
Table: The Thaumaturgist
Level Title Ability Weight Range Spells per Day
1st Apprentice Minor Levitation 50lb/level/strenth bonus +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2nd Journeyman Basic Levitation 50lb/level/strenth bonus +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd Senior Journeyman Advanced Levitations 200lb/level/strength bonus +1 level of existing spellcasting class
4th Thaumaturge Minor Telekinesis 5 lb/level/strength bonus +1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th Senior Thaumaturge Basic Telekinesis 15 lb/level/strength bonus +1 level of existing spellcasting class
6th Master Thaumaturgist Full Telekinesis 25 lb/level/strength bonus +1 level of existing spellcasting class

Principle of Sympathy: Like produces like  

Principle of Contagion: Once Together Always Together

Thaumaturgy relies on the contagion principle and uses kinetic energies that it redirects to perform a wide array of magical possibilities. The most basic of the five magics, this involves physical changes in the real world environment. The thaumaturge can move boulders, alter energy flows, change a river's course, etc. Later shapes and forms can be altered and voodoo dolls made. 

Thaumaturgy requires having a piece of a target that will be effected and harnessing a power source that will be used. Generally, the effects are kinetic in nature - leviations and teleketic maneuvers but other things may be done using the principle of sympathy.


To qualify to become a thaumaturgist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Endurance .


Wizard or sorcerer class.


Strength of 13 or higher.

Class Skills

The thaumaturge’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Craft (thaumaturgy), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level

2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are features of the thaumaturge prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Thaumaturges gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells per Day

When a new thaumaturgist level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that he adds the level of thaumaturgist to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly.

If a character had more than one spellcasting class before he became a thaumaturgist, he must decide to which class he adds each level of thaumaturgist for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Special Abilities

The most basic of The Five Magics, Thaumaturgy relies on the conagion principle to redirect the power of an energy source for to create real world kinetic effects and, at later levels, alter forms and create voodoo dolls. Thaumaturgical manipulation is physically strenuous and all Thaumaturges are required to have Endurance and a minimum of a 13 of strength. Use of its powers can cause fatigue and exhaustion. The powers of this class are the most versatile of the 5 Magics but being good at specialized tasks other than simple kinetic movements requires practice.

Three things are needed before a thaumaturge can perform a a feat of thaumaturgyc:

Thaumaturgical manipulations involving telekinetic or levitational effects require a successful concentration check (constitution based) of DC equall to 1 per 25 lbs of weight of target object. 

The ammount of material that can be moved kinetcally is based on the thaumaturges level and his/her strength (thaumaturgy is used as a lever).

Thaumaturgical manipulations not involving telekinetic or levitational effects require a thaumaturgical craft check (see below for Thaumaturgical Techniques) 

Spells can be used to maintain concentration (called tying off) for static kinetic effects (cantrip). The target, direction, or mode of effect cannot be changed when its tied off.

Thuamaturgy is a transmutation effect. Target objects gain no save. Target creatures gain a will save equall to 10 +  level of thaumaturge.

Apprentice. 1st

Minor Levitation. May manipulate small objects at within 5 ft. Acts similarly to a ½ strength levitate spell. Precision is less than perfect and casting time is 1d2 full round actions. 50lb/level/strenth bonus.

Journeyman 2nd

Basic Levitation. At 2nd level, a Journeyman can move larger objects within a twenty foot radius. This acts as a levitate spell with a full round action casting time. 100lb/level/strength bonus

Senior Journeyman 3rd

Advanced Levitations. The Advanced Journeyman begins to master thaumaturgical concepts and may invoke a double-strength levitate spell as a standard action and invoke a feather fall at will (with all three criteria in place). Range is sixty feet and the power source used with be diminished a maximum of ¾ of the source.. 200lb/level/strength bonus

Thaumaturge 4th

Strong in understanding of principles. Kinetic control over an object so manipulated is equivalent to a telekinesis spell within a 120 foot range. Maximum weight that can be manipulated in such a fashion is 5 lb/ lvl / strength bonus

Senior Thuamaturge 5th 
Expert in the field. Power drain is only ½ of source and telekinetic manipulations can affect creatures and objects of up to 15 lbs per level / strength bonus. May also ward a creature against voodoo attacks, requiring ¼ day per level of the victim to create the warding.
Master Thaumaturge 6th
May now invoke telekinetic manipulations of objects and creatures of up to 25 lbs per level / strength bonus. May also create voodoo doll from a minimum of three separate pieces of the target (and 100gp/level). Damaging the doll causes 6HP/day save for ½. Destroying the doll causes death on command, save at -4. May also invoke a Tenser’s Floating Disc with concentration. May teach.
Thaumaturgical Techniques
Thaumaturgical techniques are any uses of Thaumaturgy that are not levitations or telekinetics. To be able to do a non-telekinetic or levitation affect the Thaumaturgist must either know the technique already or develop it on the spot. A thaumaturge can know only as many techniques as she has skill points in thaumaturgical craft. Trying something new with Thaumaturgy takes a Full Round Action and the base DC to develop this new technique is DC 20 + difficulty rating (where the difficulty rating is between 1-5 and determined by the DM).  in craft thaumaturgy. Mutliple attempts may be made but each takes a full round action. If a skill is not listed on a character sheet it is considered not known.

Once a technique has been successfully performed once, it is considered known. A thaumaturge can know only as many techniques as she has skill points. The DC to perform a known technique is 10+ Difficulty Class (1-5 determined by DM).

Limitations of Thaumaturgical Techniques:
Magical spells or effects can not be commmunicated through a thaumaturgical bond unless a voodoo doll is employed (Or using magic items designed to do so  or epic uses of the 5 magics).
Developed Uses Thaumaturgical Techniques:
Technique Difficulty Class
Maneuvering a cloudship 5
expansion of metal using a piece 2-5
Listening at doors: piece of door floating on water in bottle with ear to bottle -     
(Sounds are vibrations and those vibrations  be transmitted)
Locate object compass: piece floated on liquid or wood on liquid 2
Opening and closing clasps: specially made iron or brass clasps will open clasp when heated through
 expansion of metals. for specially made clasps w/ exact replica - quadruple normal ranges)
((such clasps come in all sizes and shapes when produced for boats))
ignition of target object (requires fire as source or extreme heat), Requires min 3rd lvl. 3
Floating a liquid shield: liquid and a solid surface to lift it on 4
Vibration signaling: may be done on any target to target setup (double normal range) 2
Removing iron nails or screws can be accomplished by cooling
 the metal sufficiently to shrink it. Requires ice or very cold substance.
Seeking marbles (clay balls with piece of target inside will roll towards target,
requires 2 mds prep time per 60 ft to be rolled to put enough, Requires min 4th lvl.
kinetic E into balls- will go up hill, etc, any E source useable) 

Lifting, lowering, moving, heating, cooling, conduction,

Energy Sources

Heat: must be hotter than room temp. Heat does not provide enough energy except for the smallest amounts of movement, used mostly for heating target object

Fire: excellent source of kinetic energy for movement purposes

Fire Special techniques

Running Water: Involve§ the construction of some barriers to the running water from which its resistance is tapped to draw the kinetic energy for thaumaturgical purposes. For each 4x4 barrier running water can provide the following energy: for each 4x4 barrier multiply water speed by 100 to get number of foot pounds/min to hold such a barrier in water requires -a strength check of 12 + 1 for each mph over 5.

Winds: involves the construction of a kite or windbreak, for each 3x3 kite may multiply wind speed by 20 to get number of foot pounds/min

Description: (from Five Magic Wiki)

The Art of Thaumaturgy consisted of applying the Principles to create a transitory effect. Thaumaturgy produces no lasting magical effects, but can be quite powerful, nonetheless.

The Principle of Sympathy means that to create an effect, we must look for things in nature that resemble or produce that effect and use them. A feather can lessen weight, a bit of honey can sweeten, a splinter of iron can give strength, a bit of lodestone can produce guidance, etc. Most normal materials possess one or more characteristics that can be useful, and the more strongly they possess the characteristic, the more useful the material is in Thaumaturgy.

The Principle of Contagion states that if something is once part of or associated with another thing, it remains indelibly connected to it and can be used to influence that other. Naturally, an actual piece of the target is the best, but there are various degrees of sympathy, ranging from a part of the same item, to a part of the same construct, to a long-associated item, down to something that has been in the presence of the target once. Each will work, which is one of the things that make Thaumaturgy the most general of the Arts. However, the energy required to link the target with the spell is greatly modified by the sympathetic connection available. If you wish to kill a man, for example, you will need much less energy if you have a piece of his hair. If you have only a picture of him, you may need several orders of magnitude more energy to kill him, and if you know only his name, several more. The very simplest thaumaturgical effect, involving the Principle of Sympathy alone, is to move a larger object by moving a small piece of it. This can be a parlor trick, if done with floating balls or scarves, or it can be an act of violent war, if done with a multi-tonne boulder. The difference between the two spells lies only in the energy invested.

The energy for Thaumaturgy comes from the natural world. Most practitioners use fire, as it is commonly available and easy to obtain, but other forms of heat, lightning, lava, etc can be used, depending on the amount required. Simple spells can even be performed using the heat from the caster’s own body, though it is not unknown for young Thaumaturges to kill themselves by overdoing this process.

This need for energy makes Thaumaturgy simultaneously the most powerful and the least powerful Art, and both the most and least complicated to use. A Sorcerer, for example, is limited in his power by how much of his own life force he wishes to expend in a spell, but a Thaumaturge may simply build a bigger fire – quite an advantage! But without a prepared source of energy, the Thaumaturge is limited to what he can do with his body heat, and dare try only the very simplest of cantrips. Similarly, an Alchemist can simply drink a potion to gain an effect, but a Thaumaturge may need to take an hour to prepare a roaring fire to gain enough energy – or may take no time at all, if he has an existing forest fire to work with!

Given the simplicity of the basic principles of Thaumaturgy, why is it not used by everyone? The answer is two-fold. First, there is a basic magical talent necessary. Few possess it, and fewer are trained to use it or channel the forces involved. The second qualification is knowledge of the chants and gestures needed to forge the spell link. Some say these are only a crutch to help the Thaumaturge concentrate while others claim they have intrinsic value, but they are necessary nonetheless. Naturally they (along with the practical knowledge of which materials work best for which properties) are passed from mentors to students and guarded jealously.

In Secret of the Sixth Magic, one of the Principles of Thaumaturgy (most likely the Principle of Contagion, given the substitute's associated aphorism more closely resembles that Principle linguistically) is shown to be replaceable (via Metamagic) by another (unnamed) Principle, with the associated aphorism, 'Same shape, same function.'.