Alchemist of the 5 Magics

The Doctrine of Signatures: The attributes without mirror the powers within.  (Symbol: triangle pointing downward)

Alchemists are concocters of all sorts of oils, philters, potions, dusts, elixirs, and powders. They may produce some things that are normally considered magic items and may produce combinations in quantities.

Alchemist can choose to brew their potion via standard 3rd ed rule or have the added flexibility to brew potions without expenditure of experience points. This method is more expensive monetarily, takes more time and sometimes does not work!


Class: Wizard 1st level

Skill:Craft Brewing  3 ranks

Level Titles Special Abilities Spells
1st Apprentice Identify Potion 30%, Brew Potion +1 level Wizard
2nd Apprentice Identify Potion 35% +1 level Wizard
3rd Apprentice Identify Potion 40% +1 level Wizard
4th Apprentice Identify Potion 45% +1 level Wizard
5th Apprentice Identify Potion 50% +1 level Wizard
6th Apprentice Identify Potion 55% +1 level Wizard
7th Apprentice May Teach Alchemy, Identify Potion 60% +1 level Wizard
8th Apprentice Identify Potion 65% +1 level Wizard
9th Master Alchemist Identify Potion 70% +1 level Wizard

Alchemists need a full lab: 1,000 gp/level + l00gp/level per month, to produce any type of potion. In addition they need a primary ingredient that relates to the potion to be created (ie Giants blood for Giant strength potion). The rest of the material is normally found in the lab.

Chance to recognize alchemically created items: 25% + 5% / level of alchemists (70% maximum)

Following Formulae

Alchemy Skill

Chance of Success

Time Needed



1st level

15% per level

1-3 days



3rd level

10% per level

2-5 days



5th level

5% per level

2-16 days


Usually 2-5 potions are created in a successful batch

Failure to Follow Formulae, The Rolls:

Explosions: a role of 95% or higher when trying to make a potion indicates an explosion in the lab.

Explosions cause 1d6/lvl of alchemist in damage to all within the lab; save for 1/2. Additionally, a save must be rolled for each 100gp value of the lab (glass v.s. magical fire).

Failure by within 10% yields 1 potion that may or may not work. To be rolled when imbibed:

Creating New Formulae

Skill Required:

Chacnce of Success

Time Needed



4th level


1-4 weeks



6th level


2-5 weeks



9th level<


3-6 weeks


Thaumaturgy may be used to purify, homogenize, separate, and otherwise concentrate the raw essences of the various alchemical components to increase the chances of succes of an alchemical trial by +5% per level of thaumaturgy. Use of thaumaturgy to stretch out the ingredients increases the number of potions created by +1 per level of thaumaturgy.