AFter Kyuss, Post Battle with Vecna

Wizard Spells DC = 25 + spell level ; Overcome SR +33 (24 levels +4 staff +4 greater spell penetration +1 luck bonus)

Illusion Spells: DC  26 + spell level = 10+3(belt)+5 (illusion focus)+8(chr) + lvl of spell         SR +30 (16 levels +4 staff +4 greater spell penetration +1 luck bonus +5 illusion focus) Thoughtcast Telekinesis
Thoughtcast Wall of Force
Contingency: if I am thrust directly upwards by my own telekinesis spell, a fly spell is inititated.

fight till he is weakened, learn what hurts

0-Level Wizard Spells (Cantrips) x6

True Illusions
    Ghost Sound: Figment sounds. Heightened to 6th lvl. DC 31
    Distract. Heightened to 7th lvl. DC 32

1st-Level Wizard Spells x19 (6x2(amulet of wizardry)+4 int + 3 Rary's)

Mandrell (7)
  Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly. turns into summon monster 1 Celestial eagle
Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly.
Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly.
    Endure Elements

2nd-Level Wizard Spells x14 (5*x2 (amulet of wizardry) +4 int) (*-1 to Math)

Mandrell (7)
Resist Energy acid? resists 30hp/rnd of select energy type lass 230 minutes
Wings of Cover:  Cast as Immediate action. Grants 100% cover.
Wings of Cover: Cast as Immediate action. Grants 100% cover.

3rd-Level Wizard Spells x10 DC 28 Base

Mandrell (7)
   Protection from energy (120 points) lasts 230 mintues (~4 hrs)
   Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly.

4th-Level Wizard Spells x9 DC 29 Base

Mandrell (7)
Stoneskin M: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
Stoneskin M: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
Miser's Envy: (d) Compels target to go after one item greedily. Infused with Truth. DC 30
  resilient sphere
Rainbow Pattern: Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.  rainbow pattern will dc 10+4+15+4(spell focus illusions)+3(belt)= 36+infuse truth+5 lvls highten= 41

5th-Level Wizard Spells x9 DC 30 Base

Mandrell (6)
    energy shield (4 points/lvl max at 15th level or 60 points)
    perpetual flight
    Wall of Force: Wall is 23 ten foot squares or a 50ft wide x 45ft high wall or cube 30 x 30 x 10 ft 

6th-Level Wizard Spells x8 DC 31 Base

7th-Level Wizard Spells x9 DC 32 Base

Mandrell (6)
   Reverse Gravity: Objects and creatures fall upward. No Save. No SR.
   Imaginize Object - aka Figmentize Turns object into figment of caster's imagination.
   Limited Wish X: T
   Twinned Empowered Ray of Enfeeblement: 2 Rays deals 1d6 +5 Str damage x 1.5 each to same target (18-32), +24 ranged touch

8th-Level Wizard Spells x9 DC 33 Base

Mandrell (6)
Moment of Prescience : (Cast on self) Add +23 to any one attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, saving throw.
Dimensional Lock: Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for one day/level.
 Telekinetic Sphere: As resilient sphere, but you move sphere telekinetically.

Stilled Scintillating Pattern: No Save! Twinned.  Affects up to 2 x 20 HD. +37 vs SR! Empowered. can be Truth Infused.  (1d4*1.5) rounds of confuse, stun, or render unconscious. Mandrakes eyes turn dragonlike and shine with golden light as he casts this spell or invokes the power or
  Enhanced  Disintegrate: Makes one creature or object vanish. 1.5*5d6 if make forst save, otherwise 1.5*40d6
Polymorph Any Object : Changes any subject into anything else. DC 35;  vs Kyuss
Trap the Soul: Imprisons subject within gem.

9th-Level Wizard Spells x8 DC 34 Base

Mandrell (6)
Prismatic Sphere: As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.
SpellStrike: Dispells one magical effect cast this or previous round retroactively.
Gate X: (for double gate combo)
Gate X: (for double gate combo)
Weird: (d) Empowered. Twinned. Affects all within 30 ft. Will Save & Fort Save (DC41) if fort succeeds 3d6x50%, d4 strx50% & stun 1 round.     Image of the scarriest golden dragon imaginable (think astral beast version of a golden dragon, Fire lions crossed with gold dragon), enraged

10th-Level Wizard Spells x3 (1 increased spell capacity +2 int)

crushing hand?  23+15+12+4=+42 +mop = 65
gate gate web forcecage
magic missile arcanna + gate
telekinesis grapple is 23+15=38, 61 moment of prescience , sr applies

Epic Spells  

Epic Fifth Magic Powers  

 All powers require DC 20 Fortitude save or be fatigued. Cannot cast if exhausted.

Sorcerer Spells Known DC = 26 + lvl of spell, +8 lvls of metamagics. SR +30

DC  26 = 10+3(belt)+5 (illusion focus)+8(chr) + lvl of spell         SR +30 (16 levels +4 staff +4 greater spell penetration +1 luck bonus +5 illusion focus)

Discipline Mastery in True Illusion & Avoidance. No spells are Mind Affecting.

1st-Level Sorcerer Spells (5) x14  DC 27-33

True Illusions
    Silent Image: (d) Creates minor illusion of your design. Range 800ft . 14 ten foot cubes, duration concentration. Stilled
    Ventriloquism: Throws voice for 1 min./level. 

2nd-Level Sorcerer Spells (5) x14

True Illusions
    Minor Image: (d) As silent image, plus some sound. duration conc+2 rnds, Range 800ft 14 ten foot cubes. Stilled. DC 29-35
    Continual Flame
    Blur: Attacks miss subject 20% of the time. Heightened to 9th lvl.
    Mirror Image: (d) Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +4 images). Stilled & Empowered (7,9,10, or 12 images). Heightened to 5th lvl.

3rd-Level Sorcerer Spells (4) x7

   False Thoughts Creates False surface thoughts as a protection against mind reading
   Miser's Envy: (d) Compels target to go after one item greedily. Infuse Truth & Heighten to 9th lvl. DC 35
   Sensory Deprivation: Target becomes Blind, Deaf, and cannot use its blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense. Truth Inf, H to 8th DC 34 Will Neg
   Lure Lures the target along a specific path. Infuse Truth & Heighten to 8th lvl. DC 34 Will negates. or 31 if Stilled.

True Illusions
    Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects. Range 800ft 14 ten foot cubes, duration = conc+3 rnds . DC 35 or 34 if Stilled
    Displacement: Attacks miss subject 50%. Stilled and Heightened to 8th lvl.

4th-Level Sorcerer Spells (4) x7 

True Illusions
    Illusory Wall:(d)  Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through. Heightened to 9th lvl. DC 35.
    Lesser Simulacrum As simulacrum only lasts less time and has less knowledge. Empowered.

5th-Level Sorcerer Spells (4) x6

True Illusions
    Persistent Image: As major image, but no concentration required. Stilled. Heightened to 9th lvl. DC 35.
    Greater Ventriloquism (d) Causes other creates to appear to speak something. Heightened to 9th lvl. DC 35.

6th-Level Sorcerer Spells (3) x5

True Illusions
    Permanent Image: Includes sight, sound, and smell.  Stilled. Heightened to 9th lvl. DC 35.
    Programmed Image M: As major image, plus triggered by event. Stilled. Heightened to 9th lvl. DC 35.
    Mislead:(d) Turns you invisible and creates illusory double. Stilled = No Components!!
    Project Image: Illusory double can talk and cast spells. Stilled. can put veil (give substance & smell and False thoughts) will DC 35

7th-Level Sorcerer Spells (2) x5 

True Illusions
    Massive Illusion: As persistent image but much larger area of effect. Stilled. Infused with Truth. Heightened to 9th lvl. DC 34.
     4 100ft cubes +1 100ft cube per level (17 one hundred ft cubes). Can create illusions of dragons, entire buildings. Includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal components +1 from thistle, and the figment follows a script determined by you. The figment follows that script without your having to concentrate on it. The illusion can include intelligible speech if you wish.
    Simulacrum:(d) 12 hours to cast, 18th level, costs 1800 xp and 1800gp in powdered ruby.

8th-Level Sorcerer Spells (1) x4

     Independent Illusion - (Figment) True Illusion - As Programmed Illusion except that the illusion possesses a tiny spark of the caster's intelligence that lets it react to changing situations as the caster desires, as though he conciously directed its actions. Casting this spell inflicts 1 point of temporary intelligence damage on the caster.

Archmagist Staff Powers:

  These do not use charges: (all at casters level of ability, sum all levels of spellcasting classes (39)
     Detect Magic   Enlarge   Hold Portal
     Mage armor      Light      Mage Hand
   The following drain 2 charge per usage
     Greater Dispell Magic (at 39rd),
Improved Invisibility
     Delayed Blast Fireball (120hp) 40ft Radius DC 34, Knock
     Ice Storm (DC 29), Lighting Bolt (20d6)  DC 28
     Passwall, Wall of Fire (DC 31),  Web (DC 27)
  The following drain 4 charges
     Monster summoning IX
(750 lbs or 30 creatures in 20ft area) Will DC 30 Combat maneuver contests at +54 (39 caster level +15 primary stat)
     Plane shift 7th lvl spell, Will DC 32 Touch
     Whirlwind 10ft base 3d6/d8, DC 34, 8th lvl Dr spell
To Overcome SR with staff powers  +48 ( +39 Caster lvl +4 staff +4 spell penetration +1 luck bonus)

Thistle Staff of Firepower (Staff of Fire & Power Combined)

Triggered and Contingent Powers

Sagely's Spectacular Retainer: Mage expends all of his spells to cast several retained spells.
Contingency: When one of my Wall of Force spells is destryed by someone other than me, it is replaced by a Wall of Force.
Thoughcast: Sorcerer's Charn of Domination.
Amameon's Gift  Boosts caster level of fire spells by 1d4 (1/day)

Bracers of the Gold Dragon: Breath Weapon, 20d6 Fire or Gas 90x30 cone.
Thistle's Ring of Spell StoringTime Stop Spellcatch Repulsion Energy Shield
Mandrake's Staff of the Archmagist: Current Charges:
Mandrake's Staff of Spell Energy: Current Charges:

list all evocations can be done by a Shadow Evocation (all can be empowered)

list all conjurations thatcan be done by Shadow Conjuration (al can be empowered)
SR always counts for Shadow Conj (SC) spells reguardless of descript. If a power and they disbelieve, its only 20% likely to affect them
  Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
feats working on (in order)
spell focus (illusion)
combine caster levels for sr and caster level

spellsharing ideas w/ thistle
timestop, shapechange, mirror image, false thoughts, mind blank,  inviso, transformation, shield

Mandrake's Automated Telekinetic Sphere -to be cast when dealing with sphere of annhilation, -- souround it with a telekinetic sphere and "i limited wish that for the duration of the spell, the telekinetic sphere matches speed and direction with the spatial distortion contained within it"

telekinesis throw the rod of negation at the sphere, surround it in telekinetic sphere or resilient sphere


exert my own mental control over it DC 30 or oppossed check
d20+character level+intelligence modifier (+36+15=+51, on a rolld of ten moves 40ft/rnd) +23 with moment of prescience (up to 60ft/rnd)

clenched fist, has strength of 33(+11)--one attack per round +23+15+11-1 large=+48 to hit
crushing hand, has strength of 35(+11)--one attack per round +23+15+12-1 large=+49 to hit 2d6+12 damage
grapple +23+15+12+4 large=+54
The crushing hand can also interpose itself as interposing hand does, or it can bull rush an opponent as forceful hand does, but at a +18 bonus

moment of precience x 3
telekinetic sphere, limited
telekinesis spell
crushing hand

2 gate spells
incendiary cloud and or resilient sphere
(gate to paraplane of vacuum, just beyond that gate create a second gate to inside incendiary cloud with a burn and consume. (incendiary cloud will do 80ft diameter circle 40 ft high that moves up to 60ft per round) a resilient sphere or wall of force(sphere) in which mandrake is casting fire spells {can be in darkaneos flame and casting fire every round)

scintillating pattern (up to 20hd each) , remove mind affecting, empowered,
13 or more hit dice creatures are confused for 1d4 rounds, otherwise stunned then confused or unconcious then stunned and then confused.
no save! SR applies, lasts concentration +2 rounds, 20ft radius spread, range 80ft at my level

grapple telekinesis off of staff : grapple = character level + intelligence = 36+15=+51 with moment of prescience =+74
from spell = 23+15=+38 w/ mop = +61
with aid another +2 per spell or +4 if at 20th level
need to also do a MOP on getting past spell resistence: d20+23+4+4+23=d20+54

shapechanging to half dragon, assume creatures stats:
+8 str = 23 str (+6), +2 con (+36 hp)
+4 natural armour = AC 31
30ft cone of fire 1/day, for 6d8 damage dc 15 save for half  (10+4/2+3)=15
immune to sleep, paralysis, and fire

half celestial
daylight 1/day (su)
smite evil (+39 to damage) 1/day (su)
imune to disease
acid cold & electric resist 10,
dr 10/magic,
+4 fort saves vs poison
con +4 (78 hp) dex +2 str +4
natural armour +1 (stacks fully)

storm giant has freedom of movement
purple worm burrows at 20,
avoral has true sight as an su, 1/day lay on hands = full hps, (su)
blink dog has scent and blinking (su) and d door (su)

Kyuss battle
preparation - prebattle will take some rock and use poly any object to make it a crystal glass ball
create a simulacrum (use limited wish that the next time i cast simulacrum the portion of memories the simulacrum  gets are my illusionist memories)
the simulacrums only job is to cast programmed illusion into the sphere and record every round of combat for posterity

cast sorcery every round with iron glare
attack as half celestial dragon