Tiamat—the creator,
the Dragon Mother, the great five-headed
dragon, the salt waters, fear/respect, have power over oceans, build
ships with Dragon prows, sea-voyage protection spells. When she wakes
up, she raises up a monster to destroy all of her creation. Her
clerics' goal is to keep the god quiet, satisfied, and
asleep. Clerics are known for the spirit of power (which calls a great
dragon) and for tsunami. All are virgin women. Earth Tongue is the true
names called out by Tiamat and Apsu during the
making of the world.
While Churches are located in the cities of Old
Red, Admunfort,
Draj, Gulg, and Raam, as well as Rel
Astra, the base of the church is housed deep inside the Black
Mountain. This church is
dedicated to the continued sleep and unconciousness of the dragon
The Enuma
Elish places Tiamat, the salt
waters, at the
supreme position of giving birth to the universe, the gods, and all
Her temper is described as total and fierce and her moods chaotic. She
rulership over the seas and all things fear her. The Enuma Elish also
interuptions in Tiamats sleep with the worst calamities including the
wars and
deaths of gods, and the Invoked
Devistation of the Balcuni/Suloise
Empire. It
was because the gods so feared Tiamat waking from her slumber that they
humanity to till the fields so the gods could cease quibbling over
which one of
them would. The church's solemn oath is to do all possible to keep this
horrible god from awaking. They perform the great sacrifice of the
Theocracy in
which live animals and criminals are miraculously sacrificed to keep
the god
fed without need for her conciousness. Consequently, the Church has
representation in the Theocracy.
They rule their diocese with fear and strict laws for which
bring the harshest of penalties: sacrifice to the resident captive
dragon. This
church has power over dragons, time, the seas, creation, and the skies.
cities are noted for the great sea vessels they craft and for their
on sailors.
The clerics of the Church of Tiamat are all female virgins and they are refered to as Templars. Each takes and maintains a vow of chastity. They are considered married to the dragon. In some of the desert cities this is taken literally and they may be concubines to the Dragon Kings. In the event that the true Tiamat awakens, these clerics are considered the greatest sacrifices to the God that the Church may offer. All clerics and the church itself is lawful evil. When they die, their souls go to the first plane of Hell where they tend to and serve the sleeping form of Tiamat. They also protect her so that none may wake her. In this place are myriads of her clerics and all of her greatest clerics of days past guarding her so that none will accidentaly wake her. The templars employ harsh and strict laws and a rigid hierarchy to maintain a system that will achieve its goal of keeping Tiamat asleep at all costs. They are always bald and tatooed with a spectral dragon. They are lawful evil and act as lawkeepers and sentencers. Sentences in Old Red usually involve slavery or forced labour. Also, as added penalty for some transgressions, the name of the transgressor is written on the wall in the church in front of the sleeping dragon - thus, if the dragon wakes, she will know who has been bad.They give great care to the well-being of their people but this is their second concern. In accordance for this reliance on strict rules, church Templars are very fond of using the quest spell (no save reguardless of religion) to force targets to their will and uphold or carry out the Edicts of the Church. On Sapatu, the clerics oversee the mandatory sacrfice of live animals and human criminals to the dragons of Old Red and Tiamat herself.
is NO forgiveness for sins
Obey Familial Responsibilities
The church defines its role as supervisor over humanity. They are to see that the people keep up their sacrifices to Tiamat. Tiamat is the Great Mother and the gods her children and we theirs. It is a matter of our familial responsibilty to the Great Mother to feed her and the Church's familial responsibilty to see that we do.
The clergy of Tiamat study dragon behaviour and belive it to represent some spiritual path although they are not quite sure where it leads. They have identified five different virtues they believe dragons have, each is symbolized by a different type of color of Tiamats head: Greed (Green); Vengeance (Red); Mercy (Black); Suspicion (Blue); Deviousness (White)
The prophet Charissa AI'Vere (sister of Rahasia Al'Vere), taught by Tiamat's child Sulphacetius, also known as Morgus, taught that each week a priestess must choose a different virtue to emulate. At the end of the week a very large and very appropriate sacrifice must be made. During the week, miracles prayed for towards those ends will come at one level lower (min Ist). Tiamat's clergy are extreme in their adherence to this practice. This has given rise to sayings such as "don't piss off a red-veiled Templar"
Charissa teaches the penalty for rape is torture and death. Creation is Tiamat's realm and any who rape usurp her.
Charissa taught that familial responsibility is a foremost priority and old age is a sign of wisdom. Church law requires treating elders with respect and children to take care of their parents.
that summon, sleep (musical), waken,
protect from, detect, communicate with, make invisible to, deliver food
heal, soothe, protect, and allow service to. Miracles that
mimick certain powers of dragons including dragon dreaming,
fear aura, and A.C. May summon dragon breath from the skies!)
that summon, charm, control, and cause
fear in avian creatures including one that will
drive flying creatures to
land out of fear. Miracles that provide knowledge of all
flying creatures
in domain.
1st - Immunity to Fear, Cause Fear (see Fear Chart)
5th - Sleep Spell (the HD of creatures susceptable increases by 1 HD per level after 5th)
12th - Dragon Dreaming (q.v.)
Cause Fear by Eye Contact, -1 save each
level after first
Fear by Gaze (only need to
observe creature, -1 save after 4th)
Fear by Gaze (affects area as
per Fear Spell, -1 save after 4th)
Fear Aura (as per dragon,
all creatures within 60ft must save at -1 per level
after 7th)
Fear by Eye Contact (can penetrate
any type of immunity (or
multiple) if the cleric succeeds at a contest of wisdoms)
Dominion of the Skies (City) - ALL flying creatures less than 10 hd stay further than 30 miles from city. Church aware of all aerial attacks/approaches as per Sense of the Forestal
Gate (used on scroll) to bring in POWERFULL dragons form the outerplanes.
Age Dragon (7th) - functions on any dragon or any object or creature in the viasage of a dragon. Also works on boats carved in the shape of a dragon or dragon statues. Note: The Church uses the Age Dragon spell to aid in the construction of Clouships. May speed their creation by ten fold, godwilling.
Power of Creation (5th) - transmutes male to female or reverse, or may just make fertile or infertile
Abortion/Conception (3rd) - like a curse to abort or concieve
Shackle Dragon (5th) - As shackle spell. designed in size for dragons.
as set by the Church
Church law requires
nobility of the town to
socialize with those they rule. This is to effect better
control over the
masses and part of familial responsibility.
law requires the master of the house keep
his house in order.
Templars may arrest and sentence
must see all people are registered in the
citizens and foreigners must attend church
nightly. No exceptions.
citizens and foreigners must bring live
sacrifices on Sappatu. No exceptions.
is illegal
Sits on the Council of Cardinals. Known for her coldness and fiery temper. It is said that she has put to permanent sleep more dragons in her lifetime than Tiamat spawned. It is also said she reigns over a hoard fit for Tiamat (indeed it is meant for Tiamat).
Considered a very adept advisor to the ruler of the city, Seneshaerab has enjoyed much respect throughout Nyrond. She rules the church with an iron fist and the temper of a red dragon yet shows a kind side to Lord Rameus (of the city) and other worshippers. This 'kind' side usually makes observers white with fear when they see how she deals with her subordinates. She takes the issuing Writs of Pilgramage for the Ways or other purposes very seriously.
The chief inspector and administer of the Royal Navy of Furyondy, this Archbishop is ever ready for combat. When not dueling it out on the high seas against agents of the Horned Society, Urshanbi can be found in her city dealing with the lawbreakers. She is the harshest advisor in Furyondy and it is said that the King even dislikes her presence.
The chief cardinal of Gulg is the mother of Alexander The Great of Nibenay. While she is not from the desert she has learned their ways meticulously. Additionally, until her ascension as cardinal she was not even a worshipper or cleric of Tiamat. Most noteably she has stron connections to Draco Paladine and is the Mother of Apsu's Prophet Alexander the Great. Not much is known how she came to be in this position other than it was a deal stuck between her and the Oba of Gulg relatyed to events surounding Alexander Krestor. There are rumors of Baba Yagga's intervention but it is unclear in what way she intervened. Through the use of epic potions called "the Water of Life", a mystic desert legend, Alexia inhereted the past knowledge of centuries of desert templars known as Reverend Mothers. The Ishtarian Clerics have also been very tight lipped on the details, fearing information will get back to Alexander before he experiences it in his timeline but have indicated that she can be assumed a vassal working for the interests of the Oba. She was at one time known for her marital prowess and ability to dwervish dance and was once married to the Archmagist Mandrake Mandragoran.
Few details are known about the City of Draj in the deep Hachdeshani Desert. Rumored to be a concbine to the dragon king of Draj.
Few details are known about the City of Ra'am in the deep Hachdeshani Desert. Is a Reverend Mother
Few details are known .
Few details are known. She was a powerful dragon that has taken human form and is also a cleric of Tiamat. The only other known instance of this is when Sulpacetius Int (Morgus) took similar form and taught Charisa Alvere, sister to Rahasia, how to be a proper cleric of Tiamat and thus redefined the church in many ways.
Few details are known. Assigned to desert
Few details are known. Assigned by Cardinal Siduri
Direct servant and right hand to Senesharab, Ibbibi-Ki runs the political strongarm of the church. She is considered a leverage powerplayer who acts as Senesharab's strongarm. He edicts maintain the strict penances and rules that the church Templars live by. She is known to have only one desire, the position of Archbishop of Old Red. Sje jas been known to have many of her own extreme political intrigues and plots which the Archbishop has had to distance herself from on many occaisons (it should be noted that in many cases these 'intrigues' benefited the Archbishop or the church). Ibbibi-Ki determines penances for all clerics in the church and is very extreme in their application. She tends to enjoy adimistering them herself. An avid detester of rapists, she has often requested to enact punishment personally for criminals of this type. She is known to carry the Serpent-Staff which gives her many powers of an ancient dragon. Mangaes the sacrifices on Sappatu. Very fond of quest spells.
The opposite of Ibibbi-Ki, High Priestess Simone has little known power. She maintains the fonts and daily workings of the Church of Tiamat. Known as a very cappable administrator and purchaser of religious relics, scrolls, etc. She found and purchased many of the relics in the Temple of Charissa as well as highered the artisans who completed it. Soft spoken and usually magically invisible when she makes her daily rounds, this Templar is the one Templars try to go to with their personal problems before they get large enough to attract the attention of Ibbibi-Ki or the Archbishop.
Manages the captive dragons of Old Red. She is always ready with miracles dealing with dragonkind and dragonlore as well as dominion of Sky and Sea. She is first to the defenses of the city and will bring the dragons out if nescessary. Combined in triplicate with the other Archbishops, she initiates the sumoning of greater extra-planar dragons in the event of major threats to the well-being of the city. Manages the city and the city streets during sacrifices. Katsuane su'Digal is purported to have serpent familiars and some magic-use spell casting ability. Very fond of quest spells.
This matriarch runs the training of lower level Church Templars in Old Red. She is the eyes and ears of Ibibbi-Ki and the Archbishop. She makes all the preparations for Church Sacrifice on Sappatu and non-feast days. Very into the Veils. Sits of the Panel of Judgement (a priestess appointed by church and a lord appointed by Lord Rameus which acts as judge and jury for those accused of crimes in Old Red)
This templar is one of the many
templars of median levels in the
church. She is
well known and highly visible. Perhaps on the track to become one of
the right
hands to one of the High Priestesses (unknown which she
courts). Almost
always seen wearing light green reguardless of veil. Sass is very
beautiful and
very tall with light brown hair and very blue eyes.
Wears a magical ring with a serpent on it (divination,
Another median level templar.
Usually wears blue. Comes of as being
very cold
hearted. Takes an interest in the buisness of most people she meets.
responsible for overseeing the slave trade or orcs and half orcs in Old
Transports and attends to criminals.
Known captive dragons in Old
Red are: