Key Dates
Set sail June 25th Yr 30.
The Initial Armada
178 ships
34 Galleons
Seaworthiness 18 Speed 72 miles/day Maneuverability
Average Crew 80/200/500 17,000
1 Flagship - Vox Draconis Regalis Vengeo (Red Dragonship)
17 Red Dragonships
9 Black Dragonships
3 Blue Dragonships
4 non magical Galleons
6 Galleys
Seaworthiness 12 Speed 48
miles/day Maneuverability Average Crew 40/180/300/140 Ram
cappability 1,200
6 Galleases
Seaworthiness 15 Speed 60
miles/day Maneuverability Average Crew 60/190/400/140 Ram
cappability 1,600
98 Armed Merchant Ships Seaworthiness 15 Speed
(96 miles/day) Maneuverability Average Crew 40/100/200
34 light ships
15 Speed (96 miles/day) Maneuverability Average Crew 12/24/40
Arc of Uptananishiptim - 8,000
The Armada at Manetherin
28 Galleons
Seaworthiness 18 Speed 72 miles/day Maneuverability
Average Crew 80/200/500 17,000
1 Flagship - Vox Draconis Regalis Vengeo (Red Dragonship)
15 Red Dragonships
9 Black Dragonships
3 Blue Dragonships
28 Armed Merchant Ships Seaworthiness 15 Speed
(96 miles/day) Maneuverability Average Crew 40/100/200
The Initial Crusaders
The Army
500 Elite Hippogriff Calvary (Knight 9th+)
2000 Heavy Calvary (Knights - 6th+ Cavalier)
3000 Light Calvary (Lancers, Squires - 3rd - 5th lvl Cavalier)
5000 Heavy Infantry Crossbowman (Men-at-arms 1st-2nd Fighter)
13000 Heavy Pikemen (Men-at-arms 1st lvl Fighter)
2000 Skirmishers (Light Infantry Rangers 1st-3rd)
2000 Engineers Siege Machines and Sappers / act as Light Infantry (Expert 1st-3rd)
Benjamin and Boris the Builders (15th lvl Expert Engineer)
178 Priests / Healers (Cleric 1st-3rd)
Archbishop of Tiamat (24th), Bishop of Shamash
High Priest Bishop? Approx 15th lvl and 6 under priest 12th lvl
Lots of Wands of Healing
1000 Camp Followers (Commoner 1st -5th) - Cooks, pack handlers, servants
Master of the Pot - Kellick the Odd (commoner 17th lvl)
4000 Hobbit Servants (1st lvl Rogue...granted by Bas!)
No upper levels of any note...young and unskilled
1000 Hobbit Scouts (1st lvl Rogue / 1st lvl Commoner)
More mature hobbits. No upper levels but worldly.
Total of 40,000 souls! 13000 horses, 3000 baggage animals, 500 Hippogriff plus
Upper Levels: Every 1000 men is commanded by the highest level +12
(thus the Hvy Calvary has 3 Battalion Commanders each of 18th lvl).
Vox Draconis Regalis Vengeo Crew
Mistress of the Boat - Archbishop Urshabi of Admundfort and High Priestesses Melania and Aiyana
Helmsman Umnatalka Synthazian Tempestmaster of the Seventy Nine Seas
Grand Questioner - Endwin Atoll, Bishop of Critwall
Brother Mordechain.