Just like nonepic magic items, epic magic items sometimes possess intelligence of their own. Such items are fully sentient and should be treated as NPCs. The Random Epic Magic Items section details the chances that epic armor, shields, rings, rods, staffs, wondrous items, and weapons might be intelligent. In short, a ring, rod, staff, wondrous item, armor, or shield has a 1% chance to be intelligent, a ranged weapon has a 5% chance to be intelligent, and a melee weapon has a 15% chance to be intelligent. Rather than using the tables for nonepic items, use the tables below to determine the properties of an intelligent item: the number of powers, unusual properties, alignment, and special purpose of the item (if any). Of the three mental ability scores, two scores are favored (2d6 + some number) and one is completely random (3d6). Choose which scores get assigned which number, or roll 1d4 and determine randomly according to the following table.
1d4 | High Score | Medium Score | Low Score |
1 | Intelligence | Charisma | Wisdom |
2 | Intelligence | Wisdom | Charisma |
3 | Wisdom | Intelligence | Charisma |
4 | Charisma | Intelligence | Wisdom |
The first step in determining the properties of a random intelligent epic magic item is to determine its general capabilities. These are found by rolling d% and consulting Table: Epic Items Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Capabilities.
d% | Ability Scores | Capabilities |
01-22 | Two 2d6+10, one 3d6 | Three primary abilities, one extraordinary power |
23-40 | Two 2d6+11, one 3d6 | Three primary abilities, two extraordinary powers |
41-54 | Two 2d6+12, one 3d6 | Four primary abilities, two extraordinary powers |
55-64 | Two 2d6+14, one 3d6 | Four primary abilities, three extraordinary powers |
65-71 | Two 2d6+16, one 3d6 | Four primary abilities, three extraordinary powers, one awesome power |
72-73 | Two 2d6+18, one 3d6 | Four primary abilities, three extraordinary powers, two awesome powers |
74 | Roll again, but add 1d6 to each ability score1 | |
75-100 | Use nonepic magic item Table: Item Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Capabilities |
To find the market price for an epic magic item, use these expanded guidelines, adjusting as necessary to find an appropriate final price. Each point of Intelligence bonus, Wisdom bonus, or Charisma bonus increases the item’s market price by 400 gp. Any form of communication possessed by the item increases its market price by the number shown on Table: Epic Item Communication. Each primary ability possessed by the item increases its market price by 2,000 to 10,000 gp (average 6,000 gp). Each extraordinary ability possessed by the item increases its market price by 15,000 to 35,000 gp (average 25,000 gp). A special purpose increases the item’s market price by 50,000 gp. An awesome power increases the item’s market price by 100,000 gp.
Any item with Intelligence has an alignment. Make sure that the alignment choosen or determine randomly (using Table: Item Alignment) matches any alignment-oriented special abilities of the item. Any character whose alignment is not compatible with that of the item gains one negative level for every 10 points of the weapon’s Ego if he or she so much as picks up the item. Although this never results in actual level loss, the negative levels remain as long as the item is in hand and cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells). These negative levels are cumulative with any other penalties the item might already place on inappropriate wielders.
d% | Alignment of Item |
01-05 | Chaotic good |
06-15 | Chaotic neutral1 |
16-20 | Chaotic evil |
21-25 | Neutral evil1 |
26-30 | Lawful evil |
31-55 | Lawful good |
56-60 | Lawful neutral1 |
61-80 | Neutral good1 |
81-100 | Neutral |
Like a character, an intelligent item speaks Common plus one language per point of Intelligence bonus. Choose appropriate languages, taking into account the item’s origin and purposes. An item with multiple modes of communication can use any of its modes at will.
d% | Communication Mode | Market Price Modifier |
01-10 | Semiempathy1 | +1,000 gp |
11-35 | Empathy2 | +2,000 gp |
36-75 | Speech3 | +3,000 gp |
76-85 | Telepathy4 | +5,000 gp |
86-100 | Speech3 and telepathy4 | +8,000 gp |
Using the number of capabilities determined above, find the item’s specific abilities by rolling on the appropriate tables below.
d% | Primary Ability |
01-04 | Item has 10 ranks in Intuit Direction |
05-08 | Item has 10 ranks in Sense Motive |
09-12 | Wielder has free use of Combat Reflexes |
13-16 | Wielder has free use of Blind-Fight |
17-20 | Wielder has free use of Improved Initiative |
21-24 | Wielder has free use of Mobility |
25-28 | Wielder has free use of Improved Sunder |
29-32 | Wielder has free use of Combat Expertise |
33-39 | Detect [opposing alignment] at will |
40-42 | Find traps at will |
43-47 | Detect secret doors at will |
48-54 | Detect magic at will |
55-57 | Wielder has free use of uncanny dodge (as a 5th-level barbarian) |
58-60 | Wielder has free use of evasion |
61-65 | Wielder can use see invisibility at will |
66-70 | Cure light wounds (1d8+5) on wielder 1/day |
71-75 | Feather fall on wielder 1/day |
76 | Locate object in a 120-ft. radius |
77 | Wielder does not need to sleep |
78 | Wielder does not need to breathe |
79 | Jump for 20 minutes on wielder 1/day |
80 | Spider climb for 20 minutes on wielder 1/day |
81-90 | Roll twice again on this table |
91-100 | Roll on Table: Intelligent Item Extraordinary Powers instead |
If the same ability is rolled twice or more, the range, frequency, or effectiveness of the power is doubled, tripled, and so on. All abilities function only when the item is held, drawn, or otherwise brandished and the possessor is concentrating on the desired result. Activating a power is a standard action, but using a free feat is not. Feats may be used regardless of prerequisites, but the item still must be held and drawn (or worn, in the case of such items). An intelligent item might activate a power on its own.
d% | Extraordinary Power | Uses |
01-05 | Charm person (DC 111) on contact | 3/day |
06-10 | Clairaudience/clairvoyance (100-ft. range, 1 minute per use) | 3/day |
11-15 | Magic missile (200-ft. range, 3 missiles) | 3/day |
16-20 | Shield on wielder | 3/day |
21-25 | Detect thoughts (100-ft. range, 1 minute per use) | 3/day |
26-30 | Levitation (wielder only, 10 minute duration) | 3/day |
31-35 | Invisibility (wielder only, up to 30 minutes per use) | 3/day |
36-40 | Fly (30 minutes per use) | 2/day |
41-45 | Lightning bolt (8d6 points of damage, 200-ft. range, DC 131) | 1/day |
46-50 | Summon monster III | 1/day |
51-55 | Telepathy (100 ft. range) | 2/day |
56-60 | Cat’s grace (wielder only) | 1/day |
61-65 | Bull’s strength (wielder only) | 1/day |
66-70 | Haste (wielder only, 10 rounds) | 1/day |
71-73 | Telekinesis (250 lb. maximum, 1 minute each use) | 2/day |
74-76 | Heal | 1/day |
77 | Teleport, 600 lb. maximum | 1/day |
78 | Globe of invulnerability | 1/day |
79 | Stoneskin (wielder only, 10 minutes per use) | 2/day |
80 | Feeblemind by touch | 2/day |
81 | True seeing | At will |
82 | Wall of force | 1/day |
83 | Summon monster VI | 1/day |
84 | Finger of death (100 ft. range, DC 171) | 1/day |
85 | Passwall | At will |
86-90 | Roll twice again on this table | — |
91-100 | Roll again on this table, and then roll for a special purpose on Table: Intelligent Item Purpose |
— |
If the same power is rolled twice, the uses per day are doubled. (If true seeing or passwall is rolled twice, roll again.) Powers function only when the item is drawn and held, and the possessor is concentrating upon the desired effect. Activating a power is a standard action. An intelligent item might activate a power on its own.
d% | Awesome Power | Uses |
01-04 | Astral projection | 1/day |
05-08 | Bull’s strength (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Strength) | 1/day |
09-12 | Cat’s grace (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Dexterity) | 1/day |
13-16 | Chain lightning (enhanced; 20d6 damage; DC 161) | 1/day |
17-20 | Dominate monster (DC 191) on contact | 1/day |
21-24 | Bear’s endurance (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Constitution) | 1/day |
25-28 | Energy drain (DC 191) on contact | 1/day |
29-32 | Finger of death (heightened to 9th level; DC 191) | 1/day |
33-36 | Foresight (wielder only) | 1/day |
37-40 | Gate | 1/day |
41-44 | Haste (wielder only; extended; 40-round duration) | 3/day |
45-48 | Greater invisibility (wielder only; extended; 40-minute duration) | 2/day |
49-52 | Mass heal 1/day 53-56 Meteor swarm (DC 191) | 1/day |
57-60 | Phase door 2/day 61-64 Prismatic sphere (DC 191) | 1/day |
65-68 | Stoneskin (wielder only; extended; 400-minute duration) | 3/day |
69-72 | Summon monster IX2 (extended; 40-round duration) | 1/day |
73-76 | Sunburst (heightened to 9th level; DC 191) | 2/day |
77-80 | Greater teleport | 2/day |
81-90 | Roll twice again on this table | — |
91-100 | Roll again on this table, and then roll for a special purpose on nonepic magic item Table: Intelligent Item Purpose. |
— |
Unless otherwise stated, all awesome powers function at 20th caster level. If a power is rolled twice, the uses per day are doubled. Powers function only when the item is drawn and held, and the possessor is concentrating upon the desired effect. Activating a power is a standard action. An intelligent item might activate a power on its own.