The Archmagist: Template applied to those who possess at least one level in each of the five magics. Based upon an greement between Genin and the Gods, there may be a maximum of only 5 Archmagists at any time.

The Postulate of Completeness: With the understanding of all of the five magics, the Archmagist does not need an enery source for any standard, non-epic, uses of the 5 magics. Thus an Archmagist does not require a bonfire to lift a boulder or use telekinesis, he does not need to expend years to use the standard powers of sorcery, etc.

The Principle of Synergy: The caster level for each of the five magic's derived class abilities is the combined levels in each of the five magics prestige classes. The Archmagist does not recieve new abilities in any of the prestige classes by virtue of being an Archmagist, just the abilities they already possess go off at a level equal to the Archmagist's combined 5 Magics levels.

The Axiom of Synergetic Effects:At each new level of Archmagist, the Archmagist may craft one new way of combining The Five to accomplish an epic effect. Treated as an Epic Spell, this effect must employ, in its casting or in its usage, each of the five magics. The Archmagist's ability to cast these spells is based on their own knowledge of each of the specific crafts of the five magics. The Arcmagist's base skill with the Five Magics, for the purposes of casting and using epic five magic spells, is the sum of the ranks in each of the five magic's related crafts - Craft (Thaumaturgy), Craft (Brewing), Craft (metalworking, woodworking, or etc. choose one most appropriate), Craft (Illusions), and Wizardcraft (Contracts). This is used in place of spellcraft to determine the number of times it is possible to use per day.

The Rule of Five: In designing a Fifth Magic Epic Power (spell) it is important to specify how each of the five magics are involved in the casting or its direct manifestation. Combinations that do not use all five in some way, either in their casting or in the ensuing effect, do not function. As is normal for Epic Spells, increased requirements for castng act as itigating factors in the development of an Epic Spell's DC (some examples are shown below).

Seeds in Epic Uses of the Five Magics: Epic uses of the five magics are written as epic spells with the standard seeds for the purposes of determing what can be accomplished with the spell (follows the standard epic spell rules and progressions). The seeds that are allowed in the spell are reflective of how each of the five magics are used. For example, Fire Permeates All is a good source of the Dispell Seed or Conjuration Seed, the fifth magic of Magic is often employed using a magical item which itself might be the source of seed energy depending on the items powers, as can be said of potions (the attributes without mirror the powers within) thus a potion of polymorph might be used to gain access to the Transform Seed. Each of the five magics must somehow play a role - whether it is a power that is being used for effect or as a source for the spell.Note that epic spell casting requires 24 ranks minimum.

Common ad hoc mitigating factors 

  A B
1 magic item required for casting  -4
2 specially made magic item required for casting
      (500 min xp value for -4 mitigation, 1000xp for -6)
-4 - -6
3 requires open fire source -2
specially designed alchemical formula & potion requirement
  -2 simple -4 moderate  -6 complicated
-2- -6
possibility of being fatigued or exhausted (save required DC 10+lvl of spell) -2



At least 1 level in each one of the five magics prestige classes.