Aes Sedai Spell Descriptions

Aes Sedai are a highly specialized group who manipulate druidical and magic user spells which they call lore. There are eight known strands: Prophecy, Wood, Stone, Spirit, Nature, Weather, Flow, and Energy. And Aes Sedai may cast first level spells from any strand but to work higher level lores they must have studied that strand. Loric knows Prophecy, Spirit, Energy, and Weather.

Forsee Cross
Level: 1st
Range: 1 hr//lvl Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: Inst Components: V,S,M (runes)
A.O.E. 10' Diamters / lvl Save: None
When two peoples/entities battle against eachother and their lives are at stake, the strands of their fate cross and intertwine. This prophecy allows the Aes Sedai to forsee if such a cross will occure in the vicinity of himself/herself in the near future (all things being equal). The 'range' of the miracle refers to how far in the future a cross can be seen. If an affirmative is given, then that means that some life-threatening battle will take place within an 80' radius of the Aes Sedai within a number of hours specified by range. This spell does not specify who will be in danger or when that will occure nor does it foretell the outcome. It doesnt matter who's in the Area of Effect at the time of casting - only if there willl be a battle within 80' of the Aes sedai within the specefied time frame regurdless where the sedai travels. The base chance of an accurate foretelling is 30% +5% per level of the caster. There is always a 20% chance of failure with this spell.

Forsee Event
Level: 1st
Range: 1 Hour /lvl Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: Inst Components: V,S,M (runes)
A.O.E. Caster Save: None
This manifestation of prophecy strand allows the runecrafter to forecast WHEN a specific event will happen. The loreworker must be reasonably sure the event will happen (all things being equal). Use of this manipulation will tell when approxiamtely that event will occure.  This is often used in conjunction with Forsee Cross.
Note: this lorworking does not reveal if an event will truelly occure, just if it is going to happen, when the event would most likely present itself. The base chance of success is 30%+ 5% per level. There is always a 20% chance that the spell fails (i.e. over 80%).

 Fatesay II (Prophecy Strand)
Level: 2nd
Range: 1 mile + 1mile/lvl Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V,S,M  (runes)
A.O.E.  1 creature Save: None
This manipulation of runecraft allows the sedai to take a brief glimpse at the Wheel of Time. For and Instant, he will know if some named person has met their fate (died). The event/death must have happened within range or the body must be located within range..

 Saving Omen (Prophecy Strand)
Level: 2nd
Range: Short Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Duration: 10 minutes per level Components: V,S,M  (runes)
A.O.E. Caster: 1 creature Save: None
Thie prophet pronounces a prophecy that the recipient will make his next save successfully. This use of the One Power insures that. The Aes sedai will remain down the spell until the effects have been manifested.  NOTE: These is a Saving Omen 5 (5th lvl version) that is exactly the same but allows for this: ​ This spell can insure one save four every four levels of caster but only on one target creature and the recipient may not pick and choose between which saves are made, they are the next ones.. ​

 Forewarning (Prophecy & Spirit Strand)
Level: 3nd
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 Minute
Duration: 1 Day / Lvl Components: V 
A.O.E. Caster:  Save: None
Prophets are those who are sometimes forewarned of future happenings. This miracle is similar to Forced Vision (q.v) in that it is involuntarily cast. It must be in memory to do so. When a loved one, close friend, or henchmen is in mortal danger the Prophet may have a vision 2-20 rnds before the person is in danger. It is up to the DM, how much, if any, information if given - only who the identity of the endangered person is mandatory. Forewarning has a 30%+5% per level chance of working and the endangered person must be on the same plane. As with Forced Vision, recieving a vision involuntarily this way is draining - the caster is down d4 wisdom points which are gained back at 1 per hour.  ​NOTE: Should an event occur that the caster should have been warned on, he/she may ask this gets invoked so they may potentially head off the event. The 2-20 rds are backwards from when the Prophet asks to be forewarned. 
Forewarning 4 (Death sight) (Prophecy & Spirit Strand)  
Level: 4th
Range: Close Casting Time: 1 Minute
Duration: 1 hour/level Components: V, S
A.O.E. 1 creature  Save: None

When this spell is cast, the Aes Sedai can see a persons imminent death before it happens in just enough time to possibly do something about it.  During the casting of this spell, the prophet focuses on one target creature within range.  Just before a blow, attack, spell, or spell like ability will kill the target, the prophet will gain a move and standard action that he can use as an immediate action. These actions can only be used towards affecting the attack or the target of the spell. These actions are then consumed for the following round. Thus, if the Prophet has cast the spell  on a comrad and that comrad is about to be felled by a blade, the prophet may see it coming in enough time to rush towards the comrad and parry the oncoming blow, push them out of the way, etc. Once the effect is used, the spell ends. The Aes Sedai remains down the spell until it is used.  The spell does not apply to the Aes Sedai's own death.
 Forewarning V  aka"Death vision" (Prophecy Strand)  
Level: 5th
Range: Personal Casting Time: 1 Immediate Action
Duration: Instant Components: V, S, M
A.O.E. Personal   Save: None

When this spell is cast, the Aes Sedai can see deaths before they are about to happen in enough time to possibly do something about them.   Just before a blow, attack, spell, or spell like ability will kill a creature within the area of effect, the prophet will gain a move and standard action that he can use as an immediate action. These actions can only be used towards affecting the attack or affecting the creature about to die. These actions are then consumed for the following round. The spell does not apply to the Aes Sedai's own death.

Know Omen
Level: 3rd
Range:0 Casting time: 1 minute
Durration: Inst Components: V,S, M - Runes
A.O.E.: 1 omen
Through this manipulation of the one power, the Aes Sedai briefly becomes one with the Web of Destiny and thus begins to see and understand its workings for what they are. This miracle allows the prophet to understand the portents of an encountered omen in plane meaning. Pattern Sight must be functional and the Omen must have been viewed with Pattern Sight even if nothing was revealed by the sight. Know Omen must be cast within 1 rnd/lvl (in other words the Aes Sedai does not have time to memorize the spell after encountering an omen - must have it in memory). The chance of success is a base 30% +5 % per level of the Prophet. A misdiagnosis can occure if the percentage is failed. Misdiagnosis will always be in some way close to the actual one.

Forced Vision
Level: 3rd
Range: 0 Casting time: 1 Rnd
Durration: 1 round Components: V,S
Area of Effect: Caster Save: None
This is a manifestation of the prophecy strand. It allows the prophet to force himself to have precognitions of the future. To have a vison the Aes Sedai must concentrate very hard on a situation. Slowly, or suddenly, the vision comes. It is up to the DM what the visions say but there is generally a 30% + 5% per level that the precognition will occure. To force a vision requires a channeling check DC20​  

Forced Vision is a unique spell in that as long as it is in memory, it may be involuntarily cast. The prophet is so attuned to the lines of fate that in certain situations where great things have just been set into motion or a momentous thing is about to happen,  the DM may adjudicate that the spell is expended and the prophet has a vision.

      The vision takes 1 round and during that round no actions may be taken whatsoever (the prophet is lost in the vision)!
The act of having a vision, forced or otherwise, is very tiring. It will drain 50 psionic points from a psion or 1-6 pnts of wisdom. Wisdom returns at a rate of 1 point per hour.

Insure Prophecy
Level: 3
Range: Medium range  Casting time: 1 Standard Action
Duration: Special Components: V,S,M
A.O.E.: 1 Creature Saving Throw:  Will: Negates
With this lore, the Aes Sedai gives forth a simple prophecy and using the One Power, insures it will come true.
It will cause the target creature (may be self) to fail or make one roll - be it magic resistance, saving throw, teleportation percentage or otherwise. The target creature gets a save. The target must be within range and is instantly aware of the prophecy of the future. The effects of this spell may be removed by a remove curse but not dispel magic. The caster remains down the spell until the effects are realized. For purposes of making one roll, it cannot insure that a target makes a roll that would be impossible to make (i.e. it must be possible for the character to make it on a non natural 20 die roll).

 Battle Precognitions
Level: 3rd
Range: 0 Casting time: 1 Standard Action
Duration: Instant Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: caster Save: None
When the Aes Sedai knows a battle is coming either by Forsee Cross, other premonitions, or by the present situation, he may use Battle Precognition. This loreworking gives the prophet a brief flash of the battle to come - usually of the most powerfull or telling attack that will be used against the party. It is never seen how the party fairs against the attack or who it was aimed at. It usually gives some kind of information about what attack will be used against the party. Thus the Aes Sedai may prepare against the attack. 

Battle Omen IV
Level: 4
Range: Touch Casting time: 1 Minute
Duretion: 1 battle or 2 rnds/lvl max Components: V,S,M - Runes
Area of Effect: One creature (Not caster!) Save: Neg
This is a manipulation of the prophecy strand. The Aes Sedai or loreworker will look straight into the eye of the target and prophecy that the target will have steady aim and hit hard in the coming battle. The Sedai must specifically know ahead of time that the battle is coming and to which battle this spell applies. Must specify enemy and specific time frame which battle is to take place. The battle must be within 1/2 day per level of the casting prophet and these effects will last until then. For the duration of the battle, the target creature will have a +1 insight bonus to hit and damage per level (max +5).

Cannot say "your next battle", must know the specific battle that is coming all thngs being equal.
All damage that is modified is melee type only.
The caster does not remain down the miracle until it is used.

Foretelling Sight of Combat
Level: 5th
Range: Touch Casting time: 1 round
Duration: 1 rnd/lvl Components:V,S,M
A.O.E 1 creature Saving Throw: None
Prophets have a unique spell to help a person in combat. For melee combat only, and for the duration of the miracle, the affected creature may see into the future to see if they will be missed, hit, maimed, or killed by melee attacks coming at them that round. This will manifest itself in a +4 Insight Bonus to AC, and  gains Evasion for the duration. The recipient is otherwise at a +2 initiative.

Level: 5th
Range: 0 Casting time: 1 full round action
Durration: Inst Components:V,S
A.O.E. Caster Save: None
Aes Sedai who have mastered the prophecy strand may attempt to ask questions of the Ta'marailien or Web of Destiny. This manifestation allows the Aes Sedai/Prophet to ask one question for every two levels of ability. The questions must be questions about the future either near or far but may not concern the present. Chances of divining a coeerct answer is base 30% + 5% perl level. Incorrent ansers may be divined if the percentage is failed, this reflects the Aes Sedai has misinterpreted what they saw in the web. A percentage is rolled for each question.

Fortelling Sight of Combat 6
Level: 6th
Range: touch Casting time: 1 standard action
Durration: 1 rnd/lvl Components: V,S,M
A.O.E.: Aes Sedai

While under the effects this spell, the recipient can see combat seconds into the future. When the spell is cast, the caster chooses if the target will be himself or another creature. If he chooses himself, at the beginning of each of his rounds, he may choose what action he is considering taking and see what rolls will be made and what the effects will be. After seeing the rolls he may opt to change tactics or modify his actions. If similar actions are pursued the rolls will be the same. For example, if the prophet attacks with power attack 10 and sees that all of his attacks will miss, he may choose to lower his power attack value. The same rolls are used for the attacks. If the target of the spell is another creature, he may see the results of that creatures to hit and damage rolls at the beginning of THAT creatures turn. This spell does not grant any actions on another creature's turn. It may however help the aes sedai decide which attack to parry if he has that ability. For example, if the creature would hit three times and the last would take the casters head off, the caster might think of parrying the last blow if he has that cappability.  If the target creature is magically cloaked from magical detection (Mind Blank etc) their rolls cannot be seen. This spell only fortells rolls related to outcomes of melee combat and does not reveal effects of spells.

 Saving Omen 6 (Prophecy Strand)

Level: 6th
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 Minute
Duration: 1 Day/ level Components: V,S,M  (runes)
A.O.E. 1 creature Save: None
Thie prophet pronounces a prophecy about an attack that will threaten the target. Because of the forewarning, the target, as an immediate action, can avoid one melee or ranged attack or make one save that would otherwise kill, incapacitate, maim, or tragically affect the character. The character may state "this is the attack that the prophet told me about". Once it is used, the spell is gone. The Aes sedai will remain down the spell until the effects have been manifested.  Hearing the prophecy can be a bit unnerving and will cause the character to look around more cautiously in situations resulting in a -1 to initiative until the spell is used.

Blademaster    (Fortelling Sight of Combat 7)
Level: 7th
Range: touch Casting time: 1 round
Durration: 1 minute / lvl Components: V,S,M
A.O.E.: Aes Sedai

While under the effects of the Blademaster spell, the Aes Sedai is one with the future. He can, with his periphera vision, forsee melee attacks upon his person before they happen. This spell functions for melee attacks where both the opponent and spell recipient are using hand held weapons. While under the effects, the fighter may make reflex saves against ​one attack made on him with melee weapons per round per opponent. He may chose which attack (before rolled).  [Reflex save with DC = the to hit of the incoming attack]. A successful save means the recipient has parried or dodged that attack.  The fighter cannot make use of the benefits of this spell if he is flat footed or loses his dexterity bonus to AC. If the opponent is warded from divination the spell will not work for them. Each parry counts as one "Attack of Opp" for purposes of total number of attacks allowed in a round.

 Power Cut (Power Strand) (power strand version of dispel magic)
Level: 3rd
Range: Medium Range (100 ft + 1"/lvl) Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 rnd/lvl Components: V,S, M
A.O.E. 1 target Save: see below
This manipulation fo the power strand gives the Aes sedai the ability to locate the power source conection to any one magical power be it in a creature, item, or spell and cut it. The Aes sedai must make a successful Kinetic Sight roll. For functioning spells or magical effects already at work, this works similar to a dispel magic except only one spell can be targeted and only one roll is allowed.On creatures, this spell can be used to sever the creatures power connection for one of their at will magical abilities and they will be unable to use that power for the durration of this spell. Items are likewise innactivated for the durration of this spell. As only a single item or spell can be affected the chance of success is greater - the DC to dispel the effect is equal to the caster level. To dispell the effect the Aes Sedai rolls a d20 and adds 1 per level caster (max +10).

Dispel Spirit Magic
Level: 3rd
Range: Medium Casting time: 1 Standard Action
Duration: inst Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: 30' cube Save: None
This is a dispel magic of the spirit strand. If the Aes Sedai casts it within 1 round/lvl, he may reverse the effects of previously cast Necromantic magics.Thus, if successful, hit points lost to a cause wounds spell could be restored. This also applies to deaths caused by a Death Spell, Finger of Death, Slay Living, etc. much as Neutralize Poison works against deaths caused by poison (they were just mostly dead) . Chance of success is the same as that for a dispel magic. It may also be used to reverse healing necromantic spells cast in the same time frame.​


Level: 7th
Range: 0 Casting time: 1 Turn
Durration: see below Components: V,S,M
A.O.E.: see below

The hadeshorn spell represents a great movement of the One Power in the Spirit Strand. This allows the Aes Sedai to call forth from the web the ancient spirit of a past hero to defend or conquere.
Top cast the Hadeshorn, detailed information of the spirits personal history is required including place of birth, alignment, as well as place and manner of death.  There is a base 10% chance per level that the spirit is summoned -5% for every five decades dead. The Aes Sedai must have a 1 of alignment status to cast this spell.
A summoned spirit will follow the commands of the summoner faithfully. They may be commanded to do one service and they disapate when that service is completed (to a maximum time alloted of 1 turn/lvl). The spirit comes with all of the items they possessed at the time of death even if those items were not burried with them or have been since destroyed. All items disapate when separated form the apparition..
There is a chance the Hadeshorn spirit can be turned even if they were immune to such magics in life. (For clerical turning treat as a Special with a -2 on the dice (harder)). Only those entities that had a powerful life force may be summoned. i.e. they must have been over 9th lvl in life.

Destiny Contours I
1st lvl Prophecy AesSedai Spell
Range: Sight (including dreams and inside visions)
Duration: Instant
Casting time: interrupt
Save: none
SR: None

This is a lightning insight a prophet has on one aspect of combat and probabilities. Must make Fate sight check dc20 and if successful may see "grooves of likelihood" for one weapon to strike one target. Thus, may learn one type of AC (touch, flat foot or normal and normal with shield) of target for one specified weapon. AC can vary by weapon or user and thus this must be specified. The prophecy is on the space around the target and not on the weapon or target this immunities and resistances don't apply. The spell looks at the number of times where the air is disturbed! It is very complex mathematically and knowledge mathematics may aid further. Dreams and Visions are sometimes substantial enough to provide a place to cast this spell! DM choice but the numbers will be accurate if in dream or vision.

Destiny Countours ll
Lvk 2..all as above
May determine total bonus of target toward a single save. Thus, may name a attack they have or have had or power that requires target to make a save and prophet Learns the probability they will succeed. If the target needs a 12 on the dice to save vs. fireball, the seer knows they have a 60% chance of failure at that moment.

Destiny Contours llla
Lvl 3..all as above
Learn all AC types, not just one.

Destiny Contours IIIb
Lvl 3
When attacked by powers/feats with variables such as Power Attck, Combat Expertise, etc the prophet may invoke this lore and the first round of attacks all feat variables are set to the most beneficial to the prophet. Fun fact...the first use of this spell against a opponent does not allow save or SR as it is considered a prophet on the prophet. A second casting allows for both a SR and will save by opponent. So, a Power Attack might be set to max instead of 5 as the opponent desired and thus all shots miss.

Destiny Contours lV
Lvl 4..all as above
Prophet names any type of attack (magical or physical) and determines probability of success. Does not know how this is calculated...just gets the Dms assessment of success.

Destiny Contours V
As above. It may also compare contests of skills not just attacks. Will know odds in advance. Thus bluff vs sense motive...prophet would know the delta between two values to determine odds.

Destiny Contours VI
As III but prophet knows how it was calculated as well as other variables. Example One: my fireball attack against kobold. Success probability : High as kobold is only +4 Reflex. Let's say he had a ring of fire pro, this would be revealed as a mitigating factor and the dr rating made known. It would not tell about the source (the ring) but would tell its dr was 15.  Example two: Loric swings Triblade at Darnock in Andril. Despite the presence of both divine and artifacts, the spell is looking at all the space protected items do not occupy and making assumptions and calculations (air movement, temp variance and a million other quantum fluctuations in reality...aka "Destiny Contours".)

Destiny Contours VII
As above.
Add up to +10 to any combat roll of the caster only. Remember, this is a interrupt! May also use to add +4 to the DC of any combat related spell as a luck enhancement.

Destiny Contours VlII
-May add the words "after the roll" to any power used in sight. Thus, someone swings and misses target...then casts Destiny as interrupt changing the spell True Strike to include "after the roll" and then casts True Strike. Any spell or power that impacts combat rolls, saves and combat skills and checks. Used when something is failed and have some spell, power or ability that, had you consumed it prior, would have allowed you to make the check. Again, checks are limited to saves, combat rolls and combat skill checks.

Lesser Destiny
7th lvls Spell
As limited wish but may only be used to simulate 1-5 prophecy spells
May be used to ask a single yes or no question about the future. Prophecy sites check

9th lvl spell
-As Wish but may only be used to simulate 1-8 prophecy spells
-May be used to ask questions with a short answer about future. If person is warded, acts caster ten levels higher to overcome protection.
- Dictate success on single save, attack or battle related skill check
Below list costs 5000xp per usage and takes 1 full rd to cast:
- Add permanent +1 luck to reflex, fort, will, AC, to hit, damage or a specific skill check
- Mandate safe long distance travel (no wandering encounters or variable style challenges....). May simply dictate "We travel from Manetherin to Glen Finnen" and the travel will be safe and uneventful assuming their is not a DM set encounter in which case the spell Xp is returned.
- Gain up to 50,000gp in some manner of great destiny (winning lottery numbers, location of gold vein, find missing dog with reward...). It should take no more than an hours effort to gain the value in hand after the spell is cast.

Immortal Once
Casting time : 3 full rd
Duration. Til used
Prophecy, Spirit, Wood
9th lvl contingent magic
1000xp when cast on other than caster
Upon going below 0 HP,  a Deaths Door and cure serious wounds hits target as well as invisio to hide the fallen and target gains a Hide in Plain site (assuming outside!). A hide check needs to be made but is at +20 due to invisio. Last one full round...allowing for fallen to have one rd of actions before being noticed! May sneak away, heal up or sneak attack among some of the options.