Fortification Of the ArchClerical Diocese


Spellcraft DC: 1163-1487 (43 for lead spellcaster)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 0
Area: 200ft Radius
Duration: 7 Days (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: Seed: Fortify (DC 17).
1-action casting time (+20 DC).
change from target to area (+10 DC)
Change area to 20ft radius( +2 DC)
Increase area to 200ft radius (+36 DC)
Increase caster level by 83 for purposes of being dispelled (+166 DC)
increase enhancement bonus to Will save by 50 (+300 DC)
increase enhancement bonus to Reflex saves by 50 (+300 DC)
increase Enhancement bonus to Fortitude saves by 50 (+300 DC)
increase duration to 7 days (+12 DC)
224 participants donating 3rd lvl spell (224*5=1120)

Grants +50 enhancement bonus to all saves in 200ft radius. Requires 224 particpiants donating a 3rd level spell. For every 3 additional participants, the save bonus increases by +1 to a maximum of 287 participants giving a total bonus of +71. Participants do not need to each or drink during the duration..