Level: | Sor/Wiz 9, Trickery 9 |
Components: | V, S, M/DF |
Casting Time: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) |
Target: | One creature, or one nonmagical object of up to 100 cu. ft./level |
Duration: | See text |
Saving Throw: | Fortitude negates (object); see text |
Spell Resistance: | Yes (object) |
This spell transmutes one target creature or object into a figment of the caster's imagination. Upon a failed save, the creature and all of its items cease to physically exist and appear in the casters imagination. The creature may be deposited in an Imaginary Landscape (see spell). While there, the creature can do nothing to affect the real world although they can try to distract or disturb the caster (contest of bluff, diplomacy, or intimidate vs sense motive) or even plant a suggestion (same contest only at -20). The caster may dismiss the creature from his imagination (creature is trapped in the Imaginary Landscape with any other creatures that are there) with a concentration check (DC = creatures hit die) and does not reappear for 1 hour for each one the DC was succeeded by or unless summoned back (conc DC = creatures hit die). While present, the creature can converse with the caster in his head but is not bound to speak the truth. While being a figment of the caster's imagination, the figment cannot cast any spells, use any mental powers, magic items or supernatural effects. The only way the character may be rematerialed is by casting the reverse of this spell or the death of the caster, in which case the creature and its items are dumped far off onto the astral plane.
Mercury, gum arabic, and smoke.