His Lofty Grace, the Margrave of Bissel (Ranger, 15th level)
Capital: Thornward (pop. 3,430)
Population: 35,000+
Demi-humans: Some
Humanoids: Some
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, gold, gems (1)
The Littlemark, or March of Bissel, was the northernmost frontier of
the kingdom of Keoland c. 400 CY. It was wrested from the latter in the
Small War (Furyondy vs. Keoland) which influence in Veluna
(438'Mmmecame a tributary state of Furyondy for a few decaae-s-,
B'ut-w-H-en humanoid invasions swept over the latter realm, the
Margrave Rollo established the independence of the territory by bravery
in service of the King of Furyondy, the Bisselites slaughtering a horde
of Jebli (goblins) which lay in ambush for King Hugh III who
was guarded by but a small train. The King granted the brave
Rollo palatinate
status for the deeds performed, and Bissel has enjoyed self-rule since.
The March now stands as a bulwark between the Ket masses and
rest of the east. It
likewise guards Keoland and the south. Because of its important
strategic position, both Furyondy-Veluna and Keoland now support the
principality, and adventurers and mercenaries from all of the Flanaess
can be found in the ranks of
the "Border Companies" which comprise the standing army of the
There are four regular companies and four reserve companies; each is
strong and contains contingents of horse, foot and archers. Favored
weapons are
the lance, crossbow, pike, fauchard-fork, flail, and sword. Bisselite
soldiers are
very well equipped and well-armored. Each company has a special squad
scouts (numbering 30-50) attached when on border duty.
His Luminous Preponderancy, the Archbaron of Blackmoor (Fighter of
unknown level)
Capital: Dantredun (pop. 666)
Population: 20,000 to 30,000
Demi-humans: Unlikely
Humanoids: Considerable numbers
Resources: ivory, copper, gems (11)
This little known territory exists between the fierce nomads to the
south and the Wterrible Land of Black Ice to the north, protected by
the cold marshes and the dangerous ky Sea, as well as the vast
stretches of the Bumeal Forest. It is reported that hot springs and
vulcanism keep the area habitable, and that monsters teem in its
wildernesses of brush and marsh. The original capital, Blackmoor, and
its castle were sack~ed and ruined some years ago, but extensive
labyrinths are supposed to exist under these ruins. There is also
purported to be a strange "City of the Gods" somewhere within the
Archbarony. Inhabitants of the area employ slings, bows (short), and
spears. Cavalry is uncommon, except in the force of the ruler.
CELENE, (Kingdom Of)
Her Fey Majesty, the Queen of Celene, Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind
(Fighterl Magic-user, 7thll 1 th level)
Capital: Enstad (6,950)
Population: 15,000
Demi-humans: Gray Elves (9,500), Sylvan Elves (8,000),
Gnomes (3,500), Halflings
Humanoids: None
Resources: foodstuffs, cloth, silver
This small land west of the Wild Coast beyond the Welkwood has long
been under the rule of Olvenfolk. Although these are good creatures,
they do not welcome strangers (with cause), and little certain
knowledge of Celene or its Court exists. The realm is friendly with the
Ulek states, and an alliance between Celene and these countries was
responsible for the campaigns which drove an of the humanoids from the
Lortmil Mountains - although the defeated forces of humanoids
subsequently invaded and took over the Poma~. A small number of humans
and half-elvenfolk dwell in Celene, many serving in its military, for
continual warfare is carried on in the Suss Forest and beyond the Jewel
River with the Poma~ humanoid tribes.
His High Radiance, the Grand Duke of Geoff (FighterflIllusionist,
13th1115th level)
Capital: Goma (pop. 4,800)
Population: 30,000 +
Demi-humans: High Elves (6,000), some others
Humanoids: Some (see Crystalmist Mountains)
Resources: cloth, copper, silver, gold, gems (1)
The isolated position of Geoff, surrounded on all sides by mountains,
hills, and
forests, has made it virtually immune to the normal warfare of the
Flanaess--although at one time a brief conflict with Keoland was fought
(c. 450 CY).
Rushmoor forms the nominal eastern boundary of the realm. The
inhabitants of
the Grand Duchy are of Flan-Suel-Oerid mixture, seemingly combining the
features of each race. This I , s forturiate, as they are continually
threatened by
incursions of formidable ogres and giants coming down the Crystalmists.
Geoffites dwell in harmony with the olvenfolk in the realm, and these
peoples often combine to combat the invading monsters. The Grand Duke
Owen 1, is a clever and valorous leader, on friendly terms with the
Earl of Steric and the King of Keoland alike. The forces of the Grand
Duke include horse,
bowmen, and contingents of pikemen from the mountain holdings.
HIGHFOLK (Independent Town 01)
The Worthy Sir, the Mayor of Highfolk (Druid, 12th level)
Population: 1,740 (excluding derni-humans)
Demi-humans: High Elves (4,000 +) and some others
Humanoids: None J
Resources: gold
Highfolk is independent and of importance simply because it is the
outpost of the Olvenfolk of the Quagflow Valley (the Fairdells in
Olven). The
town itself is a trading center and home to some 2,000 humankind. It is
fortified and protects the homeland - the 100 mile stretch of valley
above, which
lies between the southern arm of the Yatils and the Vesve Forest to the
There are many thorps set in beautiful dales along the banks of the
river, and
the Lord of the High Elves dwells in the region, along with some 10,000
of his kin
and numerous Sylvan Elves as well (the latter in the fringes of the
Vesve on the
east bank). The folk of Highfolk and the valley above are at peace with
neighbors to the north and south. The more restless sometimes take
service with
mercenary bands of Perrenlander soldiery.
Population: 20,000?
Demi-humans: None
Humanoids: Orcs (15,000), Goblins (10,000), others
Resources: silver, electrum, gold, gems (1, 11)
This rich peninsula was originally a collection of petty states under
the protection of the Prince of Ulek. Not content with this status, the
nobles of this area foreswore their oaths and drove out the garrisons
of the sovereign's castles, taking them for their own. For several
decades the Pomad prospered under this new freedom, the mines in the
Drackensgrab and sea trade making noble and commoner alike rich.
However, in the Hateful Wars (498-510 CY), the combined Ulek states,
with co-operation from Veluna and the demi-humans of the Kron Hills,
broke the power of the Euroz and Jebfi hordes which had nested in the
Lortmils and were attempting to spread into the lands around. These
humanoids were finally driven out and scattered - some fleeing
northwards towards the Yatils, but most (having wiser leadership)
taking to the Suss forest and thence to the rugged mountains of the
Pornal. Finding the humans there weak and indolent, the invaders
attacked quickly, captured the strongholds, and then set themselves up
as masters of the whole peninsula. There are undoubtedly renegade
humans helping these invaders, and mercenaries as well - bought and
paid for by the gold from the Stoneheim mines and the moonstones and
cairngorms from the high peaks as well. A relief force of dwarves and
men from the Prince crossed the Jewel River but were turned back after
a fierce battle below the Hilly Pastures. The humanoids have not often
dared to cross into Ulek, but their raiders cause much trouble in the
Wild Coast.
The Councils of Five and Seven
Capital (Lendore Island): Lo Reltarma - population 10, 000 +
Population: 20,000+
Demi-humans: Many in the northern isles, 1500 + on Lendore Isle
Humanoids: Many on Lendore Isle, mainly -orcs and kobolds
Resources: Unknown
The islands furthest east in the Asperdi-Duxchan chain are the
Spindrifts, some 100 leagues east of the Medegian coast. Exact
information is not available, as neither the Sea Barons nor the Duxchan
captains have reported upon them both groups likely desiring to expand
their holdings by acquiring these islands. There are tales that
numerous Olvenfolk dwell in the Spindrifts, and the reason that neither
seafaring nation reports anything about them is because these elves
capture and imprison any sailor so bold as to enter their domain. The
isle furthest to the south was once ruled by a mighty wizard, one
Lendore, according to stories.
The Spindrifts are really divided into two parts; the northern islands
of the High Elves and the single southern Lendore Isle. The three
northern islands are supposedly overseen by five elven wizards
supported by numerous elven lords and half-elven clergy, Ships from the
Lordship of the Isles as well as from the Sea Barons who have ventured
there have yet to return! There are no reported towns or villages in
the northern islands and seclusion is all these demi-humans seem to
Lendore Isle, on the other hand, has much trade with the continent and
pays, through the Council of Seven of Lo Reltarma, a liberal sum to
both the Lordship of the Isles and the Sea Barons to pass without
incident. This immunity has been ignored on occasion by an enterprising
pirate who is then later exterminated; whether by an agent of the
Council or by someone else is unknown. The humans of Lendore Isle
almost exclusively pray to the ancient gods of the Suloise, but how
this religion became dominant on this faraway isle is a mystery.
Lendore Isle is named for the Arch-Mage who founded it, but tales of
him and the fellowship he brought to the Spindrifts are all but lost.
His Most Magical Authority, the Exalted Mage of the Valley and Laird of
Domain (Magic-user, 18th level)
Population: 10,000?
Demi-humans: possibly Elves, Gnomes
Humanoids: Unknown
Resources: Unknown
Long ago a mighty wizard secluded himself in the lush valley at the
headwaters of the Javan River amidst the Barrier Peaks. His servants
posted the approaches to the area, warning all alike that entrance to
the domain thus established was forbidden except by express invitation
from its laird. What has transpired since the valley was claimed many
decades ago is simply a matter of conjecture, for no one goes there.
(The Grand Duke does not care, and an expedition from Gran March never
returned.) There are, of course, tales of bold adventurers returning
loaded with platinum and gems which are said to litter stream beds as
pebbles do elsewhere, but even these stories are insufficient to cause
much interest, as the area is positively known to be inhabited by
horrible monsters. What is known for certain is that bodies of troops
are sometimes seen near the verges of Dim Forest and that mysterious
groups sometimes journey in the direction of this place.
His Venerable Reverence, the Canon of Veluna; Shepherd of the Faithful
(Cleric, 19th level)
Capital: Mitrik (pop. 12,600)
Population: 250,000 (excluding Viscounty of Verbobonc)
Demi-humans: High Elves (10,000), Gnomes (7,000), others
Humanoids: few
Resources: foodstuffs, copper, silver, gold
The Archclericy of Veluna has long been a shining example of the better
side of humankind in the Flanaess. Since the state became independent,
it has treated fairly and justly with its neighbors and championed the
cause of righteousness t everywhere. After the unfortunate Short War
(see BISSEL, KEOLAND), Veluna returned to non-nal affairs and only
engaged in formal military action again when the Horde of Elemental
Evil manifested itself. The Archclericy aids Bissel, Highfolk, and the
Gnomes of the Kron Hills. She is on very close terms with Furyondy
(q.v.). Seven noble houses support the clerical ruler of the realm, the
Ptar of Veluna being the foremost. The semi-independent Viscount of
Verbobonc is a willing vassal of the state, and his inclusion in the
council makes an eighth noble. Veluna fields a regular army which has a
small core of heavy cavalry, large troops of medium horse, and scouts
which are light cavalry. The bulk of her infantry are pikemen, with
gnomish support and elven archers.
VERBOBONC (Viscounty and Town of)
His Lordship the Viscount of Verbobonc (Fighter, 10th level)
Capital: Verbobonc: (pop. 8,100)
Population: 30,000
Demi-humans: Gnomes (4,000), Sylvan Elves (2,500)
Humanoids: Few
Resources: copper, gems (I-IV)
This small state would hardly be worth mention in a continent-wide work
of this nature, despite its riches, except that evil forces chose the
area to establish a stronghold. A temple and fortress were constructed
in the wooded hills southeast of the town of Verbobonc, not far from
the village of Hommlet (Look for the VILLAGE OF HOMMIET and the TEMPLE
OF ELEMENTAL EVIL modules from TSR). Trade was ravaged, the countryside
pillaged, and bands of evil
humanoids and men were flocking to the gruesome standards raised.
Prompt action was taken when it became apparent that evil had grown
strong (see BRIEF
HISTORY). The Right Worshipful Mayor of the town called up the trained
levies, and the Viscount brought all of his retainers and the militia,
and these forces were in the forefront of the ensuing battle which
broke the hordes of the Temple. The viscounty is a large one, extending
from the Velverdyva's south bank some 1" leagues into the Kron hills,
being over 50 leagues in breadth. Verbobonc is situated in the
approximate center of its east-west axis.