The Hypertext d20 SRDTM is intended to be a useful supplement to published rulebooks. It is not intended to replace them. I see my gaming library as a valuable collection that I derive much pleasure from. There is no way that this site could duplicate the experience of reading a beautifully designed and illustrated book. But, there are some BIG advantages that this site has over printed materials:
This site is a lightning-fast reference for the d20 system rules you use most. Speeding up mundane activities (such as looking up rules) has a major positive impact on the gaming experience. There are three ways this site is quicker to use than printed rulebooks:
You can’t wear this site out. I dare you. Try it. The same can’t be said of your cherished rulebooks.
Learning the d20 rule system can be a daunting task for beginners and even the most learned rules scholar needs a refresher now and again. There are hundreds of game terms that are unfamiliar to the uninitiated. Now the fledgling gamer can just click on the esoteric jargon instead of flailing and flipping pages.
With surprising frequency people find themselves with access to the internet, but not to their rulebooks. I've received emails from soldiers stationed overseas to folks slacking off at work that are happy to have access to d20 rules.
I know of no Braille editions of d20 rulebooks. This site has been built with accessibility in mind. If you’re using a screen reader, or even a palm pilot, this site is built for you.