The Golden Draco
Description: The Golden Draco is a magnificent
warship of unparalleled quality. Its decks and hull are fashioned of the finest
woods and most arcane magics. The ship itself has a
long, snaking golden dragon imprinted along the side of the ship. The dragon
imprint melds into and forms part of the ships’ gilden-wood
Length: 200ft Width: 50ft Depth:
30ft (9ft
Decks: 3 (Top Deck / Belowdeck / Steerage Deck)
+ Forcastle
(8 ft high) & SternCastle (15ft high)
Move Rate: 12 mph on water,
Warp 1.8 in space (Max, 8.9)
Current Errata: in docks of melderyn gaining
12 hull points
-16 hull points
Dragon’s Breath – The Grand Druid’s Augmentations
In defense of the ship, the navigator
may look to the crew to give of themselves. In one round the entire crews are
drained 1 hit point per level. This life force pool is gathered in the Master
Orb, channeling it through a Gildenwood prow, and
fires a bolt of Lord’s Fire type energy. “To hit” is as the ranged attack of
the navigator. Damage is equal to the hit points placed in the pool. (i.e. if there are 250 hd on the
ship, then the bolt does 250 hit points in damage)
Other Attacks –
Glimmer may breath paralyzing
gas (DC 23, 1d6+6 rnds) or
cold (10d8 DC 23) with Dispelling Breath (d20+14), crew may cast spells
such as fireball (7d6, 10d6), chain lightning (14d6), cone of cold
magic missiles (25 total missiles per round, 5 of them empowered),
various uses
of Grease, Gust of Wind, and Reverse Gravity. Empowered Rays of
Enfeeblement, a
Dispelling Breath and walls of force will be used as well. If Lazarus
is present he may cast a purified Gas Breath during a boarding event as
it does not affect good creatures.
Strong conjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, gate; Price 40,000 gp;Weight 1 lb. each
· Crew Defenses –
Depending on the alert level,
and warning, expect Ogrom, Glimmer, and Bladel to have the effects of a Stoneskin,
Energy Reduction (30) lasting 120 minutes. Glimmer will also case Mass Bear’s
Endurance affecting up to 14 creatures. In combat they may also have Spider
climb and Displacement (Glimmer casts for all), Crew is at +2 AC and all rolls
when defending ship due to Kothlun’s deck protection
strategies – know when and wear to duck, how to use layout of ship to advantage
during combat, etc. For highly defensive situations Glimmer can cast Mass
Reduce person and each mage has a rope trick. Glimmer also casts each day False
Vision on deck which fools scry spells – may catch Teleporters flat footed or give a surprise round. Crew
members have pseudo dragons as familiars which have blindsense
60ft, darkvision 60ft and telepathy with creatures
that speak common or sylvan, 60ft . (Spot +9, Hide +20,
+24 in vegetation). After those spells are cast, Glimmer will then cast Wings
of Air, a dragon spell that will improve the flight class of the ship by two! (Effectively
flight class B (good) in Ogrom’s hands – that of
- GPS of Ak-Su-Ra
Epic device at 43rd level. Can determine exact position in Planar Model.
Determine position in reference to other positions and track movements.
It does transmit all data collected back to Ak-Su-Ra
· Githzerai Cloaking Device (becomes visible if attacks) – 18th
o Acts as Circle of Psionic Inviso for entire ship – located in Aftcastle
· Protection from
Evil, 10ft radius. (Gift of Draco Paladine
- Divine)
· Hallowed Ground -
turns cleric undead as a 3rd lvl (12th lvl )
· Immunity to all
elemental forces (as Cloudship – 20th lvl)
o DR100 vs all Energy Types (Acid / Fire / Cold / Electricity)
· Airy water and
water breathing within 100ft (as Cloudship – 20th
· Immunity to Sea Monsters (200ft) – (Glimmer Pax Stone Ring – 12th lvl)
· Ethereal Storm Immunity - Wished that the ship and its crew are immune to the next 2 ethereal storms.(in play)
· Temporal Shield – protects against time magics and extreme gravity (Built by Omega). May travel into a Black Hole.
- Blessings of Grand Druid (placed on Ship itself)
· Well Coordinated
Crew - Lorocus,
Kothlun, Mandake,
Alexander, & Loresraat have +2 timing checks
while fighting on the Golden Draco
· Sagely’s Shield –
Defense device crafted by Steven Sagely
triggered, this device creates a Wall of Impregnability which surrounds the
ship. 1/charge. It currently has 13 charges and can be
recharged by the casting of two Walls of Impregnability. This is immobile and
the ship must remain stationary.
· Aftdeck – Helm - Master Orb Protections
Antipathy to evil in area of Aftdeck centered from
the orb. Orb has permanent protection from evil so summoned creatures may no
touch it. Dramiji’s Instant Summons cast on Orb by Ogrom, Mandrake, and Megavon
(scrolls). Ogrom’s
familiar is always stationed here.
· Self Preservation
Golden Draco can avoid any damage it is warned of. It
can be warned of dangers via programming (being told directly), by the elvenstar, or by telepathic contact. The ship can move to
protect itself. Max movement by itself is Warp 1.9 and
it may summon an air elemental to defend itself.
· Crows Nest
Has Permanized Prismatic Sphere which was wished to be attuned to all the ships crew and its welcomed guests (Permission to board). Bladel’s familiar is always stationed here.
· Bow
The lesser crew are guarded by Glimmer Gladwing,
an adult silver dragon who stays on, and sometimes melds with, the ship. The ships is also attended to by Cordelia,
a construct of a 9th lvl High Priestess of Draco Paladine provided by fate
to act as Mandrake’s spiritual guide. She often blesses the ship. Ogrom is the ships Navigator, Bladel
is the ship’s engineer, Craigan
is the lookout. Each of them have leadership and
henchmen of their respective 5th magic. These henchmen are based in
firestorm peak and appear on deck when ship is not in danger or for Code Red
Alerts. They may travel back and forth via the Gateway to Firestorm Peak.
Ships Pilot (Ogrom) bears the Ring of Water Elemental Dominance. A ring that functions as a double strength ring of water elemental
command that functions at 24th lvl. Bladel wears the Amulet of Monitoring – can see out of the
eyes of up to 4 armband wearers – same plane range. (He uses this for sentries
or away teams – see Bladel for current settings)
The Loresraat has also spent much time with the Golden Draco on missions directed by Mandrake of Heaven in the war against evil dragons. They have all gained the following feats:
Dragon Foe (Int 13)
+2 on attack rolls vs dragons, +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome a dragon's spell resistence, Dragons are at a -2 saving throws against your spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities.
Dragon Hunter (Wis 13)
+2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by dragons, +2 comp bonus on saves against the spells, attacks, and special abilities of dragon, +2 copetence bonus on any opposed check (eg bull rush, grapple) against a dragon.
Dragon Hunter Bravery
You and all your allieswithin 30t that can see you are treated as having +4 HD for purposes of being except from a Dragon's Frightful Presence. If you are not affected, your animal companion and familiar is unaffected as well.You and your friends recieve a +4 morale bonus vs the effect.
Draco Paladine has blessed the crew with eternal youth so long as they remain of good alignment. (they do not age on ship).
Level: |
12th lvl (31 hp), 2nd Lvl Monk, 1/4 lvl Druid (Master Thaumaturge, 6th lvl Magician) |
Initiative |
+0 |
Speed |
30 ft. (6 squares) |
Armor Class |
18 + Displacement (Glimmer on alert) (+6 bracers, +2 Kothlun), touch 10, flat-footed 16, +2 Vs dragons |
Attack/Grapple |
+4/+7 |
Attack |
Run |
Space/Reach |
5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks |
Spells, +2 all rolls when defending ship (Kothlun) |
Qualities |
Saves |
Fort +14 (4 base +4 const +2 koth +4 resist ring), Ref +10 (4 base +2 koth +4 resist ring ), Will +16 (8 base +2 +2 vs Evil, +4 vs cold/water,, +2 vs Dragons |
Abilities |
Str 16, Dex
9, Con 19, Int 18, |
Skills |
Spellcraft +19, Navigation +21, Timing +12, Concentration +21, Listen+6, Move Silently +5 Spot +6, Cooking +12 |
Feats (1 human +4 char, + prestige class + monk) |
Skill Focus (Navigation), Evasive Maneuvers (ship), Combat Tactics, Endurance, Leadership, Craft Wonderous Items, Thaumtaurgy, Improved Grapple, unarmed strike, flurry of blows, evasion |
Alignment |
Lawful Good |
Spells |
5/5/5/4/3/2 DC 14+spell level, Concentrate on Orb X 4 |
1st |
Burning Hands, True Strikex3, Grease |
2rd |
Rope Trick, Fog Cloud, Spider Climb, Glitter Dust(10ft radius spread), Invisibility |
Dispel Magic, Fireballx3,Sleet Storm (80ft diameter globe, blocks all vision) hampers movement on deck too |
4th |
Stoneskin, Dimension Door, Solid Fog (slows movement to 5ft, 40ft diam globe)x2 |
5th |
Wall of Force, Sending, Telepathic Bond |
6th | Forcefull Hand, Antimagic Field |
Magic Items |
Ring of Water Elemental Dominance (Control water 4/week, Ice storm 4/week, Wall of Ice 2/day, Water breathing, create water, and water walk unlimited, bypass cold resistance and DR or water creatures, +8 attacks, +4 saves, cannot approach in 10ft, speak with water elementals), Bowl of summoning Water elementals (currently not using), Ring +4 saves, Bowl of cooking (in mess), Bladel’s spoon of flavoring. Various potions from Heisenberg (Alchemist) 12 Hd Lawful Good Wyvern Mount that can breathe in space and reduced when on deck. |
Quirks |
Loves to think in 3D. Works out a lot (pushups). Likes to wrestle |
Pranks |
Wrestles, Loves to fill peoples rooms with water so when they open door…. |
Code Green |
Code Blue |
Code Indigo |
Code Violet |
Ogrom remains at the aftcastle at the Master Orb, controlling the ship. His spells are usually cast to aid in tactical maneuvers. Can cast cantrip that maintains concentration on orb for 1 round. All maneuvers are well rehearsed with crew. See maneuvers below.
Level: |
Master Magician (15th lvl) Monk 1st lvl Druid ¼ (35 hp) Master Magician 3rd lvl Thaumaturge |
Initiative |
+2 |
Speed |
30 ft. (6 squares) |
Armor Class |
22 + Displacement (Glimmer on alert) (+8 armour bonus (robes of steel) +2 Kothlun, touch 12, flat-footed 18 |
Attack/Grapple |
+6/+1 (+7) |
Attack |
With Rays: +17 (+6 base, +5 ring, +2 greater weapon focus, +4 dex), (+27 with true strike) |
Space/Reach |
5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks |
Spells, Epic Rod of Absorption, +2 all rolls when defending ship (Kothlun) |
Qualities |
Mage Sight (Permanent), See Invisibility (Permanent/familiar) |
Saves |
Fort +12/+14 evil (5 base +1 const +1 luck+5 ring ), Ref +15/+17 evil
(5 base +4 dex +1 luck +5 ring), Will +17/+19 evil (9 base
+2 |
Abilities |
Str 13, Dex
18, Con 13, Int 20, |
Skills |
Spellcraft +23, Concentration +18, Timing +10, Knowledge Arcana: +20 Use Magic Device: +17, Listen +6, Move Silently +6, Spot +6, Sailing, +18 Craft: metalworking: +13 Craft Woodworking: +20) |
Feats (1 human +4 char, + prestige class) |
Weapon Focus(Ray), Greater Weapon Focus(Ray) Leadership, Empower Spell, Spell Penetration,Greater spell penetration Create Wonderous Item, Create Rod, Create Wand, Create Staff, Create Ring, Repair Cloudship (need help of thuamtaturge), Improved Grapple, unarmed strike, flurry of blows, evasion |
Alignment |
Lawful Good |
Spells |
6/5/5/5/5/3/2/1 DC 15 + Spell Level |
1st |
Mage Hand x1, Cleanx3; True Strikex2, Identify, Grease, Mending, Magic Missile |
2nd |
Rope Trick, Locate Object, Spider Climb, Glitter Dust(10ft radius spread), Invisibility |
3rd |
Ray of Enfeeblement (Empowered)x3, Wind Wall (120ft long, 60ft high) x2 |
4th |
Minor Globe, Scorching Ray (Empowered) x3 |
5th |
Elvenstar Wall of Force, Telepathic Bond, Break Enchantment, Bigby’s Construction Crew, Analyze dweomer |
6th |
Anti Magic Shell, Greater Dispel Magic, Besiging Bolts |
7th | Forcecage, Reverse Gravity |
8th | Maze |
Magic Items |
Amulet of the armbands (can see out of armband wearers eyes, currently: Mandrake, Glimmer, Craigan, & Lazarus) Robes of Steel +8 Ac, may absorb 150 hp, +1 Ring of Water Walking, Gauntlets of Heat (does burning hands & heat metal in a ray), Gold Dragon Pin (+1 luck bonus to saves, Unseen servant 1/day and any 3 cantrips/day), Amber Dragonstone (absorb 1 spell/day), Dragon Holly (3 uses, cure 1d12 each), Ring of Rays (+5 to hit with ray spells), Rod of Epic Absorption (23), Rod of Cancellation (10), Scrolls: Greater Dispel (+20), Prismatic Sphere, Limited Wish, Protection From Evil, 10ft (elvenstar), Elvenstar Wall of Force, Various Potions from Heisenberg (alchemist), +5 ring of resitance 12 Hd LG Wyvern Mount that can breathe in space and reduced when on deck., Staff of Transmutation (38 charges) - gift from Kothlun |
Quirks |
Think Scotty! Loves his ship. Likes to make useless magic items. Collects paper airplanes |
Pranks |
Uses one of his many useless magic items. (traps, exploding things, transmuting things, sticky gum) |
Code Green |
Code Blue |
Code Indigo |
Code Violet |
Bladel usually hangs with Ogrom at the aftcastle by the control rod. He will sometimes man the weapon using his Weapon Focus, Ray
Level: |
Sorcerer 10th lvl (30 hp) 1st Lvl Monk, 1/4 lvl Druid |
Initiative |
+5 |
Speed |
30 ft. (6 squares) |
Armor Class |
18 + Displacement (Glimmer on alert) (+6 bracers, +2 kothlun), touch 10, flat-footed 16 |
Attack/Grapple |
+3 |
Attack |
Space/Reach |
5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks |
Spot + 35, Running and Hiding (rope trick), +2 all rolls when defending ship (Kothlun) |
Qualities |
(Glimmer usually has Stoneskin and energy resist 30 on him, in prismatic sphere) |
Saves |
Fort +9 (3 base +1 const +5 ring), Ref +11, Will +16 (7
base +4 |
Abilities |
Str 9, Dex
17, Con 12, Int 18, |
Skills |
Spellcraft +14, Spot +30* +5 scope, Timing, Concentration +11, Listen +10, Move Silently + 6 |
Feats (1 human +3 char, + prestige class + monk) |
Skill Focus (Spot), Cosmopolitan (Spot), Attentive (+2 competance to spot, init) Leadership, Charm of Sights (Sorcery), Charm of Illusion (Sorcery), Charm of Fates (Sorcery)Improved Grapple, unarmed strike, flurry of blows, evasion |
Alignment |
Lawful Good |
Spells |
DC 14+spell level (light, mage hand) 5/5/4/4/2 |
1st |
Grease, Magic Missile, cats eye* (+2/lvl to spot, max +10), Alarm |
2rd |
Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Invisibility, See Invisibility |
Dispel Magic, Fireball, Tiny Hut, Arcane Sight |
4th |
Dimension Door, Arcane Eye, Detect Scrying, Scrying |
5th | Telepathic Bond, Prying Eyes |
Magic Items |
12 Hd LG Wyvern Mount that can breathe in space and reduced when on deck, +5 ring of resistence (saves), Bracers +6, telescope +5 spot), Glasses of Fire Eyes (Gift of Lorocus) that allows sight thru natural smoke, fire, fog (spell in MW) , Ring of Water Breathing |
Quirks |
Afraid of drowning, sleeps in nautilus |
Pranks |
Really good at planning spoofs, persuasive with wyverns and pseudodragons. Uses minor illusions |
Code Green |
Code Blue |
Code Indigo |
Code Violet |
Craigan avoids combat, he is the chief lookout and stays invisible in the crows nest (in the Prismatic sphere). He will use a Rope Trick if he feels threatened. He likes to sleep in crows nest or in the Nautilus (afraid of drowning)
Level: |
Young Adult Silver Dragon (Large), 14th lvl Sorcerer 19d12+76(199 hp) Full length: 31ft Body Length 11ft, Neck length 9ft, Tail length 11 ft, Body width 5ft Standing Height 7ft, Maximum Wingspan 45, Minimum Wingspan 18ft 2,500lbs |
Initiative |
+4 |
Speed |
40 ft. 150 fly |
Armor Class |
27 (-1 size, +18 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 27 |
Base Attack/Grapple |
+19/+29 |
Attack |
+25 |
Full Attack |
+25 bite (2d6+6), +20 x2 claws (d8+3), +20x2 wings (d6+3), +20 Tail (d6+9) |
Space/Reach |
10 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks |
Breath Weapon, Frightful Presence |
Special Qualities |
SR 20, DR 5/+1 (10 adamantine with stoneskin), Blindsense (90ft), Cloudwalking Immune to Acid and Cold, Vulnerable to Fire DR 30.(ring) |
Saves |
Fort +19,(15 base +4 sorcerer) Ref +15,(11 base +4 sorcerer) Will +24 (15 base+9 sorcerer) |
Abilities |
Str 23/+6, Dex 10, Con 19/+4, Int 16, |
Skills |
Listen +24, Search +11, Spot +24, Spellcraft +16, Concentration +24, Diplomacy +11, Escape Artist +20, Intimidate +28 Sense Motive +15, Use Magic Device +10, Knowledge: Misma +10, Singing +20 |
Feats |
Improved Initiative, Hover, Snatch, Flyby Attack, Heighten Breath (increase DC up to const bonus, adds X rounds to breathe recovery) Shape Creath (ray to line and vice versa) |
Alignment |
Lawful Good |
Spells |
DC 16 + Spell level 0 lvl: Charm bird, Mage hand, |
8 x 1st |
Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Feather Fall, Chill Touch (14 attacks, 2d6 save -1 str)
8 x2nd |
Gust of Wind, Spider Climb, Resist Energy (30 pnts/rnd, 140 minutes), Wings of Cover [Races of the Dragon] (immediate action to cast, creates hemispherical or spherical barrier around you for an instant, provides total cover, range: personal) |
7x 3rd |
Haste, Invisibility Sphere, Displacement, Fireball, Dispel Magic |
7x 4th |
Reduce Person, Mass (14 creatures), Anticipate Teleportation, Stoneskin, Dispelling Breath (breath weapon acts as targeted dispel magic to all creatures in area. |
7 x 5th |
False Vision (14 hrs, 80ft globe), Cone of cold (14d6) Greater Wings of Air (improves flight class of target by 2), |
7 x 6th |
Mass Bears Endurance (14 Creatures), Repulsion, Chain Lightning |
3 x 7th |
Forcecage |
Magic Items |
Ring of fire protection (DR 30), Pax Stone Ring – Protection from Sea Creatures 200 ft, Scrolls: Reverse Gravity (2) |
Quirks |
Sleeps a lot. Likes to sing and charm birds then let them go. |
Pranks |
Very annoyed by pranks. |
Code Green |
Code Blue |
Code Indigo |
Code Violet |
Glimmer does whatever she can to protect the ship and its crew. Shying away from direct combat in favor of defensive maneuvers..
Breath Weapon: Paralyzation (DC 23 Fort save, 1d6+4 rnds) and Cone of Cold 10d8 DC 23 reflex for half
Spells up on Ships Crew: (Will do Displacement (with warning) and Stoneskin + Resist Energy on self, Ogrom, & Bladel)
Mass Bears Endurance (14 creatures, 14 minutes), False Vision on ship (confuses scry, lasts 14 hrs)
Durations: Displacement (14 rounds), Resist Energy 30 (name type, 140 minutes), Stoneskin (140 minutes)
Level: |
Wizard 18th lvl ( hp), 1st Lvl Monk, 1/4 lvl Druid |
Initiative |
+3 |
Speed |
30 ft. (6 squares) |
Armor Class |
23 + Displacement (Glimmer on alert) (+6 bracers, +3 dex, +2 kothlun, +2 robes), touch 17, flat-footed 19 |
Attack/Grapple |
+10/+5 |
Attack |
Space/Reach |
5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks |
+2 all rolls when defending ship (Kothlun) |
Qualities |
Saves |
Fort +13/+15 if defending ship (7 base +1 const +3 ring +2 staff), Ref +14/+16 if defending ship (7 base+3ring+2 staff+2dex), Will +26/+28 if defending ship (12
base +5 Monk +3+3+3 BAB+1 Wizard +4+4+9 BAB +9 |
Abilities |
Str 13, Dex
16, Con 12, Int 22, |
Skills |
Spellcraft +22 (17 ranks), Spot +, Timing (8 ranks), Concentration +14 (13 ranks), Knowledge: dragons: 19 (14 ranks), Knowledge planes 32 (17 ranks), Dancing 8 (5 ranks) |
Feats (1 human +5 char, + prestige class + monk) |
Iron Will, Leadership, Negotiator (+2 on Diplomacy & Sense Motive) Purify Spell (neutral creatures take half damage, good take none, evil outisiders have damage die increased by one) Sudden Maximize, Extend spell (duration) Plane Lore (Planar knowledge checks at +10) Summon up to 14 hd creature with true name (Wizardry) Improved Grapple, unarmed strike, flurry of blows, evasion (Monk) |
Alignment |
Lawful Good |
Spells |
DC 16+spell level |
1stx6 (12) |
Protection from Evilx3, Magic Missilex3, Shield, True strikex2, enhance robes (decreases ac by 2, increases hd summonable by 2, stacks up to 3 times) x2 |
2rdx6 |
Rope Trick, Spider Climb, Invisibility, See Invisibility, Whispering winds, |
magic circle against evil - 10ft, Purified web, Fireball, Gaseous form, haste |
4thx5 |
Dimension Door, Bestow Curse (fail save against my next spell)x2, Lesser Simulacrum, MME [Purified Fireball]x2, Reduce Person, Mass (Scroll) |
5thx5 | Planar Telepathy, Balefull Polymorph, Feeblemind, Break Enchantment |
6thx4 | Gas Breath, True Seeing or Legend Lore, Purified Fireblast, Summon Celestial Polar Bear (VI), Undeath to Death (on scroll) |
7thx3 | Purified Gas Breath, Banishment (28 HD) [will neg, SR, save & sr affected by items], Symbol of persuasion (on scroll, cast around quarters and protecting his staff) |
8th x3 | Maze, Planar Binding, Mind Blank |
9th x2 | Gate, Prismatic Sphere |
Magic Items |
12 Hd LG Wyvern Mount that can breathe in space and reduced when on deck, +3 ring of fire resistence, greater (saves), Bracers +6, White Robes of Wizardry (doubles 1st level spells), adds +3 test of wills, -2 ac) Amulet (10 charges) - Protection from dragonbreath - 15 radius, 1 rnd/lvl), recharges one charge upon killing an evil dragon Bag of good things (items and substances collected that will give a cumulative +12 on save DC and spell resistence for Banishment of demons, devils, daemons, and +8 on cratures from the fire, water, and negative material planes, (eah time used, bonus goes down by 4 until replenshied - 1wk & 4,000gp) Rod of dragonbreath (belt) breath as dragon 3/day - fire & gas) 15d6 Scroll of Invisible stalker summoning (usable 3/day) Brazier of fire and air elemental summoning, Staff of Power (40 chrg):
The wielder of a staff of power gains a +2 luck bonus to AC and saving throws. The staff is also a +2 quarterstaff, and its wielder may use it to smite opponents. If 1 charge is expended (as a free action), the staff causes double damage (×3 on a critical hit) for 1 round. Ring (formerly Headband) of Isabella Dragonhorse (his love & now married) - looks like wreathe of white flowers. (never surprised while wearing) Isabella is learning to use her at-will powers through the ring. Firestorm Crown - Heightened Dominate Person (+2 DC) 3/day, Heightened Dominate Monster (+2DC) 2/day, +2 on Test of Wills & will saves (illusioned to look like a wreathe of white flowers) Keys to firestorm peak portal - also has Dramiji's instant summons cast off of scroll. drow/meldel related items Wand of Force (18 charges) |
Quirks |
always weras white, wants to be Mandrakes greatest apprentice. |
Pranks |
Likes to use his hiegher level spells in pranks, enjoys making glyphs of warding with a purified fireblast and putting them in the sugar jar, cookie jar, or peoples cups (good ppl of course) |
Code Green |
Code Blue |
Code Indigo |
Code Violet |
Lazarus will gather information from sources connected to true names he possesses (he knows many leuitenants - especially with evil dragons). Lazarus likes to use his spells wisely but is not beyond a show of force.
Lazarus mans the Gate at Firestorm Peak, he keeps a portal open directly to the cargo hold ofthe golden draco. If he is required elsewhere, Asimov or Isabella either goes in his stead, or replaces him at the gate.
Ogrom (Master Thaumaturgy)- 2 henchmen: Galileo & Tycho
Familiars of all members, all Loresraat have 12 hd wyverns that may fly and breathe in space and are reduced when on the ship.
Level: |
5 HD (40 hp) |
Initiative |
+0 |
Speed |
30 ft. (6 squares) |
Armor Class |
17 (+7 natural armour), touch 10, flat footed 17 |
Attack/Grapple |
+5/+12 (+5/+14 in Ether) |
Attack |
+12 (1d6+7) x2 (claws)+ grapple, +14 (1d6+9) x2 (claws in Ether)+ grapple, |
Space/Reach |
5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks |
Etherealness (Su) |
Qualities |
Immune to Ethereal winds, +2 saves vs Elemental Magic |
Saves |
Fort +7 (3 base +4 const), Ref +3, Will +1 |
Abilities |
Str 24 /+7, 28/+9 in ether, 20/+5 in Astral Dex 10, Con 18, Int: Nil, Wis Nill, Cha 6 |
Skills |
Climb: 5 Listen: 5 Spot: 5 |
Feats |
Improved Grab, |
Alignment |
Neutral |
Abilities |
On Ethereal Plane their strength increases by 4 and they gain Teleport (spell like ability) On Astral Plane their strength lowers by 4 |
Magic Items |
None, Hold chain affixed to deck, feet in metal boot on deck, 1 rnd to release |
Code Red |
Code |
Code Yellow |
Code Green |
Code Blue |
Code Indigo |
Code Violet |
Nether warriors are living creatures with no mouths. They are automatons and have no innate intelligence or will and are easily possessed. They will respond to Mandrake, Ogrom, and the crew of the Golden Draco. They attack with their claws. If one hits, they will attempt a grapple check to automatically deal damage next round. Depending on their orders, they may then travel Ethereal. It takes 200 Nether Warriors to turn the ship ethereal.
The Loresraat all have pseudo-dragons as familiars – at the behest of Draco Paladine. These psudodragons know each other well, often staying with a different master or within 2 covens upon the ship. One coven is located in the right Forecastle (garden room) and the other is located below decks in between decks. They have discovered several crawlways throughout the ship. A pseudodragon has a body about 1 foot long, with a 2-foot tail. It weights about 7 pounds and can communicate telepathically. They can also vocalize animal noises and speak with most animals. The loresraat are fond of giving their “dragons” treasure so many small personal items can be found here.
2d12+2 (15 hp) |
15 ft. (3 squares), fly 60 ft. (good) |
18 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 16 |
2½ ft./0 ft. (5 ft. with tail) |
Blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, spell resistance 19, telepathy 60 ft. |
Str 6, Dex
15, Con 13, Int 10, |
Diplomacy +2, Hide +20*, Listen +9, Search +6, Sense Motive +7, Spot +9, Survival +1 (+3 following tracks) |
Feats: |
Alertness, Weapon FinesseB |
Organization: |
pair, or clutch (3-5) |
Alignment: |
neutral good |
HD (Tiny) |
+3 |
pseudodragon can deliver a vicious bite, but its
principal weapon is its sting-equipped tail.
from something similar to a deck of many things, Cordelia,
The Hierophant’s Priestess, is a construct that
functions as a 7th lvl priestess of Draco Paladine. She appears once
per day, usually at dawn. She brings curative miracles, beneficial blessings,
and sometimes minor divination magics. (up to 4th lvl spells) or
blessings for the ship..
Deck preparations:
Nether Warriors: Each hold a chain that is fastened to the deck
beneath them, metal footholds, 1 round to get out
Kato Maneuver – anchor on deck, at mast base, default length 30ft
Metal stop/lock allows for quick adjustment from 30-400ft (colr code at 20 ft lengths)
Spider Climbers - Bladel, Ogrom, Craigan, and Glimmer will each cast Spider Climb to cling to deck in case of reverse gravity, or sudden swerve
– crew member standing ready with ships anchor in hand
and anchor line extended at X feet (default 30), Glimmer ready with Forcecage spell, On mark, Navigator (Ogrom)
turns at full speed, anchor thrown over starboard bow, Glimmer catches it in forcecage, --- turn becomes incredibly swift, if order is
for half Kato maneuver, forcecage is dispelled (dispellable at will) when ship direction is reversed 180,
if full kato maneuver, ogrom
may slow to allow a pursuing ship to pass, allows full 360 turn and fire guns!
- Pursuer’s Wall of Death – when pursued, Glimmer increases maneuverability by 2
classes with Greater Wings of Air (5th lvl
dragon spell), and he casts Wall of Force behind (and in front of pursuing
ship), to be really cleaver he can put a fog cloud up ahead, fly through it,
then cast wall of force after passage so it wont be seen with detects)
- Slocamotion – cast solid fog
behind on pursuers, reduces movement to 5ft no save!
- Sudden Slow: cast solid fog to slow ship without damage.
GG #1 or GG #2 – Gas and Gone: throw up fog cloud, fly through it, and #1 engage cloaking device or #2 go Ethereal. Alternately Madrake may do Minor Image of a Gate spell (sly though it and #1 or #2
FLB – Flip ‘em Like Bacon: crew members have spider climb, Glimmer casts Reverse Gravity
spells directed at advancing foes, combined with Gust of Wind. Glitter dust
invisible creatures.
AC of ship: 4 (-6 size) ???
Increase this AC by 1 for every 10ft move rate
of ship x flight class (Fx1, Ex2, Dx3, Cx4, Bx5, Ax6
If any ships crew asks for Bladel to prepare dinner, or have long discussions of spellcraft without making jokes, it means that there is an invisible/hidden enemy present. Crew will take no action but they will also not discuss any plans of important, keeping their minds and thoughts focused on very arcane discussions of magic. Familiars will remain invisible but use their blindsense and scent abilities to pinpoint any intruders. Considered green alert status.
If any of the crew mentions repairs to the aft hull deck plates, it means that an invisible/hidden enemy is present. Act normally until the intruder can be pinpointed. Prepare for coordinated attacks. Go to secure location (Nautilus) to cast see invisible, employ familiars with scent and blindsense, and finally if intruder is not found, use Scroll of True Sight. If creature is invisible or hidden, once located, cast Glidderdust in area, Dragon may breath paralyzing gas and shape breath.
If 2-5 elvish fighters come to the ship who are answering Mandrake’s once per year call, it means Mandrake is in trouble and the ship should attempt rescue immediately. Considered code Blue.
If emergency, or under certain conditions, the crew can use the following scrolls:
Sphere, Magic Missile Arcana (cast at 24th
lvl), Greater Dispell Magicx2,
Break Enchantment, Anti-magic shell, Remove Cursex4, S&S’s Planear Travelx2, Mandrake’s Unprojecting
Image, Telepathy (6th lvl, cross planar).
takes a thaumaturge to fly and control the ship and a
magician to repair it. Over 100 unseen servants and telekinetic powers are
controlled via the Master Orb so the ship can be operated with only a crew of
one thaumaturge. Each of the Loresraat
members have pseudo-dragon familiars which are often underfoot upon the ship and
provide a constant watch and warning system for the ship (may detect inviso).
· 1st
: May maneuver ship on water only, ¾ max move rate, need half crew
· 2nd
: May levitate ship, full move on water, need quarter crew
· 3rd:
May fly ship at half move, Flight class F, no crew nescessary
· 4th: May fly ship at ¾ move, Flight class E
· 5th
: May fly ship at full move, May attain warp 1.0 Flight class D
· 6th:
Full capabilities, warp 1.8 Flight class D+
· Elvenstar (Aftdeck)
· X,Y,Z
plotter (determines exact location) – (Aftdeck)
· Sextant
+20 to navigation and sailing
Dragonspeed - The Grand Druid’s
each warp past 1.8, navigator must sacrifice 1 pnt of
strength,1 pnt of
constitution (to a max 8.9). Charisma is cut in half for 1 full day when this
is used.
· Githyanki star map of installations
· Githyanki ship maps from Acerak
· The
“Robinsons” (lost in space) star maps
· Star
charts form Horan, Maximillian Athoth
(black hole guy), the ‘Alien’ spacecraft
Elvenstar, a device of alien origin and intelligence
has become partial to the Golden Draco and provides
extremely accurate long range sensors as well as a powerful danger sensor which
will cause the gem to rise in the air and announce incoming danger. The Elvenstar can also be used to augment certainly specially
prepared spells. These spells have their area of effect drastically increased.
The following implementation of the following spells, with
their effects listed below, are understood:
Protection from evil 10ft Radius – area
of effect increased to 10,000ft radius
Wall of Force – area of effect increased
to 1,000ft radius
· 100
nether warriors are permanently stationed along the ships (50 per side). 100 netherwarriors are needed to bring the entire ship fully
· 12
Lawful Good Wyverns sworn to Bahamut are mounts to
the Loresraat. They are trained to bear a rider, may
fly and exist in space (with rider), and reduce when on ship. These hang out in
the Forecastle (garden room)
· Magician’s
o (device
created by loresraat which consumes magic items to
fuel the macking of new ones (provides ½ xp)
Semi-permanent Gateway to the Base at Firestorm Peak. The
gateway leads to the interior of Firestorm peak (Transdimensional
Gateway room) which is completely sealed (even to epic magics)
to the outside world except for 1 day per 1,000 years. The base is manned by
the loresraat, has the Mandragoran
libraries, and has a working mushroom farm which is self sustaining for 500 man
sized people and is tended by the loresraat (each is
a ¼ lvl druid). Firestorm base has a wealth of
supplies, ship repair materials, and space for up to 1,500 refugees. Large
pools of holy water originally from the 1st plane of heaven, feed the mushroom
ponds and repel nether worldly creatures. The control crystals to the transdimensional gateway are usually held by Mandrake and
may sometimes be found with Ogrom or Lazarus. The
operation of the gateway is understood by Mandrake, Ogrom,
and Lazarus (explained by the goddess of the gnomes).
· 400
netherwarriors (may teleport in ether, travel to
ether plane (self +500lbs each) (massmorphed as
· Submarine
· 12
Flying Orbs (Move: 180’, Flight Class B, 35 Hull Points, 1 attck
– 3d6 hull or 6d6 dam)
· 3
Behirs (charmed, in suspended animation)
· Mirror
of Mental Prowess
o (Mandrake
and party observed on missions)
o Located
in Aftcastle
· Rod
- Epic Absorption (Carried by Bladel): Like a rod of
absorption, this rod draws single-target or ray spells and spell-like abilities
into itself, nullifying the effect and storing the potential spell levels until
the wielder releases the energy in the form of spells of his or her own. Spells
of any level (including those boosted beyond 9th level by metamagic)
can be absorbed, although epic spells cannot. The rod absorbs a maximum of
20/50 (has 30 inside) spell levels and can thereafter only discharge any
remaining potential it might have. The rod cannot be recharged. (Usually held
by ships captain)
· Spell
protections on All Rooms
o Window,
door, chest, and dresser wizard barred at 22nd lvl
o Antipathy
vs evil on ship (Permanent)
o Permanent
Unseen Sevant is in the room and will respond to all
o A
continual light spell is in the right side bed cabinete
o Magic
Mouth spells on doors and windows say “Welcome” when any but assigned guest
& General Meeting Room (Aftcastle, upper)
· General
meeting room and navigation center, in a constant state of disorder (-4 search)
o Has
maps, charts, and special devices including Elvenstar,
XYZ plotter, Sextant,
o Mirror
of Mental Prowess (if unused, focused on someone bathing)
· Large
round meeting table, many plants including talking strawberry plants, cabinets
with food, bowls of pistachio nuts, ogrom’s pseudo
dragon familiar Philip can be found her (blindsense
60ft, telepathy 60ft), a variety of unlabeled potions, several of Bladel’s useless magic items, yesterday’s food (be careful
it animates on bladel’s plates)
Room (Aftcastle, left)
· Luxurious
bedroom set complete with canopy bed and elvish changing
o one
nights rest on bed grants +3 constitution for 1 day
· Blue
silk sheets with stitched Angel design grants Bless spell (+1 all saves for 1
· 3
Paintings – the Lords Keep, Caladan w/ Castle, Draco Paladine (30K gp each)
· Large
· Full
Length Mirror – Soultrapping mirror Save -6, 6 cells
on bookshelves – “Wild, Wild West”, “Passage”, “tome of Fears”
· Perfumes,
candles, incense, & pipes
· Strawberry
Plants (Int 10), may speak
· Silver
Birdcage – 2 white doves (animal friendshipped)
· Soul
trapped chest (in wall behind bed, accessible through Phase Door)
· -Nystals no magic aura on Phase door and chest, Wizard
Barred at 22nd lvl
o within
area of the Prismatic Sphere
· Iron
statues of Alexia and Lord Quicksilver (Iron Golems)
· Protections
in room:
o Prismatic
Sphere (Permanent) around bed. Wished to allow Alexia, Sagely,
§ Loresraat, and Golems to pass safely
§ Invisibility
on Prismatic Sphere
o Screen
Spell (Permanent)
o Glasssteel on windows
o Bed
radiates protection from evil 10ft
o Everburning white candle reveals all hidden and invisible creatures and illusions
o Soultrapping mirror faces from above headboard if not carried by Mandrake
o Plant
Growth (Cast by Lorocus; plants with immunities to magic/spells as per
Old lord Plant growth) Plants are immune to magic, fire and weapons!
All animals have Animal Adoration: immune to Mind Control, Fanatically
loyal and +2 Th/Dam
Lorocus’s Room (Aftcastle, right)
· Large
four poster rosewood bed with two headboard cabinets of holding engraved with
carvings of dragonscales, ivy, and naked women.
· Cabinets
have 3 potions extra healing, 3 gaseous form, 2 potions of teleport
· Bed
grants empathy, esp, and increased sexual prowess
· Red
Satin sheets with lovers symbol – adds +2 chr for 1
· Matching
rosewood dresser (4 drawers of holding) Wizard Barred at 20th lvl
· Candelabra
with 5 candles of Invocation,
· Dragon
incense holder with 7 incense of meditation.
· Wall
cupboard – elfweed (+3 wisdom, -2 int,
lasts 2 hrs, 5 uses),
· 2
bottles of ancient elvish wine, dried raisins, potion
of rainbow hues,
· small
bottle of female perfume (adds +2 chr)
· eyedropper
bottle with potion of sweet water
· Elvish Screen (depicts forest temple to Hanali
(love & poetry)
· Small
bronze bathtub, w/ scented oil bottles and small vial of sweet water
· Several hanging strawberry plants (Int 10), may speak
- Enscrawled on the wall in an unremovable etching is the phrase "Ted was here"
· Iron chest w/ lock and small bird cage (no door) with Parakete
o Plant
Growth (Cast by Lorocus; plants with immunities to magic/spells as per
Old lord Plant growth) Plants are immune to magic, fire and weapons!
All animals have Animal Adoration: immune to Mind Control, Fanatically
loyal and +2 Th/Dam
Starrider & Loric’s Room
(Forecastle, Left)
· Two
elvish silk hammocks strung across room (90% hidden
while inside)
· Two
ivory folding screens with mosaic of
· Each
adds 20 x 20 ft of space via extra dimensional folding
· Behind
screens is a small library and desk
· Desk
of study – adds 1 extra 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lvl spell
· Six
elvish wicker baskets hanging from ceiling suspended
· 2
ropes of climbing, 2 ropes of entanglement
· 2
sets of slippers of spider climb
Liguarious (Forecastle, Front)
room – filled with a plethora of potted plants – both hanging and affixed to
deck, foliage obscures room (cover), very simple hammock hides in far left
corner, talking strawberry plants (intelligence 14) grow throughout, tub in far
right corner, fresh water, 2 vials of sweet water slowly drip down an elvish water clock, up to 12 reduced lawful good wyverns
sworn to Bahamut inhabit here. Pseudodragons
may hide here as well. Depending on reactions to Liguarious,
the pseudodragon
coven may nest here (or below
decks). The well of many worlds (to crab fishing area on earth,
somewhere on tropical ocean) may be found here or in the mess hall.
When Mandrake has a chance he will create permanent
illusory terrain that this room is in a forest.
Wornboot (Quarters In Hold)
in Hold. Large hammock set up, Several bookshelves with fiction and non-fiction
books including “Wild Wild West, Passages, Book of Starrider, All Things Elven by
Steven Sagely, Brief History of Dwarves (not very brief), History books on Melderyn and Kanday. Sultan Zyntax’s Report on the Priests of Syrynx, Teachings of Draco Paladine by Cordelia. Room
includes magnifying glass of comprehend languages.
Kothluns Room (Below decks, prepared for rapid exit)
Elven style ship furniture, Painting supplies, canvases, easiles, clingor rope (2x 60ft).
Crews Mess Hall
The well of many worlds (to crab fishing area on earth, somewhere on tropical ocean) may be found here. the Nether warrior
stationed in the mess hall, Number 72, wears an apron and has a magic
mouth that is triggered whenever his designation is spoken to him and
says "I am not a number, I am a free man" (there is a 50% chance that
the nether warrior then goes ethereal and waits on the ether plane for
more commands). This nether warrior often helps with cooking as a seu
chief (cut this, put this in here)
Red Alert
Party time! 20% of
spontaneous food fight or caught in prank
familiars still on guard,
Orange Alert
- githyanky/githzerai attack, use reverse gravity &
winds for boarding parties
Yellow Alert
- ethereal
Green Alert
- We
are in a trap!
- Cast
detection/information spells, familiars looking for invisible creatures,
- Prepare
for IMMEDIATE departure, full deck preparations
- Energy
resistence and stoneskin
Blue Alert
- Epic
level dangers ahead, raise all major (mobile)
- Cast
entire protective spell list, Barkskin potions (+3
natural armour)
- Cast
battle list
Indigo Alert
- Hide.
Glimmer will cast Mass Reduce (up to 14 creatures) and the crew will hide in
the space between decks (deep in the pseudo dragon coven). Miniturized
spell books, food, and equipment can be found there. These spaces are packed with
dragon herbs that masks scent to any but the coven dragons.
- Will
also make liberal use of the invisibility and dimension door spells.
Violet Alert
- Incomming projectiles, possibly fighting drow
- ready
featherfalls (1 each per round (3), 2 rnds)
walls on ship (Glimmer takes 4 to cover both sides of ship)
may be found in a variety of places on the ship, most commonly the
Navigation/Meeting room in the uppermost deck of the Aftcastle.
These have been created over the years during magical experimentations
Schmoo – a white substance that has the look at texture of marshmallow.
It is a magical creation that is neither animal, vegetable,
or mineral. It has normal nutritional value and will taste and smell
like anything the eater desires (its texture and consistency remain the same). Schmoo can be stored indefinitely. It takes three times the
nutritional value in ingrediaents for a magician to
make schmoo.
Un-reflective mirrors- small handmirrors that when
gazed upon, the reflection seen is of yourself as the opposite sex. Some rare ones reflect an alternate race. A result of experiments when the Loresraat
studied the Ring of Mirrors.
Commoly Rare Items – these
small trinkets transmute once per day into a common item of less than 1 sp value, that is common in a nearby region but not here. The
owner has no control over what items they will become. Weight,
0.3 lbs.
Rarely Common Items. These
items of 0.3 lbs or less once per day, become valueless trinkets from some
bygone era, race, or culture (non identifiable).
Bladel’s answer to the “Glass that’s half empty/half full” – A common looking opaque mug that expels its contents
in a 5ft burst radius if it approaches being half full or half empty.
Singing Stones – rocks that eminate the faint sound of gravel falling, or rocks falling
on rocks. (Actually, they speak in
earth elemental, Intellingence 6. – A later attempt
at magics similar to the intelligent talking
strawberry plants. They only speak elemental earth.)
Bladel’s Putty – no known use – as of yet.
alchemical lab has been at it again trying to mix his uncertainly principle
with a bit of luck. They have been trying to develop a potion that becomes what
you need it to be. So far, his liquids have shown the ability to morph into
potions of other qualities but they most often become “what you needed
yesterday” or “what you needed a few rounds ago”. Well, almost most often….
Finest Draught: Effects last for 1d4 hours.
1-5 |
bubbles, spells cast with verbal component do not begin until 1d4 rounds
later. |
6-10 |
has gas, audibly expels an odorless, colorless gas in a 5ft radius. All
within must make a DC 12 fortitude save or fall under the effects of Tasha’s Uncontrollable laughter (immunity to poison
counts, mind affecting does not) |
11-16 |
effect that would have been usefull within the last
day |
of Wonder Effect, (max dice rolled for any effect is 2d6) |
Mandrakes Horde (NL
IS STORED IN ROBBIE (Iron Golem with Portal Hole – Storage Bot of AkSuRa uses a
teleport ray to move into and out of space)
armor |
+1 Hide of Spell resistance (15) small
+4 Hide of Silent moves (improved), Cold resistance (normal) and Slick
(improved) |
steel heavy Shield |
steel shield [Core
Rules] +4 |
Undead Distrupting
[Defenders of the
Faith]) |
36,170 GP |
art |
buckle, decorated with
brown-green garnets |
1,115 GP |
idol, made of
jet |
106 GP |
ivory scroll case
with tiger's eye
caps |
1,390 GP |
ivory tusk, depicting
a warrior's exploits
1,371 GP |
ceremonial silver
dagger with a
star sapphire in
the pommel |
893 GP |
wrought silver and
gold, of illithid
origin |
1,658 GP |
bracer with mock
scales and four
citrine gems |
111 GP |
ring, laughing imp
with obsidian eyes
50 GP |
pendant on a
fine gold chain
791 GP |
yellow corundum pendant
on a fine
gold chain |
1,804 GP |
medallion with black
opal gemstone |
1,675 GP |
flagon, intricately decorated,
with a long
fiery yellow corundum
dominating the neck
1,993 GP |
flask, inlaid with
silver designs |
842 GP |
wool tapestry, |
a parable)
5,190 GP |
bracelet |
1,021 GP |
gold earring |
580 GP |
statuette, 10 inches
tall, of a
warrior, with elven
mithril armor |
1,046 GP |
iron necklace with
sapphire eye |
2,881 GP |
iron necklace with
sapphire eye |
5,465 GP |
scale airship (Golden Draco) |
838 GP |
scale castle (Nath-Rok) |
538 GP |
ornamental gold
skullcap, vine motif
87 GP |
ornamental silver
inkpot with blue
quartz gems |
138 GP |
ornamental silver
skullcap, with gold
inlaid runes and
an onyx set
above the brow
384 GP |
collar pin |
110 GP |
earring |
50 GP |
silver-plated rapier
with amethyst in
the hilt |
428 GP |
silver-plated sickle,
golden handle, druidic
vine motif |
120 GP |
gold cloak pin |
105 GP |
painting, a beach
(Andelain) |
660 GP |
painting, a beach
(NathRok) |
322 GP |
translucent apple
chrysoprase gold earring
1,093 GP |
well-wrought fertility
idol (Ishtar) |
1,186 GP |
well-wrought miniature
scale castle |
1,055 GP |
well-wrought miniature
scale war machine
1,043 GP |
well-wrought miniature
scale war machine
4,025 GP |
gold anklet |
760 GP |
gold carving service
835 GP |
silver and gold
collar |
790 GP |
silver torque |
558 GP |
potion |
potion of
Perfect Recollection [Relics
& Rituals] |
ring |
rod |
of withering [Core
Rules] |
17,000 GP |
staff |
of earth and
stone [Core Rules]
10 charges)
17,000 GP |
of frost [Core
Rules] |
33 charges)
46,200 GP |
of Scrivening [Magic
of Faerun] |
18 charges)
19,296 GP |
of swarming insects
[Core Rules] |
9 charges)
3,600 GP |
wand |
weapon |
mace +5 [Core
Rules] |
Domineering [Magic
of Faerun]) |
128,312 GP |
wondrous item |
[Relics & Rituals]
81,900 GP |
Pearls: |
32,000 GP |
something provides
a clue to
its function |
40,000 GP |
of the Psi (+1 on Psi checks) |
10,000 GP |
Treasures from Alexander Krestor - The Golem is worth 21 million alone! The City of Titan is worth a few illion and the res of the items are artifact or Epic most of them)