Consecration as Antechurch to the Cathedral of St Anda.


Spellcraft DC: 102 (37) ( 21+taking a 10+6)
Components: V, S, Ritual, 
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: see text
Effect: Those affected are in communion with 
Duration: 7 Days
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: Seed: Contact (DC 23). Transport (27) Forsee (17) Factors: bond 5 additional creature +5 DC, increase duration to 7 days (+50 DC)
Mitigating factors:Increase casting time to 10 minutes (+20) five additional casters contributing 5th-level spell slots (5*9=+45 DC) .

This spell is can only be cast in a church consecrated in the Nyrundic religion. It consecrates that church further as an "Ante Church" or "connected church" to the Cathedral of St Anda such that the participants, when they are within the ante-consecrated church,the participants of this spell can participate in ritual casting with the officiating cleric in St Anda's Cathedral. Furthermore, this consecration binds its participants to the antechurch such that, if the participant would be incapacitated while in the Cathedral of St Anda, they are immediately returned to the antechurch as is a Word of Recall were cast as an immediate action. The Recall effect only works once but the connection to the Officiating Cleric remains for the duration.  This ia an Epic Ritual used by the Church churches of the theocracy who can cast it when important Conclaves such as the Redression Account and certain Conclaves of the ArchClerical Diocese are about to take place. It requires 5 casters to participate in the ritual, each donating a 5th level spell. The miracle is cast upon the Blessed altar of the church.  For each additional spellcaster contributing a 5th level spell one additional cleric, the caster contributing the spell, gains the effects of the bond and the level of caster for purposes of dispelling the effect goes up by 2.