Agad | Anshar | Anu | Ea | Gibbil |
Girru | Gula | Irra | Ishtar | Kishar |
Marduke | Nabu | Nergal | Nerrul | Ninurta |
Nusku | Shammash | Sin | Tashmetu | Tiamat |
The God of Fifty Names, Achmage
of the Gods, Lord of the Winds, Kingu Slayer,
of Esharra, Rider of the Storm Chariot, God of the Cities, Ishmangalla
the Wrestler
1st- trade related secondary
skill goes up +1 per 2 lvls
3rd- May use the god-granted abilities of any other Nyrundian cleric
within 60' (no
save). Must be comensurate w/ lvl. This use counts toward the
number of uses allowed the target cleric per day.
5th- Gain access to ALL spheres except one
7th- Enthrall (q.v.) when
speaking on matters concerning the cities
or on chosen nwp
9th- Voice controls the winds (as per control winds)
12th- May pray for 1st lvl MU spells, May pray for thaumaturgy (at
3rd lvl), All trade ventures at +10% luck, all creatures recieve prayer
when travelling with a caravan on trade or city business.
14th- Voice of Destiny (words become reality as per limited wish -
age 1yr)
City Spells: Raise the Walls (protects city); Mint Coin (know the secret of coining money)
The Salt Waters, Mother of Creation
1st- Fear
Gaze, may affect 1 person/lvl/day, saves are
-1 per 2 levels
at 5th lvl may paralyze with fear
at 9th lvl may kill with fear (requires contest of wis, drops clerics
by 1 for day if successful)
5th- Immune to Fear (all types), water miracles at
9th- Cloak of Fear permenently surrounds cleric,
ages at half rate
13th- Fear may overcome 1 immunity at 13th, 2 at 16th, 3 at 19th; fear
power in voice as well (at 4 lvls lower)
Immune to time &
chaos related magics,
16th- May travel to Hell at will (1st plane) or send another (no save)
Specialty spells:
Clerics possess all miracles related to the seas, salt water, and ships
Clerics have many fear miracles at each level, some paralyze
Clerics possess sleep miracle (as MU spell but 3rd lvl)
Clerics have nightmare-causing miracles (dream of being hunted naked
by a dragon)
Clerics possess miracles that cause abortions or create pregnancy,
Clerics can bestow or take away the power of creation (i.e. change
sex to or from female)
Clerics poses a miracle that places a cloak of fear around a
City Spell: Spirit of Power (Summon Tiamat Avatar); Tsunami/Hurricane (generate violent storms at sea, sink ships); Summon Sea Creatures, Dominion over the Air
God of Justice, God of Judgement, Sun God,
1st - Light spell 1/day/lvl, 1
extra at noon
3th - Know Alignment 1/day/lvl, 1 extra at noon
5th - Sunray (q.v) 1/day, 1 extra at noon
7th - Shackle Spell 1/day, 1 extra at noon
9th - Speak with Sun (may speak to any other clerics speaking to sun
at that moment) 1/day, 1 extra at noon
12th - Sight of Shammash - Paralyzing light from eyes, 60' cone 40'
at base, -3 save, lawful neutrals immune, 3/day -2 to save per 2 levels
over 12th
City Spell: Sunbeam--acts as judgment align status 1 or as long distance communication with any city that has hired a sun reader.
Laws & Bureaucracy, Father of the Iggigi, The Sky, Highest
Authority among Gods
1st - Cleric must
pray seven times a day for at least 15
each. Cleric reflects on
the day's experiences and how
good laws can
improve it. (The Ceremony miracle is
granted) (must face Theocracy)
2nd - Clerics must burn 10 gp/lvl in incense & ritual
each day.
3rd - Rigid Thinking 3/day, -1/2lvls on save.
4th - May act as a recognized lawyer in any Nyrundic City
5th - Compulsive Order qv Tome of Magic, (will affect up to 3
creatures) 1/lvl/week {may trigger all at once}
6th - Must perform day -ong ceremony in a consecrated
church (any) each month
7th - May act as a magistrate in any Nyrundic town, Must
1 lvl of scrolls/lvl/month (given to church)
8th - required to subsist on diet of freshly prepared foods
uncooked or stored meats)
9th - Impending Permission radiates within 10ft of priest,
creatures entering must make a save.
10th - Consequence 1/day + 1/lvl/month,
11th - Thought Broadcast affects any creature affected by any
of the above Anu god-granted abilities
12th - Voice acts as Legal Thoughts spell constantly
13th - Must report to the church in the Theocracy
once a
14th - Commune 1/day/lvl on matters of law
Archcleric - Vision of Perfection (a continuous vision (7th lvl) of
If a cleric fails to
meet any requirements she/he may only
for miracles for 2 hours/day.
any cleric of Anu may have up to three Writs at any time (Scrolls of
Impending Permision) - to be used at their discretion
- scrolls are replenished only at Churches of Anu or by request through
another church (take 1-8 days to arrive, +d8 more if distant from Theocracy)
City Spells: Writ of Haspurgus (cast by the Archcleric may assign clerics to other gods); May punish cities with plague or storm (on land or destruction of ships). Hurricaines are his word, weapon, sends floods, watering over the Tablet of Destiny; May pray for spells that prevent other clerics from receiving miracles.
1st--Weapon Focus Sword or Rod +1 to base attack and +1 to attack
rolls with that weapon
3rd- Beauty of the Goddess (1d4+1 sacred bonus to chr 1/day)
5th- Fury of Battle (as Mass Haste 2/day)
9th- Multiple True Loves 1
per 3 lvls. Each love will always feel that the cleric spends enough
time with him or her. Healing one love will heal all loves, and clerics
can reach one level higher with heal spells (enabling clerics to
resurrect or regenerate loves)
God of Wisdom, the Hearth, Craftsmen, Artisans, Spellcraft, Wife of Anu and Counselor to the Gods
3rd - Words of Wisdom (Increase
wisdom of listening creatures by 1
pnt/3lvls for 1 hr/lvl)
9th - Wise Path - (cleric chooses a course of action, all non-combat
rolls for cleric and faithful are made by cleric. Each is rolled for
twice and the better is chosen, to a max of 5 rolls
per person, course of action may last up to 1hr/lvl)
For example, cleric chooses the best path is to take the fork
the left,
all encounter rolls, tracking, survival rolls may be rolled twice.
following the cleric must listen to all the cleric's directives or Wise
Path ceases to work.
Horizon of Heaven
1st lvl ---choose one---
Know alignment 1/day/level (at 9th lvl gives align status)
Call Upon Faith 1/day/level (at 9th lvl adds 50% range, -2 saves to
other's miracles)
Dream Reading 1 person/day/lvl (at 9th lvl, can determine who sent
dream if its sent)
5th lvl ---choose one---
Banshisment 1/day (affects outer planar creatures only)
Persuasion 1/day (change alignment of target creature for 1 rnd/lvl,
save negates)
Dream walk 1/night (1 creature within 1 mile, save negates, observe
their dream only).
9th lvl ---choose one---
Astral projection 1/week
Dreamscape 1/week
Commune Other 1/week (can affect person touched!!!)
13th lvl ---choose one---
choose from 9th lvl abilities list, may pick same twice which allows
The Rim of Oerth
1st- Road Tell 1/day- may speak
with a road as per Stone Tell, lasts
1 rnd/lvl,
5th- Move Earth (as per druid spell, double aoe if creating a path)
9th- Formation - can shape natural stone, minerals as per stone shape
but double a.o.e
City Spell: Build Road--knowledge to build longlasting roads. Other roads will wear away with time.
One of the Twin Fire Gods (with Gibbil)
1st- Affect Normal Fires 3/day
(any extra damage caused is
- may make magical weapons of +1
5th- Flame Strike
1/day - may make magical weapons of +2
9th- Firestorm 1/day
- may make any magical weapons (may need special
components, miracles, or mage)
One of the Twin Fire Gods (with Girru)
1st- Affect Normal Fires 3/day
(any extra damage caused is
- may make magical weapons of +1
5th- Flame Strike 1/day
- may make magical weapons of +2
9th- Firestorm 1/day -
may make any magical weapons (may need special
components, miracles, or mage)
The Moon Goddess, Demon Slayer
1st - detect lower planar creature within 90ft
3rd-Grant Strength (strength spell 1/day)
5th - +1 on all weapons within 5ft/lvl under moonlight (does not add
to magical weapons)
9th - Cacodaemon 1/day (demon must be on prime material plane, no need
for true name, must be within 30ft)
12th - Cleric gains twice his or her level in extra miracles related to
protection or any type of banishment each full moon.
City Spell: Receive sacrifices to Sin made in other cities
1st lvl Penance - For each die of damage done by any fire spell, 5% of the victims wealth and magic items are transported and magically sacrificed to Nusku. (Applies only to those items carried or worn, can be dealt with as a % for each item).
3rd lvl Intermediary - May
perform the 5th level miracle to
send the food &
sacrifices to the gods for any
clerics of other faiths
5th lvl Living Flame - Cleric
may shapechange into a living flame
employ Flame Travel (q.v)
(moves at a rate of 24"
through flames).
7th lvl- They can call a 6d6 fireball that burns magic items and strips target of all possessions.
9th lvl Passage by Flame - Word of Recall (must be in flames).
City Spells: Receive sacrifices made to Nusku made around the map (40%); Collect Tithe
God of Healing
1st- all healing spells heal an
additional 1hp/lvl, Immune to normal
5th- immune to magical diseases, wisdom check for diagnosis
9th- treat as 4 levels higher for purposes of gaining and using healing
God of Night, Ruler of the Underworld, Lord of the City of Nine Domes (in the Lower Planes)
1st- Darkness, 30 radius
5th- Night, 1/day, 10 ft radius/lvl, 1 turn lvl,
save vs fear at -2 every turn)
9th- Summon Shade 1/night - summon killed foe from Underworld. as
level when slain plus shade abilites, if MU or cleric, powers at
lvl only.
The Grim Reaper, the Harvester of Souls, Nergal's Assassin (Pagan God, adopted by Nergal as an ally)
1st - Dead affecting magics/spells at double # effected (includes
dead, turning)
5th - Animate dead at lvl 1/day
7th - Ceremony 30ft radius (claims all souls for Nerrul)
9th - Finger of Death 1/2 days
12th - Animus (may animate 1 creature as equal HD in undead, use chart,
i.e. 10HD = ghost) 1/2days
Specialty miracles:
4th - Endure Arrows (may endure extra 10hp/lvl in arrows, still takes
damage - just prevents death, when spell ends cleric dies unless
other endure damage spells.
2nd lvl miracles which mimic assasin skills
5th - God's Assasin - bestows assasin abilities at lvl
God of Plague, God of Disease
1st - Cause disease by touch
(save at -1 per lvl)
severity increases with
at 5th lvl range increased
to 10'/lvl range
at 7th lvl may affect 1
creature/lvl, if cast at someone with immunty, they become a carrier
at 9th lvl also acts as
at 13th may affect 1
on another plane
5th - detect disease (tells type, approximate time till death)
9th lvl - cleric may Endure any
disease (throw off the effects for 1
turn/lvl each day)
Endurance prevents
cleric from dying of disease.
City Spell: Prevents the progression of any illness of anyone in Riftcrag at the time (effect lasts one month).