Mandragoran Spellcasting & Thistle


Thistle occupies much of his time being entertained by watching Mandrake. As Mandrakes familiar he has all Mandrake's skill ranks and often uses spellcraft ranks to determine what spells Mandrake is casting. Thistle is often caught up in his own imagination and when he  watches Mandrake he sometimes see's what he imagines when he sees Mandrake casting a spell. He throughly loves to share those imaginings in the form of Major Image which he can do at will, once per round. The following is a list of what Thistle imagines when Mandrake is casting spells.

Unseen Servant
 Harold. An old man-servant in his late sixties, balding. Often out of breath and sweating.
Strawberry Bubble Gum or fly paper strung all about.
Stilled Stinking Cloud
 Overwhelming smell of crushed red pepper, area becomes a cloud of crushed red pepper blowing in a whirlwhind.
 Alternately, target area fills with white rose petals obstructing view and smell is overwhelmingly of lilacs.

Mandrake's Paradoxical Sensory Disorganizer: Esherlike warping of reality. Makes detection of illusions difficult.
 Mandrake focuses his eyes and appears to exert his will, the gold dragon on his chest glows blue with power as does his eyes

Empowered Fireball
: 90 fire damage, 40-ft. radius. 
Fireballs and most fire spells smell of patchouli inscence

Bigby's Pugnacious Pugilist
Harold puts on some boxing gloves!

Transmute Rock to Mud
earth turns instead to mash potatoes and gravy.

 As Mandrake casts this spell, the gold dragon on his chest explodes in flames shrouding him in fire and power for a moment

Stilled Disintegrate: Makes one creature or object vanish. DC 33
Eyebeams shoot out of Mandrake's or Thistle's eyes atthe target which then possibly disintegrates

Stilled Forcecage: Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside. No Save, No SR. 80ft range
Mandrake holds his arms outstretched and looks up tot he heavens as he casts the spell, gold light shines from above and a dragons claw comes from teh sky and slams down a golden cage over the target area. The claw and the gold color fade but a transluscent cage remains.

Moment of Prescience : Add +23 to any one attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, saving throw.
Mandrakes eyes turn dragonlike and shine with golden light as he casts this spell or invokes the power
Telekinetic Sphere:
  A large disembodied dragons eye appears around the target area, at first it is appears physically there but then begins to fade leaving behind a translucent sphere of the same dimensions with the target encapsulated inside.
   Alternately, A giant purple balloon appears around the target, the purple fades but the balloon remains
  *Alternately, Mandrake blows some bubbles towards the target and one of them expands and captures the target.

Magic Missile Arcana : 13 missiles  doing d4+1 each, moves large creature 130ft, reflex save DC 34 for half distance
These missiles are golden in color and look like spiritual bolts, very similar in consistencey to the spiritual hammer spell.

Image of the scarriest golden dragon imaginable (think astral beast version of a golden dragon, Fire lions crossed with gold dragon), enraged

Meteor Swarm:
4 folden transluscent globes emerge from mandrakes mouth and grow inside as they move forward, as the globe grows you can see a transluscent golden serpent growing inside. when the globes strike their target the eggs break open and 160  ft diameter is engulfed in golden flames with the combined strength and size of four meteor swarms"

 Mandrake's wishes are accompanied by the strong smell of lilacs and chimes of bells in the distance

Mandrake says in the casting ("summon the jaws of bahamut, his belly is the universe"), rising out of the ground is the top of the head of a dragon. Its maw opens revealing and intricately carved gateway made into and from its jaws.    

Mandrake has a habit of chewing on platinum toothpicks - most likely due to his half dragon nature (gold dragons eat precious metals). Thistle often imagine's Mandrake as having golden or steel teeth at that time.

Thistle is fond of Mandrake's transmuting powers - spells like polymorph any object. He will often make Mandrake's other spells seem more like transmutations - he would actually change it into what he was imagining if he could. Thistle also imagines Mandrake as a druid sometimes (he likes druidical magic and may or may not give spells like Protection from Evil and Shield a druidic flavor to them.)

If more than one of the above spells is cast in a single round Thistle will usually imagine things for the highest level of the spells or the one that's used rarest.

Thistle is also fond of making use of the share spells ability when Mandrake casts Shapechange. It is Thistle's chance to become what he can only imagine. If Mandrake becomes a dragon he can become a dragon terminte and move under a scale, etc.

Other things Thistle likes to do
Thistle has enjoyed Mandrake's role as a teacher and seeks to emulate him. He will gladly often friendly advice to others and "aid another" in such things as Spellcraft or other skills he has. For some skills, such as spellcraft, his aid another is +4 due to the number of skill ranks.
Mandrake's own errata: 
The nature of being Mandragoran is about being connected to life changing and important events. During his travels, Mandrake sometimes likes to leave behind traces of those events. Using Permenent Image, Mandrake may leave behind a reflection in a Mirror, in a glass, or on a pond. these reflections may be of himself, a friend, or some notable event that happened while he was present. He tends to like to make them subtle though- visable at only a certain angle by the way he places it, etc. but they can be up to 34 10ft cubes in size if desired. They remain static unless Mandrake is within range.

Camping & Mandrake's Elvish Grove

Mandrake will cast the 3 spells in concert. Mandrake usually starts this by lifting his arms and saying in elvish "May the Forest Rule All". With words that sound vaguely draconic, Mandrake calls on nature to summon the ancient grove of the elves.  Immediately, the natural environment around him begin's responding as if to a druid's call. Grass and plants begin to grow, plants become large and grow into trees up to 40ft tall. The ground 20ft out begins to sink slightly and water begins to swell up creating a small 60 diameter pond (maximim depth of 10ft in the center) of clear blue water and the ground within 5ft of that turns to a soft comfortable brown sand. The terrain is reminiscent of Andelain and even mandrake's old small hut may appear at the edge of the beach. [A Major Image, Heightened to 9th level, Will save DC 34 with disbelief (33 if stilled) , (includes sounds, heat, olfactory components) is used to simulate the druidic spellcasting and natural response and a Mirage Arcana is then cast (higher level version of Hallucinatory Terrain)  [same saves] , with Thistle using his ability to double the area of effect, to change the terrain of a 120ft x 160ft x 40 ft area to that of a dense forest. This illusion includes lasts 12 hours and includes audible, visual, oflactory, and tactile components (so even the feeling of the water on the skin is simulated if creatures choose to swim). The third spell may be a stilled Rope Trick which leads up towards what appears like a naturally grown elvish treeshouse. If the area in question before was rainy windy or in some other way harsh, mandrake may instead use shadow conjuration to create the effect of a Tiny Hut (lasts 24 hrs)which he will leave clear but the effect (in a 20ft radius of mandrake) will be enough to inhibit rains, dust, sandstorms, winds less than hurricane force, and temperatures of 100 F will feel like 70 F. 1-3 or on a sunny clear day celestial porposes can be made in the pond via Shadow Conjuration.

New  Spell Ideas

Imaginize - Figment of Imagination

Spell transmutes one non living object into a figment of the caster's imagination. The item immediately diassapears and exists only in the caster's imagination. If the caster closes her eyes she can see the object by making a concentration check at DC 20. If she succeeds, she sees it as if it is at 30ft distance. For each 5 that the DC is made by, it appears 5 ft closer. ( At DC 50 the object is clear and observation is as if closely inspecting the object. The spell ends after casting but the transmuted object stays permanently in the imagination. It can only be made whole again through casting the reverse of this spell (DeImaginize, or Summon Figment). If the caster dies, there is a 5% chance per day that the object becomes lost on the astral planes.

Imaginize Landscape - By closely observing an indor or outdoor area of up to 10ft radius per level and casting this spell. the caster imprints a perfect image of the area in his own mind. At any time during the durration of this spell (1 day/level) the caster may take a full round action to make a concentration check to imagine himself in the grove. At DC 30, the character can imagine it enough to feel an emotional connection. If the area was pleasant and thought of as a refuge, at that DC the character becomes calm and refocused and recieves a +5 competance bonus on concentration checks for the next 5 rounds. At DC 40 the character can choose to be so mentally within the landscape that the character feels no pain and cannot be affected by mind affecting spells or effects cast on his body. At this DC the character is not aware what is going on around his own body unless it is near death. at DC 60, the character can actually bring his physical body with him into the imaginary landscape in which case the character is treated as if on another plane. if the character ever physically brings himself to the landscape the spells remaining duration changes from hours to rounds. When the spell ends all things in the landscape that were once real are returned to the prime plane with the caster. Before the spell ends or as it is ending a new Imaginze Landscape may be cast to retain the imaginary landscape.

Greater Imaginize. ("Dream Portal")

Spell transmutes 1 target creature into a figment of the caster's imagination. The creature and all of its items cease to physically exist and appear in the casters imagination. The creature may be deposited in an Imaginary Landscape (see spell). While there, the creature can do nothing to affect the real world although they can try to distract or disturb the caster (contest of bluff, diplomacy, or intimidate vs sense motive) or even plant a suggestion (same contest only at -20). The caster may dismiss the creature from his imagination (creature is trapped in the Imaginary Landscape with any other creatures that are there) with a concentration check (DC = creatures hit die) and does not reappear for 1 hour for each one the DC was succeeded by or unless summoned back (conc DC = creatures hit die). The only way the character may be rematerialed is by casting the reverse of this spell or the death of the caster, in which case the creature and its items are dumped far off onto the astral plane.

Polymorph Anything to Spell
9th level. epic? As polymorph anything except target becomes any arcane spell of up to 3rd level. The newly converted spell functions as if cast by the caster from the original target's location. When its duration ends, the target becomes what remains of the spell, if that is nothing then the target is no longer.

Animate Technological Device

Epic Spell. Through thaumaturgy and with an electrical power source the caster can control an electronic device. If the device has an artificial intelligence the caster must make a contest of computer programing checkvs will save, intelligence check, HD, or equivalent roll. Control lasts 1 turn/level in the case of non intelligent devices and 1 round per level for a.i. devices. (thuse with an electrical power source, Mandrake could drive and control a car for 23 turns. This spell will infuse enough magical energy to allow a technological device to work in a non technological area.

Thrice Spoken Once Fullfilled (The breath of the dragon)

Epic spell. Three of the same exact spell must be cast as this power is invoked. The targets must be the same. The spells must have a verbal component and in this casting they are spoken in High Draconic. A flame must be present. Fortitude save DC 20 or be fatigued. Use Magic Device DC 20 nescessary to speak the draconic words correctly. All three spells go of at once but then either the range, area of effect, duration or damage of each is doubled. Alternately, a +1 per level competance bonus can be added to a caster level check to overcome spell resistence or the DC of the spells are increased by 4.

Possible adventure --- fix the ring of Gaxx -radiation = replicator? learn it needs dilithium?