Dragon Spells
0-Level Spells
- Dragon Mark As Wizard mark only distinctively draconic.
1st-Level Spells
- Breath Flare:
Creatures failing a save vs a fire or electrical breath weapon are also dazzled for 1 inute per level.
2nd-Level Spells
- Wings of Cover: Provides caster with total cover for one instant .
- Wings of Air: Improves flight class of one creature by 1.
- Earthbind: Inhibits flying for target creature.
- Razorfangs: Inhibits flying for target creature.
- Scintillating Scales: Adds constitution modifier to AC as a deflection bonus but decreases natural armour by half that.
- Mezmerizing Glare: Creatures that fail Will save (up to one creature per level) are transfixed for 1 round/level.
3rd-Level Spells
- Dragonskin: Enhancement bonus to natural armour and provides energy resistence.
- Miser's Envy: Compels target to go after one item greedily.
4th-Level Spells
- Voice of the Dragon:
+10 enhancement bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate. One suggestion.
- Antidragon Aura:
+2 or greater luck bonus to saves and AC against dragons.
- Breath Weapon Substitution: Change the energy type of your breath weapon.
- Stunning Breath: Creatures must also make Fortitude save or be stunned when hit by your breath weapon.
- Dispelling Breath: Breath weapon also dispells magic (d20 + 15 max).
- Rebuking Breath: Undead failing save against breath weapon also cower for 1 round per caster level.
- Sharptooth: One attack form deals damage as if you were a size larger for 1 round/level.
- Wingbind: Web of force entangles wings to prevent flying. Reflex negates
5th-Level Spells
- Draconic Might: +5 enhancement bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Charsima, +4 natural armour.
- Magic Fang, Superior: Enhancement bonus +1 per 4 caster levels (max +5) to all natural weapons of one creature.
- Wings of Air, Greater: Improves flight class of one creature by two places.
- Ethereal Breath: Breath weapon affects ethereal plane instead of prime.
6th-Level Spells
- Aura of Evasion: Grants creatures within 10ft evasion vs breath weapon attacks.
7th-Level Spells
8th-Level Spells