Strand Sights

Pattern Weather Spirit Earth Flow Kinetic Wood Nature


 Pattern sight allows a prophet to sense\see aberrations of the Wheel of Time on the Great Patterns of Destiny. When some major fates are at work the prophet can see\sense the changes. This sense will come in the form of visions around or about the person, place,or thing in question. Typically such flashes\insights are accompanied by cryptic symbols that are not understood until later if ever.
Only one symbol is universally understood. This is the runestone which means the person\thing in question has the power to foresee or change fate. Patternsight can be altered through lore to foresee battles or battle sites, tell fortunes, and check auras of high standing persons.

If this % ever equals 100% the prophet can detect curse  as a cleric with wisdom doubled as a % chance.


  This strands insight allows the possessor the ability to foresee changes in the weather through deduction of thesurroundings. For all practical purposes they are meteorologists. They also have a keen understanding of the impact weather will have and can detect even subtle changes. They are especially aware of air elemental\wind related creatures and can detect them (with a check) at the range of sight or 211/level, whichever is farther.

If this strand % is ever 100% the possessor gains +15%  when dealing with creatures of air, as well as predicting  any changes in weather (ie Predict Weather) at 5 times their level.


  Spirit sight, also known as health sight, is a special strandsight. The possessor may see the extent of illness or disease. This can also tell the possessor what type of healing is necessary and what needs to be applied.  The bearer may see poisons at work on a victim but not detect them otherwise.

If a person ever gains over 100% healthsense then the % over healthsense is spiritsight %.

Anyone exceeding 100% in spiritsight can 1/2 comatose peoples time, heal 1 extra point per day on cared for patients, and finds it difficult to witness pain as he/she also feels it on a empathic level.


        Earth sight (or stonedsight), is the ability to see the structure and form of rock.  The possessor can differentiate different types of stone and see stress and weakness in the stone. The possessor can identify earth related beings on sight or if they approach within 211/level of Aes Sedai (upon a successful check).

Those with 100% Earth sight can detect as a dwarf.

        FLOW SIGHT

  Flow sight is the uncanny ability to see how seemingly unconnected events are connected. This ability to meld their mentality into flows of logic in which they can "see" different points of view as well as make great jumps of logic. In concrete terms the Aes Sedai has a +10% in any sort of puzzle and (if check is made) a elf's ability at secret and concealed doors.

Also at 100% the ability to automatically solve a riddle 1% per intelligence point of the time is acquired. May also identify pure water as druid.


 This is the ability to see things, people, places, and races in motion.  This concerns changes in matter and energy, and the different energy sources, including magical emanations. They can get a good feel for things in transition. In a more concrete term the Aes Seadai can see a items, objects, or peoples main source of power if a check is made. For example, if a community survived mainly by producing wheat, this would be obvious to a Aes Sedai. Or if a individual was driven by hatred or love, this would be apparent(this is not empathy, only a emotion that drives a person would be evident). Magic items powered by a specific source would be evident (but many items are simply magic and have no specific plane or source). To see a power source it must be specifically concentrated on and named.

At 100% the ability to sense planar gateways within 2"/lvl is gained.

            NATURE SIGHT

 This sight is best used around animals and creatures of nature. The Aes Sedai can see the emotions, health and detect the presence of natural animals and insects. On a successful check, a Aes Sedai can tell if a specific type of animal is in the area (1 mile/lvl), tell animal type on sight, or sense a animals motivations (controlled, hungry, frightened, etc.).

At 100% the Aes Sedai can use the sight of any animal 1/month for one day.

            WOOD SIGHT

     This amazing sight truly allows the Aes Sedai to sense the sentinence of the trees and plants in the woods. He can hear them speak amongst themselves (but not speak to them) and sense any emotions they may be feeling. They may also see the vitality inside the plant.  On a successful check the Aes Sedai can see anywhere in the forest (must connect) he is in as well as listen to the happenings in that area.  They may also identify plant type.

on reaching 100% the Aes Sedai can Identify (w\o const loss), on sight any wood magic item as well as automatically  detecting magic on wood items.  He must state he is using the sight before gaining this information as it is not automatic.

Literature of Avalon
These are only some of the great works by the greats of Avalon.
Since the advent of the printing press, copies were made available to all during the mandatory educational experineces at a young age.

The Book Of The Unicorn
This book was written by the Lord-Fatherer on a mountain in Andelain, when the Lord-Fatherer learned to wield the One Power.
He spent seven years in solitude when he wrote this and the Book of Five Rings. He also wrote a song about this experience entittled Tai-Shan.

     In it is detailed the formation of the Aes Sedai, their use of the One Power,  and the moral and ethical principles that found this land.  In the mid-chapters, the basis for the structure of goverment is detailed along with the few basic precepts that its laws will be based on.  The final chapters are dedicated to the more common people of the land and is related to general life.  Wisdoms on gathering food, planting, getting along with eachother, settling disputes, procr  treating strangers, and etc. may be found here.  The Lord-Fatherer commissioned that shrines be erected across the land, shrines 'to the Unicorn'.  Within the shrines, are copies of the Book of the Unicorn.  Also these shrines serve the purpose of providing food and aid to travelers (like winhomes).  Both the book and the temples bear the symbol of the unicorn, a symbol Loric commonly uses to represent Earthpower.
      In theory, the Aes Sedai are to travel to each shrine one day and enchant then with EP so they will do their jobs and also serve as aids to unicorns if need arises. The true Book of the Unicorn is still being written.  As The Pact is meated out, more additions are made to the first section of the book.  Thus, as the Pact continues to develope so does the book. [You could say this book forms the basis of Loric's religion.,] - both as Aes Sedai and worshippers.

 Book Of Five Rings.
       'Ihis book is dedicated to the warrior and the art of war.  In it are Zen philosophies of finding one's self and inner peace.  It links combat and life with the four elements and the spirit or void. Although designed for the warrior, it has a great deal to do with additude, general outlook of life, and the spirit.  This book is the manual that is used in teaching all soldiers in the Manetherin keep and the Warward in general.  It may teach any fighter class including Spiritual Warrior (provided they meet the requirements). It delineates drow fighting styles including parrying & disarm, the open hand attacks, movement and saves of the martial art styles of combat, and specifics of wreastling techniques including advanced leverage moves. Each are extensively covered with critiques on their strengths and weaknesses and how they may be combined for effective fighting and in greater strategies. To be fully understood, it takes years of reading and rereading. the true wisdoms of the book deal with attitude and life and form the basis of the Spiritual Warrior philosophy.

The original book written by Loric will act as a book of fighter level for any class and it is kept at Manetherin.

The Book of Starrider

This Book was written by Loric Vilesilencer long before the fall of Greyhawk. It is a biography of the famous mage terel Rasputin with many insights into the mans personality, motivations, and unique personality. It details all of his early adventures. After the fall of Greyhawk, Loric updated the book and gave it as a gift to Starrider.  Many copies still remain.

Loric's Treatise on the Theory of Institutions

A grand treatise on the basis of all institutions and the foundation of moral goverments. Strongly based in Lockean philosophy, the tome details goverment (and godhood) as a contract between the people, the land, and the governing body.  Its corrolaries demark the Theory of Institutions which dictates that the purpose of institutions is to come together to perform some role in society and that no institution may be and end in and of itself. This treatise works from a unique point of view - that morality need not descend from a god or creator, that there are a specific set of laws or rules that would be agreed to by unplaced souls before their descension. These rules would guarantee a chance at success and fullfilment in life but does not require the initial placement of each soul be equal.