Mandragoran Aura of Creativity 2

Transmutation (fortify and life seeds) [Emanation]

Spellcraft DC: 115
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Area: 150ft radius
Duration: 7 days
Saving Throw: will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop:  Seeds: life (DC 27), fortify (DC 27). 

OLD Summary:   Any coming within the aura have 6 years added to their current and future age categories - not making them young but extending the time they can live in each age category. Those that spend 3 rounds speaking with or listening to and have a good reaction towards the caster, gain a +2 luck bonus (or +6 enhancement) to their intelligence, a +2 luck (or +6 enhancement) to skill checks, and 5 temporary hit points. In that radius, up to one inanimate plant or object will also become intelligent while it is in the area (randomly determined)! Alternately the character may spend a full round talking to a target plant or object and the caster must make a Will save (DC 10 +  the Hit Dice the target will have once it comes to life (as determined by dm). At any time while the object or plant is still in the area, the character may expend 1,000xp to make the intelligence and annimance permanent.

New Summary:    The Mandragoran Aura of Creativity stimulates the imagination and extends the possibilities of those in the aura to make a difference from their lives. Immediately, the maximum lifespan of any creatures coming in the area is extended by 6 yrs. Those that spend 3 rounds speaking with or listening to the caster gain a +2 luck (or +3 enhancement) to skill checks  and a +2 luck bonus (or +6 enhancement) to their intelligence (note characters may already have enhancement bonus, this does not stack).  In the aura, there is a 20% chance that one inanimate plant or object has become intelligent and animated (determined by DM)! Is the caster spends a full round talking to a plant or object and makes a successful Will save (DC 10 +  the Hit Dice the target will have once it comes to life (as determined by dm) to animate it. Annimations are at least mildly favorably disposed to the caster. At any time while the object or plant is still in the area, the character may expend 1,000xp to make the intelligence and annimance permanent. If an ally is within the Aura and currently receiving the spells benefits, once he may opt to take a reroll on any roll. The new die roll result must be taken. Using this reroll ends all the benefits & effects of this spell on that character and they cannot again benefit from the enhancement to skills or intelligence until the spell is recast. It still continues to function for those who have not used the reroll - in essence the character "uses up" the extra fate granted by the spell.

Description and Casting.  the spell takes 10 minutes to cast. This spell must be cast within 1 mile of the heart of a volcanoe as the caster draws upon that energy to power a prophetic emenation of the charms of illusion of sorcery which draw upon the best teachers, the most inspiring people, and the person who gave those that enter the field, the most confidence. Each creature within the field notices slightly differently things about the caster but those features inspire creativity (skill bonuses), unconventional thought (intelligence bonuses), and confidence (temperary hit points). The very air around him seems to shake with possibility. First, the Archmage must draw a pentagram on the floor and sit within it to hedge out all extraneous forces of the fates. usually a protection from evil 10ft radius is also placed upon it.  A bowl of the volcano's lava is placed at each of the five points of the pentagram and upon each bowl is enscribed one, different, Fifth Magic Symbol. In the event that a volcanoa is not used the spell may be alternately cast with the aid of at least five other spellcasters, each contributing a second level or higher fire spell into the bowls. (remits 25 from DC). Each is then lit and the fire that permeates all things is focused into the wizard by evoking his own true name. The fire purges the mage of extranous energies. At this point any two potions are poured into a cup with the blood of a mandragoran (a cut that does 9d6 serves as backlash damage).  The caster must successfully read how the Random Factors allign in order to become a conduit and successfully cast the spell. This requires a knowldge alchemy check of 20 to identify potion, failure to do so means the caster misread the random factors and the spell is wasted. If successful however, the caster is attuned to the fates and may begin. Casting requires the use of a deck of many things to which the caster is immune. this spell does not grant immunity to the deck by itself. A use magic device check is performed to emulate a class feature (tarot card reader) and the caster throws down several readings with the cards in the process of casting the spell and gets clues as to how to aid his friends.  Each time  The Star comes up (fortify seed) and The Moon (life seed required when fortify gives int to non int objects), and the Idiot (reverse of intelligence loss) the Archmagist draws upon its energy by touching the card and using thaumaturgy.  The continued use of thaumaturgy requires a fortitude save DC 25 or be fatigued (or exhausted if already fatigued). This continues for several minutes of casting while the mage gathers up his energies.    Into this he also pours 1 year of his life as sorcery's cost in ageing while he invokes the Charm of Illusion - your best teacher, the person who gave you confidence, the most inspiring. The magical energies of the volcano are combined with Mandrake's and those gleaned from the cards and are infused to power the emenation . When any creature (and up to one object) comes within the 150ft radius it gains a bonus to its intelligence and adds 6 yrs to the maximum age for each of the future age categories for every year of lifespan invested in the spell.  The age increase is permanent with each casting of the spell while all other affects only apply while withing the aura. All creatures gain +2 luck bonus to intelligence (or +6 enhancement bonus, whichever best) and up to one plants or objects that is in the field can gain intelligence (roll 3d6 for base stats). Objects so enlivened are animated as per animate object and are favorably disposed towards, although not controlled by, the caster. The intelligence remains while in the area of the caster and may be made permanent only with a 1,000xp ependiture made by the caster,  Allies also gain +2 luck bonus to skill checks (or +6 enhancement, whichever best), and their max hit points are increasd by 5 whenever they are in the field but the caster must spend 3 rounds using sorcery to understand how to best aid them and allow this effect.  For every year invested in the casting of the spell, lifespan is increased by 6. At the time of castng the caster may opt not to invest ageing into the spell, in which case it has all other effects except it does not increase lifespan.

Base DC: 44  [fortify seed(17), life seed: 27 to add life seed, - once per day  it can add sentience to one otherwise unsentient creature permanently or to other objects while just in range] base: 1 minute to cast range touch target creature touched duration 20 hrs, will negates,

remitting factors:
 -2 to dc for possibility of being fatgued or exhausted
-10 to DC for requiring 5 successful checks (-2 per check)
-6 to DC for requiring a power source (volcano)
-4 for potion requiremnt (-2x2)
-10 tapping power of the decks (adds 50 to DC of spell)
-20 for ten min casting
-8 for 1 yr of ageing (-2 to DC per 3 months of ageing)
-9  9d6 backlash dam

costing factors
+50 working with deck of many things
+10 to change target to area,
+20 to change area from 20ft to 150ft radius - +2 (+4 per 20ft incriment beyond 20)(+42) 20=2,40=6,80=10,150=20 ( i had to pick this so it could cover the draco)
ad hoc negs: +4 DC for each creature being able to choose between luck or enhancement 

+12 for adding on 6 yrs to lifespan 

+12 for + 2 luck bonus to intelligence (use of luck raises base dc to 17+6=23 and costs +6 for 1 addtnl) or 6 enhancement bonus (at +1 with DC 17 and additional 5 at +2 each = +10 with an ad hoc cost of +2 paid to be able to choose),

+12 for +2 luck bonus to skill checks (use of luck raises base dc to 17+6=23 and costs +6 for 1 addtnl) or 6 enhancement) bonus (at +1 with DC 17 and additional 5 at +2 each = +10 with an ad hoc cost of +2 paid to be able to choose),

+10 to raise an ability score it doesnt posses (base changes from 17 to 27)

+8 to increase max hit points by +5 hit ponts (+1 hit points with dc 17 +2 per additional ) 

+6 durration to 7 days

+2 alternative casting (volcanoe or ritual)

+2 option to expend 1,000 xp to make animation of inanimate objects permanent. (seed actually specifies its permanent)

Appropriate text from fortify Seed:
"the fortify seed grants the target a permanent +1 year to its current age category. For each additional +1 year added to the creature’s current age category, increase the Spellcraft DC by +2. Incremental adjustments to a creature’s maximum age do not stack; they overlap. When a spell increases a creature’s current age category, all higher age categories are also adjusted accordingly."

"If a spell with the fortify seed grants an inanimate object an ability score it would not normally possess (such as Intelligence), the spell must also incorporate the life seed."

Appropriate text from life seed:
"The caster can give inanimate plants and animals a soul, personality, and humanlike sentience. To succeed, the caster must make a Will save (DC 10 + the target’s Hit Dice, or the Hit Dice a plant will have once it comes to life)."

"The newly living object, intelligent animal, or sentient plant is friendly toward the caster. An object or plant has characteristics as if it were an animated object, except that its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are all 3d6. Animated objects and plants gain the ability to move their limbs, projections, roots, carved legs and arms, or other appendages, and have senses similar to a human’s. A newly intelligent animal gets 3d6 Intelligence, +1d3 Charisma, and +2 HD. Objects, animals, and plants speak one language that the caster knows, plus one additional language that he or she knows per point of Intelligence bonus (if any)."

requiring an active power source (-2), ageing every 3 months of ageing -2 (1 yr = 4 X-2 = -8) each yr of ageing gives -8, potion as a material component, -2 DC or more depending on the potion (ie a potion of time travel might add a lot), requiring a unique magical item as a component, -2DC or more depending on the item required, generally unique items created specifically for the spell give -2 DC for each 1000 experience points to craft. DC is x2 if the item is consumed in process. 

req power source +2, potion -2, 

9,000X final spellcraft dc

History of the Spell

The Mandragorans travel dimensions in order to incite change and growth. Because of that they are Memorable (Mandragoran Feat) and meeting them is often life changing (Mandragora Feat). They are also incredibly related to the fates in their most random form (+100 spellcraft with fate magics like a Deck, although the spell here does not make use of that bonus). The Aura of the Mandragoran swirls with possibility and those that come within it are bound for long and interesting lives. Mandrake has spent much time teaching and enhancing others around him - Aaron, Kothlun, Thistle, and the Loresraat. He has most recently gave up increased spell capacity so that he could spend more time as a role model with his students. In gaining a new level of thaumaturgy after using it at length to enhance the bonuses and movement of others, and after aquiring a new mini feat that allows him to create mirror images with their own intelligence and spending much time around the latent volcano firestorm peak, he has developed a new epic combination of the five magics into the form of an aura. This aura appeared afterthe second battle of harnian ragnarok.