The Apprentice's Chaos Mage Spells
0-Level Spells (Cantrips)
Magic: Detects spells and magic items within
60 ft.
- Message:
Whispered conversation at distance.
- Shatter:
vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
- Rope
Trick: As many as eight creatures hide in
extradimensional space.
- Luck
of Chaos: Rolls
twice for saving throws, attack rolls,
skill checks, and caster level checks and takes the best of the two
dice to a
maximum of 2d4+1 per level of caster (max +5) times or until the spell
- Unluck
of Chaos: Creatures failing will save must
roll twice for each attack rol, skill check, caster level check, and
takes the worst of either role. Lasts 1 round / level.
- Render Spell:
Caster paints a picture depicting him/her casting a specific first
or second level spell with visible effects. Mage can cast that spell as
if he/she knew it.
- Confusion:
Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.
- Teleport:
Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles/level.
- Mind Fog:
Subjects in fog get -10 to Wis and Will checks.
- Baleful
Polymorph: Transforms subject into harmless
- Touch
of Chaos: Gives one creature permanent chaotic
subtype or many creature a temporary chaotic subtype.
- Black tentacles of the Logrus:
Creates a 30ft radius spread of tentacles that grapple as large
creatures with an attack bonus at casters level plus primary stat
modifier. Tentacles will do 3d6 + primary stat modifier in damage
- Render Gateway: Artistic Drawing acts as a gateway to another location.
- Disintegrate: Makes one creature or object vanish.
Leshay born
- Throne
of the Scorpion lord.
Stone throne from an alternate prime material
plane - looks like lower half of a giant scorpion with a chair in the
front of the body. Opon sitting on the throne, the throne transforms
the lower half of the body into an scorpion construct. The
construct is epic in nature and unnaffected by anti magic. As a stone
golem, the lower half of the body is unafected by any spells where
spell resistence applies. Attacks made specifically at the lower half
of the body (including tail) meet with damage reduction 10/adamantine.
The character becomes a large creature
, base move becomes 50 ft. Gain termorsense,scorpion sense, and
scorpions resolve (see desert book), +10 natural armour bonus and
a bonus attack with
tail that can sting (at max bonus +3 enhancement), sting does 1d6+4
plus poison (DC 18 or 1d6 con). +4 racial bonus to climb, balance, and
grapple checks. The construct also confers the following: permanent
spider climb, +8 enhancement bonus to strength, +4 enhancement to
constitution, fast healing 3. Gains both the scorpion and vermin
type. +10 to reacton with scorpion creatures. Gain: Scorpion Sense,
Scorpions Resolve (see desert book) Speak with scorpion.
Automatically charm and command any scorpion type creatures under 5 hd
within 60 ft. Those under 10 hd must will save at DC = 10 + 1/2 chr
level + chr bonus. Negative effects: character is large, and is a
scorpion. Body hair transmutes to corse scorpion hair. -4 rxn to
humans. For throne to work, must spend at least 12 hours per day upon
the thrown. [apprentice]
(2 x chaos magic spell Random Deflector (7th) affects all melee attacks
(but not spells or missile weapons). Redirectsattacks to a random
creature within 30ft (may or may not be an ally) and 2x Random Target
Deflector (does missile weapons only). Cast at 15th lvl.
Crystal Magnification Shard - widens,
enhances, and heightens (+5) ray spells casts though the crystal (causes some
discoloration, 3 uses left, not rechargeable) [Apprentice]
Scorp Lord Bracers: +5 deflection bonus on saves, quickened lightning bolt
2/day (15th lvl), gives the feat of greater spell penetration (+4) -
does not stack [apprentice]
Spell Might
Grants +2 to DC of all
spells and
a +4 unnamed bonus on spellcraft checks. Wand has 47 charges.
"Your father has done us great honor with his gift of 1 million gold
pieces, his people's aid, and his great work of art in our church. We
have heard that you are gifted with his skills. For the last two years
we have collected research and supplies for art magic. Perhaps after
you visit his studios, you might consider gifting us with a painting or
two." She smilles. 'hear hear' eachoes you in the crowd.
Babylonian Dress
Clothes befitting a lord or a prince, with an
ornateley black and gold
embrodered collared white shirt, long coat, dark breeches, and flaired
boots. They give a +2 competence bonus
to diplomacy/reaction and a +2 competence bonus to Apperance (charisma
for appearance based skills). They take up a cloak, clothing, belt, and
boot slots (respecitvely). And each will take on the powers
of another cloak, belt, boots, or clothing, respectively, that
is owned by the wearer on this or another plane (but not accross
dimensions). (which items they draw upon may be changed as a full round
action). They are self cleaning and self mending.