Mandragoran Conversation

Illusion (Figment) Mind-Affecting

Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Short (30 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Creates one memory of a conversation
Duration: Until used
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes

"You remember a conversation you had with Mandrake..." This spell is cast on a target creature and lies dormant until triggered by a random yet significant event (as determined by the DM). When activated, the target remembers having had a conversation with the caster. That conversation is replayed in their head in an instant and is as if the caster and the target discussed a topic relavent to the triggering situation. Treat this as allowing the target creature three free action intelligence checks or knowledge checks with any knowledge skills possessed by the caster.  The intelligence check uses the intelligence bonus and skill ranks of the caster at the time of casting this spell. The conversation cannot relate any information that the caster did not know at the time of casting but the conversation can involve anything the target knows or has learned since. Until triggered, this effect does not radiate magic but is detectable by detect illusion. A Dispell Magic will not dispel this effect but a Dispell Illusion will. The caster may also specify a triggering event. This triggering even may be when at a particular location, when doing a particular thing, or simply when the target is in great need. The caster is not made aware of the triggering, or automatically given any knowledge of what the conversation was about, nor does he know, at the time of casting, what the conversation will end up being about. A target creature can not have more than one at a time. 


A bit of gold.

XP Cost: 100 exp for the first casting on a target. exp point cost doubles for each additional casting in the same target.

Typical triggering effects Mandrake uses: when in great need, when dealing with white gold, fate magics, fire mages, the fire plane, when target is having a creative insight,