The Land Before Time

Morale in the Land

Percipience ability

Through the Time Portal

Mountains of the Land

Very tall mountains, twice as high as earth mountains.

mountainsmore mountains


The Falls
The Falls

Unknown Hucharachi Mature Adult

Hucaharachi Elder

Unknown Hucaharachi Adolecents

Exotath - Hucharachi Soul Sword of Loyalty

Entrance to the Heated Valley

Kail, the clanless

Mithrodin, Kail's Sword of Mourning

Bridge to the Yahama

Yahama Clan Village (Malialko Valley)

Zael of the Yahama, Hucharachi Clan Chief

 Zaerl of the Yahama

Hucharachi Female

Woo-Tang, Ancient temple of the haruchai

Skill, Clan Leader of the Rysh

Osho, Satori clan

ere are some codes of honor drawn from fiction and history.

Bushido ("The Faith" and "The Focus")

Bushido is the code of the hucharachi from the ancient Land. Many books have been written about how a hucharachi should live, including the Go Rin No Sho (Book of Five Rings) and the Hagakure. According to one version of the code, a hucharachi must possess the following seven virtues. These virtues change over time with some being prized more heavily than another with the survival of the clan that most represents it in their soul sword wielder art (Focus)

Hucharachi Clans

pro Osho (6/3)
Satori [osho]   --far to north, have not been able to get word  -- in future name is synonymous with enlightnement
Ishi - [Sishupti] clan representing the virtue of "Makato" - (complete sincerity)
X  [Jhana]---clan destroyed (Crist)
X  [Jagrat] - clan destroyed
X  [Mahasama] - clan destroyed
Agola  [Upadhi] - clan known for honesty, name is becoming associated with the Virtue of Honesty

neutral (2)
Rysh [Skill] - clan representing the virtue of "Yu" - heroic courage
Yahama [Zael]  --possibly will join (polite courtesy)

anti-osho (6)
Zendaou [Akutoku] -- weapons makers, virtue of honor
Jin [Colhaku] (clan names means the virue of Compassion)
Gi -  (justice)
Makato - Complete sincerity
Chola - the clan name means "loyalty")
Chugo - clan representing the virtue of Chugo  (duty) clan name has come to be known as the "virtue of duty "

Dream Travel to Dagger Mountan

---- information wrong!
--- misslead!

Dream Travel  - malice peak

Stone has been striken mightily with despair!
(the only thing that wasnt susceptible to the despair were they aliantha berries and they are untouched (albeit frozen)
Its been molested and abused in some way. Looks as if rod to muds have gone off repeatedly in area and turned back to stone.
the peak eminates many magics - some of them permanized.

instead of making things permanent he made things contingent on teh area
contingent  control winds  to windstorm (51-74 mph) - protects the peak from argule but they cant get in.
Save is Fortitude DC is lorocus's dc fo a 5th lvl druid spell
hucharachi are attemping to hide in the winds but not all can get in?

wind effect on medium creatures is knocked down
wind effect on large  is checked, huge is no effect.  

 - sympathy to arghule
 - summon natures ally VIII many once a day
 - crown of vermin - when someone is killed on ground
awaken things?

anti life shell at top.

pulsar has a calling to arghule.

e elves

Casting Druidic Spells in the Land before the Pacts with Earthpower are Made
The Pacts between druidkind and Eartpower have not yet been made. Earthpower has not placed its trust as a given to druids. It maintains complete free will and the Land itself must be motivated to help. In the Land, high Morale Scores of a local natural area allow the area to manifest feats of earthpower. The basis to casting a druid spell is more of trying to influence and increase the areas morale so it is high enough that the effect is complex/powerful enough to achieve the complexity of a particular druidic spell effect. The druid supplies the raw earthpower (spell levels) and the spell effect is shaped into being by calling on the stone or earth or woodland area to manifest that raw energy into the desired spell effect. The spell effect must be in Memory. Note that until the pacts are made, a druid does not regain spells automatically each day.

There are a few ways of casting a druidic spell. One can use perform, directed at the natural area - stone, wood, etc. To affect the morale of a natural woodland or plains area the character must be able to speak with plants. To affect animals, the character must be able to speak to animals. Stonespeach is not nescessary for stone ridden areas.

Also, one can use bardic music abilities to more quickly affect  Morale and do other things.

Casting spells using Bardic Music Ability Fascinate:
This ability allows you to use your perform check as if it is the morale of the area.  Each time character uses fascinate (1/day/lvl bard) it takes a standard action (unless morale is high enoung that skill checks become quick) to make a perform check of  DC 38+level of spell. Spell must be a druid spell in memory and it is consumed. Example: Getting to DC 48 (Morale  Divine) allows for an epic spell to be cast.

Lorocus notes ((unless bard levels gained, costs as cross class for lorocus ( 2nd lvl bard +3 = max 5 skill ranks).

Casting dispel magic using Bardic Music Ability Countersong:
(dispell check is equall to perform check), must use dispel magic in memory. type of spell used (max perform check allowed with 3rd lvl spell is +10, and +20 with 6th version, old lord version is not limited).

Casting spells using Performance checks only (not bardic music ability) - Avalable to any class (that has druid spell effects)
When a character attempts to cast a spell he must move the stone emotionally to a morale state nescessary for the spell efect to happen). With normal singinging the base morale of the stone is used. A Performance check of DC 20 will increase the Morale Score of the stone, wood, or natural area by +1 (with an additional +1 for every 5 points above 20). What ever Morale Score is achieved dictates the highest level castable. The character states the spell he is attempting to cast before the roll is made. If the spell was of a higher level than the final Morale Score attained, then it is lost. In either case, the character must expend the spell in memory. (Morale of 38+level of spell is the maximum, ie stone's morale must be 39 for a 1st level spell)  (stone forgets at a -1 per day).The effect of singing is instantaneous and goes away after the attempt. The effects of singing  to an area for at least 1 hour allows that Morale Score boost to last longer. It fades at a rate of 1 per day, as ability damage, and the Morale Score achieved can be used as the base Morale Score of the area for subsequent spell casting/perform attempts. . Morale Bonuses due to performing an hour a day is however cumulative over days.

Morale Score Achieved
Also Target DC of
bardic ability "fascinate"

Spell effect achieavable
36  (Holy) as holy ground
37protection from evil
39any 1st lvl (in memory)
40 (Truly Blessed) 2nd lvl
413rd lvl
424th lvl
435th lvl
44 (Beautific) 6th lvl
457th lvl
468th lvl
47 9th lvl
48 (Divine) Epic Spell

To cast a spell must find a way to increase morale of that stone to the right amount to get that effect, ie to a 43 for a 5th lvl spell
singing will increase morale by +1 DC 20, +1 per 5 points over 20, will last as ability damage (1 per day)
assuming +24 skill check, taking a 10 gets to 34 and adds a total of +3?
first day 20 gets to inspired (25) lose 1 after 1 day, taking 10 adds +3 and gets to 27
if ground already virtuous at 32 can get pro evil,

so lorocus could get to a 43 with a 19 and that would be +5

inspire courage on stone can increase morale bonus by 1 category for each +1 (so increasing morale bonus by 1 is in effect moving the morale by 4 so the bonus is the same

if it was just normal stone (morale 20) would take aroun d 8 or 9 days to get to first level spell and two more days to get to 5th (just singing alone)
effects of singing are cumulative over days (must be at least an hour a day) for stone and wood and nature

Level Monk Feats Fighter or psychic warrior Bonus Feats Character Level Feats Sould Sword Wielder Feats
& Sword/item powers (blades carry powers & points)
--assume can keep up for max 8 rounds
AC (8rnds)
/DC stunning Fist
  1. The value shown is for Medium monks.
1st Stunning Fist, flurry of blows, unarmed strike Weapon Focus
Samadhi (grapple +2 hit)
1st Endurance Quick Draw
2nd Combat Reflexes, evasion Weapon Finesse
Skill Two-Weapon Fighting
sam iron will
3rd  Dodge Metaphysical Weapon A:
these blades are +5 and can be
further boosted +3 (4 pnts/+1/min*lvl) 
3rd Still mind
6th Acrobatic
Samadhi Overly fat +2 grapple
  Precognition, Defensive
+1 AC/3 pnts/min*lvl or Thicken Skin 
24th Ki strike (magic), slow fall 20 ft. Weapon Specialization +2 dam
Samadhi (grapple)
turiya Psionic Feat

Skate: Subject slides skillfully along the ground or Hustle: 
5th Purity of body 9th Agile
Skill Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
Samadhi grapple prone
Precognition, Offensive
6th Fists of Stunning,  slow fall 30 ft.
Samadhi (improved grapple)
Improved Critical 19-20 -> 17-20
samadhi painful pin (-1 on will saves
per 10 pnts damage delt by grapple)
12th Lightning Reflexes
Skill Great Critical x2 -> x3
Samadhi Spell Focus (possession+2)
turiya stun w/ sword
Fate of One
7th Wholeness of body
boost soul sword wielder lvl for SOS
AC 27/30
8th Slow fall 40 ft. Blind-Fight 15th Alertness
Skill Greater Two-Weapon Fighting,
Samadhi Gr. Sp focus (possession+2)
BAB 14 +2+8(sw)-1=+23+dex
9th Improved evasion 18th Leadership
10th Ki strike (lawful), slow fall 50 ft. Greater Weapon Focus
Samadhi (grapple +2 hit)
turyia critical x3 dam w/ sword
turyia sword stun fist 3/day, add psi to increase dc
11th Diamond body, greater flurry
21st Epic Dodge 
12th Abundant step, slow fall 60 ft. Greater Weapon Specialization +2 dam
Samadhi (grapple)
turya critical x4 w/ sword
24th  Blinding Speed
 osho Epic Leadership*
Samadhi Sticky Grapple
BAB 20+4+8=+32+dexAC 30/35
13th Diamond soul

14th Slow fall 70 ft. Power Attack  
28th  Epic Weapon Focus   
samadhi (epic will)
osho  Improved Stunning Fist*
turiya Insight to pain (+wis dam)
15th Quivering palm 30th Epic Weapon Specialization
Samadhi (+4 dam)
osho  Improved Stunning Fist*
turiya Revisit Past
16th Ki strike (adamantine), slow fall 80 ft. Mobility (+4 AC vs AOPs)
samadhi improved Feint
BAB 23+8+8+5= 46+dexAC 33/40
17th Timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon 33rd 8
Skill Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
osho Improved Ki Strike*
samadhi Legendary Wrestler
turiya Multispell
18th Slow fall 90 ft.
samadhi Superior Feint
    (add BAB to bluff 30+21+7=58)
turiya Spell focus telekinesis
36th 8
Skill Two-Weapon Rend
osho Legendary Commander*
samadhi Multiperson wrestling
turiya Call critical
19th Empty body
20thPerfect Self,  slow fall any distance
Osho/Samadhi Enlishtenment
Great Cleave
samadhi (trade AC for To hit)
turiya Greater spell focus telekinesis
Osho Enlightenment Power
Sam +4 DC to possess
Skill Overwhelming Critical
Turya Moment of Prescience
Weapon of Energy
or Skill(L)  Moment of Prescience, Psionic
Skill (R) Psychofeedback
BAB 27+8+8+6=52+dex
sam 31+8+str

42nd  --
Skill Devastating Critical (DC 42)
Sam overcome 1 immunity with possess
Osho (Resurgence of Ability) 

 AC 33
skill 55 34+wis
osho DC49

Class Features