Wife of Loric. Ki-Rin. As the Ki-Rin is the symbol of the One Power
and represents the Pacts with nature.
Carries the statue of Dameleon Giantfriend that allows one to exceed
the racial limitations of one's class.
Loric is hoping she will be elevated to Tuen-Rin in the course of her
She has helped the Starrider in the creation of the Vow and saved the
peoples of Avalon countless times.
Mother of the Children of Twilight.
Elayne Sunhair pays carefull attention to the behind the scenes goings
on in Avalon and Manetherin.
She is Loric's behind the scenes invisible, ethereal eyes as to what
the Dark One may be trying to conspire in Manetherin proper. She watches
the councils and the three Realms for signs of the Dark One's influence.
She has her own henchmen, some in the Clerics of Dawn, and others that
are placed heavily in support roles in Manetherin. She seldom, if ever
makes personal appearances. Prefering to use her mothering instincts in
unseen ways.
When made aware of blackmailings by agents of the dark one, she uses
her powers (magical, psionic, and spells) as well as her henchmen, to neutralize
the secrets involved.
Onoccaision, she may be needed for the overt defense of Manetherin,
usually when an evil dooer has penetrated the defenses of Manetherin and
the councils or peoples stand in jeopardy. In this case she uses her many
attack abilities - spells, magic, and psionics, as well as the full powers
of the Ki-Rin to protect them.
mission: be Lorics symbol that he will return.
Currently on mission to stop dimensional merging. What can be done on
this side?
Sequentially go after each of Vader's resources in this dimension and
take them out.
current mission: defense of Manethrin against the forces of chaos, and
the Aiel clans.
will work with Head of the Fifth Union of
Seekers (their forte = choas)
Danger Level: High
Missions: Gather information on the resources and machinations directing
dimensional merge
learning about the coming invasion by Chaos, the Aiel, and Vader.
looking to gind
ways to split Vader's alliance with chaos. place seeker parties
will share info with the Warmark
Danger Level: low (seeker parties will be highest)
current mission: gather information on movements in shadow around Middle
send troups to interdict any shadow armies around middle earth from
helping Sauron in middle earth during the Middle Earth war.
Mission: To find out what is happening to the drow spirits once they
die in Middle Earth, Follow their spirits?
Danger levels: ?
Mission: See that the drow houses follow the Greylords will as
the Greylord would want it.
The Directions
These are not considered Henchmen but they are Zealots.
When in the mountain, they recieve recon reports for each of their
respective directions.
While around Greylord, they will cast Forget spells to Forget any information
they do not need to know.
(Personal coversations the Greylord has with others, etc).
7th lvl fighters/7th level mages with 57 hp each.
A.C. 0 (-2 vs shadows)
Shadow Set of the Directions
aka Shadow-wards
+3/+5 vs Shadows Longswords x2
x5 damage vs Shadows
x2 attacks vs Shadows
Dagger +2/+4 vs Shadows
-2/die damage caused by Shadows (0 damage possible)
Chain Armor +3/+5 vs Shadows
Immune to Strength Drain
Fly (only in pursuit of Shadows)
Sense Shadows 200'
Immune to Shadow related Fear/morale
hand crossbow, 13 apps sleep poison (save -4)
drow elven cloak and boots
West: Neutral Good
dust of dissapearance (3 uses)
White Elfstones
Blue Elfstones
Ring of Free Action
East: True Neutral
White Elfstones
Blue Stones (acts as Phylactery of Fauthfulness)
Spells Known: 1stx3, 2ndx2, 3rdx2
Magic Missile, Spider Climb, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, Message, Hold Portal
Knock, Stinking Cloud, Mirror Image, Inviso, Web, Forget
Fireball, Lightning bolt, Slow
Damage/Attacks agaist shadows:
4 attacks per round, x5 damage, +5 to hit/damage
(ave attack does 45 pnts damage, may do 180 pnts in a round)
take -2 per die in damage, and may fly when fighting shadows.
can sense shadows in 200', immune to shadow strength drain
on average may kill 4 shadows per round each
usually travel with shocking grasp and stoneskin,
will cast Mirror Image in combat if have enough time
Aes Sedai | ||
Warward | The Eight Ajahs | Belgariad |
Battle Record | ||
Shadows of Avalon | Races of Avalon | Culture of Avalon |
Locations in Avalon | Naming of Names | Laws of Avalon |
Travel Times | Old Toungue | Religion of Avalon |
Monuments | Book of the Unicorn | |
Monsters | Book of Five Rings | |
The Solarian's Bible |
All shadows contingent to Avalon have a Sun aspect
( Solarian ) and a Shadow aspect (ie Vecna). While their traditions
varied, they are all blessed by trhe Solarian as good. Some should
be quite
unique and even shocking to the Fold of Avalon.
The seekers spend more time outside of Avalon than in..Avalon is a big
There is much wildland still in Avalon after 200yrs. Vast tracks of
land exist where no man has seen.
There are 12 shadows immediately surrounding Avalon. To access five,
you must pass through the Sea of Storms (impossible death ride) or thru
Misma Swamp ( No one form the Comapny of the First Blood has yet returned
from Swamp Shadow Walking, though many adventure IN the swamp with great
success. Big XP's in
Fog Giants, you know...). The other seven have been explored.
Realm One | Realm Two | Realm Three |
Realm Four | Realm Five | Realm Six: Thre Great Shadow |
Moods'shadow | Jeffs shadow??need email | |
Committee on Shadow Movement |
Realm One: Feudal World, less developed
socially and but high in technological advancement. Spells top out at 3rd!
Clerical Miracles at 5th. This world has
advanced gunsmithing ( Gatling Guns, Heavy Artillery and such ) as
well as some telegrapph and trains but limited socila graces. They are
split inot warring
kingdoms. Recently "bought off" by Avalon as wardens to preserve this
shadow against outside invasion.
Realm Two: Sea World, many ocean going
states, few land masses. All
Realm Three: Faerie Realm, high amount
of Elves, Pechs, Herazi, and such ( due to Pech & Herazi presense in
Avalon). Many dangerous parts...faeries
unpredicatable. Not technology but 10th level spells very possible.
All beings have some innate magic.
Realm Four: Mountainous Realm...few tribes
of men..hardy groups like Barabarians. Can be called in mighty horde by
leader. Worship the Burning God of Fiery
Justice and fear the Dark Bringer of Lies. They are especially afraid
of the Hand of Star, a avenging God of the Solarian who smites the fearful
and unfaithful with
magic ( which they fear and hate. Not the Hand, for He is justice,
but the method which has no honor).
Realm Five: Feudal World,
heavily addicted to Avalon...sister world. Kingdoms are small and scattered
but enjoy Avalonian culture. Area is magic strong and
many Belgariad travel here to experiment with Shadow. Interstinfg side
note, this world worships the Solarian but has another subsect who worships
God of Magic, Philosophy and Song. All aspects of magic & technology
Realm Six: Thre Great Shadow
On the main overland path to Avalon from the outer shadows, a great
exists. It is defined by a great land with rough and jagged nearly
mountains on either side with a great swath of plains followed by rocky
badlands in between. The planes and the badlands are interlaced with
rivers coming from the mountains and they have a general slope to them
as to
make it is one has to climb up a great hill to get to Avalon. the mountains
are teaming with neutral self-adsorbed chaotic giants of all sizes
dislike intruders to their realm and prefer to have nothing to do with
outsiders - good or evil. They, and their dragon and manticore pets
crossing along the mountains nearly impossible. The planes below are
relatively flat and have little overgrowth. Displacer beasts, blink
large reptiles, and various rough creatures indigenous to these wilds
over the food here.
As this is the main overland path towards Avalon
from the middle and
outer shadows, several Shrines to the Unicorn spot the terrain as do
number of Avalonian military forts. There are few, if any indigenous
or demi humans that call this shadow home. The terrain is marred and
at places as if great wars had been fought here at one time. A number
greatlyknown battle of the Knights of Sunsteel have been fought here
and its
even rumoured that Saint Darnok led an army and fought here. To-wit,
Temple to St Darnok and the Knights of Sunsteel exist in the center
of these
planes on the edg
These are the shadows closest to the sun. This shadow is more along
the line
betwee good & evil. When a walker emerges from here, he normally
near the Land-split.e of the badlands.
Realm Seven: Jeff's realm...running
on empty..need help.
The Moon Shadow
This shadow is defined by a reflection of the Pattern off of the silvery
moon. The reflection is dominated by the grand curve of the Pattern
requirement) and the veil of simplicity. Hence, it is a shadow defined
the faith of its peoples and the appearance of divine insights mirrored
nature and natural law. The land itself is lush, with many lakes and
and much foliage and natural growth. Some very unique berries and grapes
grow here in the moonlight which produce some of the areas unique and
delicious wines. The main continent in this shadow has an extensive
but only small mountain ranges. The indigenous peoples here are very
faithful. They have a large concentration of churches of the solarian
Shrines of the Unicorn and their own special brand of religious monks
the martial arts kind). Their goverments are composed of elder councils
serving feudal lords. Women play a unique role in these countries -
holding many positions of descission making. They are reveared for
ability to give birth and multiply and often take many husbands - moving
from town to town to mother families. When their number of children
is high
enough, they will retire to a maner of a feudal lord and all their
then join her increasing the feudal lords fold - but only after the
has successfully enticed the women by making their new home a good
The culture lives mostly
on subsistence farming and agrarian works
but gets a great deal of income by selling their unique foods and beverages
to avalon. Indeed, a large part of the population is composed of people
have moved here from Avalon directly. It is a favorite vacation spot
Avalonians and seekers. At one point the large immigaration of settlers
from Avalon wanting to move into the moonlight fertile valleys of this
place had coused a bit of consternation among the feudal lords here,
after a time, a settlement was reached with Manetherin in Avalon -
any new
avolonians wishing to move here and own land would have to petition
Manetherin and show how their movement to this shadow could be proved
for the shadow, etc. thus with control over the numbers of emmigrees,
Avalon has maintained a very friendly relationship with this shadow.
There are many taverns and
inns in the towns here where people
traveling to or from avalon often stay. Beer and festival are common.
people in this shadow really like this place but they do have a definte
avalonian influence on them. They are fond of stories of the Knights
Sunsteel and Glen Finnan
Additionally, many of the
Priests of the Dawn trek down to this
shadow to share their thoughts and gain wisdom from the faithful here.
have a good working relationship and the abbeys here often have Avalonian
cleric guests or send their clerics to Avalon (the churches in avalon
that a fair bit of money comes out this way to the churches here (as
as special caches of weapons just in case this shadow is invaded).
desert in this shadow is known for its ability to produce strong visions
and clerics often come from Avalon on pilgramages.
Many cultural traditions
and customs reflect the faith of these
peoples. While not all nescessarily believe in god, most if not, do
religious and spiritual feelings and customs reflect that. People here
very tollerant of strangers religious beliefs - perfering to teach
example and action. Other traditions include faith holidays, the unique
status of women and laws about not helping pregnant women or children.
(remmeber the feudal lords have to make all sots of laws to attract
The unique reflection of
the pattern here off of the always full
moon gives this shadow special properties (as all shadows have). Magic
and illusionist spells top out at 8th level here. Druidical spells
top out
at 7th while clerical spells, like in Avalon, top out at 8th level.
Faith utilizing miracles such as Call Upon Faith, Draw Upon Holy Might,
work at double strength while spells that are terribly complex..ie
(9th) level magic user spells dont work. other specifically complex
user spells such as Maze do not work either. The veil of simplicity
here. Spells or magics which grant intelligence to simulacrums, clones,
do not work here as well.
(remember loric didnt like making clones, etc).
The Knights of Sunsteel do not like to travel here because
it does not
want to draw attackes of the Dark One here. Its is often thought of
a land
particularly blessed by the solarian. they can however often be found
protecting the borders (they do like to vacation at the edges of the
to attract whatever might be coming in).
The land does have some indigenous dangers...packs
of displacer beasts
and blink dogs chasing eachother in moonlight. Some wyverns and manticores
from the small mountains.
Of the five shadows remaining, any "army" or being coming from the unknown
five would have to navigate the Sea of Storms (impoossible, and has Kas's
Castle on its shores) or 4 shadows thru the Swamp. The Swamp is very
much watched,
Also, as an aside, about every 12-20 years the Trollocs come from the
swamps and invade. They usually make it to the Lands-split and are stopped
by as string of
keeps. A wall is being built, will take a few decades, to help stem
this horde. About 10-20k Trollocs and backup Giants, trolls, Goblins, ect.
Also, Castle Kas has claimed an area 400 miles from itself and holds
it with undead legions. No estimate available, but excess of 35,000. The
Generals sees any
attack as futile in that it would require the mass of the Eoward leaving
In the Councils of Manetherin, they regularly hear from seeker
parties to address various things they find. The council, pushed by
Worlds Of Men and others, have set up a commitee or group that watches
movement between shadows as far as they can see. An item woul dhave
comissioned from the Belgariad that could allow them to watch and monitor
movements between shadows form a great distance. The people in this
watch for large armies moving towards Avalon or from one shadow to
Also, part of it is their purpose to watch for new shadows that become
'shadow aware'. When a civilization in one shadow starts traveling
to other
shadows in trade or exploration this civilization is termed shadow
(they are aware of other shadows). Its at this point that Avalon will
out 'first contact' parties much as the federation does in star treck
worlds that obtain warp capabilities.
Members of The First Blood
seeker company would be sent out with
perhaps Avalonian diplomat or more likely, some of that company are
and recognized as diplomats representing Avalon.
Their goal is to establish diplomatic relations with these new shadow
people. If they are good or neutral people will be asked to come visit
avalon if they are evil they will be warned about invading other shadows.
Greyhawk has recently become
shadow aware and Sultan has already
sent several of his henchmen to Avalon to set up diplomatic ties on
his own
accord (you also know that he has accepted the vow).