20 +7 +5 luck (robes) +5 resist (cloak) +3 unamed (belt)
+2 Iron Will -1 (touched)
+2 vs evil
Intelligence 20 5    
Wisdom 30 15 38 14 Spell Resistence 50%/20 +1 all rolls (luck)
Charisma 29 5 22 6 -4 all rolls (curse)

Combat Statistics

Size/Type: Medium
Hit Points
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft. 
Armor Class: 36 (+3 dex, +2 dodge (boots) +12 armour (bracers), +5 deflect (sword) +4 shield(spell), touch 24, flat-footed 26
AC when hasted 40 (50% miss with displacement, possible mirror images, deflect 1 blade/rnd, stoneskin (DR 10)
Base Attack: +18/+13/+8/+3  Grapple: +20 (+2 strength, +18 base)
Attack: sword +20 - +25  (+0- +5 sword +2 strength  +18 base) 1d8+7
Full Attack: sword +25/+20/+15/+10    1d8+7 x 4 (when sword at +5)
Full Attack (Enlarged) sword +39/+34/+29/+24    1d8+21 x 4 (when sword at +5)  AC -2    MV 30
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft
Special Attacks: - Gaze Attack - Druid Spells, Bard SpellsLorocus Old Lord Spells
Special Qualities:  resistence to fire 100 
Saves: Fort +27 , Ref +26 (+21 when hasted), Will +41
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 40, Wis 24, Cha 25
Best Skills:
Combat Feats:
Environment: Land

Lorocus's Spell Lists

Spells Known in the Land

Spells Known Elsewhere

Origin Name Description
GIP - "The Stand" Touched -1 Will Saves   -1 Reaction.   Any member who faced Archdevils and is still a mortal (non-outsider) carries the effect of dealing with evil. They seem slightly sad, disturbed and a little broken
GIP - "The Stand" Infamy (Devils)

-4 Reaction all Illithids and direct servants/allies   +1 TH/Damage vs party

All Devils everywhere know of party. Actively seek to thwart and destroy and ally with most enemies. They attack at least 1/year wit CR10 (loved ones as well)

Mammon Curse of Greed

Will seek to develop and build a hoard of wealth. Needs to be at least 100,000gp per CR of Mandrake. All rolls at -4 unless actively perfoming actions toward this end

GIP - "The Stand" Fear not the Devil

Immune to Devilish Fear affects. May confer immunity to Fear from Devils (as std action) for 1rd + 1rd per Charisma point

GIP - "The Stand" Tame the Devil

+40 inherent bonus to Intimidate checks against devils, demons and daemons due to this Epic Battle.

GIP - "The Stand" Angelic Respect All angels and upper worldly outsiders will react at +2 Reaction due to this battle, In addition, PC will gain a +4 inherent bonus to Intimidate checks vs Angels
GIP - "The Stand" Wizardly Awe

All Wizards (aware of this battle) will suffer a -4 Morale bonus when using summoning against party members. In addition, party will gain a +4 Intimidate check against Wizards.

GIP - "The Stand" Knowledge of Devils +5 to Knowledge Devils (Circumstance Bonus) – may read Monster Manual on Devil Template
GIP - "The Stand" Reputation bonus

All party members gain a +2 Reputation bonus for this battle.

Lucifer Luficer's Malice

All those who stood before the onslaught of the Day of the Devil are cursed. Lucifer will always follow them and anywhere Lucifer’s hand may touch (not Land or Heaven), and the party fights non-divine beings, those beings are at a +10 Positive Levels. This includes TH, Dam, Skill, Save and Stat checks as well as Dispel Checks but not SR. This may be mitigated  (see DM for how)

Lucifer Curse of Mediocrity

That which matters shall not cross their path. They shall have the peace and quiet of those who no longer matter. The party will no longer be plagued nor involved in large events. They will be left alone. No Wander Encounters will exceed CR20. Anything they become involved in will tend to eventually be undone or be of little consequence.

Skills Key


Skill Points: 629 at 34th lvl
Modifers                                                                          .
Appraise Int 15 0 15
Balance Dex 3
Bluff Cha 32 25 7
Climb Str 2
Concentration Con 37 35 2
Craft (Computer Program) Int 25 10 15
Diplomacy Cha 55
7 +2 (cosmo) +2 (memorable) -1 (Touched) +2 (reputation)
+4 (bluff) +2 (sense motive)
+2 vs firemages (synergy knowledge)
-2 w/ snobs, +/- 5 dragons,  +4 vs melderyni mages
+4 fire elementals & azers, +2 other elementals
-4 vs effretti, +2 vs angels, upper outsiders
Disguise Cha 11 0 7 +4 (bluff)
Escape Artist Dex 3 0 3
Forgery Int 15 0 15
Gather Information Cha 7 0 7
Handle Animal* Cha n/a 7 +4 (Land Visitor)
Heal Wis 7 7
Hide Dex 3 3
Intimidate Cha 29 18 7  +4 (bluff)
 +40 vs demons, daemons, & devlis, +4 vs angels & mages
Jump Str 2 2
Knowledge* (Arcana) Int 46 28 15
Knowledge* (Dragonkind) Int 46 31 15
Knowledge* (Ethereal Plane) Int 49 34 15
Knowledge* (Fire Plane) Int 45 30 15
Knowledge* (Fire Mages) Int 30 15 15
Knowledge* (Planes) Int 38 15 15 +5 knowledge devils (The Stand)
+4 synergy (knowledge ethereal)+4 synergy (fire)
Knowledge* (Illusion) Int 40 25 15
Knowledge*  (Demihuman Brain) Int 25 10 15
Listen Wis 12 1 7 +2 (Elvish), +2 (Alertness)
Move Silently Dex 13 3 +10 (Boots)
Perform (Dance) Chr 9 2 7
Perform (Sex) Chr 7 7
Profession* (Parliamentarian) Wis 12 5 7
Profession (Navigator) Wis 32 25 7
Ride Dex 7 4 3
Search Int 15 15
Sense Motive Wis 28 17 7 +4 (empathy)
Sleight a Hand* Dex 25 18
3 +4 (bluff)
Spellcraft* Int 54 35
15 +4 (knl synergy),  +50 for identifying items, 
Spot Wis 28 17 7 +2 (Elvish), +2 (Alertness)
Survival Wis 7 7 +4 on ethereal & fireplanes, +2 other planes
Swim Str 6 4 2
Tumble* Dex 3
Use Magic Device* Cha 11 4 7 +4 on scrolls (synergy with spellcraft)
Ethereal Sight* Wis 17 10 7
Scry Int 55
15 +4 (synergy knowledge arcana)
To Overcome SR - 30 22 +8 (+4 staff, +4 greater spell penetration)
To Overcome SR (Illusions) - 22 11 +11 (+8 as above, +3 focus)

Psionics (Wilder) 
220 pnts

Teleport Other
Molecular Rearraingement

------------- Permanent Spells/Detects -------------
Detect Malagnation (16th lvl) - 60ft      Empathy (non magical)- 60ft
Detect Magic (19th lvl) - 90ft
Detect Thoughts (25th lvl) - 90ft
Detect  Illusion (Thistle, familiar)- 60ft Also, autosave vs illusions cast by illusionist +4lvls or less (clear senses)
Dragonsense - 200ft radius

------------------ Triggered Spells -------------------
         Wall of Force when wall of force taken down
Returnment (Scroll at 20th lvl)
         cast on body
Sagely's Spectacular Retainer IV
         - see next pane
Magic Jar (scroll (18th lvl) 
        Thistle has magic jar gem

-------------- Spells Cast Daily -------------------
4th - Rary's Mneumonic Enhancer (+3 1st lvls)
4th - False Thoughts (long script of thoughts, vague enough to fit for most situations)
8th - Mind Blank - 1 day
1st - Shocking Grasp d8+20 electrical(lasts until used)
1st - Unseen Servant (Harold the herald)
     Thistle often gives him an illusionary appearance
      of a silly, pretentious looking bald old  
      prancing herald (may go up to 75 ft)
Cast by Cordelia each day at dawn during prayers:
(usually teleports to Golden Draco)
--Spell Immunity to Greater Dispel Magic
--Spiritual Guardian (she knows when I'm in trouble)

---------- Spells to remember to cast in battle -----------
+4 cover bonus (shield spell) 
+4 haste (cuircumstance bonus)
displacement (50% miss chance)
mirror image d4+4 images

Equipment Worn

Left Side   Weight Center Weight Right Side  Weight
Bracer of The Golden Dragon 1 Tattoo of Golden Dragon Bracer of The Golden Dragon 1
+2 TH Dagger* (Affixed to bracer) 1 Cloak of Protection +5 (Saves/AC) 4 +2 TH Dagger* (Affixed to bracer) 1
Deck of Many things + Trumps
up sleeve (hidden DC 51)
0.1 Mandragoran Robe of Stars
 +5 luck to saves
s.b. Deck of Bad Things
up sleeve (hidden DC 26)
Silver rings with leather inset - Vladian Amulet of Wizardry* 0.1 Silver rings with leather inset -
Pouches* (small) 1-2 4 Pouches* (small) 3-4 4 Pouches* (small) 5-6 4
Thigh wandsheeths - Belt of Illusions* s.b. Thigh wandsheeths -
Wand of Eyebites(sheeth) .1 Am Ameon's Dagger* (Tucked in belt) 1 Wand of Fire (sheeth) .1
Wand of Animation(25)(sheeth) .1 Wand of Lim. Wishes (20)(sheeth) .1
Dragon Pin  (chest) - Elven Boots of Flying* (H.S.) +10 MS s.b. 4 normal card w/ sepia snake sigils
(hidden in bracers DC 47)
Ion Stone +1 Dex) - Ivory scrolltube* (inside robes) 4 Normal deck of cards (pouch 6) .1
Psychic Crystal (Forehead) - Magnetic Ring (non magical) -

+1 luckstone - all rolls (Lorocus) p1
- staff stickums (palm) -
silk socks s.b
Longsword* +5 defender 4 plain white shirt s.b. scabbard for longsword 1
Mandragoran Signet Ring - plain brown breeches s.b. Ring of Gaxx* -
Staff of Spell Energy* (in hand)
Perm Illus of left arm holding staff
6 rod of empowerment
(hanging off back of belt)
Staff of the Archmagist* (in hand) 8
all clothes (considered royal for weight) 15
Medium bag of Holding* (belt) 4
Small rod of telepathy (3/day) (Bag)
staff of transmutation -42 (harold) (U.S.) Harold also carries one rod of empowerment
 Total Weight: 55.90
