Warding Of the Clerical Diocese


Spellcraft DC: 2052 (43 for lead spellcaster)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 0
Area: 200ft Radius
Duration: 7 Days (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: Seed: Ward (DC 14).
Seed: Ward (DC 14).
Seed: Ward (DC 14).
1-action casting time (+20 DC).
change from target to area (+10 DC)
Change area to 20ft radius( +2 DC)
Increase area to 200ft radius (+36 DC)
Increase caster level by 83 for purposes of being dispelled (+166 DC)
ward against all 3 bludgeoning, piercing, & slaship (+4 DC)
increase bludgeoning,piercing, & slash by 100hp/round (+200 DC)
increase acid DR by 300/round (+300 DC)
increase cold DR by 300/round (+300 DC)
increase electricity DR by 300/round (+300 DC)
increase fire DR by 300/round (+300 DC)
increase sonic DR by 200/round (+200 DC)
ward up to 9th level spells in area (+160 DC)
increase duration to 7 days (+12 DC)
287 participants donating 4th lvl spell (287*7=2009)

For 7 days the area within a 200ft radius of casting. all particiipants recieve 100 hp/rnd DR to bludgeooning , piercing, and slahing weapons, and 300DR/round to acid, cold, electrivity and fire each and 200 DR/round to sonic damage. The area is also warded against enemy spells of up to 9th level.

A new version of this Epic Miracle is created by the Theocracy requiring a different minum number of casters when the number of members changes