City Spell

Gift of the War Goddess
Level: City Spell
Range: 0 (must be cast in church)
Durration: 1 need
Area of Effect: special
Casting time: 1 turn
Saving throw: n/a

Ishtar is the Goddess of War and her mantra is defeating your enemies makes you stronger.
Ishtar is the Goddess of war and her mantra is to use your enemies weapons against them.
This miracle may be cast in any time of need in the cities church. Once cast, Ishtar sends an angel bearing any one artifact weapon previously used by any defeated enemy of the Church of Ishtar, any defeated enemy of the City in which the miracle is cast, or any enemy defeated previously by the rulers of the city. It does not matter if said weapon has already been destroyed or is in the possession of another - an exact replica/copy of the weapon is created and delivered by the angel for use again a foe. The Gift of Ishtar is bestowed for attacks against the city or when the city is in great need and will remian until the attack is over or the final battle is resolved. Only one such artifact can ge given to the city at any time and the maximum time it can remian for is one month. (city spells can be cast 1/month and thus this spell may be recast). If the miracle is performed on Sappattu and offerings of weapons of other defaeted enemies are sacrificed the artifact will be at +10% efficiency (additonal +1 damage, additional levels of caster ability).
there have been a lot of enemies already defeated by the church of ishtar (that part of the miracle refers to the Church of Ishtar as a whole and so churches from babylon and chathold count)...
just to note a few of the major enemies that have been defeated:
Druaga (the babylonian devil lord - see dieties and demigods for his items)
Khalak (see the miracle "Breath of Khalak" as his major weapon)