Celadonian Druid


Prestige Class – Druid Based


Hit Die: d8                     Skill Points 4+Int per level



Class: Druid

Alignment: Neutral Good

Feat: Martial Weapons Proficiency

Location: Celadon Forest


Level   Titles                            Special Abilities                                  Spells                         


1st                  Novice                           Healthsense 10%,Nature Sense              +1 level Druid                                        

2nd                 Initiate                           Healthsense 20%                                   +1 level Druid

3rd         Aspirant 9st Circle           Healthsense 30%                                   +1 level Druid

Woodland Stride, Trackless Step

4th         Aspirant 8st Circle           Healthsense 40%                                   +1 level Druid

5th         Aspirant 7st Circle           Healthsense 50%                                   +1 level Druid

6th         Aspirant 6st Circle           Healthsense 60%                                   +1 level Druid    

7th         Aspirant 5st Circle           Healthsense 70%                                   +1 level Druid

                                                Wild Shape 3/day, Resist Natures Lure

8th         Aspirant 4st Circle           Healthsense 80%                                   +1 level Druid

9th         Aspirant 3st Circle           Healthsense 90%                                   +1 level Druid

10th       Aspirant 2nd Circle         2nd Ward Mastery                                   +1 level Druid

11th       Aspirant 1st Circle           3rd Ward Mastery                                   +1 level Druid

12th       Druid                             4th Ward Mastery                                   +1 level Druid

13th       Arch Druid                     5th Ward Mastery                                   +1 level Druid                

14th       Great Druid                    6th Ward Mastery                                   +1 level Druid

15th       Grand Druid                   7th Ward Mastery                                   +1 level Druid



Nature Sense: A druid can identify plants and animals (their species and special traits) with perfect accuracy. The druid can determine whether water is safe to drink or dangerous.

Woodland Stride: Starting at 3rd level, a druid may move through natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain at his or her normal speed and without suffering damage or other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect the druid.

Trackless Step: Starting at 3rd level, a druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked.

Resist Nature's Lure: Starting at 7th level, a druid gains a +4 bonus to saving throws against the spell-like abilities of feys.

Wild Shape: At 7th level, a druid gains the spell-like ability to polymorph self into a Small or Medium-size animal (but not a dire animal) and back again once per day. Unlike the standard use of the spell, however, the druid may only adopt one form. As stated in the spell description, the druid regains hit points as if he or she has rested for a day. The druid does not risk the standard penalty for being disoriented while in the wild shape


1st Ward


Healthsense: This form of sense is actually a form of amphasia..a blending of the senses. Smelling sounds, seeing smells and so on that reveals the following: Detect Earthpower, Detect Druid Magic, Positive/Negative energy, Netherworldly, Outer Planar and Other Worldly. If the bearer has sensed something before he may identify it again.


Celadonian Druids have been taught by the Druidess Sakina to delve into the Healthsense early, but it the lower level druids imperfect understanding means their success is intermittent.


2nd Ward


3rd Ward

Forbiding: This acts like a Wall of Force but can withstand only 10HP/Level of caster before it collapses. This at will power takes one full round to cast and has a range of 0. The AOE is 10ftx10ft wall per level of the druid. Its duration is 1 day/level.


4th Ward

Lordsfire: This is the physical manifestation of the fury of nature. This fire, always blue, is pure divine fire and normal protections do not work (including SR). No save is allowed, Range is 400feet +40ft/level and this is a 1 action at will power. A Lord must have his staff to throw this. A ranged touch attack to hit is required and can be on a single target. Damage is the Druids Wisdom plus 1d8. The fire may also be used to block energy attacks and can deflect up to x4 the Druids Wisdom. Celadonian Druids cast this from their hands and may split damage to 2 targets (-5 TH each target) or use part for attack and part for defense (evenly splitting damage potential).


Life Energy Drain Immunity: This is an automatic successful save against any Life Energy Drain attack and always the minimum levels is drained if a random number. If no save is allowed, a normal save is given vs the Energy Drain.


Immortality: Celadonain Druids can suspend all life functions including breathing, heartbeat and eating. The do not age (still affected by magical aging).  They are considered Outsiders at this point in their progression in the Wards. This makes them immune to normal poisons (not magical), normal diseases (not magical) and have no need for air (not magical gases, however, but they take ½ damage). By tradition they normally enable their life functions and it takes 1 full round to suspend them.


5th Ward

Ward of Warning: This sphere is a 20ft radius per level of the Druid (but may be smaller) and may be visible (as a blue shimmering) or not at casters desire. It causes x2 the casters wisdom in Lordsfire damage each round spent inside, no To Hit or save required. It will automatically deflect damage at x8 the casters wisdom in Lordsfire for each attack. It may be taken down by a Wish, Miracle, or Sin spell cast upon it. It normally lasts 1 day/level but may become permanent if the caster expends 2500xp. Either way, the castin exhausts the caster (loses 6 levels immediately through exhaustion, recovers the levels normally) and must make a Concentration Check for every spell cast until fully rested (DC15+spell level).


6th Ward



7th Ward

Earthsblood - Unlimited Wish power and only one being in the multiverse may possess the Earthsblood..