Invoked Devistation -200
children barbarians at Aerdy sea
great flood, Uptananishiptim builds boat
Elves teach humans rangery
Cuspa draws first clerical circle of protection
humans chase out orcs, giants and humanoids
first cities established in northern lands
Al Akbar comes from Ket, developes Holy Water
humans chase out giants in north
first cities established in North
small countries established
some trouble between human rulers and elves
countries make war on eachother
oerids invade
oerids repulsed with help of elves, dwarves
new countries
Hammurabi born
Aerdy Kingdom defeats Nyrondal cavalry at battle of fortnights length
Aerdian Empire established, elven kingdom nextdoor
History of Overkings
CY1 - Hamurabi yr 43
married an elf
Hammurabi cannonizes Uptananishiptim, Cuspa,
cannonizes Gregarin after his death in 33.
43-88 Dalver Nar
reigned as Overking until Hammund came of age.
cannonizes Hammurabi, & Al Akbar
89-150 Hammund I
half elven
150-177 Hammund II
Baalice serves as advisor 155-175
Cressedo attack of 163 (Oerids)
thief hired by king in 176 to kill him and steal the quill.
dies shortly thereafter in a terrible accident
177-188 Hammund III
Hammund begins war with elves for Yithael'Almour in 178
Jalpa drives the elves out of their capital city, Yithael'Almour, 183
Jalpa drives the elves out of the entire Aerdian Empire by 199.
Jalpa (139-211) dies at the ripe old age of 72, cannonized 8 yrs later