Punishment of the Theocracy

Conjuration, Necromancy

Spellcraft DC:  767-1492 (37 for lead spellcaster) 
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Continent Wide
Target: One city 
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (DC 75+lead spellcaster's ability score)
Spell Resistance: Yes (at lead casters ability to overcome SR+55)
To Develop: Seed: Aflict (DC 19). Dispel (19)
change target to area (+10 DC)
change 20ft radius to city wide (+216 DC)
Increase caster level by +55 for purposes of being dispelled (+110 DC)
increase caster level by +55 for purposes of Overcoming SR (+110 DC)
increase dispel effect by +55 (+110)
disease affects (as per contagion spell)(ad hoc +22)
increase DC of save by 55 (+110 DC)
contenent wide range, 1 target (+40 DC)
146 participants donating 3rd lvl spell (146*5=730)

The Punishment of the Theocracy can be leveled at cities anywhere accross the continent of Oerth.The current inhabitants of the city must Make a Fortitude Save DC 75 or be inflicted with a gastroentestinal disease causing fatigue and 1d4+2 const damage with +55 to overcome any SR. The const damage will heal with 8 hours of rest. The infected person must make a Fortitude Save 75 each day or take a d4+2 const damage plus fatigue which heals by the next day with 8 hours of rest. The save must be made 2 consecutive days in a row to break from the disease. Any attempt to heal the disease suffers a dispell check at +55.

144 casters each contributing a 3rd level spell are required to cast this spell (a majority for by the clerical diocese. For every additional contributor (vote in favor of casting) , increase the DC by 1, and the bonus to overcome spell resistance by 1 and increase the caster level for purposes of being dispelled by 1  to a maximum of 287 contributors and Fort Save DC 220 + lead spell casters ability score, and +220 on the dispel check and check to overcome SR. 

A new version of this Epic Miracle is created by the Theocracy requiring a different minum number of casters is created for when the number of votes required for a majority changes 
If cast by the current Archcleric, her spellcraft check is +53 skill +20 cup al akbar, +20 talisman of al akbar, +20 akbar set, +20 wis bonus, +25 morale bonus (miracle) +10 (archcleric hat) [ +3 wisdom bump (Ea epic spell), +6 aid another (Nindumund), +20 Epic Harmony Miracle (Ninazu)] *   (+197*)    *during Redression account only