Imaginize Object (Transmute to figment
of Imagination)
Level: 6th (Transmutation)
Components: V, S,M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft / 2
Target: One non-living object
of up to 1 cu ft /lvl
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell resistence: Yes
This spell transmutes one non
living object into a figment of the caster's imagination (a purely
mental form in the mind of the caster). The item gaines a save
(unattendend object if unattended, bearers save if held). The item
immediately diassapears from the real world and exists only in the
caster's imagination. If
the caster closes her eyes she can see the object by making a
concentration check at DC 20. If she succeeds, she sees it as if it is
at 30ft distance. For each 5 that the DC is made by, it appears 5 ft
closer. (At DC 50, the object is clear and observation is as if closely
inspecting the object - this DC is required for reading scrolls or
etc.) The spell ends after casting but the transmuted object stays
permanently in the imagination. It can only be made whole again through
casting the reverse of this spell (DeImaginize, or Summon Figment). If
the caster dies, there is a 5% chance per day that the object becomes
lost on the astral planes. The side effects of some Magic items (if
any) may affect the caster (1-100%) of effects. The spell fails if the
caster cannot be affected by Mind Affecting Magics (i.e. Mind Blank) at
the time of casting (although it can be cast afterwards).
Alternately, the caster can
choose to make it a figment of the bearer's imagination (if it is
held). In this case, the bearer believes he still holds the object and
may continue to try to use it although it is actually just a figment of
their imagination. As it is not real, spell effects do not reach into
the real world. Some exceptions may be made by the DM for morale
effects of the item that affect the bearer only.
Additional notes: There can be only one magical item in your
imagination and up to 1 item per lavel of caster of non magical items.
It is therorized that it may be possible for a thief to steal the
object if he makes a sense motive check high enough to detect surface
thoughts or by use of a powerful detect thoughts.