Towers Ar-Son
The following is a comprehensive list of the Towers ArSon. They are all legally owned and paid for by Vlad. All areas are personally well known and studied by Vlad.
Current Tower Locales:
· Caer Aithe (Faerun parallel Prime)
o One day away (walk) from Town
o Near Moonwell at Sarum – Extra attached stone cottage
o Sarum druids reside here & visitors
o Kingdom of Depthowler, Northern Yatil Mountains (Oerth Prime)
· Spike outside mountain – high resistance to magic
· Caverns being built to connect to dwarfhold
o ( existence only rumour to Ketians)
o Owned by Ganlon – Vlad has permanent guest housing rights
· Tashall, Kingdom of Kanday (Harn Prime)
o Apprentice to be named – cared for by Randolf’s Order
o Built in Church District
o Lugh priests very happy with Vlad
· Nellix, Kingdom of Furondy
· Begin petition process 02/01/17
· Actively seeking noble to sponsor (500gp so far in expenses)
Planned Locales
Tower ArSon
(Items in red travel via Vlads Keys)
Tower dimensions: 25ft tall 30ft base 10ft thick walls
Average Cost to Build: 21,670gp times Work Modifier
3273 Man Days to Build
Tower Arson is a simple, round two-story tower. Most Towers are built upon hills 60 foot high as available. Within cities, mounds of dirt and rock will be used to raise the Tower to be higher than the surrounding ground. Vlad hates floods.
Atop the Tower fly the pennants of Cormyr, Company of the Two Hammers and the last is whatever city the Tower is in…local government or whatever.
Vlad keeps a sign at the front of the home, which says either:
Cities: Private Property
Wilderness: “Always carry the gift of flame to the heights above of feel the wrath of your host.”
Towers outside cities are built with a empty moat 20 foot wide and 20 ft wide. A simple wooden bridge crosses the chasm. This can be pulled down with ropes into the chasm in times of trouble. The chasm is filled with flammable debris and coal coats the floor 1 foot deep. The tower proper is 20ft away from the moat (as the center of a wheel).
There is an attached barn (no door direct to tower) also made of stone. It can house 6 steeds and normally has 3 lt warhorses in each. All appropriate riding gear is here as well. The barn has a double door (stone) with an iron bar.
The area between the Tower and the moat is mined. It appears burnt in many places and among the grass and dirt, buried 1” down, are copper coins. There are 3 coins per 1ftx1ft section. There is no way to pass walking without stepping repeatedly on these mines. The coins are in trios as each does a separate function:
Coins are have a Flamsterds Flamestrike which does 1d12 +11 (Reflex save for half DC 24). The last until they are used as per Magic Mouth contingency.
Vlad keeps a sign at the front of the home, which says either:
Cities: Private Property
Wilderness: “Always carry the gift of flame to the heights above of feel the wrath of your host.”
Main Entrance:
The main entrance is a stout, iron reinforced door with a rain roof over it. There is a “Please wipe” matt on the floor. There is a coin here, if any enters and does not wipe it explodes. The door is Wizard Locked.
Atop the door is a statue of a Dragon. This exquisite piece is a work of art and over 5,000 yrs old. It was crafted by another race of men the elves discovered in the Chaos Gate at Firestorm peak. The device covers a hole (1ft) atop the door so someone can place their hand upon the statue. It is actually inside with its head sticking out. The statue does a Burning Hands at 10thlvl caster 5 times. It recharges one use per day in the sun.
The door opens to the main room which takes up the first floor. This is where Vlads men hang out and Vald entertains. It has a fireplace (one wall), dining table, full kitchen area (fully stocked) which is screened of from the living room area. The Companies symbol, the Two Hammers, adorns above the fireplace. There is an iron trap door on the ceiling and a stairway going down to the cellar.
A large stash of Vlad Flasks (20) and Vlad Torches (30) are stacked near the entrance in a cabinet (DC 30 lock).
The iron concealed door in the ceiling is a DC40 lock. It is also Wizard Locked and is normally levitated thru. The door is Firetrapped and Flamsterds flamestrike if opened by someone not Vlad.
The room above is Vlads rooms. It is split by a wall and has his libraries and lab in one half and his bedroom in the other. The is another concealed iron door in the ceiling of the library as the door in the paragraph above. The windows all have iron shutters and arrow slit.
Vlads bedroom is also where is extra spellbooks are kept. Here, also is Felicia hidey hole (ceiling ledge). In a stash place behind the hidey hole (Spot DC 30 or Search DC20) is where Vlads coin is kept.
The tower top sports ballistae which is cocked and ready. There are 20 bolts with Vlads secret weapon loaded on them. There is always someone here. They have a rope ladder they use to climb here and pull the ladder up. There is also an iron cauldron with oil that funnels thru pipes to gargoyle heads that sprays on all below. In the cities where ballistae is illegal, Vlad simply adds more oil and always has a fire lit here. When he is home, this is a large bonfire!
The stairwell down leads to a main hall with six iron doors off it. The rooms are all 30x30 and run along both walls of the hall. They contain: Barracks (8 bunks), Storeroom, Laboratory, Jail (3 cages), wine storage and guest room (8 bunks & private area for apprentice). Doors are Wizard Locked.
Finally, there is a secret door at the end of a hall. These are escape tunnels to outside the area. In the wild, they lead to large pits or quarries where Vlad practices his craft or blows off some steam.