joining a mage school confers certain benefits and disadvantages. The character gains access to more spells and certain types of spells known only to that school. Additionally, some schools confer magical benefits or changes to their types of spellcasting. Memebers of a school must confer to the rules within the school and cannot gain tarining outside that school.

Graendall Demodrius's
School of the Word

Graendall Demodruis - Archmage, Master of Wizardry
Known to be Lawful evil in Alignment. Believes that wizardry is the purest magic of the Five magics.

Specializes in the use of verbal only spells and single word spells, those spells which affect words and their pronunciation, and those spells which employ the use of true names.
Students may specialize in evocation, enchantment charm, or alteration but specialization is not nescessary.

Master of School: Archmage Graendall Demodrius (known to be Lawful evil)

The Six Demodrian Disciples (mages of 14th lvl or higher)

--Mage (16th lvl+) Varish Estolltus Comradure (specializes in creation of true name related spells)
          Lawful Evil, powerful wizard

--Kertelep (sage skills in hidden words, spellcraft, religion, and language)
          Lawful Evil,

--Masamundi (specializes in spells that deal with command words of items)
            actively adventures for School to kill other mages, Lawful Evil

--Shaela Stormturn (specializes in enunciation and casting of power words)
             actively goes on missions for School to kill other mages, Lawful Neutral

--Gaelen Stormturn (specializes in sound related spells and meta magics affecting power words)
             actively adventures for School to kill other mages, Lawful Neutral

--Selest Naduri (specializes in meta-magic of spellcasting), unknown alignment
             actively adventures for School to kill other mages

Each of the Disciples have from 5-10 apprentices of varying levels..
a few these apprentices may also be members of the monastic order.
(these magic users also report the actions of the school to the monastic order)

Requirements: Lawful alignment.

The majority of spells are verbal spells and have no somantic component.
Additionally, all power word spells have a casting time of 1/6th of a segment and add 0 to initiative.

All School of the Word mages have access to permanized spells.
The first permanized spell is always Ventriloquism (q.v.)
Ventriloquism allows the mage to take on the specific voice of any other creature. It allows the mage to speak in any dialect and to pronounce magical words not normally possible for humans to pronounce. It has the added effect of allowing the mage to throw his voice and thus extend the range of his spells.
At each level after first the mage, while recieving training, may opt to have another spell permanized.

These spells include:
Comprehend Languages, Toungues, Detect Magic, Know School, Protection from Evil, Detect hostile Creatures, Detect Invisibility, Non-detection, Minor Mindbar
To gain one of these permanized spells, the mage must sacrifice one point of constituion permanently.

School Of the Word mages are bound to certain Oaths (Geas spell to enforce). These Oaths are:
1) Never to reveal the secrets of the School including spells, command words, true names, or magical tricks to anyone not within the School.

2) Never to leave one's spell book in an unguarded location and to always recover lost spellbooks.

3) Always act to limit mages from other schools from access to single word spells by any means nescessary.

School of the Word mages recieve training in
proper ellocution (pronunciation) and reading/writting. (required)
The following are strongly suggested: Ettiquete, Diplomacy, Calligraphy.

Mages of the School of the word are taught the proper use of true names in spells with targets.
i.e. A spell gains no save if the true name of the target creature is spoken durring casting.

Because of the politics of the School, Word Mages have a special social status in the lands of the Scarlet Brotherhood.
This adds +5% reaction adjustment to those from the Scarlet Brotherhood. Concurently, mages from other schools outside th brotherhood have a -5% reaction adjustment.

Word mages who have been trained as monks have an additonal +10% reaction adjustment within the lands of the Scarlet brotherhood. They recieve a -10% reaction adjustment when interacting with thieves from other guilds if their association is known. The mages have, at minimum, the social status equal to a town constable in lands occupied by the Scarlet Brotherhood.


Read Magic
Know School
Wizard Mark

optional: (choose 5)

Power Word Sleep (as per sleep spell)
Power Word, Shatter (as per shatter spell)
Protection From Evil
Find Familiar
Crier's Boon (see below)
Korel's Last Word (see below)
Power Word, Attention (see below)
Power Word, Push (as per push spell)
Command (as per clerical miracle of same name)
Affect Normal Fires

Lastly, as wizards, apprectices are taught the true names of certain beings.
A first level wizrd may only employ the test of wills against a acreature of the true name is known.
It takes a wizard or 2nd level to summon a creature of 1 HD (increasing at 1 hd/lvl. Creatures remain for 1 rnd/lvl.
Note; certain days of the year provied exceptions to these rules.

(Choose 1)
2 hd fire elemental (torchmonger)
2 hd water elemental (water weird)
2 hd air elemental (dust devil or witch sprite)
1 hd Light (good being from upper plane - sheds light, flies, cure light 1/day)


Crier's Boon (Alteration, Evocation)

Range:  0
Components:  V, S, M
Duration:  1 turn per level
Casting Time:  1
Area of Effect:  Creature touched
Saving Throw:  None

This simple spell grants the recipient the ability to
effortlessly speak in a loud clear voice for the duration.
Persons as far away as 200 feet can hear the recipient of
crier's boon over a normal crowd as if they were standing next
to him. Exceptionally noisy areas can reduce the distance the
recipient's voice will travel, as determined by the DM.
Crier's boon has been used for countless years by town criers
and nobility alike to address large numbers of persons. Many
times, this spell is used in conjunction with power word,
attention (q.v.) to great effect. To cast this spell, the wizard
is required to take a piece of fine vellum and roll it into a
cone-like shape during the casting of the spell.

Korel's Last Word (Alteration)

Range:  10 feet per level
Components:  V, S
Duration:  1 round per level
Casting Time:  1
Area of Effect:  20-yard radius sphere
Saving Throw:  Negates

Korel the necromancer, Disciple of Demodrius, created this spell as a way to deal with
insults in taverns. Being Suloise, dressed in black, and not at all personable tended to draw the hecklers. Unfortunately, there was little for him to do short of killing the person, which
would be too much of a nuisance.Thus he made this spell, which is essentially a "silence, 2-inch
radius" spell. Typical use is to cast it on someone's tongue,rendering all articulated speech impossible (spellcasting too), although deep-throat moans might still be possible. The victim
can still hear, though, a necessity in getting in your last word. The sphere is mobile with the object it was cast upon. The somatic component is a wave of dismissal in the subject's direction, and the verbal component is some phrase like "be quiet", "shut up", or some more colourful version. A successful
saving throw against spells completely negates the effect, but the victim will not know that a spell was even cast, due to the innocuous nature of the components. This was specifically designed to prevent secondary insults regarding the failure of the spell ("Hah! Your feeble magics cannot touch me!").
Magic using thieves can also use this spell by casting it on a lock to cover up lock picking noises, while still keeping an ear out for guards' footsteps. Creaking hinges are another good use. It's also a good way to shut up the stupid Intelligence 8 dwarven battlerager in the party, although this may result in a
two-handed battle-axe between the eyes.

Power Word, Attention (Evocation)

Range:  0
Components:  V
Duration:  Instantaneous
Casting Time:  1
Area of Effect:  All creatures in a 50-foot radius
Saving Throw:  None

 As the name implies, the utterance of power word, attention will get the attention of any
and all creatures within a 50 foot radius, regardless of any languages they may speak. It is the caster's responsibility to make use of the temporary situation, for the creatures affected by this spell will resume their normal activities within a single round. Repeated use of this spell in a short time span is
poorly received in many (if not all) locales.Creatures involved in spellcasting, combat, deafened, under the
effect of a silence spell or involved in any other pursuit requiring concentration gain a saving throw. Failure interupts spell casting or places oppnents of the tartget creature at +2 on attack rolls.

other spells (not available yet) - open to ideas -

Duration: 1 round/2/lvls
Range: 0
Area of effect: caster only
Save: none

When cast, this spell places a -1 per 2 lvls on saves vs power word spells cast by mage.

Exclaimation I
Duration: instantaneous
Range: 0
Area of effect: caster only, 1 spell
Save: none
Doubles the range and area of effect of a first level power word spell.

Punctuate Spell
level: 2nd
Range: 10ft/lvl
A.O.E.: 1 spell
Duration: see below
Casting time: 1
Saving throw: special

For a spell with durration longer than one round, allows the mage to have affects work one round, then have no effect on the next round and resume working on the round ofter that. Mage can insert 1 round of null effects per level. Must be cast the round the spell is cast. If cast on another mage a save is allowed at +1 per level of target mage - 1 per level of caster of the punctuate spell.

