Dragon Flight Vigil of the Church of Tiamat (Ritual)

Conjuration (Summoning) [Fire]

Spellcraft DC: 580 (40)
Components: V, S, Ritual, XP
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 75 ft.
Effect: Ten summoned adult red dragons
Duration: 7 Days or 20 rounds of combat 
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: Seed: summon (DC 14). Factors: summon creature other than outsider (+10 DC), summon CR 16 creature (+28 DC), Extend duration (+6) summon ten creatures (x10 DC).
Mitigating factors: sixty additional casters contributing 5th-level spell slots (60*9=540 DC),  1d6 backlash (-1 DC).

This spell is an Epic Ritual written and used by the Church of Tiamat in the Theocracy to protect important Conclaves such as the Redression Account and certain Conclaves of the ArchClerical Diocese. It requires 60 casters to participate in the ritual, each donating a 5th level spell. The miracle summons ten mature adult red dragons. They appear where the lead caster designates and will stand guard up to 7 days over a designated area. If the designated area is attacked, they will act immediately. They attack the character’s opponents to the best of their abilities (on the first round, they all prefer to simultaneously breathe fire on an enemy, if possible). The character can direct the dragons not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions for up to 20 rounds once they become triggered. At the end of 20 rounds of coaction they vanish.  (Based on Dragon Strike). The church (usually a cardinal cappable of epic spell creation) creates a new version of this miracle when a redression account changes the numbers of Bishops, Archbishops, and Cardinals for the Chiurch of Tiamat. The church has older versions of this miracle etched on tablets, created in times when the number of casters was smaller (but not larger).