Lorocus Stonegrade Memorized Lore

CASTER LEVEL: 35 (Staff of Law) or 31 (BattleStaff)

Spells Cast Nightly (thus spells are always in memory)
* Rocklight                  * Foresee Weather                                * Freedom of Speech     * Aura of the Grand Druid     *Bloodguard Sharespell
* Protection from Time (Faith and Lorocus recast 1/week)          * Rockhard                   * Crown of Vermin (Suspended)
Spells Permanent
* Freedom of Choice (20th)                * Speak with Animals (Staff)                              * Pass w/o Trace 5ft (Staff)
* Barkskin (Staff)                              * Spiritual Dwelling ( Magic Jar carried by Faith)    * Environmental Protection
* Healthsense x3                               * Detect Magic (MU - 19th)            * Detect Malignation (Ep granted)
* Detect Evil (Semi-permanent 25th)    * Detect Balance (Semi-perm 25th)  * Perception (Poisons - EP Granted)  
* Pass w/o Trace 5ft (Staff)               * Detect Malignation (Ep granted)    * LandSight (continent wide vision - EP Granted)
*Powersight (Semi-Permanent - to be cast in play) -tells HD of people/creature

Save DC: 29 + Level of Spell                   Overcome Spell Resistance: d20 + 30 lvls+6 Spell penetration (+1 or +5) Staff = +37 or +41

0-Level Druid Spells (No Save Allowed - Gow Lung E-San-Day Vadin)

1st-Level Druid Spells (No Save Allowed) (10 Spells + 10 Float GD)

2nd-Level Druid Spells (10 Spells +1 Float from GD)

3rd-Level Druid Spells (9 Spells)

4th-Level Druid Spells (9 Spells)

5th-Level Druid Spells (9 Spells)

6th-Level Druid Spells (8 Spells)

7th-Level Druid Spells (7 Spells)

8th-Level Druid Spells (7 Spells)

9th-Level Druid Spells (7 Spells)

Epic Druid Spells

Crown of Vermin - Precast and suppressed. Last 20 rds and is 1,000HP of damage around Lorocus head. Grants 1/2 Concealment

Epic Excommunication: 90% Complete and paid for...

Freedom of Speech - Cast daily. Creation awaits further singing of song and gurantee speech.

Freedom of Time: Contingent magic that executes once would cause time disruption

Seal of the Grand Druid: Seals cast to do the will of the Grand Druid. Placed in 15 places total.

Safe Time: Moves character/object out of time stream fro one round on precondition. Uses up slot to expended. Backlash 30d6

Temporal Ruin: - Causes 1 object/person within 12,000ft to take 30d8 (or more) damage. No V,S,M. Backlash 10d6


Seven Ward Powers

Forbiding: This acts like a Wall of Force but can withstand only 10HP/Level of caster before it collapses. This at will power takes one full round to cast and has a range of 0. The AOE is 10ftx10ft wall per level of the druid. Its duration is 1 day/level.

Ward of Warning
20ft/lvl Radius, x2 Wisdom in damage / x8 Blocking of damage
Lorocus Ward Immune to 1-7th lvl and Veil Spell as well

This sphere is a 20ft radius per level of the Druid (but may be smaller) and may be visible (as a blue shimmering) or not at casters desire. It causes x2 the casters wisdom in Lordsfire damage each round spent inside, no To Hit or save required. It will automatically deflect damage at x8 the casters wisdom in Lordsfire for each attack. It may be taken down by a Wish, Miracle, or Sin spell cast upon it. It normally lasts 1 day/level but may become permanent if the caster expends 2500xp. Either way, the casting exhausts the caster (loses 6 levels immediately through exhaustion, recovers the levels normally) and must make a Concentration Check for every spell cast until fully rested (DC15+spell level).


Minor Magics of Lorocus

True Strike: +20 on your next attack roll.  Bird of Paradise (adore for 15 minutes for any 1st lvl MU Spell)
Create Water (1/day from Landcloak)

Bard Spells

0-Level Bard Spells (Cantrips)

1st-Level Bard Spells

 Silver Flute of Bards
Control Winds when played
Adds +3 to DC of Enchantments when played
Barkskin 1/day Bard Caster level
CL Wounds 1/day Bard Caster level
Obscurement 1/day Bard Caster level
Magic Circle against evil Bard Caster level
Levitate Bard caster level
Inviso (faint playing heard) while played
Fly 1/day at Bard Caster level

Faith Powers

All spells are caster level as Faiths level and are Charisma based (DC 10+ Spell Level + Charisma (3))

All spells are 1/day unless otherwise noted

Protection from evil 3/day, bless
Aid, detect evil
Cure serious wounds, neutralize poison
Holy smite, remove disease
Dispel evil
Holy word
Holy aura 3/day, hallow
Mass charm monster
Summon monster IX (celestials only)







Daylight (Su)

Half-celestials can use a daylight effect (as the spell) at will.






All Druid Spells for Reference

0-Level Druid Spells (Orisons)

1st-Level Druid Spells

2nd-Level Druid Spells

3rd-Level Druid Spells

4th-Level Druid Spells

5th-Level Druid Spells

6th-Level Druid Spells

7th-Level Druid Spells

8th-Level Druid Spells

9th-Level Druid Spells