Wizard of the Five Magics

Law of Ubiquity: Flame permeates all

Law of Dichotomy: Dominance or submission

Symbol: the Flame 

Wizardry is the ability to pierce the fabric of the planes and bring forth a creature from another plane and invoke the Test of wills (qv).

Summoning is a ritual of varying lengths and complications. It always needs a steady flame and a wide variety of spell components (different types of wood, sulfur, ect.) to conjure the being. Special circles are inscribed and the summoning is done but the True name of the being must be known. Average time periods to summon is from 1 round (quasit/imp) to 1 turn (type 3) to days for more powerful demon lords.

Domination needs to take place immediately after the summoning. If the Hit Dice of the being to be summoned is twice the HD of the summoner the summoner is drawn to the beings home plane. once a being is summoned it will perform one service before it must return to its home plane. It may be resummoned for another service.

Table: The Wizard
Level Base
Special Spells per Day
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Improved ally +1 level of existing spellcasting class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Augment Summoning +1 level of existing spellcasting class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Extended summoning +1 level of existing spellcasting class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Contingent conjuration +1 level of existing spellcasting class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Planar cohort +1 level of existing spellcasting class
6th +
Hit Die



To qualify to become a thaumaturgist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Wizard or sorcerer class.


Wisdom of 13 or higher.

Class Skills

The wizard’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points at Each Level

2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are features of the wizard prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Wizards gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells per Day

When a new wizard level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that he adds the level of wizard to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly.

If a character had more than one spellcasting class before he became a wizard, he must decide to which class he adds each level of wizard for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Special Abilities

Summoning and the Test of Wills

Level and Powers

Level Summonable Hit Dice Additional Powers
1 0 Test of Wills Only
2 Imps and Quasits only None
3 2 None
4 3 None
5 4 None
6 5 None
7 6 None
8 7 None
9 8 None
10 9 None (Demonwrit)
11 10 None
12 11 Planelore, a legend lore for planar activities of consequence and is 5% per level of the wizard.
13 12 May teach lore
14 13 Firelight at will
15 15 Immune to Fire
16 18 None
17 20 None
18 Any +5 to Test of Wills

Wizards have learned a few tricks over the years:

Blood may be used to satiate the will of demons, devils, and daemons and thus make them easier to dominate.

The use of 5,000gp of pure sulfur (1lb) can increase the hit die summonable by 1.

The use of 15,000gp of phosphorus (1lb) can increase the hit die summonable by 3.

Effects of Astrology

In Oerth, the practice of Wizardry is tied to the stars and constellations. A succesful astrology check at -2 to learn the correct time of day and proper alignment of the pentagram will increase the hit die summonable by 2. Astrology checks may also be used to determine astrological effects of the month.

Typical effects might be: (each last for one week of the year and correspond to the stars)

Week of the Year Effect

  1. Wizards may employ wizardry to do a contact higher plane (towards their alignment)1/day
  2. Wizard may summon an additional hit die of demon, may not summon Heavenly creatures
  3. Chaotic wizards are at +1 to test of wills, Lawful wizards are at -1
  4. summoned chaotic creatures do not return for an additional 1-3 days (wizard does not have control)
  5. Summonings take twice as long, cannt summon daemons
  6. demons summoned are at +1 per hit die, +1 all rolls
  7. a demon may freely cross a Protection From Evil or Protection From Demons *
  8. summoned creatures from the lower planes do not return for an additional day (wizard does not have control)
  9. a quazit or imp also comes through when a lower planar creature is summoned (does not return)
  10. good wizards are at +1 on the test of wills v.s. all creatures
  11. good wizards are able to summon an additional 4hd of any type of creature
  12. creatures summoned by good wizards remain twice as long
  13. good wizards may not be harmed by lesser demons, devils, or daemons
  14. evil wizards are able to summon an additional 5hd of any type of lower planar creature
  15. quazits and imps summoned by evil wizards will remain for the week, keeps in contact with overlord
  16. daemons summoned are at -1 on their test of wills#
  17. devils summoned are at -1 on their test of wills#
  18. demons summoned are at +1 on their test of wills*#
  19. devils summoned are at +1 on their test of wills#
  20. 10% chance that something else comes through the gateway*
  21. 15% chance that a Power is offended by the summoning*
  22. summoned creatures from the middle planes do not return for an additional day (wizard does not have control)
  23. daemons are able to walk freely and uninhibited by Protection From Evil and Pentagram spells.
  24. wizards who practice in this week are at -1 on all saves*
  25. summoned lawful creatures do not return for an additional day (wizard does not have control)
  26. creatures summoned from the upper planes are at +2 per hit die and +2 on all rolls
  27. may petition plane of alignment for bonus to saves for chosen month in return for the wizard performing a service
  28. no detection or information spells work on creatures from the outer planes
  29. duration of summoned evil creatures is doubled,
  30. duration of summoned neutral creatures is doubled, +1 on saves v.s. fire
  31. duration of summoned good creatures is doubled,
  32. duration of summoned creatures is halved
  33. Neutral wizards are at +2 to test of wills and +2 to hit die summonable
  34. evil wizards who practice this week are at +1 on all saves and test of wills, cant summon C.G. upper creatures
  35. neutral wizards who practice this week are at +1 on all saves and test of wills
  36. good wizards who practice this week are at +1 on all saves and test of wills, cannot summon devils creatures
  37. wizardry requires double the time to summon a creature but they stay twice as long, - 1 to hit die summunable
  38. wizardry requires triple the time to summon a creature but they stay 3 times as long, -3 to hit die summunable
  39. wizardry is unable to summon this week
  40. wizardry requires double the time to summon a creature but they stay twice as long, - 1 to hit die summunable
  41. summoned creatures from the upper planes do not return for an additional day (wizard does not have control)
  42. upper planar creatures summoned are unaffected by Pentagrams and Protection From Good or Dispel Evil
  43. upper planar creatures are at +1 on all rolls and +1 on test of wills
  44. wizardry is fails without a succesful astrology attempt at -2 for each summoning
  45. wizardry fails without a successful astrology check at -6 for each summoning, -1 on test if wills and HD sum.
  46. wizardry fails for entire week without a successful astrology check at -3 (one roll for the week), +1 on hit die*
  47. wizard may summon creatures from limbo who are 2HD larger*
  48. creatures from limbo remain twice as long under the control of the wizard*
  49. creatures summoned from limbo do not return when task is done, stay on this plane for 1 day (no control)*
  50. roll d6 on each summoning, 1=-3 on test of wills, 2=-2, 3=-1, 4=+1, 5=+2, 6=+3 for wizard
  51. wizard gaines 1 minor at will power for the week from 1 creature summoned (25% chance/summoning)
  52. wizard may try to petition plane of alignment for 1 new spell for the week (wise to give gifts)
  53. October 31st (All Hollows Eve) - Saints Pay Homage to their chosen god, will not answer calls for divine intervention. The forces of evil usually hatch many plots on the Prime Material Plane this day. "The Dark One's Day" 

*=chance that wizard is brought to creatures plane is double i.e. treat wizard as half lvl for this purpose

#=succesful astrology check made at beginning of week outside and under a night sky gives +1 on HD summonable

An eclipse of the sun will cause wizards to lose control of their subjects.

Each of the solstices are good for summoning particular types of elementals:

Comets can have varrying effects but usually signify the downfall of Kingdoms or Kings.

It is said that seeing a shooting star during a summoning is a beneficial omen. Few wizards fail in this instance.