4 Siege of Babylon...
October 12th Day you arrived
in Babylon from future
Gusitineal adventure,
retrieval of the karasooth spear, defeated
chaos mage plan
October 13th
rahasia called to taran's
battle of the spire, battle
of siege of babylon yr 4, grappling of
collosal sandworm, celebration
alexander up all night with
twins retire to tree houses,
work on call privacy
October 14
meditation, decompress
October 15
visit the prides tent, divide
magic items
visit from amon kishati
.... we will..... we will.... Rock You!....
And so it ended, the year 4
siege of Babylon, at least
temporarily. Alexander rode Shai Haelud to the growing desert barrier,
The collosal beast, ancient native to this world, slithered through the
sand at an amazing pace kicking up winds in Alexander's hair
(and the spear maiden which refused to leave his side). As the beast
approached the barrier, it rose up with an
Earth trembling roar, its great maw open, and paused.
Alexander and the maiden lept from its great height as the creature, in
Alexander's ears, gave thanks at its release into the deep desert
By their return to the
shattered Babylonian Walls, the
bodies of the dead and wounded were already being moved. It was a
sudden switch - from the angry combat supported by the powerful and
emotional chants of the townsfolk and the bards, to this strange
No one said a word. At first,
the party wondered if they
were caught in one of the silence miracles invoked by the church so as
not to draw the ire of the worm, but no, this was something different.
They watched as this babylonian tradition played out. In silence the
wounded were moved to the healers tents outside the church in the
central square. the dead were taken there too. Both hachdeshani and
human alike, friend and foe. Cots lined the streets. Quietly, the
warriors that could tended to their wounds and others gathered at the
healing tents outside the church. Knights stationed at the Grain Houses
opened their gates and the only real sounds were those of the younger
folk relased from their keeping. The brothels too, which had been noisy
and bosterous while the battles were ongoing, had quieted, its
townsfolk gone and already gathering around the
square. Balconies, rooftops and windows within site
distance of the square became silently populated. Only the
mages, who were strategically placing
anchors along the outside of the
expanding tare to guide it
and prevent it from crossing a wall remained active and still they
tended their buisiness quietly. Warriors, archers, paladins,
clerics and their supporters eventualy gathered outsie the square where
many townsfolk had gathered - still leaving some wide empty
swaths. From the four corners of the yard, the bards
began to strum as a priestess lights a pyre in the central square. Even
at a distance you recognize her - Beatrice, the one day Bishop of
Seled-din. All remain quiet as her lilting voice begins to sing... "We
remember... we remember....we remember ... Babylon..." <
this link>
Softly, the warriors, the
archers, even the dwarves kneel or
sit and join in. Its not a magical ritual. Its not a focused spell,
just a real expression of the saddness that follows battles and giving
honor to fallen comrads. As the song continues, Una, holding the Rod of
Life and Death as it has become known, walks among the fallen. She
kneels before one, a captain. Speaks to him softly, asking the dead man
if he would return or remain with his fallen brothers and sisters to
fight in Ishtar's Pride. She moves on to another, looks with fondness
at him and closes his eyes. Some she blesses, to some others she gives
the lasts rights and says a peace.
The song continues
quieter as she takes to the
great church balcony overlooking the square.
"Greetings Babylonians!"
-- with a great shout
greetings are returned.
"I said GREETINGS Babylonians"
- with an even louder shout
and in a few more languages her
greetings are returned.
"Good battle Babylonians!"
- that creates an uproar and
was apparently what the crowd
was waiting for as hoots and hollers and cheers come form the armies,
soldiers on rooftops, and the masses which have gathered on
the streets beyond the square.
"Today was a good battle. A
good day to die and an even
better day to be victorious."
- more hoots and hollers...
"We will continue in the new
ways." Una continues, "we shall
commence the assembly of the Prides."
"Great Mother," Giddeon
bellows from below, "We have in our
midst great heroes. Allies. The Silver centuries. Who have fought with
two of our prides this day and achieved great victories. We ask that
they be adopted into our pride and honored as defenders of babylon".
Una nods her head, "So shall
it be. Those who fight with us
are one of us. brothers and sisters in arms. Come forth Silver
centuries and stand with your
Pride!" She looks on as the
silver centuries appear and cheers rise up. Hoots in
hachdeshani of "shai halud gadeen", and
hollers in elvish of "correllion's arrow" can be heard
alongside "jie' tacqua" (hucharachi for 'a wave of his hand is
destruction'), and "twins of life and love" in
As you are led to your pride, Fatima, a cleric,
quickly presents you with honor garb.
of Dameleon
sword (does 1d6+6 +str) may also
add wisdom bonus to damage
broken when wearer holds sword gets
effects of half of an iron body spell (50/50 upper/lower)
if whole, becomes essentially
an iron
golem immune to ageing
identical damage the next round
(unless dispel magic)
increases by +4 armor bonus until fixed,
immune to ageing, necromantics
gains all other golem
immunities, may
(and be controlled by golem control devices)
if remains in same location
for 1 day:
may create Guards and Wards
(qv) at same or
min level
- detect hostile creatures
100ft (even through walls)
Broken Iron Sword +6 (Land) -
* Sword is designed to guard and protect an area
* May add Wisdom to damage (d6+6+Str+Wis)
* Echoes Damage
* +4 Armor Bonus
* If wielded gain 1/2 Iron Body Spell (50/50 upper of lower half)
15/adamantine Damage Reduction.
Immune to blindness, critical
hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity,
poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology
or respiration
Half damage from acid and fire of all kinds.
+6 enhancement Strength -6 penalty to Dexterity
Speed is reduced to half normal.
-8 armor check penalty, just as if you were clad in full plate armor.
You cannot drink (and thus can't use potions)
*OUTSIDE Land - Echos Damage -All
Golem immunities and can be controlled as Golen and can sense golem
control items. May also create Guards and Wards and detect enemies
100ft even thru walls?
outside land while broken (some of the effects are partial with only
half the body affected)
Only true of upper half:
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms,
patterns, and morale effects) ---
poison only affects area that is not metal, if upper half is affected,
cannot kill.
immune sleep effects, (upper half only)
paralysis affects area that is not metal
, stunning, disease, death effects (always), and
necromancy effects (affects area that is not metal).
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability
drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the
effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
Not at risk of death from massive damage.
Constructs do not eat, sleep, or breathe.
made Babylonian
Clothes befitting a lord or a prince, with an
ornateley black and gold
embrodered collared white shirt, long coat, dark breeches, and flaired
boots. They give a +2 competence bonus
to diplomacy/reaction and a +2 competence bonus to Apperance (charisma
for appearance based skills). They take up a cloak, clothing, belt, and
boot slots (respecitvely). And each will take on the powers
of another cloak, belt, boots, or clothing, respectively, that
is owned by the wearer on this or another plane (but not accross
dimensions). (which items they draw upon may be changed as a full round
action). They are self cleaning and self mending.
suit trim
a black cape with gold and blue flecked embroidery or similar
material as trevors clothing, and still suit straps, buckles, buttons,
fittings, ties and even mouthpiece in matching style. These fitting,
when worn with a still suit will give +2 compentence bonus to desert
survival and appearance. These fittings reduce to
half the amount of time nescessary to put on or remove a still suit.and
a +2 situational bonus to diplomacy when speaking to desert
folk. The cloak also gives +4 to hide in desert terrain.
Alexia, Tasha, and the
Apprentice all recieve clothing made
of the same materials as trevor (can adopt the powers of similar owned
garb) the style of which is again fit for a lord or lady but more
specific to their tastes with a babylonian flavor.
"As with the New Way," Una
continues, "Fists and Faith
determines the order of the Prides; the strongest first. Have the
Prides determined their order of progression?"
Giddeon speaks loudly, "This
day mother, battle with the
enemy has determined our strongest. We are agreed."
The field commanders
nod towards the very same
pride the silver centuries have chosen.
Una: "Then Assemble the
Down in the square, drums
roll and the crowd quiets. Your
Pride is the frst to move into the square and takes the most central
possition. Depending on your choice of Pride, you walk
behind Giddeon or Hashamash and his trophy bearer
carrying their symbol - riders carrying a ship's sail
(Giddeon) or the sun rising over the walls of babylon (Hashamash) As
the silver centuries and your field commander take the
field , cheers rise up. At least 100 of the
pride march with you into the central most open spot on the central
square. Giddeon or Hashamash is the first to call
forth: "Giddeon's Pride/Wall's Pride Assembled Mother"
<hoots and hollers, cheers arise, the drums go nuts>
More Drums as the field
commanders of five other Prides each
lead their respective peoples into the central square taking spaces
each less central than the one before. The second Pride is that of
a hucharachi field commander: "Pren's Pride Assembled". An
ishtarian Paladin: "Gal's Pride Assembled Mother". Two others reply as
well. After each, cheers. By now, many of the elves of the celene have
taken distant vantage spots and their strange elvish lutes lend
excitement to the air. The balconies as far as the eye can see are
packed with onlookers.
Looking down to you, Una
gestures "This Day, you are the
first Pride of Babylon. You have fought with bravery, honor, and valor
and you have been victorious in an epic battle!" <cheers>
"Over 1000 children are saved because of you. The tree, protection for
an entire world and the salvation of the desert, saved. Our very walls,
though they have taken their beatings, stand firm because your strength
and valor supports them".
"Silver Centuries. You have
demonstrated great
bravery on the battlefield, taking on the most dangerous
attacks without wavering, to you each is given the Babylonian Medal of
Medal of Bravery.
+2 reputation bonus
to all saves (stacks with everything except other reputation bonuses),
gives bearer +4 reputation bonus to reaction/diplomacy in
Babylon, and gives +1d8 hit points and +2 reputation bonus to
saves vs fear to any allies within 30ft). This must be worn
prominently to gain bonuses.
"Riddeon Thorn, Stand Forth."
Una tosses down a
banner. "For your heroic efforts we give you this Banner of
Thorn's Banner of Heroes, As
a full round action as part
of a diplomacy check, while the
bearer says "I am Riddeon Thorn", the banner may be planted
in the ground. Once triggered all creatures in an 10/lvl radius knows
most of the details of one of the bearers heroic battles or deeds. The
deed/battle depicted varies with each target but are generally those
that are most likely to influence in a friendly or fearfull manner.
Grants on +8 diplomacy or intimidation and for the next ten rounds
gives a +2 (allies) or -2 morale bonus (enemies) to hit and
saves for all creatures. [Mind Affecting] Save: None SR:Yes. The banner
effects may be used only once against an opponent.
"Trevor Rasputin, Stand
Forth. For your aid in the gardens,
The Ishtarian Druids present you with these new shods for your Lord's
Staff. Crafted long ago when the Druids trained with Ishtar by High
Lord Mhorams side."
Staff Iron Shods.
Has lapis lazuli crest and
gold inlay:
extends the metamagic abilities of your Lords Staff to all druid
"Alexia Krestor. Stand
Forth." Amongst the cheers
are a few whistles which may or may not draw Alexander's attention.
"For your display in battle of a style not seen before, but one that is
truly blessed of the goddess, Babylon gives you the Medal of Grace
of Grace: +4 unnamed
bonus to dexterity related
checks and contests, Character is always treated as 30ft
closer to an ally for the purposes of their spells - touch spells can
be cast at 30ft and a 10ft radius of protection cast by an ally will
aid her if she is within 40ft.
"Apprentice, Son of Kothlun
the Great, Stand Forth. For your
prowess with spell on the battlefield, Babylon gives you the Medal of
Spell Might and this wand of wonder."
Spell Might
Grants +2 to DC of all
spells and
a +4 unnamed bonus on spellcraft checks. Wand has 47 charges.
"Your father has done us great honor with his gift of 1 million gold
pieces, his people's aid, and his great work of art in our church. We
have heard that you are gifted with his skills. For the last two years
we have collected research and supplies for art magic. Perhaps after
you visit his studios, you might consider gifting us with a painting or
two." She smilles. 'hear hear' eachoes you in the crowd.
"Tasha Rasputin, Stand Forth.
For your cunning in battle,
Babyon gives you the Medal of Cunning."
of Cunning:
unnamed bonus to
bluff checks. Whenever a bluff check succeeds, the bearer gains +1
temporary hit points (lasts until used or one day).
"Alexander Krestor. Stand
forth." The crowd chants, 'shai halud
gadeen, shai halud gadeen, shai halud gadeen...', while Una continues,
" You have demonstrated great heroism on the battlefield,
consistently charging and defeating the greatest of enemies, to you is
given the Babylonian Medal of Valor and this Rod of Lordly Might of the
Desert recovered from the Battlefield".
of Valor.
+7 reputation
bonus to diplomacy/reaction rolls in Babylon (+2 elsewhere due to the
quality of the medal) and +4 unnamed on attack rolls,
damage, and combat checks vs collosal creatures.
"And to you all, so you know
you have the Welcome of Babylon
- that your heroism is respected and your goodness loved, may you enjoy
one night at the Brothels and 100 in credit at the Tables." The number
of hollers and cat calls ad snide jokes cracks most of the crowd up. It
is a moment before the solemness due the ceremony is restored.
Three others from this Pride,
including the Spear Maiden
that traveled with you to face the wyrm, recieve medals of
bravery as well. And interestingly, the spear maiden is
given a new spear to help her "meet her 'toh ".
"Now, as in the New
Way", Una continues, "Pride,
present your spoils and let them be enumerated". The crowd parts as to
let many men carry tarps heaped full of weapons and treasure move
before you and the prides commander. A dwarf wearing the
prides symbol joins them with a tablet and a large set of scales and
begins to enumerate the total value of the spoils throwing
every forth weapon onto a central pyre. Cat calls from pride
members are thrown at eachother making jokes and references to the
battle and this item or that item while Una casts Spoils of the Victor
(increasing the total value by 10%) and Spoils of War.
"As is the
new way, let those among your
pride take their spoils, the first to the most victorious with
preference to kills, or take their share of the spoils in their value
in Kank nectar." Many cheers. The spoils are then taken to that
Pride's "den" for later apportionment (see treasure list).
Spoils of War include (each silver century gets): 3 small scorpion
claws: +2 to hit, AC, and damage, vs scorpions lasts
1 rnd/lvl, may be added after roll, usable once each. 2 hachdeshani
scalps, inhibits 1 anti magic spell (6th lvl) or 1 psionic
anti magic (for 1 rnd/lvl) each and one Defiler tooth - grants +2 on
attack rolls when defending any city, and a +4 save after the roll vs
colorless fire once (consumes token).
"Do you have names?" Una
looks to your field commander and
he gives two names.
She raises the rod, known as
Life & Death high
twice. Each time, all maner of white and orange light flows from the
rod into a corpse below and soon it is made whole
- albeit wounded. Other preistesses quickly drag him to the
healing tents.
This same ritual of
recognition is repeated for each of the
five Babylonian Prides. All in all 4 are raised from the dead- a
hachdeshani footman, a high hucharachi officer, a paladin and a mage -
always with a tilt of a head from a paladin or in one case a hucharachi.
The ceremony ends
with a round led
by the bards of "We are the Champions, my friends, and I...."
which gives way to dancing - much of it suggestively close and a bit
risque (certainly flirtatious and likely a prelude to sex for many).
Interestingly, after Una tends to some of Giddeon's wounds, they dance
quite closely, catchting the surprise of many Babylonians (and the
whispered hush of rumours). Towards the end, some hucharachi
women emerge from the church and recieve embassy from a few of the
hucharachi men. Even from a distance, you can tell by their
body language that they apparently have run of the church and even are
a bit bossy with the clergy
When you
are done, Fatima leads Alexander,
Trevor, and Tasha back towards the grain houses. They are behind the
courts, deep within the walls of Tarans complex, protected behind their
own walls and their own separate porticulis. "I want to show you
something. Show you what you have been fighting for". You are led to a
very large conceled basement room. Its obvious many commonsfolk were
here recently, judging by the things left behind likely most were
children. A few children remain behind with a paladin, a lion, and
three lion cubs as he straightens up. You are
introduced to a few children. The twins are introduced to their 2 yr
old sister. Curled against her in her seat is a pseudo dragon
with butterfly wings. She talks in baby talk that is half words and
half animal speak. She smiles when she ineracts with you and a
faerie fire of cool blue souround you and her as you lift her
up and hold her. She is dressed in minature golden +4
platemail (grows with her) and at her side is a minature +5 defender
that is peace tied. She wears a Holy Symbol of Ishtar too that
radiates of healing magic. You also meet the 2 year old Nebuchadnezar
(Taran's son) who is being tickled mercilessly by his 4 yr old
sister, Charrisa (rahasias daughter) while her three lion cubs play
fetch with another child -introduced as the Bloodguard Faith's little
one. "These are the real treasures of Babylon. These and the many
others that the church has taken in or have been born in Babylon these
last few years. We are greatfull"
Youre given some time to
spend with the children if you
like. Here or in the playroom at Sultan's school..
At your convenience
you can do as you like and
speak with those you will. Toman, a former card dealer at the
casino and now indentured servant is appointed
by Giddeon as your city guide and has offered to avail himself
as a cleric, manservant, and delivery boy for the silver centuries. The
Apprentice will be given a tour of Kothlun's studio by
Priestess Adelle (lets handle by email Mike) and there are a
few whom already want to talk to you: Chief Census Taker and
Master of Trade and Tarrifs, Amon Kishati, is requesting an
audience as is a representative of the adventurer's guild. Pren, the
highest ranking within Hucharachi circles, wants to speak alone with
the Apprentice and invite the Apprentice to join his
has a
of Marionettes
This feat allows a character to grapple
an opponent that is two size classes larger than normal with the use of
lassos, ropes or similar links to a target creature's limbs. Character
must first establish connections to each limb of a target
creature. This feat does not aid in that maneuver. If a
has no limbs, then connections to body and head is nescessary. This
feat does not negate the bonuses a creature gains to grapple checks due
to size nor is the character using this feat treated as larger for
purposes of the grapple.
Rod of Ropes
(on loan from rahasia)
On an attack, this rod will shoot forth a thick
strand of sticky spider silk which may attach to a target creature or
object. This manuver requires a ranged touch attack (with no bonuses
provided by the rod) against an opponent or object that is less than 60
ft away. The strands are strong and stretch as they are pulled.
Strength checks fail to break them but they are readily removed with
alcohol (as a full round action to cover the body), slipperyness. The
rod may be used as many times as a character has attacks (full round
action, rod action used in place of attack). If only one attack is
made, using the rod is still considered a standard action. If more than
three strands bind a creature they are considered entangled. Creatures
that have Freedom of Movement are unnafected. The strands are sensitive
to flames and will burn away if they take damage from normal or magical
fire. The bearer of the rod may touch the strands as if they are ropes
(they do not stick).
Scarab Graft –
symbiotic life form,
increases precognitive power (+4 on checks, one additional round in
future for
one round powers, otherwise precognitic power is expanded to see
further into
the future more often) --- always Dehydrated & thirsty. Must
consume 2x
snakes –remain “sunk”
into characters arms until their
psionic points go below 20 or hit points go below 10% of total. Snakes
give +2
on Will and Fortitude saves vs psionic based attacks, sense psionics in
and any Contact directed at the character first goes to the snakes.
instantly relay anything they sense) when they are unsunk they will
enemy targets that are within the same 5ft square, attack roll at same
bonus as
character, damage is 1-3 pnts + poison. Poison removes one off of
for each bite. -10 means character is slowed. If charmed or control for
reason they can attack the bearer sunk or unsunk
The party is invited to study
at the War
College. After one month of study, characters will gain 1
combat related bonus feat and 5 bonus ranks (cannot
exceed max ranks) to be spent towards Profession (soldier) or
Knowledge: (History of Battles) [DC 10 gives one weakness or one power
of any common creature, DC 15 for uncommon, DC 20 for rare, and DC 25
for extremely rare
of desert
lordly might
transforms into +3 desert spear (from 7 to up to 20ft
long) planted in the ground – immovable object
transforms into one of the central bars of am iron cage
that is 40x40x40 (thunderdome)
3) turns
into a sandworm grappling hook with 15 ft of
4) Divining
Rod, detects water or water substitute in
100 ft, and gives direction to closest water or water substitute in up
to 100
miles. +2 on desert survival.
5) becomes
a Staff with a symbol from any Merchant House or any city
symbol and in any style. +4 sense motive with merchants or any fighter
classes. Desert brigands/thieves must will save vs 10 + 1/2 chr level
+chr bonus in order to attack bearer or his party.
Button 6) +4 Rod, does 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage,
(19-20 crit range), gives+2 to intimidate or diplomacy with any fighter
for Siege year 4 section A
of the Scorpion lord.
Stone throne from an alternate prime material
plane - looks like lower half of a giant scorpion with a chair in the
front of the body. Opon sitting on the throne, the throne transforms
the lower half of the body into an scorpion construct. The
construct is epic in nature and unnaffected by anti magic. As a stone
golem, the lower half of the body is unafected by any spells where
spell resistence applies. Attacks made specifically at the lower half
of the body (including tail) meet with damage reduction 10/adamantine.
The character becomes a large creature
, base move becomes 50 ft. Gain termorsense,scorpion sense, and
scorpions resolve (see desert book), +10 natural armour bonus
a bonus attack with
tail that can sting (at max bonus +3 enhancement), sting does 1d6+4
plus poison (DC 18 or 1d6 con). +4 racial bonus to climb, balance, and
grapple checks. The construct also confers the following: permanent
spider climb, +8 enhancement bonus to strength, +4 enhancement to
constitution, fast healing 3. Gains both the scorpion and
type. +10 to reacton with scorpion creatures. Gain: Scorpion Sense,
Scorpions Resolve (see desert book) Speak with scorpion.
Automatically charm and command any scorpion type creatures under 5 hd
within 60 ft. Those under 10 hd must will save at DC = 10 + 1/2 chr
level + chr bonus. Negative effects: character is large, and is a
scorpion. Body hair transmutes to corse scorpion hair. -4 rxn to
humans. For throne to work, must spend at least 12 hours per day upon
the thrown. [apprentice]
(2 x chaos magic spell Random Deflector (7th) affects all melee attacks
(but not spells or missile weapons). Redirectsattacks to a random
creature within 30ft (may or may not be an ally) and 2x Random Target
Deflector (does missile weapons only). Cast at 15th lvl. [apprentice]
Impedes Suns Brilliance x2 (see desert book), Wall of
(see desert book), 3x Giant
Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into giant
2xMass Desicate(6th) (see desert book), 5x Summon Desert Ally V,
2xTormenting Thirst (3rd) (see desert book) [trevor]
nuts (5 uses) that increases
precognitive power - for 10
rounds after eating, eater can use his/her precognition as free action
costing normal points) if they are looking at only one event (ie
concerning 1
roll) - limited to rolls which the character makes, ie character can
how successfull he/she will be). Lasts 1 hour 1 each twin, 3 alexander
Wrappings (20) - desert
spider silk coverings
(usually black but some of other colors), adds +4 to hide and move
when in desert or natural suroundings, +8 to hide and MS when in desert
natural suroundings at night. very light. 2 alexander, 3 twins, 8
riddeon, 1 apprentice, 1 alexia, 1 hashamash
Thumpers - one for gargantuan worm, one for
collosal worm. {city, alexander]
sword of answering
Mirror : adds +4 to charsima
for 1
day, 1 use per day
Spider Scarab, symbiote,
lowers max hp by 2 hp,
and adds +4 to trap sense,
may sense desert
spiders at 100 ft. and unnafected by their poison.
Veils (10) when
drawn over
face, sneak attack damage is at +2d6, [2 trevor, 2 tasha, 2 riddeon,
alexander 1 spear maidens x3]
Magnification Shard
- widens,
enhances, and heightens (+5) ray spells casts though the crystal
(causes some
discoloration, 3 uses left, not rechargeable) [Apprentice]
Piercing Arrows (7)
+4 pierces walls of force,
barriers, passes through walls of air, and is unnaffected by stoneskin.
[4 riddeon, 3 alexia]
– functions as regular still
suit, armour +6, absorbs one magical ring effect permanently and turns
it to
psionic form. [tasha]
Adjustment Ticks (6) - large ticks that, are
attached to
body may enhance cell adjustment, for every 2 ticks that are worn max
decrease by 5 but cell adjustment is enhanced (+20%) [4 trevor][2
Balic Gladiator's Exotic
- (must take use exotic armour proficiency to use) - chitinous plate
(as +5 plate, non magical, half the normal heavy armour limitations),
provides automatic turtle defense - fighting defensively gives complete
immunity to sharp and vorpal weapons, automatic
porcupine defense - by sacrificing a move related action, any grappler
takes base attack in damage for each grapple attack, automatic thorny
defense - as a full round action while fighting defensively, may
attempt an autmatic disarm vs any melee attack made with a
weapon; Helm with target visor; by making a spot check equall
you opponents AC, you gain a +4 to hit for the round. Boots:
does both bludgeoning and piercing damage (d6+5) and gives +5 vs trip
attacks. Set: gives Frightfull Apearance (DC 10+ 1/2 chr lvl + str to
cause enemies to be shaken) All non magical. 40,000 KN
KN worth of jewelry, gems, and coins. 1 KN
= 1 gp 1DN = 100 KN
Masterwork scimitar (+1), serrated edges give +1 on disarm
and +1 against
being disarmed, on successful attack may choose to use next attack
action to hook target on weapon (opposed grapple check at +1), if
successfull may use next attack action to trip opponent (+1
trip attack and +1 to not be disarmed) or move opponent 5 ft (context
of str or dex at +1), for every 2 psionic points expended in the round,
all bonuses increase by +1 (to a max of +5 [+6 final bonus]) [alexia]
4 sets of
Scorp Bracers
+8 armour bonus, shocking grasp 1/day at 15th lvl (1d8+5), shocking
grasp treated at +4 to penetrate SR [riddeon, alexia, twins, alexander]
set of
Scorp Lord Bracers:
+5 deflection
bonus on saves, quickened lightning bolt
2/day (15th lvl), gives the feat of greater spell penetration (+4) -
does not stack [apprentice]
of Electricity - will double
range and widen any electrical
spell cast and add +2 DC. [trade]
of horrid
wilting (15
charges each) and [apprentice, 4 for cash, 5,000 appiece]
4 rods
of pestilence - can purtrify 30 man days of food and water per
charge- cast at 15th lvl, range is 1 quarter mile, (15 charges left)
40 x +
3 spears, +3 glaves, +3 daggers, +3
handaxes, +3 longbows [5 bows riddeon]
1 pair
dagger, handaxe for alexia, twins (4),
riddeon, 5 maidens, +3 dagger, +3 handaxe,
400 +1
/+3 vs Babylonians arrows [church: 50x
+1/+3 when used in defense of babylonians Alexia]
2 lbs of coffee [40 uses]-
coffee, +4 alchemical bonus concentration, -1 alchemical bonus on
dex checks 1 use lasts 1 hour [alexander is carrying]
pairs of Sand
(leaves a trail of sand, while standing on sand gain +5 hit points, +2
strength) [5 maiden, 2 riddeon, alexander x2] +5000 KN
50 Desicating
Burst Arrows (+1d6
damage, on a critical they do 1d10, if x3 damage do 2d10, if x4 then
4d10) 10 alexia, 40 riddeon
Bracers make one
target creature immune to fire costs 1
charge, std action unless its used in a summoning lasts 2-5 rnd. Has
spell up
that increases the durations of all fire protection spells or effects
by x3. [alexander]
Staff – acts as
orcrist stone for fire spell
(enhances 3 day), all offensive fire spells do an additional 1d6
colorless fire
damage, +4 intimidation to desert races and enmity with defilers (non
[[staff is dangerous around water]][sacked to church]
gp worth of jewelry and silver
[Riddeon gift to queen]
paste (large jar) –
if put
on the inside of
armour, it will give the armour resistence to dessication damage (15
attack), 5 uses lasts 3 days [maidens]
or platinum
pin [lion pins] for giving, non magical, 50 gp
+2, or +3, reaction/adjust with faithful of ishtar
to the Crescent Forest
from windbreaker mountains to the temple of
TazekCoatl Kha.
the Nation of Formia
with the Ant Nation are the Ankhegs, many
of which serve as bulwarks of protection scattered amongst the ants,
and sometimes they play the role of clerics of a different
(ankheg God?).



evil ant, Kothosus, part demonic and touched
with chaos, kothosus has delved healiy into evil in his search for
power, he has experimented on ants making them his automatons
control ants




of the Appocolypse. Was the one who threw
Nibenay out of the Empire.

Treasure from Kothosus
Ring +6 enhancement bonus to Ac
Ring +6 enhancement bonus to saves
Ring of spell storing - stores 4 weirding field
rare metals - 30,000gp Kothosus sword - chaotic shord of sharpness with
random deflection 3/day, empowered chain lightning 3/day, avoid
any situation once
In Locked Iron Chest:
incense adds 10 temp hit die to creature summoned
<br> 3 summonings - sultan
increases Ac by 5 <br>
adds +5 to all attack rolls and saves
Nectar of Formidia <br> taran &
Increases primary stat by 1 permanently<br>
Grants one epic feat for a day (determined by DM)
Potions <br>
Jotubrund x 4 <br>
cure critical x 4 <br>
Random Deflector x1 (the next five targeted spells have a 60% chance of
being deflected, 20 minutes max)<br>
Honey x 4 (cure desease, cure 1d4 ability damage, and cure 4d8+15 hp)
Scrolls <br>
Disjunction x2
Mass Jotubrund (lvl 8), lasts 10 min/lvl
Epic Reduce x4
Haste x4
Burst Appendix x2
Bolt of Unluck x2 Weirding Field x3 Weriding field -
Stationary field of chaos All action taken in field
(5/ft per level radius, 0 range) , for any save, attack roll,
check, or skill check, roll a 20 sided die, if it is even, add roll, if
it is odd subtract. SR applies
Dusk lizard Scrolls x 4 (written in dusk lizard, readable by
anyone who can read dusk lizard) (8th lvl)- haste x 30 , expeditious
retreat x 30, shadowskin x 30
Enriched Kank Nectar x 100 person days (in addition to acting as water
suppliment, adds +2 con for day until remove fatigue / remove
dehydration(con bonus ends)
Dusk lizard poison 100 apps DC 28
Oil of slipperyness x30 <br>
+5 composite bow, str adjusted x 10 <br>
+5 arrows x 300 <br>
dragon herbs (Primrose) <br>
dusk lizard bracers of archery (+2 to hit and damage with arrows) x 25
In the Pit
bowl of summoning with spidered embrodery - summons endless poisionous
spiders (cursed)
staff with large gem with web design <br> web spell at 25th lvl
old golden scepter - can do
bolt of glory as a
standard action 7 times per week, with this rod add charisma bonus to
range touch attack and damage
4 black orbs (4 inch diameter) - each does a
true creation once
Taran gets 1.
sword of kathrasia - +5 two handed sword can do a hammer of chaos
3/day, cloak of chaos 1/day, mass charm monster (affects only choatic
creatures) 2/day, does 2d6 bane damage to lawful creatures
glasses Grant +4 on any one Knowledge Check you
choose upon wearing (ALEXANDER) •
Spell Catalog of Chaos – Can cast any 2
Choas Spells if reading from book (ANY spell, may change per day)
– Monster Summon 9 / Choas Hammer (APPRENTICE) •
Vial of Venom – HaNaga (Good to write
with…) DC31 Fort Save (Death in one hour) but speak truth. This
is a great ink to write scrolls. (APPRENTICE)
ODD-O-PIE – Weird hand / eye creature
pyschicin nature. We wrestled and killed it. • *Have eyes of the
• Spell Catalog of Chaos – Can cast any 2 Choas Spells if
reading from book (ANY spell, may change per day) – Monster
Summon 9 / Choas Hammer (APPRENTICE)
• Vial of Venom – HaNaga (Good to write with…) DC31
Fort Save (Death in one hour) but speak truth. This is a great ink to
write scrolls. (APPRENTICE)
ODD-O-PIE – Weird hand / eye creature pyschicin nature. We
wrestled and killed it. • *Have eyes of the ODD O PIE
Broodkeepers -
midwifing goo - nectar that aids in birth, will do equivalent of raise
dead - enough for 6 human sized children
crystal ball - must be held, range 30ft, standard
action imprisons creature in globe Will save DC 29. if stare into globe
for 1 round, give up your save and imprisoned. if a creature is already
contained when triggered, the creature is released (enslaved 16 HD
desert doppelganger currently imprisoned)
- Amulet of Pro +5 Will Savres / Slippery Mind Fea (Alexander0
- Remote Seeing Ring Pair
- Belt of Throwing Stars (5 +5 Stars)
- 10k in Spell Components
Glasses - Read all languiages & chaos script /
True Sight 1/day(functions in chaos) – Zander
book of sacrifice, evil metamagic
rituals, good
creature reading loses 1 level
Ankheg Collar – Monstprpus Creatures Only x 9
- +5 HD +4 Morale Bonus – Saves
- +3 Sythe of Sharpness
- Wings of Choal
- – Grant Flight Class D, Movement 80,
- Any creature with flight or wingst within 60ft takes 10pts/rd
- Belt of Str +6
To go on to
the Chronicales of the Mad Prophet click here